89 454BBC here's what's in it.
It is a mark IV block(std), forged gm crank)20/20 and balanced, 9.8 pistons, factory mercruiser large oval port heads, comp cams Xtreme Marine XM278H cam and lifters(no reversion with my thru transom exhaust even partially submerged ideling at 700rpms), factory mercruiser aluminum high rise dual plane marine intake, stainless log manifold with risers that look kinda like a 2 stroke expansion chamber, bellhousing, flywheel, 10qt cast aluminum offshore winged pan and oil pump/pickup assembly, eldelbrock 750 carb, mercury thunderbolt iv ignition, and low hour coupling(A-9). Engine was put together in January and has about 30 hours on it, never exceding 4800 rpms(only for break in really) Normally run between 3000 and 3800 for best fuel economy. Engine when in the Machine shop estimates 375hp on 87 with 10* initial timing.
1978 Hawaiian Day Cruiser
Has this engine mounted in it to a Merc Trans II transmission with the TRS outdrive
Has new molded thick plastic seats with new upholstery on the
Has 2 new Moeller 19 gallon fuel tanks
Has through transom exhaust
Has fuel lines and cooling lines to complete build
rear seats will need done or rebuilt.
Nice bunk style tandem trailer
Sometimes life happens and the projects got to go family comes first
It is a mark IV block(std), forged gm crank)20/20 and balanced, 9.8 pistons, factory mercruiser large oval port heads, comp cams Xtreme Marine XM278H cam and lifters(no reversion with my thru transom exhaust even partially submerged ideling at 700rpms), factory mercruiser aluminum high rise dual plane marine intake, stainless log manifold with risers that look kinda like a 2 stroke expansion chamber, bellhousing, flywheel, 10qt cast aluminum offshore winged pan and oil pump/pickup assembly, eldelbrock 750 carb, mercury thunderbolt iv ignition, and low hour coupling(A-9). Engine was put together in January and has about 30 hours on it, never exceding 4800 rpms(only for break in really) Normally run between 3000 and 3800 for best fuel economy. Engine when in the Machine shop estimates 375hp on 87 with 10* initial timing.
1978 Hawaiian Day Cruiser
Has this engine mounted in it to a Merc Trans II transmission with the TRS outdrive
Has new molded thick plastic seats with new upholstery on the
Has 2 new Moeller 19 gallon fuel tanks
Has through transom exhaust
Has fuel lines and cooling lines to complete build
rear seats will need done or rebuilt.
Nice bunk style tandem trailer
Sometimes life happens and the projects got to go family comes first