

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I've heard this before. Is it true??

There are a shitload of babies right now in Parker and I never see any yotes going after the baby burrows. Seen a few dogs run up on a burrow and get stomped on. I have also heard having a Llama keeps the coyotes away.


Life on the Main Jet.
Jun 5, 2014
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Revenge! $50 bounty on each coyote you bring in...DEAD

80grn @3300? Nice.

Might as well be a laser.

Too bad people aren't able to eliminate the city dogs. That would be a hell of a Friday night activity..

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Donkeys and Shetland ponies in the pasture and you'll have zero coyote problems. They will stomp a yote into bloody fur balls.

Our subdivision is surrounded by forest. Coyotes can be heard all night and sometimes during the day. We have lots of naive residents that think they are neat and won't come onto the property. Same residents that are perplexed about the number of missing cats. They just can't accept the correlation.:rolleyes

Neighboring ranchers kill them and hang them on fences. I've seen numerous carcasses the size of wolves around here. They're vicious and over populated. They adapt and civilization provides easy prey. Any animal control folks that take them lightly are fools. They are depleting populations of ground nesting birds and other small animals plus domestic animals. In Texas for the most part, we shoot them on sight and they still outbreed the killing.

Bounties and professional trapping are the only way to back their over populations down and save the pets.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2011
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We have at least 1 pack in our neighborhood. We live at the base of the hill which boarders open land. Have seen coyotes coming out of people's yards. My boys go out when they hear them at night with strong lights just to see if they can find them.
Had 2 instances where the yote killed something in the front yard.
Our friend had his yellow lab lured out of the yard by a female coyote. He chased his lab through the field and got him back without any issues that night. For the next while the yotes would come back and try to get a repeat. Finally we were able to shoot the female one night around 1 am. She came knocking and tripped the motion detector we set up about 50 yards from the the house his light went on and hers went out.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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This raccoon family had been eating our wine grapes in the backyard. Wife tried to scare them away, to hear her tell it they all stood upright, were over 6 feet tall, and dared her to do anything.

During this time, we had a raccoon come into in our house, came in thru the pet door.

We thought a human intruder broke in...wife and I were armed to the teeth and ready to rumble.

As soon as we figured out what it was, it de-escalated quite quickly in my mind...and got a whole lot worse in my wife's LOL :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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So a few years ago I was walking my dog,I was coming down the trail to the top left of the pic towards the neighborhood.
There was a jogger girl coming from the street on the bottom of the pic,the culdisack.
My dog starts going ape shit at the end of her leash looking at (what I thought at first) was the jogger.Unusual for her because she likes people,females especially.
Then I notice behind the jogger girl a coyote,trotting along about 100-150 feet behind the girl.
I know it's said coyotes don't normally attack people,adults anyway,but it sure looked to me like he was considering it.
So I start yelling at the girl,she doesn't hear me,she's got ear buds on listening to music.

I start yelling more,jumping,waiving trying to get this chicks attention.Didnt work,and the coyote is gaining ground on her.So I did the only other thing I could,unleash the dog.
Daisy the Doberman was about 45 feet from this girl when she looked up a little and see's 90lbs of Doberman Pinscher at a full run headed what seemed to her right at her.
The chick sort of stepped back a step then just froze.

Imagine the look of relief as well as WTF? as Daisy streaked past her and disappeared in a cloud of dust into that tree line in the ravine at the bottom of the pic.
She never saw the coyote,it wanted nothing to do with the dog coming at it and ran.
That chick was pissed off...at me!
By this time I'm running up to her and she yells "what the fuck,man?"

I explained what was going on and it probably wasn't a good idea for her to jog with the buds in her ears,she couldn't hear shit and she was lucky it was one coyote and not some dirtbag or something.
We were still 50 feet apart at that point,Daisy came trotting up to her,gave her a quick sniff,licked her leg once and came to me.
Never seen that chick jogging out there again.

Would that coyote have tried to take a bite of the jogger?I honestly don't know,but it sure looked like it might happen.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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We have at least 1 pack in our neighborhood. We live at the base of the hill which boarders open land. Have seen coyotes coming out of people's yards. My boys go out when they hear them at night with strong lights just to see if they can find them.
Had 2 instances where the yote killed something in the front yard.
Our friend had his yellow lab lured out of the yard by a female coyote. He chased his lab through the field and got him back without any issues that night. For the next while the yotes would come back and try to get a repeat. Finally we were able to shoot the female one night around 1 am. She came knocking and tripped the motion detector we set up about 50 yards from the the house his light went on and hers went out.

