First date with your wife and/or girl of your dreams..


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
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Me and my current wife of 4 years went to High School together but didnt know each other but had a bunch of mutual friends (Key detail). Was married for 18 years before and went through a ruthless divorce and lost everything. Started back from a Zero$ bank account and an old Dodge with 100K miles and rebuilt my life. In 2018 I was surfing FB and looking through friends lists on Facebook at the cute single girls and sent out friend requests. A cute single girl started liking all my pics and finally commented on a picture of me floating below Parker Dam and that was it. We started chatting, went on a 1st date a month later and spent everyday together after that and at 89 days I married her on her Birthday. Wont have to worry about forgetting the date and also saves a dinner and flowers each year knocking both out on the same day.


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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Met my wife in an AOL chat line party in Orange County. She lived in Ojai and I lived in the SFV. We met there and talked a bit, chatted more on line and she was hesitant to go out on a date with me. I finally convinced her to go to the Hollywood Christmas Parade with me. We went to dinner near there and then hung out watching the parade. Had a great time and she agreed to go out on another date with me the following weekend. Well, we have now been together for 25 years but only married since 2009. I was hesitant to get married again after all the crapola my first wife put me through. But am really glad I changed my mind as I'm married to a wonderful and caring person.


Well Known RDP Cart Returner
Mar 8, 2008
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The great thing is, if you give up women to pursue excellence (rather than debauchery), you'll only increase your chances with women.

At 66 years old, I think my level of excellence has peaked some years ago! Now, I'm just trying to slow down the decline. 🤣


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2019
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At 66 years old, I think my level of excellence has peaked some years ago! Now, I'm just trying to slow down the decline. 🤣

Most of your competition at 67 are out of shape, unadventurous, without passions or intellectual pursuits, and without a philosophy or religion. They're not very desirable.

You can make yourself more competitive, that's all.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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I met my wife in Union Square in San Francisco. I was a carpenter remodeling a building and she was a hair stylist working two building away. One of her coworkers stopped by on a Friday afternoon and told me that I should meet her friend so on Saturday morning I went to the salon to make an appointment.

When I got off of the elevator it was apparent that it was a busy salon. It was very loud with blow dryers and people talking, but when I opened the door and entered, everything stopped. Suddenly everyone in the salon was staring at me. My wife was the only one that didn't know I was coming that morning and was quite surprised when I walked up to her and introduced myself.

She was nervous as hell to cut my hair but it gave us some time to get to know each other. We were engaged two months later and married 11 months later. We will be celebrating 36 years next month.


Ultra Conservative
May 27, 2018
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I've kind of given up hope. At my age, the available pool is pretty small and those in it seem to carry a lot of baggage. I also live in a rural area and not too many woman want to live out in the sticks. Plus, being a short ugly Asian dude doesn't help. Asians are the least desirable race for American women. I've heard this line a hundred times, "You're a great guy. You're just not my type".

I can deal with being single the rest of my life. What's tough is not having any kids, especially as I age. It's funny (not ha ha funny) when I talk to my buddies that are having problems with their wives or kids and they tell me I'm lucky being single, I have a bunch of toys and I can do what ever I want whenever I want. I tell them they are the lucky ones. Check your ego and your pride and work things out. When you're old and sitting on that rocking chair on the front porch with your wife of 60 years watching as the kids and grandkids pull in the driveway for the family get together and you all are talking and telling "Remember When" stories, you'll be glad you did.

I hear ya on this buddy. I often think the same way. As wrong as it sounds, I may have struck a lucky star or something with my whole current situation. It may not be the way I ever thought Id be raising a kid, but damn skippy Im gonna give her the best fucking life possible as long as I can. Suddenly toys dont mean so much.... 🙂

Who wants to buy an Ultra? lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2020
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I hear ya on this buddy. I often think the same way. As wrong as it sounds, I may have struck a lucky star or something with my whole current situation. It may not be the way I ever thought Id be raising a kid, but damn skippy Im gonna give her the best fucking life possible as long as I can. Suddenly toys dont mean so much.... 🙂

Who wants to buy an Ultra? lol
Trade for diaper🤔


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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@Shlbyntro , keep the Ultra...my daughter would pass out to the drone of the 496 in the jet bote. At car shows, and races, the lope of a big cam, and even blower surge, would put her to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2021
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First meant my wife at my brothers, I had topped over and brother, his wife and I was going out for Mexican food. But as fate would have it their horse was ill and they called the vet.
The vet arrived quickly and I was in love! Took her with us to dinner that night (Dec 17th , 1990) . Married in 1992 and still going strong!
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Distinguished Member
Dec 19, 2007
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First date was in October 1984. Made it "exclusive" in January of 1985. Put a ring on it in June of 1991 and we are still able to have great conversations on the 7 hour drive to visit our daughter. I am truly blessed!

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25th Anniversary photo re-make.

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October 2022. 38 years together and 31 filing jointly!


New Member
Jan 20, 2023
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So...meetmyage.com :)

Met one year ago and got married in July :) I was on and off the dating apps for years till I met the right person. Hell, till I even had a date took a long time.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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I met the GF when we both had a membership at the same waterski lake. I'd see her every weekend and we started hanging out together. We had a lot in common and seemed to hit it off. I asked her to go out with me and our first date was at a Fish restaurant in Denver LoDo. We over-served ourselves on wine and decided to go play pool at one of the bars downtown. I'm not sure who suggested it, or who won, but the "prize" we talked about was a naked massage. Haha. Needless to say. we're still going strong 14 yrs later!



Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
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Met my wife when she was 17 and I was 21 🤣🤦‍♂️. She couldn’t stand me! We went with a group of mutual friends to Pole Position to drive go karts. I was pretty tuned up from some margaritas before we went and I was just spinning her out and screwing with her all night. Finally got her to go out with me again and we dated a little bit when I moved to Brazil for racing for 3 years we lost touch but fortunately re connected awhile after I came home. My wife is a saint compared to me and have no idea why she liked me but Here we are 16 years later from when we met. Happily Married and two amazing little boys. First picture is the night we met and obviously now our beautiful family.