Dylan's act of kindness


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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June 26th 2012 Dylan and I were following a friend back to her house so we could borrow some hiking gear for my big Mt. Whitney hike this weekend. We were sitting behind my friends car at a stop light when a homeless man walked by us. I rolled down my window and gave the man all the change I had in my center console. The man thanked me and I said "God bless" and I rolled my window back up. From the backseat Dylan asks me "Daddy why did you give that man all your change" So I explained that the man was homeless and that he undeniably needed the money more than us. Dylan then asked "Then how come you don't always give them money" So I told him because I don't always have spare change, but when I do I tend to give it to the homeless. Then he asks "Well how come our friend in front of us didn't give any money" So again I explained that maybe she didn't have any spare change to give. I didn't want to get into the whole "Some people don't give money because they think the homeless will use it to buy liquor, or because they feel the homeless are lazy and just wont get a job" aspect. To me it really doesn't matter what the person uses the money for, either way they needed it more than I did.

So later that night the three of us are out getting frozen yogurt and as we walk out of the store I realize the shorts I am wearing don't have any pockets so like I normally do I gave my change to Dylan. It was only a nickle but he likes having money in his pockets, either its the sound or the fact he has some coin but either way he likes it. We are now walking down to the Starbucks so my friend can get her caffeine fix and as we pass the grocery store a homeless man in a wheel chair asks me if I have any change to spare. I respond with "No I am sorry I don't" and keep on walking. We get maybe 5 paces from the man when Dylan tugs on my hand and asks "Daddy is it okay if I give him the nickle you gave me" I tell him by all means if that is what he wants to do with his nickle to go right ahead. Dylan walks over to the man and says "Here you go" and hands him his nickle. The homeless man smiles and says "Thank you, whats your name" Dylan responds and then the man sticks his hand out and says "Well I am Johnny and God Bless you, you're quite the wonderful boy" They shake hands and Dylan walks away..

After that my friend goes in to the coffee house while Dylan and I hang outside. When she returns she gives Dylan a dollar. We have to pass the man again on our way back to the car and on the way Dylan stops and gives his dollar to the same man. As he does the man says "Stop you're going to make me cry", Then says "God Bless good families like yours" I have never been more proud of Dylan. The nickle was cute... But to a six year old a dollar is a lot of money. Its candy, or a toy, or something from the .99 cent store, even 4 things from a quarter machine. To see him be so selfless and caring really made me tear up. He thought nothing of himself and simply took three steps and was hanging and playing on a wall after that. But to me it showed me how important it is to answer all of his little inquiries with thought and purpose. To try to be more careful with how I portray myself in front of him. He is so impressionable and I need to do all I can to show this very loving, caring boy the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, what it means to stand for things that morally and ethically are right even when others or the world in general think it might be wrong or not important or relevant.

For those of you out there wondering.....Yes as soon as he got off the wall I made him wash his hands with the sanitary soap dispenser that they have right in front of the grocery store. And as my curious son always does he asked me why? I told him "Because you where climbing on the wall and touching things that have germs" I didn't feel the need to tell him about homeless people being unclean and not able to wash regularly. I felt it would tarnish or take away from his act of kindness. No matter what your opinions are of giving homeless money, or germs, or myself and how I act or raise my son, I say take a day out of your life and see the world through the eyes of a child. He didn't over think things he didn't analyze all the do's and don'ts, he just did a act of kindness. He did it without hesitation with out me provoking it. He didn't care the man was homeless, or might use it for drugs or alcohol, he just saw someone less fortunate and saw he had the means to help. He shook the mans hand without reservation. That physical act meant the world to that homeless man, you could see it in his eyes and hear it in his words. Who knows the last time that mans hand has touched another person.

I'm not sure who in the group benefited more from this whole interaction. Dylan for learning to be kind and help others less fortunate, The homeless man for receiving money and a act of kindness and physical intimacy, or me for seeing that I need to be more aware of my actions when I have my son with me and how I answer all one million of his daily questions!

God Bless, and take time out of your busy life to realize how blessed we all truly are!


Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Dylan needs to move to China where they like communism. :thumbsdown


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2012
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June 26th 2012 Dylan and I were following a friend back to her house so we could borrow some hiking gear for my big Mt. Whitney hike this weekend. We were sitting behind my friends car at a stop light when a homeless man walked by us. I rolled down my window and gave the man all the change I had in my center console. The man thanked me and I said "God bless" and I rolled my window back up. From the backseat Dylan asks me "Daddy why did you give that man all your change" So I explained that the man was homeless and that he undeniably needed the money more than us. Dylan then asked "Then how come you don't always give them money" So I told him because I don't always have spare change, but when I do I tend to give it to the homeless. Then he asks "Well how come our friend in front of us didn't give any money" So again I explained that maybe she didn't have any spare change to give. I didn't want to get into the whole "Some people don't give money because they think the homeless will use it to buy liquor, or because they feel the homeless are lazy and just wont get a job" aspect. To me it really doesn't matter what the person uses the money for, either way they needed it more than I did.