I set up a noise sensor at the end of my driveway and front yard that I bought from Home Depot. If something trips it I have my Sam Yang 3000 psi air riffle ready to go...:)


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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View attachment 439273

So a few years ago I was walking my dog,I was coming down the trail to the top left of the pic towards the neighborhood.
There was a jogger girl coming from the street on the bottom of the pic,the culdisack.
My dog starts going ape shit at the end of her leash looking at (what I thought at first) was the jogger.Unusual for her because she likes people,females especially.
Then I notice behind the jogger girl a coyote,trotting along about 100-150 feet behind the girl.
I know it's said coyotes don't normally attack people,adults anyway,but it sure looked to me like he was considering it.
So I start yelling at the girl,she doesn't hear me,she's got ear buds on listening to music.

I start yelling more,jumping,waiving trying to get this chicks attention.Didnt work,and the coyote is gaining ground on her.So I did the only other thing I could,unleash the dog.
Daisy the Doberman was about 45 feet from this girl when she looked up a little and see's 90lbs of Doberman Pinscher at a full run headed what seemed to her right at her.
The chick sort of stepped back a step then just froze.

Imagine the look of relief as well as WTF? as Daisy streaked past her and disappeared in a cloud of dust into that tree line in the ravine at the bottom of the pic.
She never saw the coyote,it wanted nothing to do with the dog coming at it and ran.
That chick was pissed off...at me!
By this time I'm running up to her and she yells "what the fuck,man?"

I explained what was going on and it probably wasn't a good idea for her to jog with the buds in her ears,she couldn't hear shit and she was lucky it was one coyote and not some dirtbag or something.
We were still 50 feet apart at that point,Daisy came trotting up to her,gave her a quick sniff,licked her leg once and came to me.
Never seen that chick jogging out there again.

Would that coyote have tried to take a bite of the jogger?I honestly don't know,but it sure looked like it might happen.

absolutely it would have. They will attack little kids and humans ,its recently been reported that they have. One guy was walking his dog at night and was attacked by a pack of them. They are like rats and keep on multiplying . Friggin wild fish and game and seacca tells me oh no they wont they are harmless and hungry and that there is no problem of them multiplying out of control???. Morons...

good thing you did that for that girl. If anything you scared that yote so it thinks twice next time...


Life on the Main Jet.
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Yes. Donkeys are the best watch dog you can have. They are very protective and will run off or even kill a intruder. We have two
Jack and radar. Very low maintenance [emoji106][emoji202]

You don't let em wander around in your yard do you?


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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absolutely it would have. They will attack little kids and humans ,its recently been reported that they have. One guy was walking his dog at night and was attacked by a pack of them. They are like rats and keep on multiplying . Friggin wild fish and game and seacca tells me oh no they wont they are harmless and hungry and that there is no problem of them multiplying out of control???. Morons...

good thing you did that for that girl. If anything you scared that yote so it thinks twice next time...

I think a mountain lion will eat a coyote,but beyond that they have nothing above them besides man to keep their populations in check.
That of course is here in so Cal,other parts of the country have wolves.They will flat destroy a coyote.

Too bad that chick didn't see things that way,she thought I was some sort of cooky guy.
I soo wish my dog would have had a go-pro on her that day.Would have showed her just how close she was to potentially losing some of her ass.


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
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I think a mountain lion will eat a coyote,but beyond that they have nothing above them besides man to keep their populations in check.
That of course is here in so Cal,other parts of the country have wolves.They will flat destroy a coyote.

Too bad that chick didn't see things that way,she thought I was some sort of cooky guy.
I soo wish my dog would have had a go-pro on her that day.Would have showed her just how close she was to potentially losing some of her ass.

Kooky poeple are those who wear ear muffs and jog around in the desert. Not a guy who is alert and walking his well behaved dog. :)

I hate coyotes. They have become the modern disease ridden rat with one exception. They no longer fear man/child one on one.

I bet few on here would believe there are close to 2 thousand living in down town Chicago. You know, Down Town Chicago where they were living in the wild 300 years ago. NOT.

I think we should bring in packs of wolves to put them in check. Nobody listens. :D


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
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And having a 77 pound pit bull won't help. Just a few miles away from Me. I could go on and on.

It isn't leaving "food out" that attracts them. They have multiplied beyond the resources needed to sustain them.

There is only a few government agencies that actually try to keep them in check and Obama has decided to sick his cabinet after the one Federal agency that actually does anything about it. Google it. California's coyote advocates are crying "wolf" to prompt putting people out of work that try to keep the coyotes in check.

