For those who seem concerned about America’s world image


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Really kid?

You’re smart, look into it. You always learn more by doing your own homework. [emoji106]

I’ll admit I haven’t dug very deep into it. But the issue(s) I don’t buy into is why would billionaires care about what the common citizen is busy doing? Why would I not want to just grab a few islands, 200ft yachts and a few G7s?

If it’s all about the money I would argue that you could make a lot more In today’s economy vs creating this one world government. Creating that means I have to agree with the other dirtbags vs doing it the way I want.

How can these men and women who made their money by going against the grain, suddenly all get on the same page

New billionaires don’t.
Instead, they’re buying in places like St. Barts and moving money to various locations offshore.

Money always flows to where it’s treated best.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Same question as above. Why would billionaires want to be a part of a new world order when they’ve already achieved an income that lets them litterally do anything they want?

You asked the question by quoting my post which had the link to The Great Reset in it. Did you click on the link?

If you did you'd learn about the Great Reset.

And one of the links is the Davos Manifesto (link at the bottom of the main page) to this:

I clicked the link and it told me nothing. I’ll dig around a little but all I read on the link was “propaganda” of the Great Reset.

not trying to fish for a reaction but that’s what it seemed like when I read through.

Edit. The original link. I’ll recheck them.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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A brief...very brief...overview of the concept is essentially serfdom. Royalty, in this case through money, not bloodline, would control the rest. It is said to be global, no longer by country. A given country may still have it's "leadership", but one that is ultimately controlled by those few ruling groups. The rest of us common folk, will be given only what they feel we need...in terms of possessions, money and freedoms. A group is very easily controlled when they have no means to rise against those in charge.

I’m not naive enough to think this couldn’t happen. But I really doubt you could mislead the citizens of the USA who truly care about their fate.

If you push a population far enough they will push back.

Edit: thanks for answering the question lol.

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Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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I’ll admit I haven’t dug very deep into it. But the issue(s) I don’t buy into is why would billionaires care about what the common citizen is busy doing? Why would I not want to just grab a few islands, 200ft yachts and a few G7s?

If it’s all about the money I would argue that you could make a lot more In today’s economy vs creating this one world government. Creating that means I have to agree with the other dirtbags vs doing it the way I want.

How can these men and women who made their money by going against the grain, suddenly all get on the same page

Same question as above. Why would billionaires want to be a part of a new world order when they’ve already achieved an income that lets them litterally do anything they want?

I clicked the link and it told me nothing. I’ll dig around a little but all I read on the link was “propaganda” of the Great Reset.

not trying to fish for a reaction but that’s what it seemed like when I read through.

Billionaires have no problems making money. For them it's all about power and ego. And "getting on the same page" is where they already are - they're billionaires and they're already in "the club"

The Great Reset: The Global Elite's Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives

The Great Reset is upon us…or at least the powers that be are trying to bring it out. What was once a fringe “conspiracy theory” is now on display plain as day for everyone to see. The economic, political, academic, and media elites around the world are leveraging the chaos, confusion, and restrictions on liberty from the COVID-19 lockdowns and using them to radically alter society around the world.

What will this change look like? The global elites want to create a society of renters who own nothing, while also pushing a social agenda that would be unpopular with the unwashed masses and difficult to implement in a society with a broad, ownership-based middle class. What this means is that you would rent not just your home, but also your phone, computer, car (though you probably will “carshare,” the term for renting a car when you need one for an extended period and summoning one when you need it for a ride), and even the pots and pans you cook with.

The flip side of this will be a radical transformation of the world economy. No longer will you have a job in the sense that it has traditionally been understood. Instead, you will work various and sundry "gigs," all of which place you in a precarious position at any given time. You will receive a fee for services performed, with no benefits, paid time off, healthcare, or anything else that the middle class in the West has become accustomed to.

To facilitate the Great Reset, rural populations will have to be coerced into more concentrated population centers since dispersed populations have too high a "carbon footprint." The suburbs will be a thing of the past as suburbs and exurbs become more like cities. Mixed-use housing, where you and 500 other people live in a mid-rise condo hive with shops and "workshare" spaces (the new version of an office – on your dime, not your employer's) in the same area.

