All rentals but I think the one he bought last they plan on using. I know the boat and jet ski are there and he bought a Ford truck to leave there. Honestly I don’t get it but it’s none of my business. Work is slow and he’s been taking a ton of days off. His son isn’t working and has been off about a month. As long as rent stays high and he has renters he’s going to be just fine. I know he had a hard time qualifying for this last house a few weeks ago but they got it done. Lots of payments but like I said it really none of my business and the only reason I know or talk about it is because he posts it. He’s very proud and he should be. He came to this country at 14 and it’s been an uphill battle the whole way. He can be a little annoying but I’m sure worse can be said about me. I got respect for him.