I watched my parents do well in early 80s they owned 4 houses by 85 my dad worked ups my mom worked phone company was pac bell then. They never bought fancy stuff dad also did body work and paint on the side. They took us everywhere we did a lot of riding and camping. They knew how to budget. Today my mom lives off those investments and last house was sold about 2006 since my dad passed in 04 she’s still in laguna niguel home they bought in 85 They had future set up by sacrificing then.Yeah it’s really a shame that we want folks to be on never-ending payment plans.
Great if you’re a manufacturer of a product.
Not really good for the consumer or the greater economy long-term.
It just scratches a short-term itch at the expense of a yoke around your neck for the payment term.
It made the 90s a cakewalk for them but again still tight spending but splurged here and there at 50 I’m finally going cash only and in a good spot but nothing to my parents were at same age.