The short version is that it's a total end to the American way of life, specifically the way of life of most of the Western middle class. The specifics, including the why, are a longer story that you're going to want to read if you want to be ready to fight against the Great Reset.

So what is the Great Reset?

At its core, the Great Reset is an attempt to enforce socialism through private companies rather than only through the government. Think of it as "socialism with Amazon Prime characteristics." That being said, the government will certainly play a role in the Great Reset by angling for higher taxes, which the wealthy will be able to avoid using armies of lawyers and accountants; adding additional bureaucratic red tape, which the wealthy will avoid using the same armies of lawyers, connections, and special carveouts; and growing big government social programs a la the New Deal, which will disproportionately benefit the wealthy and preferred underclass who will be weaponized against the broad middle class. An excellent example of a Great Reset program in the United States is the proposed Green New Deal, which we will discuss in greater detail later.

Here is a glimpses of how the Great Reset will look:
  • "Sharing Economy:" everything is rented and nothing is owned
  • Digital media: it will be easier to ban and suppress books and videos that run contrary to prevailing narratives
  • Social Media Restrictions: the de facto public square, will be restricted to those who tout the latest version of elite narratives.
  • A de facto social credit system: those who deviate from the narrative will be financially blacklisted, including loss of their dubious "benefits" which will increasingly become necessary for ordinary life and even survival
  • Centralization of Housing and Land: fewer and fewer Americans will own the property they live in and on
  • “Racial Equity": some races will be more equal than others, with preferred groups becoming the recipients of generous benefit programs funded by the less preferred groups, who increasingly become tax slaves
  • Climate Change: protection of the environment will be used as an excuse to reduce the standard of living for the middle class, increase restrictions on freedom of movement, and even access to food
  • Ground-level goons will operate with impunity to attack enemies of the system in coordinated outbreaks of violence and intimidation
  • Concentrated Wealth: wealth will be concentrated in the hands of the regime and its allies which will be used as economic leverage to control political discourse and personal freedom

Is The Great Reset Real?
This might all sound a little far-fetched; however, unlike other alleged “conspiracy theories” which require a great amount of research to prove are true, the Great Reset is right out there in the open for everyone to see. The people pushing it brag about it, speak of it openly, craft propaganda campaigns around it, refer to it explicitly by name, and get publicly frustrated and angry when the “dog isn't going to eat the dog food.”

A video of Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum, the primary global elite institution pushing for the Great Reset, went viral. It is only about 40 seconds and well worth the time it takes to watch. You’ll see the Great Reset logo right behind Schwab in the same font as the World Economic Forum logo. Additionally, Schwab explicitly speaks of the Great Reset and his frustration with the COVID-19 pandemic in that it has not been as effective as he would like in pushing the Great Reset.

Klaus Schwab isn't some random guy on Twitter or a blogger with a couple dozen readers, he is an extremely powerful man and head of one of the most important elite globalist organization in the world, the World Economic Forum.

The Great Reset is larger than a single 40-second viral clip. There's an entire page about it on the World Economic Forum's website, including a lot of vague language that doesn't tell you much of what it actually. Time's website includes a rather massive cache of articles pushing the subject as unassailably good and beyond question or reproach. A video on the World Economic Forum's YouTube channel is effectively a five-minute PSA of talking points on the subject.

Alarmingly, the BBC and others are running articles encouraging you not to believe your own lying eyes, insisting that this is a conspiracy theory not rooted in fact. Additionally, Wikipedia includes an entire section assuring you that the "conspiracy theory" of the Great Reset bears no relation to the pure, noble intentions of people like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Tony Blair.

The Great Reset is clearly real, but how do the powers that be intend to force it on the world?

Grooming for a Police State
Whether one thinks that the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions were a good faith response to a public health emergency or not is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that it accustomed Americans and Westerners to significant restrictions on their freedoms, including freedom of movement. More than that, it showed those in power that people that if you created enough fear, Americans would tolerate the restrictions.

