Court Appearance's for Tickets- etc....WTF


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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Several months ago I was a witness to a serious auto accident in Irvine on a Saturday night... So I got a jury summons to appear...wtf? Sucks but I had to do it...:mad:

My Point: There were 10 traffic cases that day...:)

The first 7 cases were all dismissed, because the officers didn't appear in court for the case?:grumble:... WTF?... All those people got off w/o paying a ticket, and all left smiling from ear to ear..:D

I just sat there laughing, I wanted to know why the officer's weren't in court and if they are held accountable for not being there?:grumble:

wtf, maybe next time instead of paying a ticket, I'll take a chance in court... Lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2008
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That's weird all those cops did not show. I thought they got OT for their appearances


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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It's a decent gamble. Airplane tickets are easiest to beat since the pilot and motor cop need to be present.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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What were you doing there? Killing time watching traffic cases? Coulda been worse....that's a really nice courthouse.

Most bizzare courthouse in SoCal - Glendale. Armenian, Chinese, Korean and Spanish interpreters; they call eviction cases during the middle of the traffic calendar; and standing room only amongst all those fine smelling peeps.


Sep 20, 2007
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On vacation, sick, emergency going on did not get the court notice, forgot

Thus was a first complaining about cops not costing people money


Average Member
Nov 28, 2011
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That's weird all those cops did not show. I thought they got OT for their appearances

Not so long ago that was the case. Nowdays, coppers get comp time for going to court. Most guys do the math and figure out that it costs them more money to drive their POV to court and pay for parking etc. So if it's the copper's day off on your court date, he'll probably have an eye problem.;)


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Not so long ago that was the case. Nowdays, coppers get comp time for going to court. Most guys do the math and figure out that it costs them more money to drive their POV to court and pay for parking etc. So if it's the copper's day off on your court date, he'll probably have an eye problem.;)



Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
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What were you doing there? Killing time watching traffic cases? Coulda been worse....that's a really nice courthouse.

Most bizzare courthouse in SoCal - Glendale. Armenian, Chinese, Korean and Spanish interpreters; they call eviction cases during the middle of the traffic calendar; and standing room only amongst all those fine smelling peeps.


ROCK ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ITS A SKATER NATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smackbum:


New Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Coworker related her experience of cops not showing in traffic court. Judge was upset that no troopers were present.

Judge: "No troopers are present, so if you plead not guilty, I have no choice but to dismiss all charges. How do you plead?"

First speeder: "Guilty, your Honor."

Judge: Repeats the same information. Then again "Now, how do you plead?"

First speeder: "Guilty, your Honor." (Quiet laughing in courtroom)

Judge: Same routine, "Now, how do you plead"

First speeder: "Uhhh? not guilty?"

Judge: "Dismissed, Next! [To 2nd speeder] How do you plead"

2nd Speeder: "Guilty your Honor" Courtroom erupts in laughter.

Judge: $170, Next!
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Feb 8, 2010
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Thanks for staying at the accident and being a good witness. A lot of motorists end up sharing partial blame in accidents that they are not at fault in because people are too lazy to stop and be a witness. I'm sure the person not at fault in that accident appreciates you helping. Thank-you again for showing up at court. How did your case go? I take it the Irvine cop or CTI showed up. We get in trouble or fined by the court for not showing up without authorization from a supervisor.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I've been told different stories by different agencies related to comp. pay etc. I was told that CHP must show or they are written up, that's B.S. because I had no shows 2x. Like someone said if it's their day off they aren't gonna show and if they don't want to fight traffic they won't show either.

I had 1 CHP show and I took the gamble he wouldn't, I changed my plea and asked for traffic school and had it granted, on the elevator ride down I asked the CHP officer why he showed and he said, "it's my job".

I always ask for county seat when I've recieved tickets driving the 40 to the river, I've learned that they lurk alot at Water Road exit. Usually the officers that patrol east of Ludlow live east of Ludlow, those that patrol west of Ludlow live west of Ludlow so being that Water Road is far east of Ludlow I figure the officer isn't gonna make the drive all the way to San Berdo courthouse for a ticket.

The Doctor

Land Sales GURU
Oct 23, 2008
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The only ticket I've had in the past decade plus was for turning left on a red light. The cop was 1/4 mile plus behind me and clearly didn't see I was in the middle of the intersection waiting for traffic to clear when it went to red. Arizona law states I was in the right so I went to court. First to plead then a couple weeks later for the court case. My weasely DPS officer failed to show, after bragging about how I was paying his overtime when I said 'we'll be seeing you in court." Of the six cases scheduled that morning only two had the officers present and mine, along with the others w/o cops were all dismissed.

Who wasted the taxpayer's money that day? Seems it's a regular occurrence.:thumbsdown


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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It's a decent gamble. Airplane tickets are easiest to beat since the pilot and motor cop need to be present.

That happened to me.
In my case, I was written up for 105mph on the way to Vegas. Cop pulled me and another car over, he said he would've impounded my car had the other guy not had "issues".

