desert storm.


aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
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Is it gonna be lacking this year?

I looked at lake racers site and saw the participant list and it's not lacking. Lots of 30+ ft big name boats from east of the rockies but years past go fast boats look to be out.

There was a thread weeks ago about an insurance company backing out causing all the real fast guys to back out/not be allowed to run. That had me quite disappointed and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Is there gonna be a 160+ mph flyby for folks who are rafted up to watch? The whole thing looks revamped.

The concert deal seems it could be cool. It's supposed to be between 4 and 8 pm I believe. Dinner is either gonna be stupid early or stupid late on friday. Lol.

Saturdays shoot out looks like it's gonna be different also due to the insurance deal.

Is anyone else wondering if it's gonna be boring. (for lack of better words)

I will make my own party no matter what with some good friends. I was just curious if anyone else is wondering the same.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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You covered it in the last paragraph

I know ill be with good friends having a great time !

I am certain that it won't be any worse for me because 4-6 boats won't be full throttle


Never home on weekends
Dec 19, 2007
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It's about the people. Not the boats.


I'm looking forward to the street party, because it's that a, party, with some sweet boats and tow vehicles to look at too! There is always a thread or two as to groups getting together somewhere on the lake to watch the poker run. It turns into a party, on the water, and you get to watch all kinds of boats go by. The concert, gonna be fun, cause everybody getting together for a good time.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I'm confused, shocking, ha ha, but if it's not a race who cares about the insurance if you carry your own? Or is it looked at as an organized deal that requires outside insurance coverage? Either way we will be there Thursday morning and hit the street deal, gonna hang with family and some donkeys from here at some point I'm sure, and play some golf.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Sure.... first year I signed up and now the partys over? Way to make the new guy feel welcome! I think we will make it through this rough time...

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Is it gonna be lacking this year?

I looked at lake racers site and saw the participant list and it's not lacking. Lots of 30+ ft big name boats from east of the rockies but years past go fast boats look to be out.

There was a thread weeks ago about an insurance company backing out causing all the real fast guys to back out/not be allowed to run. That had me quite disappointed and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Is there gonna be a 160+ mph flyby for folks who are rafted up to watch? The whole thing looks revamped.

The concert deal seems it could be cool. It's supposed to be between 4 and 8 pm I believe. Dinner is either gonna be stupid early or stupid late on friday. Lol.

Saturdays shoot out looks like it's gonna be different also due to the insurance deal.

Is anyone else wondering if it's gonna be boring. (for lack of better words)

I will make my own party no matter what with some good friends. I was just curious if anyone else is wondering the same.

Who are you trying to kid...you wont be awake for the concert and there for dinner...DS will be a blast....I'm not even a little bit worried.


aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
Reaction score
Desert storm will be a blast cause I will make it so for me as you will for you.


c ya on da lake
Oct 4, 2007
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Below is an email that I received last week, we will be there to enjoy the festivities, I am a non contributor this year to the event as I will be holding off until monster bash. Last Monster Bash had 70-80 boats, several sign up late.
I am confident that this years Desert Storm will again lay the ground works as it does for many boaters and enthusiasts alike for future events. I am just as confident that the numbers of participants will increase between now and the event, lots of procrastination takes place with juggling of schedules, services, boat preps and misc arrangements.
Cold beers will be in my cooler :)

The Best in Performance Boating.
Desert Storm Update | Saturday, 29 April | Registration | Purchase Apparel | Event Information | Home
Desert Storm - One Month Away!
Hello performance boat enthusiasts!
We are only a month away from the 2014 Desert Storm Poker Run event in Lake Havasu and we already have a great group of boaters signed up. Check out the participant list!

Once agan we have to thank our Sponsors who make it possible to have this event and do so much to promote it. Our title sponsor, Teague Custom Marine is so much help and I can?t thank them enough. When you are purchasing your new boat, engine, tow vehicle or accessories, please keep our Sponsors in mind.