Thus, consciously or not, global elites were grooming the world population for a police state. Fortunately, there has been some pushback and vaccine passports are encountering stiff resistance from both elected officials and the general population at large. For most of 2020 and 2021, the most freedom loving people on earth – Americans – were walking around with dirty, useless masks on to comply with a government mandate. A mandate that after further scrutiny, made no sense. Americans even allowed their children to be subjected to this as a condition of attending school.

The COVID-19 lockdowns were not the first time that Americans were groomed for police state – TSA is the biggest example of this, however, we also see examples of this in our public schools with metal detectors and warrantless searches.

If nothing else, the elites learned that there is just about nothing that America and the world will not tolerate provided that you scare them enough. The burning question now is how will Americans be scared into further erosions of their liberties?

The Sky Is Falling: Climate Austerity and the Great Reset
The most likely answer is through climate austerity. There have already been musings among the COVID-19 lockdown warriors that one of the best things about the lockdowns is that they significantly reduced carbon emissions, thus saving the planet during the period when people were locked down. The natural conclusion is that climate lockdowns are a viable solution to climate change.

Whether or not one believes that climate change exists and is caused by humans is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether or not the burden of fixing the planet – if such a thing is necessary and possible – ought to be borne by individual consumers and the common man. Perhaps not surprisingly, billionaire plutocrats like Bill Gates (a big booster of COVID-19 lockdowns and the Great Reset) think that it ought to be.

This is the real meaning of "we're all in this together." Does anyone honestly believe that Davos attendees like Bill Gates will be living in dense, mixed-use communities or eating cricket patties as their primary source of protein? Of course not. They will continue to live the affluent lifestyles that they currently live in while the rest of us suffer.

The idea that you and I ought to bear the burden of climate change is called "climate austerity." It is the belief that the average man must tighten his belt and lower his standard of living in what might well be a totally Quixotic attempt to save the planet. It is a concept closely tied to the Great Reset and an example of how something other than another pandemic might be used to get Americans and the rest of the world to radically change their notion of what they're "allowed" to do.

We should all recall back that poorly aged phrase "14 days to stop the spread." How many times did the goalposts move? Where are we with that as you read this? First we were told that we needed to "flatten the curve." Then there needed to be a vaccine. Then the vaccine wasn't enough. The point is, that COVID-19 became a perpetual excuse for the elites to enact whatever "emergency" measures they wanted – all for your own safety, of course.

An integral part of climate austerity is the war on private transportation, commercial flights, and freedom of travel. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg floated a mileage tax and many measures advanced by the Green New Deal that would effectively ban private transportation, due to the high cost – again, you will be impacted by this but the elites will not. It seems that there is almost a weekly outrage against pickup trucks on Twitter.

The real reason for this is to control the free movement of people. The agenda here has nothing to do with stated goals and everything to do with locking you down, reducing your standard of living, abolishing your way of life, and subjecting every aspect of your life to control by powerful elites.

Continued next post...


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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The Great Reset in Action: Blackrock Creates a Nation of Renters
BlackRock is a private equity firm that has been offering absurd prices for residential homes in the suburbs. They don't plan to flip them and turn a profit. Rather, the plan is to buy homes at 50 percent above asking with the purpose of transforming these homes into rental properties. BlackRock's acquisition of the suburbs is part of a larger issue that grew out of COVID-19, but is closely related to the Great Reset – the increased centralization of the American economy.

While isolated conservatives such as Ben Shapiro took to Twitter to defend the "free market" principles of venture capital speculating on the market using free money from the Federal Reserve (with full knowledge that they will be bailed out if things go south), most recognized BlackRock's attempt to corner the housing market for what it is. It was a transparent move to transform America into a society of modern serfs. Renters who own nothing can be moved around at the whims of Big Money or financially blacklisted if they step out of line.

BlackRock is certainly villainous, but they represent a broader trend not just limited to the housing market, the concentration of wealth as a weapon. The Bernie Sanders left focuses on "wealth inequality," which is simply a fact of life that cannot be done away with. "The poor," Christ told us, "you will always have with you." People having more than other people isn't a social problem, but a few people owning everything is, because it is simply socialism (centralized control) by other means. It also dramatically reduces the number of people with skin in the game making the economic and social atmosphere extremely volatile.

One company, or a handful of them, who dominate the housing market are dangerous for a variety of reasons. Chief among these reasons is the ability to weaponize this control over housing against critics of the regime. Who needs the government to enact a social credit system when the national landlord has one? Of course, the usual dummies will defend this because it's being done by a private corporation.

It is worth briefly noting that the eviction moratorium favors large landlords who can go months or years without an income over smaller ones, who cannot. The moratorium was enacted by the CDC, which apparently now has the authority to control rental properties in the United States.

The Great Reset in Action: Social Credit
The Great Reset is all in on "racial equity," a term that appeared almost out of nowhere around the 2020 election and has been used unrelentingly since in the mainstream press as if it were a word everyone always used. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

"Equity" effectively means, not to lean quite too heavily on Orwell, that all races are equal but some races are more equal than others. This is a key goal of the Great Reset. The argument basically goes that the only way to address racial disparities in the United States is by extended special benefits and privileges to allegedly "oppressed" groups.

Because government benefit programs are a zero-sum game, these assistance programs, and special privileges will have to be paid for by someone else. For every dollar of benefit money doled out, a dollar of income is lost by someone else. For every job or university position reserved for a protected class, something is lost by someone else.

A key part of the push for "equity" is attacks on people who oppose it. Equity as an ideology is tied up with a bundle of other ideas pushed by Cultural Marxists and the extremely similar but unrelated phenomenon of George Soros "Open Society" types.

The important part, as far as we are concerned, is that concentrated wealth is better able to enforce the prevailing diktats of ideology. When small business evaporates, it is easier to enforce social programs using the private sector. Similarly, when ownership becomes increasingly concentrated, it is easier to enforce a de facto social credit system. The value system of corporate elites is well known.

Conservatives are already being denied bank accounts because of their beliefs, and the beliefs that warrant financial blacklisting are increasingly expanded. It is not too much to imagine that in the very near future, financial blacklisting and social ostracism, enforced by Big Tech and Big Finance, will come to include any critics of so-called racial equity or any other aspect of regime ideology.

In general, what you're looking at is a system where there are far fewer poles of financial and social attraction, and that these few remaining poles are increasingly inseparable from the state. This is the essence of fascism in its definition not as anyone’s set of ideological or political principles, but as the system of governance where there is little to no daylight between the corporate sector and the administrative state.

Why the Great Reset?
We cannot speculate as to the internal motives of any man. What we can do is talk about the tangible effects that policies have here in the real world. The primary tangible effect of the Great Reset is an increased amount of power and wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people, all of whom are hostile toward you, your values, and your way of life.

It might have been a happy accident that the greatest wealth transfer in human history happened during the COVID-19 lockdowns, or it might have been by design. Regardless, the upward wealth transfer happened. Success rarely satiates, rather it fuels a hunger for more success. We should see this wealth transfer as a prelude to an even larger wealth transfer that is forthcoming.

Additionally, the Western middle class sits on an enormous reserve of wealth in the form of homeownership and retirement funds. These are the white whales of the global elite. One would be a fool, given all of the evidence, to believe that they would stop at anything to acquire this massive reserve of wealth.

To the extent that it is possible, we must make ourselves more resilient. This means owning land, having your own well, a supply of food to weather the storm, adequate supplies of ammunition, useful skills, and close community bonds. It also means sounding the alarm bells about elite propaganda campaigns, legislative maneuvers, and bureaucratic fiats designed to destroy you.

Prepare to dig in for a long winter.

Above is from: https://ammo.com/articles/the-great-reset

You're welcome :cool:


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Back to the gold standard money changer, your turn.


Exactly how will your government implement that and who will your government take from to give to when you do so?


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Exactly how will your government implement that and who will your government take from to give to when you do so?

They won’t and that’s the point. You money changers and yore politician friends have fucked us, the rope is the only way.



Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like your doomed. 🤷🤷🤷

Not me whore.