They wanted to suspend my license on top of the offense - CA frowns on speed over 100 - so I retained a lawyer and he delayed things until summer. When he went to court for me the pilot didn't show up so my case was dismissed.

The lawyer said the pilot witnessed my speed, not the cop on the ground.

Tapatalk Sux!


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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My agency didn't do a lot of traffic...but traffic or otherwise, you gets a subpeona for court you need to be there or your sergeant is going to be climbing up your rectum to find out why...straight up policy violation in my dept.
Once I made Sgt. it was one of my pet peeves.

We had a very good working relationship with the courts. Showing up is critical to keeping that, IMHO


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
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I start with "Trial by Declaration". The judge takes a look at the declaration and if he or she feels the need they will pass it on the officer that issued the ticket, for review. If the officer contest it, the declaration will be denied, and you will be guilty as charged. At that point you still have the right to go to court and fight. Hopefully the officer doesn't show. Just playing the odds. i am at 100% win ratio right now. The only reason I go trough all this trouble, is i cannot go to traffic school with a CDL. I fight every ticket i get no matter what. By the time i waste the courts, judge and officers time. I think we are even.


Retired And Loving It.
Sep 20, 2007
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Our Deputies do get written up if they miss court, unless they have a damn good reason for not being there. The courts can also file a "notice to show cause" and fine cops that habitually don't show up. Our Deputies are required to notify all the courts and the Prosecutor's office when they are going to be on vacation or scheduled sick leave (medical appts), so they aren't subpenaed when they're not available.

I had a ticket dismissed for not being there ONCE in 23 years. I had called the court to see if the case was still going, (since we're not told if cases are dismissed, plead-out, continued, etc) and the clerk told me it was set for 9:45 AM.

I showed up at 9:30 and the Judge asked me why I was late and told me he had dismissed the citation. I explained that HIS clerk told me 9:45, and based on that, I was actually early. Apparently the court calender (divided into 15 minute time frames) was so long that some cases had to be dropped down to other lines/times, and it was actually set for 9:00.

The judge apologized for his clerk's mistake, and the prosecutor re-filed the charges. When it came back up, the violator just plead guilty and paid the fine.
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Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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...Got a ticket for 59 in a 35... ...I had been sitting in a dentists chair,...my phone rings,...it,s my 96 year old mother... ...She is feeling woosie... ...As the dentist is still drilling,...I can't leave... ...As soon as i was able, I get in my car and leg it towards home... ...A motor cop is hiding behind some shrubry in a church driveway... ... I'm caught... ...He said he gives a 15 mph leeway... ...I'm way over that so I get a ticket... ...He then proceeds to tell me to fight it and outlined the procedure... ...The complete research was left up to me... ...I signed up with an outfit called Ticket Bust,...who claims to have an 80% sucess rate... ...I send them $250 and they ask for trial by declaration... ...If they don't beat it I get $100 back and can still contest it in court... ...If I do end up having to go to court I can hope that the motor cop doesn't show or the judge agrees that there were extenuating circumstances... ...The cop was a pretty good guy just doing his job... ...Had I not held the record for speed that day I'm sure I wouldn't have been ticketed... ...At least I hold the speed record for something???:grumble:...
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Our Deputies do get written up if they miss court, unless they have a damn good reason for not being their. The courts can also file a "notice to show cause" and fine cops that habitually don't show up. Our Deputies are required to notify all the courts and the Prosecutor's office when they are going to be on vacation or scheduled sick leave (medical appts), so they aren't subpenaed when they're not available.

I had a ticket dismissed for not being there ONCE in 23 years. I had called the court to see if the case was still going, (since we're not told if cases are dismissed, plead-out, continued, etc) and the clerk told me it was set for 9:45 AM.

I showed up at 9:30 and the Judge asked me why I was late and told me he had dismissed the citation. I explained that HIS clerk told me 9:45, and based on that, I was actually early. Apparently the court calender (divided into 15 minute time frames) was so long that some cases had to be dropped down to other lines/times, and it was actually set for 9:00.

The judge apologized for his clerk's mistake, and the prosecutor re-filed the charges. When it came back up, the violator just plead guilty and paid the fine.

So the guy got off of the ticket and then received a notice that he was being charged again? Isn't that double jeopardy. Not trying to be a smart ass just wondering.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2010
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So the guy got off of the ticket and then received a notice that he was being charged again? Isn't that double jeopardy. Not trying to be a smart ass just wondering.

Nope. It was most likely dismissed with-out prejudice

Went through this on a ticket in the Kingman Court. The second time the Judge dissmessed with Prejudice. Done Deal. I had a Sargent come up to me and get all the details of how the Cop did not show Twice:cool:


Retired And Loving It.
Sep 20, 2007
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Correct. Dismissed without prejudice. Means not pre-judged, and could be filed again. However, if there was a BS reason for being late (overslept, forgot, hung-over, etc) the judge will just dismiss it again, if refiled.