I have a few friends who stacked them like cord wood and 2 years later it didn't make a dent.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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absolutely it would have. They will attack little kids and humans ,its recently been reported that they have. One guy was walking his dog at night and was attacked by a pack of them. They are like rats and keep on multiplying . Friggin wild fish and game and seacca tells me oh no they wont they are harmless and hungry and that there is no problem of them multiplying out of control???. Morons...

good thing you did that for that girl. If anything you scared that yote so it thinks twice next time...

A friend of mine used to walk his dog on the grounds of the local VA until the pack of resident coyotes started constantly stalking the both of them.

Attacks on humans in So Cal are way up.

They are going to eat someone's kid.


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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I was going to call Az Game and Fish, and/or the MVSO to see what the law said about shooting them, BUUUTTT, that would just alert them that I might be shooting them anyway...Which I will if given the chance... I don't know about stacking them up along the fence though, maybe just take them out in the desert for buzzard food....


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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I was going to call Az Game and Fish, and/or the MVSO to see what the law said about shooting them, BUUUTTT, that would just alert them that I might be shooting them anyway...Which I will if given the chance... I don't know about stacking them up along the fence though, maybe just take them out in the desert for buzzard food....
Sell the fur.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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If you live in a area plagued with coyotes and looking for a dog. I would get a Presa Canario. Be able to fend for itself against a pack.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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If you live in a area plagued with coyotes and looking for a dog. I would get a Presa Canario. Be able to fend for itself against a pack.

I don't think they are legal in CA, I dig that breed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I think a mountain lion will eat a coyote,but beyond that they have nothing above them besides man to keep their populations in check.
That of course is here in so Cal,other parts of the country have wolves.They will flat destroy a coyote.

Too bad that chick didn't see things that way,she thought I was some sort of cooky guy.
I soo wish my dog would have had a go-pro on her that day.Would have showed her just how close she was to potentially losing some of her ass.

Makes me wonder if our Mountain Lion is still around. When we first moved in to our property up against the Tonto National forest 3 years ago you never heard or saw Yotes up by us. I know they were around but you never heard/saw them. Go down the hill and you would see them around quite a bit. I always thought it was strange that we never saw/heard them. Now you see them frequently and also hear them from time to time very close to our fenced yard. Who knows but possibly the ML moved on?????


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Makes me wonder if our Mountain Lion is still around. When we first moved in to our property up against the Tonto National forest 3 years ago you never heard or saw Yotes up by us. I know they were around but you never heard/saw them. Go down the hill and you would see them around quite a bit. I always thought it was strange that we never saw/heard them. Now you see them frequently and also hear them from time to time very close to our fenced yard. Who knows but possibly the ML moved on?????

The lion/s are there for sure. We chased one down camp creek wash off barlett dam rd while quail hunting. Also found a deer kill while quadding. The ranger in spur cross came across one on the trail eating a deer.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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The lion/s are there for sure. We chased one down camp creek wash off barlett dam rd while quail hunting. Also found a deer kill while quadding. The ranger in spur cross came across one on the trail eating a deer.

I have never seen one but really aren't looking for one.....lol We have a Bobcat den nearby the house also. Wonder how the Yotes and Bobcats get along :) You think the ML would cause the Yotes to move along?


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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They are Everywhere around my house. I see em and hear em all of the time...

You guys in CA realize it is NOT illegal to kill them? No tags required. There is no season. There is no limit! They are free game here in CA.

I'm scared of guns, but I heard this works well for those things. ;)


dread Pirate

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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I have never seen one but really aren't looking for one.....lol We have a Bobcat den nearby the house also. Wonder how the Yotes and Bobcats get along :) You think the ML would cause the Yotes to move along?

Lions roam 100s of square miles. They are there, then they aren't.


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
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Hornady Magnum Rimfire.

Never heard of it.

They are Everywhere around my house. I see em and hear em all of the time...

You guys in CA realize it is NOT illegal to kill them? No tags required. There is no season. There is no limit! They are free game here in CA.

I'm scared of guns, but I heard this works well for those things. ;)


Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Many people these days are very naive about nature. Invasive species are plaguing many areas of the country yet many don't see it or understand it. Coyotes have risen in numbers and like raccoons have adapted to urban areas and areas in rural areas that have small subdivisions and such. For coons, these areas are like supermarkets. Plus they provide excellent areas to nest and raise their young. I live in a gated community that is surrounded by ranchland and forests. I'd wager our property has more coons per acre than than the area outside of it.

They have it made with resident and commercial garbage. Plus slow moving traffic is far less dangerous than rural roads.