We still have plenty of room for additional participants this year and if you can?t participate, we still have need for people to help out putting on the event. Safety boat volunteers for Friday and Saturday plus we need individuals who would like to be part of the behind the scene activities. To see where you might help out, click here! By the way, the Nautical Resort is now completely booked, and if you still need an place to stay, don?t forget to check the Days Inn , Travel Lodge , or Hampton Inn.

We have made a few changes to Desert Storm this year such as moving Wednesday?s Krusin 4 Kids activities back to the Nautical Resort. That is a great day to get involved with our charity and providing some great fun for some great kids. We are also offering a limited number of rides to the public in exchange for charity donations. If you ever wanted to ride in a beautiful DCB wide body 41, or Cigarette Top Gun, here is your chance! PLease arrange your ride in advance by Email

Krusin 4 Kids Charities.
Charity Boat Rides
We expect the Thursdays Street Party to be once again a huge success with tons of boats, merchants and vendors. If you haven?t contacted us to get your boat or company on display, please do so very quickly, space and time is running out!

Great Tow Rigs On Display
Street Party Crowd.
For Friday, we have restructured the Poker Run into a single run from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and still providing the afternoon helicopter photo shoot. Don?t forget to let me know if you would like to adopt one of our hosted active duty Soldiers with you in the poker run this year! It?s a great way to show our Military our appreciation for our freedom to have events like this!

The change in the poker run allows us to have a new activity, the evening Concert Raft-up at the Nautical Resort. Registered participants will find a Desert Storm Pennant in their goody bags to fly on their boat allowing them a front line anchor spot for the concert! Three rows of boats are planned and non registered boaters can purchase a DS Pennant for their boat in advance by going online at www.shop.lakeracerllc.com or stopping by the LakeRacer T-shirt booth on the street party. With ?One Eyed Romeo? and ?Sidewynder? playing from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm, this should be a great time!

Concert Raft Up Area
Desert Storm Shootout
Saturday, we?ll once again host the Desert Storm Shootout between Site Six and Spectator Point. Last year?s event was a great success and we crowned Don London as King of the Desert for the second time in a row for his 180 mph winning run. His daughter, Summer Richardson also took the Queen of the Desert trophy for the second year in a row with a 136 mph run. I hope they have some competition for the top spots this year, such as Jon Roth who ran 179 mph last year! We may have a surprise format change to up the excitement a little, such as two boat side by side demo runs for a few select participants! We are working through the format requirements with the Coast Guard and our insurance company and it?s looking good! My thanks to DCB, West Coast Drives and Gary Smith for making this possible!

POPRA Offshore Racing
Desert Storm Poker Run
Saturday afternoon is also planned for a pair of APBA sanctioned Offshore Races put on by Pacific Offshore Professional Racing Association. This will be the second race in the 2014 series by POPRA and they are anticipating a great turn-out and race. Planned for a Thompson Bay Race Course right after the shootout, it should be a great cap to the 2014 Desert Storm Event!
All in all, it?s shaping up to be a great event for 2014 and hope all of you can participate in some way, for those of you on the fence about joining us and participating, please remember two things, most of our participants are made up of ?normal? performance boat owners, not the ?big dogs? that are highlighted so much. And that without participants that help pay for the event, there won?t be anything for the spectators to come out and enjoy.

Thank you and See you soon,

Jim Nichols
LakeRacer LLC

(602)578-5975| http://www.lakeracerllc.com LakeRacer LLC
LakeRacer LLC, PO Box 86006, Phoenix, AZ 85080
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Jul 12, 2011
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To be honest Andrew I can care less about the high dollar boats and who gets to the first card stop first. Don't get me wrong enjoy looking at them and watching them and wishing I had that kind of coin. But for me Desert Storm is all about hanging out and having a good time with all my friends and making some new ones.
That being said see you there Biatch!!!