On-duty officers will sometimes be on a call or something that prevents them from being there, too. In those cases we have dispatch call the court and inform them that we'd be late. Not a big problem for the big city, but when you only have one officer on in each district and 3 districts and 5,000 square miles to cover, there's no one else to handle calls.

On the flip side, judges also dismiss warrants, FTA charges and such if the violator has good reason for not showing up. Time difference between AZ and CA in the winter months is an often used reason.

The first ticket I ever got was in 1971 for parking my motorcycle on the Manhattan Beach Pier. There used to be a MC parking area just off the strand on the north side of the pier, and I'd parked there for months. I guess the City passed a new ordinance and put a single "No Parking On Pier" sign about 30 feet up a pole. My brother was with me and he got one, too. We took pictures of the sign, way up on the pole and found a couple of pictures from a few weeks earlier with a dozen or so bikes parked there, and no sign. We were going to do the "Guilty with explanation" bit.

When we went to court in Torrance, we were sitting in the peanut gallery with 40 or 50 other hardened criminals, when they called my brother's name. The Judge called "Daniel Nelson". He went up to the table with the 8x10 color glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was, and the Judge called: "Officer Obie".......... No response ........ "Officer Obie" ...... No response ..... "Case Dismissed".

He then called "Alan Nelson" ........ I got up and said, "See Ya, Judge", and walked out the door as he again said, "Case Dismissed".

Ain't the 'Merican Justice system wonderful. :D


B Team Member #27
Dec 21, 2007
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I start with "Trial by Declaration". The judge takes a look at the declaration and if he or she feels the need they will pass it on the officer that issued the ticket, for review. If the officer contest it, the declaration will be denied, and you will be guilty as charged. At that point you still have the right to go to court and fight. Hopefully the officer doesn't show. Just playing the odds. i am at 100% win ratio right now. The only reason I go trough all this trouble, is i cannot go to traffic school with a CDL. I fight every ticket i get no matter what. By the time i waste the courts, judge and officers time. I think we are even.
The officer can contest all they want, it's the judge that makes the ruling. I just did a TBD and the officer responded to it. Judge still found me not guilty. Got my $550 bail back and no points.

I don't believe the judge shows your TR205 to the officer. You can make a motion of discovery to see the officer's evidence, but I don't believe they show your declaration. If they do, I'd love to see what the officer thought of the detail I provided, LOL. I did make a motion of discovery and it was ignored, which was noted in my TR205. Had my officer not been such an ass, nor had he written me for 2 MPH over the limit for traffic school I would have paid the ticket and gone to traffic school. Since he left me no choice but to fight it, I did, and I won. It's a double loss for the judicial system as they spent money on the trial and lost my revenue from paying the ticket and going to traffic school.

What's your ratio of TBD vs Trial De Novo? In other words, when you do a TBD, how many times are you found not guilty, vs how many times you are found guilty and have to go to court.

I always ask for county seat when I've recieved tickets driving the 40 to the river
I heard all courts are now considered a county seat so you can't move it. I was going to do that for a ticket in Needles (San Berdo) and ask that it be moved to San Berdo court house.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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Cynical Sarcastic F-er
May 6, 2010
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The Judge called "Daniel Nelson". He went up to the table with the 8x10 color glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was, and the Judge called: "Officer Obie".......... No response ........ "Officer Obie" ...... No response ..... "Case Dismissed".

He then called "Alan Nelson" ........ I got up and said, "See Ya, Judge", and walked out the door as he again said, "Case Dismissed".


And then you were on your way to "Alice's":thumbsup:D


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Our Deputies do get written up if they miss court, unless they have a damn good reason for not being there. The courts can also file a "notice to show cause" and fine cops that habitually don't show up. Our Deputies are required to notify all the courts and the Prosecutor's office when they are going to be on vacation or scheduled sick leave (medical appts), so they aren't subpenaed when they're not available.

Makes sense.

Getting arrested or ticketed isn't the punishment..punishment is issued by the courts.

If cops didn't show up to court, then crimes would go unpunished.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
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Our Deputies do get written up if they miss court, unless they have a damn good reason for not being there. The courts can also file a "notice to show cause" and fine cops that habitually don't show up. Our Deputies are required to notify all the courts and the Prosecutor's office when they are going to be on vacation or scheduled sick leave (medical appts), so they aren't subpenaed when they're not available.

I had a ticket dismissed for not being there ONCE in 23 years. I had called the court to see if the case was still going, (since we're not told if cases are dismissed, plead-out, continued, etc) and the clerk told me it was set for 9:45 AM.

I showed up at 9:30 and the Judge asked me why I was late and told me he had dismissed the citation. I explained that HIS clerk told me 9:45, and based on that, I was actually early. Apparently the court calender (divided into 15 minute time frames) was so long that some cases had to be dropped down to other lines/times, and it was actually set for 9:00.

The judge apologized for his clerk's mistake, and the prosecutor re-filed the charges. When it came back up, the violator just plead guilty and paid the fine.

and they should if not why write the tickets

ROCK ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ITS A SKATER NATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drnkfr