Coyotes have also found where there are people, there are food sources. Easy prey type. These guys have not had any disease or predator pressure in years to control their population and it's come time to renew bounties in many areas that had them at one time and new places where bounties were never needed.

Yotes, feral hogs, feral cats, large snakes, monitor lizards, several voracious fish types, and other less damaging invasive species have made many areas, dangerous.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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I have never seen one but really aren't looking for one.....lol We have a Bobcat den nearby the house also. Wonder how the Yotes and Bobcats get along :) You think the ML would cause the Yotes to move along?

I think they all share the same areas and just navigate around each other. Everything shows up at our watering holes in the front yard. Haven't seen a lion there yet.

In a meeting with AZGF last year about stopping the archery hunters in our neighborhood (you have hunters in your neighborhood too to I bet) The ranger said the lions are here for sure. I spend a lot of time in the desert and have only seen one.

Bobcats are like house cats at my place.
DSC_62031.jpg DSC_6279.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Makes me wonder if our Mountain Lion is still around. When we first moved in to our property up against the Tonto National forest 3 years ago you never heard or saw Yotes up by us. I know they were around but you never heard/saw them. Go down the hill and you would see them around quite a bit. I always thought it was strange that we never saw/heard them. Now you see them frequently and also hear them from time to time very close to our fenced yard. Who knows but possibly the ML moved on?????

We have cats around here for sure.
We've lived in the same house for going on 18 years,in that time I have seen exactly one.It was about 15 years ago,he jumped the road in front of my truck.He did quite literally jump the road,from orange grove across the road to another grove.Never touched asphalt.

Neighbors have reported seeing them out in those hills we walk our dogs in.
And,get this.One guy lives in a trailer out there,he's related to the family that owns and develops the area up here.He claims to on two different occasions he's seen a melanistic mountain lion.Not sure I believe him or not,but then,why would someone make up something like that?

Bobcats,never seen one myself but the neighbor on the corner has had a few encounters with them.He's got a bird bath out front they like to play in.
He's an iron worker and gets up early.Went to leave one morning and a bobcat jumped out of the bath.He said he wasn't sure which one of them was more scared shitless:D


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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We have cats around here for sure.
We've lived in the same house for going on 18 years,in that time I have seen exactly one.It was about 15 years ago,he jumped the road in front of my truck.He did quite literally jump the road,from orange grove across the road to another grove.Never touched asphalt.

Neighbors have reported seeing them out in those hills we walk our dogs in.
And,get this.One guy lives in a trailer out there,he's related to the family that owns and develops the area up here.He claims to on two different occasions he's seen a melanistic mountain lion.Not sure I believe him or not,but then,why would someone make up something like that?

Bobcats,never seen one myself but the neighbor on the corner has had a few encounters with them.He's got a bird bath out front they like to play in.
He's an iron worker and gets up early.Went to leave one morning and a bobcat jumped out of the bath.He said he wasn't sure which one of them was more scared shitless:D

We have walked out the front door and the bobcat was on our front porch....lol Scary as shit when I grabbed my phone to take a pic, moved forward and then he stopped and looked at me. I literally froze and he left....lol They shit all the time in our yard at night......

My pit and I walked around a corner one time when she was on leash and were about 20 feet from a beautiful fully grown bobcat. It turned and looked at us for about 10 seconds and my dog froze. She didn't move and the bobcat just turned and left. I am sure my pup was thinking....Holy shit....I ain't fuckin' with that cat :)

What is a melanistic cat/ml? A black cat?

I know they are saying the Mexican Jaguar will eventually make it to our area. Seems some animal rights or environmentalists are re-establishing territory so they can continue back to their original roaming areas in N America

Actually doesn't look like the US is participating in this:

This is interesting:

Re-introducing the Mexican Wolf in AZ:

More on the re-introduction of jaguars in AZ:

I don't think all of this is a good idea....lol


Essex Affectionado
Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
Watch out for Mountain Lions too...


A mountain lion was perched on a 35-foot telephone pole in Lucerne Valley following a Hesperia mountain lion warning on Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015.
Credit: VVDailyPress.com


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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We have walked out the front door and the bobcat was on our front porch....lol Scary as shit when I grabbed my phone to take a pic, moved forward and then he stopped and looked at me. I literally froze and he left....lol They shit all the time in our yard at night......

My pit and I walked around a corner one time when she was on leash and were about 20 feet from a beautiful fully grown bobcat. It turned and looked at us for about 10 seconds and my dog froze. She didn't move and the bobcat just turned and left. I am sure my pup was thinking....Holy shit....I ain't fuckin' with that cat :)

What is a melanistic cat/ml? A black cat?