So later that night the three of us are out getting frozen yogurt and as we walk out of the store I realize the shorts I am wearing don't have any pockets so like I normally do I gave my change to Dylan. It was only a nickle but he likes having money in his pockets, either its the sound or the fact he has some coin but either way he likes it. We are now walking down to the Starbucks so my friend can get her caffeine fix and as we pass the grocery store a homeless man in a wheel chair asks me if I have any change to spare. I respond with "No I am sorry I don't" and keep on walking. We get maybe 5 paces from the man when Dylan tugs on my hand and asks "Daddy is it okay if I give him the nickle you gave me" I tell him by all means if that is what he wants to do with his nickle to go right ahead. Dylan walks over to the man and says "Here you go" and hands him his nickle. The homeless man smiles and says "Thank you, whats your name" Dylan responds and then the man sticks his hand out and says "Well I am Johnny and God Bless you, you're quite the wonderful boy" They shake hands and Dylan walks away..

After that my friend goes in to the coffee house while Dylan and I hang outside. When she returns she gives Dylan a dollar. We have to pass the man again on our way back to the car and on the way Dylan stops and gives his dollar to the same man. As he does the man says "Stop you're going to make me cry", Then says "God Bless good families like yours" I have never been more proud of Dylan. The nickle was cute... But to a six year old a dollar is a lot of money. Its candy, or a toy, or something from the .99 cent store, even 4 things from a quarter machine. To see him be so selfless and caring really made me tear up. He thought nothing of himself and simply took three steps and was hanging and playing on a wall after that. But to me it showed me how important it is to answer all of his little inquiries with thought and purpose. To try to be more careful with how I portray myself in front of him. He is so impressionable and I need to do all I can to show this very loving, caring boy the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, what it means to stand for things that morally and ethically are right even when others or the world in general think it might be wrong or not important or relevant.

For those of you out there wondering.....Yes as soon as he got off the wall I made him wash his hands with the sanitary soap dispenser that they have right in front of the grocery store. And as my curious son always does he asked me why? I told him "Because you where climbing on the wall and touching things that have germs" I didn't feel the need to tell him about homeless people being unclean and not able to wash regularly. I felt it would tarnish or take away from his act of kindness. No matter what your opinions are of giving homeless money, or germs, or myself and how I act or raise my son, I say take a day out of your life and see the world through the eyes of a child. He didn't over think things he didn't analyze all the do's and don'ts, he just did a act of kindness. He did it without hesitation with out me provoking it. He didn't care the man was homeless, or might use it for drugs or alcohol, he just saw someone less fortunate and saw he had the means to help. He shook the mans hand without reservation. That physical act meant the world to that homeless man, you could see it in his eyes and hear it in his words. Who knows the last time that mans hand has touched another person.

I'm not sure who in the group benefited more from this whole interaction. Dylan for learning to be kind and help others less fortunate, The homeless man for receiving money and a act of kindness and physical intimacy, or me for seeing that I need to be more aware of my actions when I have my son with me and how I answer all one million of his daily questions!

God Bless, and take time out of your busy life to realize how blessed we all truly are!


You, my friend are doing a wonderful parenting job. Not only teaching him the important things, but also learning from him as well. Your post made me cry a little and thanks! Made me think of things my mom always told us as both kids and adults, to always be kind and loving, no matter what the world dishes out to you. You are to be commended and as for who in your group benefited the most...my vote would be you. When that day comes that he has seemed to ask 900 million why questions, think back to this post. We were all kids that had these kinds of questions and thoughts, only difference is how we treat our inner child now. So go home, fill the tub with bubbles and make your very best Billy Gibbons bubble beard!!

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
OK... so... I thought this was someone I know but it turns out to not be. My first post was entirely inappropriate and intended to be amusing to someone else. I apologize for the mistake and congratulate you on your family.

You can now enjoy watching the RDP sharks rip me apart like a bleeding swimmer with only one arm.

