cannot stand low balling fucks


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Well, ya can't blame a guy for tryin! And it never hurts to ask ! :D

There's an ass for every seat! :D

I agree with pbk though...


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I also like the guys who throw you an offer, you reach an agreement, then they say after a few days that if you have another buyer to go with it. Wife must have their balls in the purse.:thumbsdown

I had that happen when I was selling the wifes sandrail. The "buyer" agreed to the price, shook hnds on the deal went to get his cash and his trailer....Never saw him again. The next day he text me and offers 500 less....because his wife was pissed .


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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i don't think there is such a thing as low ballers....its just people try'n not to pay a dime more than needed..

so I got something for sale, the first response is WHATS your bottom dollar?

i always say a hundred,you can stack the rest on top..

then they say, how much did you pay???

i say, "enough to get to bring it home"

then they say, how long have you owned it???

i always say...since i finished paying for it...

then they say, are you interested in a trade??

i say hell yeah!!! watcha got???;)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
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No matter what you are selling you always have to deal with the riff raff wanting something for nothing. Its called WORKING for your sale. It goes with the territory and yes sometimes you have to humor a time waster.

There once was a salesman that would proposition every pretty lady he came across whether on his lunch hour or just meeting on the street in his travels. His buddy asked him one day, man I hear you hitting on every girl that comes across.....dont you get tired of getting turned down? He replied, sure I do, but I hear yes almost as many times as I hear no....you do the math!


Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
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Some of you guys are grumpy. :p Lowballers are a fact of life, you just deal with it. :D :p

I just laugh and give them a really high counter offer which usually makes them go away. If they give me any shiat I just counter again higher. :cool: LOL

Some of the nicer ones at least ask if you want a low ball before making one. At least they have some manners. :D

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
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The last house I sold, the guy came through the door grumping and did not stop with the bullshit crabby remarks the whole time. He asked how much attic insulation, I told him, "R60". He replied, "It doesn't have that much." That was good for a laugh.

Anyway, I was civil to him, he was shitty to me, and he left. I didn't beg him to stay, I just answered his questions politely and with brevity.

We laughed and laughed about that guy once he left. It was a great story.

Sure enough, he came back about six weeks later. He returned with a different attitude. I knew the house was really good and it showed. The market was completely stalled at that time but we had the best house in the area, by far.

The third time he came back, he brought his daughters.

Then there was the call. He was crabby again but he made an offer. It was a low offer. He asked if I would consider it. I told him I would consider any offer but he'd have to give me some time.

I knew then, I wasn't going to accept his offer but I considered what the counter would be. The counter was close to ask, but a touch lower. He kept coming up, a couple of thousand at a time and eventually we got the deal done $4K below ask. That was a good deal for both of us and we both knew it. Sure, I could have gotten more for the house by waiting for the market to heat up but it costs money to sit on a house.

If I had told him to get the fuck out, when he was originally grumping at me, I would have missed that sale. There would have been another buyer, but it's difficult to say how long or how much I would have gotten.

In the end, he apologized for how he acted. I just smiled and accepted his apology but the truth is, I wouldn't have cared if he would have kicked me in the dink, as long as he handed me a cheque. Cash is all the thanks I need.

Some of you guys are too caught up in your own emotions. You're going through life trying to win arguments and trying to be the alpha leader of the world. No wonder you're so stressed out.

You have to figure out what "win" means. Does it mean throwing down on everyone you ever meet? If so, that's cool. For me, it means accumulating the maximum net worth so I can have a tiny bit of security for my woman and myself. Everything else is secondary to that.

Do I have a breaking point? Sure but it's pretty high. If someone shows up grumpy as hell, it doesn't ruin my day. I have a terrific life and I don't need to be an empathic pummel horse to every jack wagon who walks through the door. I just deal with people as they come, the best I can.

That, my friends, is business. The alternative is petty defensiveness and self doubt.

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Hugh Jascaulk

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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Another good thing to put in your ad is "Ask your wife before you call me".

I hate the guys that call you, come over to look at what you're selling and then say " Looks good, let me talk to my wife".


Haters gonna Hate
Aug 24, 2008
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Fuck Brown!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Some of you guys are grumpy. :p Lowballers are a fact of life, you just deal with it. :D :p

I just laugh and give them a really high counter offer which usually makes them go away. If they give me any shiat I just counter again higher. :cool: LOL

Some of the nicer ones at least ask if you want a low ball before making one. At least they have some manners. :D

everyone is free to ask what they want... you hear more about the guy that's nuts asking that much...

one ask's too much, the other doesn't offer enough....but it starts the deal


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
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Most people who have 5, 10 or 20 grand cash in their pocket to buy toys didn't get that money in their pocket by paying full retail/asking price... you are going to have to do the dance to get at at deal. I must be one of the bad guys becuase 9 times out of 10 I am not paying your asking price, firm price or whatever out of pure principle. But I understand the irritation factor for dumb low offers, but only you can choose to engage it and let it bother you...when selling, my standard answer is "I can appriciate your low offer but we are pretty far off on price so I will keep it and try to get what I want and you can keep watching my ad if you want to make another offer later"....