You’re a bit cocky these days boy. Don’t worry, it happens when you’ve got nothing else.
Dec 20, 2007
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A brief...very brief...overview of the concept is essentially serfdom. Royalty, in this case through money, not bloodline, would control the rest. It is said to be global, no longer by country. A given country may still have it's "leadership", but one that is ultimately controlled by those few ruling groups. The rest of us common folk, will be given only what they feel we need...in terms of possessions, money and freedoms. A group is very easily controlled when they have no means to rise against those in charge.

Religion has been “always” in control of the masses.

Religious beliefs are what controls the masses.

Religion is all about punishment, snd suffering.

If you control religion, you control the masses.


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Religion has been “always” in control of the masses.

Religious beliefs are what controls the masses.

Religion is all about punishment, snd suffering.

If you control religion, you control the masses.

Maybe but religion has lost its appeal over the years as the masses seem to be happy with the non-religious Marxism that is so prevalent


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I have no wealth, no means, nor do I have any real holdings that would draw the attention of the powerful and wealthy.
Make no mistake about it, those that have lived quite comfortably, thinking their perceived position in life will keep them safe, are in for an awakening.
My words may draw the ire of those in such position. I hope they may ring in their ears, even just long enough for them to provoke a slightly broader view.


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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You asked the question by quoting my post which had the link to The Great Reset in it. Did you click on the link?

If you did you'd learn about the Great Reset.

And one of the links is the Davos Manifesto (link at the bottom of the main page) to this:
thats too much research....

many people are satisfied with the "Blue Pill"

there is no return once you take "the RED PILL"....


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Religion has been “always” in control of the masses.

Religious beliefs are what controls the masses.

Religion is all about punishment, snd suffering.

If you control religion, you control the masses.
Very true, organized religion has been the bane of mankind.
What people don't realize, is religion can truly be anything followed blindly. There are those following "Science", as well as those following "Media". People like Fauci and Zuckerberg are now gods to some...
Religion is not purely marked by a cross, a star or a crescent moon.


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
people are too complacent....

they want there 40 hr week job, house, toys, retirement...
"Blue Pill" don't wake me up from the American dream...
(which WE ALL WANT"...)...

the Great Reset will keep you from that dream....

People is REAL!!!!.. its been in the works for since WW II...

Kennedy didn't die unexpectedly....

its all OUT THERE!!!!

just a little research is all thats needed....

maybe its time to watch "The Matrix" again...

but with an open mind....

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Maybe but religion has lost its appeal over the years as the masses seem to be happy with the non-religious Marxism that is so prevalent

Religion is organized, and world wide. They are the ones who forgive your sins.

If your a politician, you need religion.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Religion is organized, and world wide. They are the ones who forgive your sins.

If your a politician, you need religion.
I get the feeling you are anti-religion, that is fine. To each their own.
We all need to be a bit more "anti-politician" though. They too are both organized, and world wide.
As a person, I've never asked any religion to absolve me of my "sins". Right and wrong, are rarely as simple as the words are spoken or read. There are times one may find themselves "committing sins", in order to do what's "right". One may believe in "final judgment", or one may just have to reckon with what they've done in their own mind.
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
people are too complacent....

they want there 40 hr week job, house, toys, retirement...
"Blue Pill" don't wake me up from the American dream...
(which WE ALL WANT"...)...

the Great Reset will keep you from that dream....

People is REAL!!!!.. its been in the works for since WW II...

Kennedy didn't die unexpectedly....

its all OUT THERE!!!!

just a little research is all thats needed....

maybe its time to watch "The Matrix" again...

but with an open mind....


It really depends which side of coin you’re looking at. For some, a great reset will give them new opportunities.
For others, it will be their inability to adapt and change, that will put them on the bottom half.

Germany saw the great reset in 1945. Splitting the country in half. It took 40 years to put it back together, and 80 years for it to heal. What’s happening today in this world, will take 80 years to heal.
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
I get the feeling you are anti-religion, that is fine. To each their own.
We all need to be a bit more "anti-politician" though. They too are both
I get the feeling you are anti-religion, that is fine. To each their own.
We all need to be a bit more "anti-politician" though. They too are both organized, and world wide.
As a person, I've never asked any religion to absolve me of my "sins". Right and wrong, are rarely as simple as the words are spoken or read. There are times one may find themselves "committing sins", in order to do what's "right". One may believe in "final judgment", or one may just have to reckon with what they've done in their own mind.
I think every organization left unchecked, is open to abuse.
For me, religion is local.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
The reset is far from a top half/bottom half thing....
more like a .02% controlling 99.98%
Reconfigure however you see fit, but gaining advancement would be quite difficult.
In the fall of the USSR, there were "oligarchs" that rose to power and with great wealth. It was like the wild west. Their power was not gained so much by being good investors, it was gained by eliminating the competition. Not in the ways we're accustomed to, more like cartels and hits.