I know they are saying the Mexican Jaguar will eventually make it to our area. Seems some animal rights or environmentalists are re-establishing territory so they can continue back to their original roaming areas in N America

Actually doesn't look like the US is participating in this:

This is interesting:

Re-introducing the Mexican Wolf in AZ:

More on the re-introduction of jaguars in AZ:

I don't think all of this is a good idea....lol
Yeah,that is interesting.
Melanistic is pretty much the opposite of albino.
Reading the comments in that link,while science seems to think it's unlikely there's a lot of comments to suggest otherwise.
Maybe this guy by us is full of shit,I believe he likes to tilt the bottle a bit.;)
Then again,who knows for sure what he saw?Maybe there is one out there.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I have to admit I am fascinated by the wild cats. I am big fan of the Bobcats after seeing them so much around the property. They are just absolutely beautiful animals. Of course I don't want to surprise one walking around the corner....lol

G. Faulk

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2013
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It's a great varmint round. 200 yards with almost zero drop. It the right gun, it's Fucking deadly.

Guns make me nervous. But my daughter, she's a whole different story with that round. [emoji6]

IMG_0011.jpg IMG_0790.jpg

I'm with you, get your kids especially Daughters to know there way around firearms.

This is my daughters first day getting used to the Glock 40. and the last day we ever shot at this area. Not only can she do well with rifles and hand guns, she also is a great trap shooter.

When she was 4 Madison and I were playing in the front yard of our house in Santa Barbara which is mid SB about a mile from the foothills. I walked up our driveway maybe 20 seconds and 20' from her which was way stupid, and as I'm walking back I look up and at the end of our drive way was a huge yote walking towards her. Lets just say Its not around anymore.

I might of posted this before in another yote thread but from that day lets just say I'm a huge fan of coyote mgmt, which in the right areas I practice regularly with the other pic.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Yeah,that is interesting.
Melanistic is pretty much the opposite of albino.
Reading the comments in that link,while science seems to think it's unlikely there's a lot of comments to suggest otherwise.
Maybe this guy by us is full of shit,I believe he likes to tilt the bottle a bit.;)
Then again,who knows for sure what he saw?Maybe there is one out there.

Its all speculation until one drops out of a tree on top of you.....lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Its all speculation until one drops out of a tree on top of you.....lol
Fortunately there are very few trees out there in these hills.

That link about the wolves is no joke.
It's been several years now but I believe it was Outlaw here on the board was talking about wolves in his area of NM.
The bus stop for the school kids is literally a cage,to prevent kids from being attacked/eaten.
As nasty as a coyote might be,they have nothing on a wolf.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Fortunately there are very few trees out there in these hills.

That link about the wolves is no joke.
It's been several years now but I believe it was Outlaw here on the board was talking about wolves in his area of NM.
The bus stop for the school kids is literally a cage,to prevent kids from being attacked/eaten.
As nasty as a coyote might be,they have nothing on a wolf.

We have a lot of trees and planted 9 more on our property :yikes Ya....Its a good idea to start having wolves run around...:(

Are you in AZ?


an ordinary American
Sep 19, 2007
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We have bobcats around my house and LOTS of coyotes. I've seen a few bobcats mountain biking too, they are beautiful animals. Also ran up on a mountain lion biking many years ago. We sized each other up, I had a buddy with me fortunately, and someone on another bike riding up behind him scared him off. We were 15 feet from him, rode up on him as he was drinking at a creek in Marshall canyon where the stream crosses the trail. Never seen an animal move that quick and cover ground, he covered 100 yards in about 3 seconds I think.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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No,I'm in Riverside Ca. West of March AFB out by Woodcrest/Lake Mathews area.

Got ya.....My son just bought a place down in the Wildomar area and he has a lot of open area out his back yard. He needs to be cautious there for sure.

I am out in AZ up against the Tonto National Forest area. All sorts of wildlife out here...pigs, deer, bad snakes, gila monsters, lions, yotes, etc.... I caught a Western Diamond Back in my garage! SOB that was interesting


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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We have bobcats around my house and LOTS of coyotes. I've seen a few bobcats mountain biking too, they are beautiful animals. Also ran up on a mountain lion biking many years ago. We sized each other up, I had a buddy with me fortunately, and someone on another bike riding up behind him scared him off. We were 15 feet from him, rode up on him as he was drinking at a creek in Marshall canyon where the stream crosses the trail. Never seen an animal move that quick and cover ground, he covered 100 yards in about 3 seconds I think.

That would have been awesome to see the ML