… I wondered why the vibe was so intense in El Barrio Noho today… It was Cinco de Mayo in a heavenly Hispanic area of the San Fernando Valley…
… We had a hook and ladder of the LAFD.., Three pumpers and two paramedics… I’m still not sure what the purpose of those was …They stopped at the end of the next block up and weren’t there more than ten minutes… Then they moved over to the next street which is a semi main street…. with sirens still blaring…
… Maybe the hot sauce was too hot at the fire house…
No party here, spent the afternoon cleaning out the storage container thinning things out for the move. It's taking longer than I like because I'm going through every little thing. But, it paid off...
I didn't realize what day it was until around 7. Sent one of the guys to buy cervezas from the liquor store behind the house. Famous 1 from the movie Friday. We got alot done for a late 10am start. Thought we would be done by 4 but things changed. Got the shed painted and trim finished from @SoCalDave finally. It's been full for months. Got the new stake pockets welded on and sides built for my oldest dump trailer. 20 years-old. Need to paint all 3 but it took 5 years to redo the sides so will see when there is free time. Started welding on one of the others and ran out of wire in my Miller. Drank beers until done at 10 and headed home. We got 12 hours in unexpected.