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
It really depends which side of coin you’re looking at. For some, a great reset will give them new opportunities.
For others, it will be their inability to adapt and change, that will put them on the bottom half.

Germany saw the great reset in 1945. Splitting the country in half. It took 40 years to put it back together, and 80 years for it to heal. What’s happening today in this world, will take 80 years to heal.

the great reset is not for 99.9999% of the public...

congrats if you are a .0001%..


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
do a little research......

find out who raised him..


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Professional Hunter? What makes him a professional? :rolleyes:


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Professional Hunter? What makes him a professional? :rolleyes:
Put a set of antlers on your head and find out 😂

A professional hunter would usually be either a guide, or one that hunts under a contract. Forestry Service employs multiples here in the states to either remove invasive animals, or dangerous animals.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
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I’m not naive enough to think this couldn’t happen. But I really doubt you could mislead the citizens of the USA who truly care about their fate.

If you push a population far enough they will push back.

Edit: thanks for answering the question lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So do you have your rifles and handguns ready to go and 10K rounds for each one?????????


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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So do you have your rifles and handguns ready to go and 10K rounds for each one?????????

They are ready and if I need 10k worth of ammo I’m already dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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I’ll admit I haven’t dug very deep into it. But the issue(s) I don’t buy into is why would billionaires care about what the common citizen is busy doing? Why would I not want to just grab a few islands, 200ft yachts and a few G7s?

If it’s all about the money I would argue that you could make a lot more In today’s economy vs creating this one world government. Creating that means I have to agree with the other dirtbags vs doing it the way I want.

How can these men and women who made their money by going against the grain, suddenly all get on the same page

Same question as above. Why would billionaires want to be a part of a new world order when they’ve already achieved an income that lets them litterally do anything they want?

I clicked the link and it told me nothing. I’ll dig around a little but all I read on the link was “propaganda” of the Great Reset.

not trying to fish for a reaction but that’s what it seemed like when I read through.

Edit. The original link. I’ll recheck them.
It's not about money. It's about power and control. Money is just one of the means

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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The Great Reset in Action: Blackrock Creates a Nation of Renters
BlackRock is a private equity firm that has been offering absurd prices for residential homes in the suburbs. They don't plan to flip them and turn a profit. Rather, the plan is to buy homes at 50 percent above asking with the purpose of transforming these homes into rental properties. BlackRock's acquisition of the suburbs is part of a larger issue that grew out of COVID-19, but is closely related to the Great Reset – the increased centralization of the American economy.

While isolated conservatives such as Ben Shapiro took to Twitter to defend the "free market" principles of venture capital speculating on the market using free money from the Federal Reserve (with full knowledge that they will be bailed out if things go south), most recognized BlackRock's attempt to corner the housing market for what it is. It was a transparent move to transform America into a society of modern serfs. Renters who own nothing can be moved around at the whims of Big Money or financially blacklisted if they step out of line.

BlackRock is certainly villainous, but they represent a broader trend not just limited to the housing market, the concentration of wealth as a weapon. The Bernie Sanders left focuses on "wealth inequality," which is simply a fact of life that cannot be done away with. "The poor," Christ told us, "you will always have with you." People having more than other people isn't a social problem, but a few people owning everything is, because it is simply socialism (centralized control) by other means. It also dramatically reduces the number of people with skin in the game making the economic and social atmosphere extremely volatile.

One company, or a handful of them, who dominate the housing market are dangerous for a variety of reasons. Chief among these reasons is the ability to weaponize this control over housing against critics of the regime. Who needs the government to enact a social credit system when the national landlord has one? Of course, the usual dummies will defend this because it's being done by a private corporation.

It is worth briefly noting that the eviction moratorium favors large landlords who can go months or years without an income over smaller ones, who cannot. The moratorium was enacted by the CDC, which apparently now has the authority to control rental properties in the United States.

The Great Reset in Action: Social Credit
The Great Reset is all in on "racial equity," a term that appeared almost out of nowhere around the 2020 election and has been used unrelentingly since in the mainstream press as if it were a word everyone always used. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

"Equity" effectively means, not to lean quite too heavily on Orwell, that all races are equal but some races are more equal than others. This is a key goal of the Great Reset. The argument basically goes that the only way to address racial disparities in the United States is by extended special benefits and privileges to allegedly "oppressed" groups.

Because government benefit programs are a zero-sum game, these assistance programs, and special privileges will have to be paid for by someone else. For every dollar of benefit money doled out, a dollar of income is lost by someone else. For every job or university position reserved for a protected class, something is lost by someone else.

A key part of the push for "equity" is attacks on people who oppose it. Equity as an ideology is tied up with a bundle of other ideas pushed by Cultural Marxists and the extremely similar but unrelated phenomenon of George Soros "Open Society" types.

The important part, as far as we are concerned, is that concentrated wealth is better able to enforce the prevailing diktats of ideology. When small business evaporates, it is easier to enforce social programs using the private sector. Similarly, when ownership becomes increasingly concentrated, it is easier to enforce a de facto social credit system. The value system of corporate elites is well known.

Conservatives are already being denied bank accounts because of their beliefs, and the beliefs that warrant financial blacklisting are increasingly expanded. It is not too much to imagine that in the very near future, financial blacklisting and social ostracism, enforced by Big Tech and Big Finance, will come to include any critics of so-called racial equity or any other aspect of regime ideology.

In general, what you're looking at is a system where there are far fewer poles of financial and social attraction, and that these few remaining poles are increasingly inseparable from the state. This is the essence of fascism in its definition not as anyone’s set of ideological or political principles, but as the system of governance where there is little to no daylight between the corporate sector and the administrative state.

Why the Great Reset?
We cannot speculate as to the internal motives of any man. What we can do is talk about the tangible effects that policies have here in the real world. The primary tangible effect of the Great Reset is an increased amount of power and wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people, all of whom are hostile toward you, your values, and your way of life.

It might have been a happy accident that the greatest wealth transfer in human history happened during the COVID-19 lockdowns, or it might have been by design. Regardless, the upward wealth transfer happened. Success rarely satiates, rather it fuels a hunger for more success. We should see this wealth transfer as a prelude to an even larger wealth transfer that is forthcoming.

Additionally, the Western middle class sits on an enormous reserve of wealth in the form of homeownership and retirement funds. These are the white whales of the global elite. One would be a fool, given all of the evidence, to believe that they would stop at anything to acquire this massive reserve of wealth.

To the extent that it is possible, we must make ourselves more resilient. This means owning land, having your own well, a supply of food to weather the storm, adequate supplies of ammunition, useful skills, and close community bonds. It also means sounding the alarm bells about elite propaganda campaigns, legislative maneuvers, and bureaucratic fiats designed to destroy you.

Prepare to dig in for a long winter.

Above is from: https://ammo.com/articles/the-great-reset

You're welcome :cool:

Took the time and read what you posted.

#1 appreciate you laying it out.

I can see a lot of your first post happening today. But if that’s happening then posting on RDP is doing next to nothing (other than getting one 30 year old on your side). What you guys are talking about is an uprooting of the US government. And a call to arms, which I don’t see happening.

In regards to property I think that’s every businesses/individuals right to make money. My grandparents had the opportunity to buy in Montecito before it was anything. Today their 20k would be worth 2-10 million.

These are the same people who watched JFK get taken out. If you believe in the corruption then you believe it’s been around for a while.

I have a hard time believing that our grandparents bought property and capitalized without taking advantage of an elite’s tampering. But when you succeed it’s capitalism, if you fail it’s due to government intervention. My thoughts are that’s it’s a little bit of both regardless of failure or success.

BlackRock is taking advantage of a situation. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but if you handed me 200 million dollars I would put 180 towards a good returning investment. If that’s real estate then so be it.

That doesn’t mean my wife and I wouldn’t be helping citizens, children & abandoned animals. But make no mistake I need to make sure my money makes me money first. If it doesn’t do that I can’t fulfill what I want our legacy to be.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Now that we’ve brought religion into it lol.

As someone who went to catholic/Christian schools from 2nd to senior year of high school, I can see the distrust in religion.

I truly believe in a higher power but when you dig into the way man has manipulated religion you lose faith. At the bare minimum Jesus Christ, A middle eastern man grew to be a blonde haired white guy.

Then you dig into the Apocrypha or the Council of Nicaea. It’s a long road and it’s way older than the best country in the world.

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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Now that we’ve brought religion into it lol.

As someone who went to catholic/Christian schools from 2nd to senior year of high school, I can see the distrust in religion.

I truly believe in a higher power but when you dig into the way man has manipulated religion you lose faith. At the bare minimum Jesus Christ, A middle eastern man grew to be a blonde haired white guy.

Then you dig into the Apocrypha or the Council of Nicaea. It’s a long road and it’s way older than the best country in the world.

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Never been a church goer. I do believe in a higher power, whatever that means, I still don't know. Do I have a Bible? Yes, several in fact...do I live my life by those words? Not so much...too much fish and wine. The general ideas, yes, I do follow at this point in my life. I didn't always. In fact, quite the contrary. As I've said many times, I hope whenever I reach wherever it may be I'm going, the actions of my later years outweigh those of my youth...time will tell.

As for attempting to sway the opinions or thoughts of those on this board, probably not much success. I'd say most here are set in their ways, their beliefs are fairly rigid. Most here would not heed a "call to arms", unless they feel their lives, or those of their kin, were in danger. People resist change until it is necessary. In nature, things evolve only when their existence is threatened.
Thus the concept of "boiling frogs". By the time some realize they're in danger, it may be too late. Maybe, possibly, just some banter or discussion may move some people's awareness up a few "degrees". Even if now they may not believe anything beyond the media, 6 months, a year or two from now, maybe they will.


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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Now that we’ve brought religion into it lol.

As someone who went to catholic/Christian schools from 2nd to senior year of high school, I can see the distrust in religion.

I truly believe in a higher power but when you dig into the way man has manipulated religion you lose faith. At the bare minimum Jesus Christ, A middle eastern man grew to be a blonde haired white guy.

Then you dig into the Apocrypha or the Council of Nicaea. It’s a long road and it’s way older than the best country in the world.

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You can never remove religion. Our country was founded by the puritans trying to escape britian.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Great Job Dems. You all seemed so concerned about our international image/relationship management under Trump.

This is an interesting change from your prior America first beliefs which are now shown to be clearly hollow.

France recalled their ambassadors because the current American administration convinced Australia to use US underwater technology and companies over French underwater technology and companies. Something France would naturally not be happy with.

A decision which will improve America’s ability in conjunction with Australia to keep in check China’s military ambitions in the pacific.

An interesting change in heart by you to move closer to France and China over America, it’s technologies, it’s companies and America’s strategic interests in the region. 🤷🤷🤷

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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This is an interesting change from your prior America first beliefs which are now shown to be clearly hollow.

France recalled their ambassadors because the current American administration convinced Australia to use US underwater technology and companies over French underwater technology and companies. Something France would naturally not be happy with.

A decision which will improve America’s ability in conjunction with Australia to keep in check China’s military ambitions in the pacific.

An interesting change in heart by you to move closer to France and China over America, it’s technologies, it’s companies and America’s strategic interests in the region. 🤷🤷🤷

That's a big reach. All I did was post a link, FWIW, I believe Australia getting Nuclear powered, silent running subs over noisy diesel subs is a good thing. However, the way it was handled was wrong. There should have been no international scene over this.

I can just imagine the posts had Trump done the exact same thing.

Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Great Job Dems. You all seemed so concerned about our international image/relationship management under Trump.

Yep, she looks really popular across the pond 😂