Tommy Gun Images

Media Lackey
Staff member
May 28, 2008
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June 26th 2012 Dylan and I were following a friend back to her house so we could borrow some hiking gear for my big Mt. Whitney hike this weekend. We were sitting behind my friends car at a stop light when a homeless man walked by us. I rolled down my window and gave the man all the change I had in my center console. The man thanked me and I said "God bless" and I rolled my window back up. From the backseat Dylan asks me "Daddy why did you give that man all your change" So I explained that the man was homeless and that he undeniably needed the money more than us. Dylan then asked "Then how come you don't always give them money" So I told him because I don't always have spare change, but when I do I tend to give it to the homeless. Then he asks "Well how come our friend in front of us didn't give any money" So again I explained that maybe she didn't have any spare change to give. I didn't want to get into the whole "Some people don't give money because they think the homeless will use it to buy liquor, or because they feel the homeless are lazy and just wont get a job" aspect. To me it really doesn't matter what the person uses the money for, either way they needed it more than I did.

So later that night the three of us are out getting frozen yogurt and as we walk out of the store I realize the shorts I am wearing don't have any pockets so like I normally do I gave my change to Dylan. It was only a nickle but he likes having money in his pockets, either its the sound or the fact he has some coin but either way he likes it. We are now walking down to the Starbucks so my friend can get her caffeine fix and as we pass the grocery store a homeless man in a wheel chair asks me if I have any change to spare. I respond with "No I am sorry I don't" and keep on walking. We get maybe 5 paces from the man when Dylan tugs on my hand and asks "Daddy is it okay if I give him the nickle you gave me" I tell him by all means if that is what he wants to do with his nickle to go right ahead. Dylan walks over to the man and says "Here you go" and hands him his nickle. The homeless man smiles and says "Thank you, whats your name" Dylan responds and then the man sticks his hand out and says "Well I am Johnny and God Bless you, you're quite the wonderful boy" They shake hands and Dylan walks away..

After that my friend goes in to the coffee house while Dylan and I hang outside. When she returns she gives Dylan a dollar. We have to pass the man again on our way back to the car and on the way Dylan stops and gives his dollar to the same man. As he does the man says "Stop you're going to make me cry", Then says "God Bless good families like yours" I have never been more proud of Dylan. The nickle was cute... But to a six year old a dollar is a lot of money. Its candy, or a toy, or something from the .99 cent store, even 4 things from a quarter machine. To see him be so selfless and caring really made me tear up. He thought nothing of himself and simply took three steps and was hanging and playing on a wall after that. But to me it showed me how important it is to answer all of his little inquiries with thought and purpose. To try to be more careful with how I portray myself in front of him. He is so impressionable and I need to do all I can to show this very loving, caring boy the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, what it means to stand for things that morally and ethically are right even when others or the world in general think it might be wrong or not important or relevant.

For those of you out there wondering.....Yes as soon as he got off the wall I made him wash his hands with the sanitary soap dispenser that they have right in front of the grocery store. And as my curious son always does he asked me why? I told him "Because you where climbing on the wall and touching things that have germs" I didn't feel the need to tell him about homeless people being unclean and not able to wash regularly. I felt it would tarnish or take away from his act of kindness. No matter what your opinions are of giving homeless money, or germs, or myself and how I act or raise my son, I say take a day out of your life and see the world through the eyes of a child. He didn't over think things he didn't analyze all the do's and don'ts, he just did a act of kindness. He did it without hesitation with out me provoking it. He didn't care the man was homeless, or might use it for drugs or alcohol, he just saw someone less fortunate and saw he had the means to help. He shook the mans hand without reservation. That physical act meant the world to that homeless man, you could see it in his eyes and hear it in his words. Who knows the last time that mans hand has touched another person.

I'm not sure who in the group benefited more from this whole interaction. Dylan for learning to be kind and help others less fortunate, The homeless man for receiving money and a act of kindness and physical intimacy, or me for seeing that I need to be more aware of my actions when I have my son with me and how I answer all one million of his daily questions!

God Bless, and take time out of your busy life to realize how blessed we all truly are!


Excellent! You are a great dad... :thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Cool, blog, I enjoyed reading several of your posts.

Was interesting to see the similarities we share on your post about your father. I too was where you were at in life, and same thing with my pops, including a car accident, literally a few days after your pops in 1987.

Keep on writing, and sharing :thumbsup :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2011
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I can remember when my to eldest kids were in the car. We were stopped at an intersection a homeless person came up to the window I rolled it down to give him change. As soon as the window started going down they both screamed bloody murder. He scared the hell out of them. I gave the guy what change I had. For some reason they still scare the hell out of my daughter especially.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Cool Story GMan.. Love the other stories on the site as well!



Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Dylan is going to be the kind of man a father could be proud of.


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
OK... so... I thought this was someone I know but it turns out to not be. My first post was entirely inappropriate and intended to be amusing to someone else. I apologize for the mistake and congratulate you on your family.

You can now enjoy watching the RDP sharks rip me apart like a bleeding swimmer with only one arm.

Fuck Brown. :D


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Such a wonderful story and thanks for sharing. :thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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You, my friend are doing a wonderful parenting job. Not only teaching him the important things, but also learning from him as well. Your post made me cry a little and thanks! Made me think of things my mom always told us as both kids and adults, to always be kind and loving, no matter what the world dishes out to you. You are to be commended and as for who in your group benefited the most...my vote would be you. When that day comes that he has seemed to ask 900 million why questions, think back to this post. We were all kids that had these kinds of questions and thoughts, only difference is how we treat our inner child now. So go home, fill the tub with bubbles and make your very best Billy Gibbons bubble beard!!

Thank you rampgirlll Couldn't agree more with you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
Reaction score
OK... so... I thought this was someone I know but it turns out to not be. My first post was entirely inappropriate and intended to be amusing to someone else. I apologize for the mistake and congratulate you on your family.

You can now enjoy watching the RDP sharks rip me apart like a bleeding swimmer with only one arm.

I lol when I read your response Tom because I have seen and read about you on here for years. All good brotha.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
Reaction score
Cool, blog, I enjoyed reading several of your posts.

Was interesting to see the similarities we share on your post about your father. I too was where you were at in life, and same thing with my pops, including a car accident, literally a few days after your pops in 1987.

Keep on writing, and sharing :thumbsup :)

Thank you C-2 I am glad you liked them and that you could relate. I started writing for therapuetic reasons and the blog just kept evolving. Honestly though my favorite stories are the ones about my Dad, Mom, Son, and general life lessons... But as we all know "Sex sells" hahahaha


an ordinary American
Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
OK... so... I thought this was someone I know but it turns out to not be. My first post was entirely inappropriate and intended to be amusing to someone else. I apologize for the mistake and congratulate you on your family.

You can now enjoy watching the RDP sharks rip me apart like a bleeding swimmer with only one arm.

What an idiot. May bobo run up your ass with a dry corncob in his mouth while Poochie gives you a case of Achilles tendonitis to remember.


Schiada Baby.......Yeah!!
Jul 12, 2010
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Kudos to Dylan....what a fine young man you are raising.......and Kudos to you defg926 for investing the time to raise such a great kid:thumbsup:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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I didn't respond at the time, because it was so similar to a story on my wifes facebook at Christmas time, I figured it was fake. But what the heck, it's the way we should teach our children, so good job..:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
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great story and great way to be a parent:thumbsup

heres a story in short details that my oldest daughter and myself went through
we were on our way to TEMPLE BAR on LAKE MEAD 6yrs ago at this time my daughter was 10yrs old,we had stopped at the McDonalds in BOULDER CITY for lunch.we were aproached by this woman and her 2 toddler daughters who were so cute but ragged and dirty it was sad to see.the mom asked for money to buy girls some food and i replied that i would buy the girls some food and she denied my offer for what ever the reason she had.so i went ahead and bought a couple happy meals anyways to give to the girls,and this whole time my daughter is at my side witnessing all this and didnt ask me anything about what was going on,so as we were leaving to walk out my daughter walks up the girls and gives them her happy meal,and then asks me to back inside and get another one for the sister,she didnt realize i already bought it for them.so i t let my daughter hand the sister the other and my little girl skipped back to the suburban and off we went.she still talks about it to this day.good stuff right there when your kids do great things and remember them years later.


Sep 20, 2007
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I showed my kids how to turn the windshield wiper sprayer sideways so we could soak the homeless guys on the offramps. :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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Kudos to Dylan....what a fine young man you are raising.......and Kudos to you defg926 for investing the time to raise such a great kid:thumbsup:thumbsup

Thank you Paul65k


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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I showed my kids how to turn the windshield wiper sprayer sideways so we could soak the homeless guys on the offramps. :thumbup:

And since you're always camming, I think you have a shot at decent cash on Ammerica's Funniest Videos. HM <- always one step ahead....v:thumbsup


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
And since you're always camming, I think you have a shot at decent cash on Ammerica's Funniest Videos. HM <- always one step ahead....v:thumbsup

Do potential employers have a right to ask for the password to my driving camera? :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Do potential employers have a right to ask for the password to my driving camera? :p

Nope, it's open-source:
