Buyers are liars!


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
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It always cracks me up when I’m selling something and people commit to buying and then disappear. Gotta guy right now who’s telling me sight unseen that he’s buying a buggy I have listed, “consider it sold”, “i have cash and a trailer”. Supposedly he’s coming tomorrow, I won’t be holding my breath 🤷‍♂️

Had a guy look at it last week, says I’ll take it, will come back Monday to pick it up. I text him to see what day and time he wants to pick it up, half a day later he responds I bought another car 😂

I was selling a motorcycle years ago, dude came out, checked it out, said I’m going to the bank to get the cash, be right back. Still have not heard from him🤦‍♂️

I don’t get it, when I go to buy something if I want it in buy it, if not I say thanks for your time but it’s not for me. WTF is wrong with people?

17 10 Flat

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2023
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It always cracks me up when I’m selling something and people commit to buying and then disappear. Gotta guy right now who’s telling me sight unseen that he’s buying a buggy I have listed, “consider it sold”, “i have cash and a trailer”. Supposedly he’s coming tomorrow, I won’t be holding my breath 🤷‍♂️

Had a guy look at it last week, says I’ll take it, will come back Monday to pick it up. I text him to see what day and time he wants to pick it up, half a day later he responds I bought another car 😂

I was selling a motorcycle years ago, dude came out, checked it out, said I’m going to the bank to get the cash, be right back. Still have not heard from him🤦‍♂️

I don’t get it, when I go to buy something if I want it in buy it, if not I say thanks for your time but it’s not for me. WTF is wrong with people?
Most just don't want to nut up and tell the truth. Maybe think you are gonna argue. Who really knows..


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Dont get me started…

I advertised one of our cars on FB Mkpl….
Literally message you $$$$$ (lowball as fuck) Cash, today???

Then they are absoluted offended when I tell them I can get more from Carmax or _________, trade in??? Etc..

Then they try to convince you their stupid offer is the best I will get….

I can go for hours on the idiots I have encountered in the last weekish.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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There was once this dude selling a bad ass mini boat. I fell into the bad ass sales pitch he had and bought the boat. Now I'll be eating canned green beans while paying for the rebuild 🤣


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
There was once this dude selling a bad ass mini boat. I fell into the bad ass sales pitch he had and bought the boat. Now I'll be eating canned green beans while paying for the rebuild 🤣
Like crack to a crack head LOL

You gotta admit that outboard engine is the cleanest one around though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I am dealing with the same but with sellers. Have tried to buy several 50s. Set up a day time and no response. 75% don't even reply. I have not offered any money in advance. Just want to look and buy if I like it.


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
It always cracks me up when I’m selling something and people commit to buying and then disappear. Gotta guy right now who’s telling me sight unseen that he’s buying a buggy I have listed, “consider it sold”, “i have cash and a trailer”. Supposedly he’s coming tomorrow, I won’t be holding my breath 🤷‍♂️

Had a guy look at it last week, says I’ll take it, will come back Monday to pick it up. I text him to see what day and time he wants to pick it up, half a day later he responds I bought another car 😂

I was selling a motorcycle years ago, dude came out, checked it out, said I’m going to the bank to get the cash, be right back. Still have not heard from him🤦‍♂️

I don’t get it, when I go to buy something if I want it in buy it, if not I say thanks for your time but it’s not for me. WTF is wrong with people?
Happens all the time, they found a better deal......in their mind.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I almost feel like an A-hole, but I always add the disclaimer in my ads of "serious inquiries only, please don't waste both our time"

some people are wayyy to comfortable kicking tires, and they have time to spare


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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Buyer's are Liars and Sellers are Worse!

The only time I make comments like those is when the item was an absolute smoking deal. I bought an immaculate daycruiser a few years ago for $6500. The seller didn't believe I was coming, but I gave him updates as I was on my way. I didn't even look the boat over, I hooked it up and gave him money. I bought a pontoon last summer that really wasn't a good deal, but did the same thing. I have enough friends in the industry that if something wasn't right, it wouldn't cost me that much.

I will say though, I would be scared to buy a rail because Mendeola's just go out....all the time! I'll buy one eventually, but I'm going to buy based on having to replace the tranny.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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I saw my blazer add on a Tuesday night. Texted back and forth on details that night. Spoke the next morning and sent him a $500 hold deposit. Drove to Vegas Friday to pick it up.

Serious people move quickly and speak on the phone


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
In my experience it's a psychological condition.. If the item is like 10K for example and someone has 12K in the bank they will day dream about what it is to own that item.. then they say "I can afford that item". Then they waste the sellers time and even sometimes go as far as to say "I'll buy the item" but then realize they can't afford to pay the rent if they owned the item..

But in their mind they got to pretend like they owned it for a few minutes.. and then they will tell there friends "Yeah I went to buy it but it wasn't all that" to help inflate their ego on a deflated life.



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2023
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I like the 50% offers cash right now.

Um first of all no shit it’s cash. I don’t take coupons.

Second… Right now? You sure as fuck aren’t standing here ass wipe.

Damn Tirekickers……….


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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A couple cars ago I had an Armenian low ball me over the phone so I told him no negotiations without him seeing the car first. He came to look at it and really tried to lowball me so I told him more than asking price and I was done negotiating . He was pissed and called me “white trash mother fucker” and I said “duh, gtfo of here”


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2015
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It always cracks me up when I’m selling something and people commit to buying and then disappear. Gotta guy right now who’s telling me sight unseen that he’s buying a buggy I have listed, “consider it sold”, “i have cash and a trailer”. Supposedly he’s coming tomorrow, I won’t be holding my breath 🤷‍♂️

Had a guy look at it last week, says I’ll take it, will come back Monday to pick it up. I text him to see what day and time he wants to pick it up, half a day later he responds I bought another car 😂

I was selling a motorcycle years ago, dude came out, checked it out, said I’m going to the bank to get the cash, be right back. Still have not heard from him🤦‍♂️

I don’t get it, when I go to buy something if I want it in buy it, if not I say thanks for your time but it’s not for me. WTF is wrong with people?
All that and no link to the buggy you have listed?

Had a guy look at mine over the weekend, said he was going to look at a few other cars too. My wife deals with everyone until they actually show up to look at it, I'm on the phone enough with work.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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I am dealing with the same but with sellers. Have tried to buy several 50s. Set up a day time and no response. 75% don't even reply. I have not offered any money in advance. Just want to look and buy if I like it.
That's what I dealt with when I was trying to finds a quad for my son for Xmas, message people and nothing back, then get a message at 4AM saying hes around the upcoming weekend and I still haven't heard back. Another guy was in Acton and I was on my way Sat AM then he said how about Sat evening said can't do it how about Sun AM then he messages me at 1 on Sat said he sold it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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welcome to the world of sales!! I find it best to be honest and give more than enough info. Patience is key!!
If your patient and not desperate and have an open line of communication, then buying and selling is pretty easy.
I'm so use to the tire kickers, it doesn't even faze me anymore. When you finally find the right person, then everything goes easy and you probably made a new friend!
I've had people come back to me years later after a transaction and ask me to help find them there next toy!!
I've sold 2 bikes, a buggy, and a motorhome in the last 2 weeks, pretty much because I answer the phone.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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For some reason I get a lot of beaners responding to my listings. As soon as they find out I'm a white guy they get nervous and disappear or if we're talking on the phone they will repeat "does it work good" like 20 times then never hear from them again.
It hasn't happened in awhile but I'll usually meet down the street and for some time it was beaners again buying and bring their kid to translate... kid did just fine but the parent again gets nervous and doesnt trust me since I'm white and then they say sorry and take off. Frustrating but now I just ignore them.
As a buyer some sellers are pieces of work. Sellers need to come to reality and realize just because someone shows up doesn't mean they're obligated to buy whatever they're selling.
How many of you sellers have told a buyer to fuck off? I had to tell a few and one guy just wanted me to leave a $1000 tool box out for him to pickup and he'll leave cash somewhere because I was being inconvenient to his time schedule, due to my work. His excuse was he didnt want to sit in traffic so he will come in the middle of the day. He asked me to take the day off... I said sure but it would be an extra $300. He squawked, I told him to go fuck himself.
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Tritoon Racing
May 4, 2012
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One of my favorites, "I'll take it but I need to ask my Wife 1st".
Damn time wasters!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
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Was selling a stacker trailer, get the low ball text. Every time he sent me an offer I raised the asking price $1k. Got someone claiming they were a church offering 25% of asking, did the same thing with them.

The first phone call I got, the guy asked me to text more detailed pics while on the phone since it was quite a drive to come look at it. Sent them, he liked them and came to put eyes on it, showed up in an F-150. Left me a deposit and asked if I could get it weighed. Sent the scale ticket to him for verification and he came back to pick it up with the F-150, don't know how he made it home. He called me a few weeks later to ask how to run the fueling station, let me know he had to purchase a larger truck, the f-150 just couldn't handle pulling it loaded to the track.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Sellers: How about the people who advertise 4-5 year old cars, with salvage titles… and they asking high KBB prices…
Then state, only had minor damage… LOL…

My immediate thoughts, if the damage was minor, then why in the fuck did the insurance company pay up and salvage it, instead of the “cheaper” route of repairing it, and save more $$$ for themselves….??? Because they like throwing $$$ away.. LOL…

These guys really crack me up.
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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I saw my blazer add on a Tuesday night. Texted back and forth on details that night. Spoke the next morning and sent him a $500 hold deposit. Drove to Vegas Friday to pick it up.

Serious people move quickly and speak on the phone
I like that last sentence. When I sold a BMW recently on Craigs the minute I hit that post ad button a young MX dude called me and begged me to pull down the ad saying he had cash and was in Anaheim climbing in car and be there in 30 minutes. He actually did exactly that. I know lots of dudes on here live in the negative but gotta say.... that was a sweet experience.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Yeh cant stand that either they call say they want it can you hold it etc then they show up want to give you half of asking etc.Or the come look i will take it but get back to you tomorrow then no answer and like said they say they bought aomething else

Had this done with buyers who sound serious held for them only to flake now if i ever sell something its for sale til cash is in hand,Want me to hold it well i will need a down payment for my time,commit to buying it a good down payment that is non refundable.

I bought my daughters 550sx in 2020 i told guy i will take it was a 4 hr drive but i was heade dto a friends that sat said i will get it tomorrow he said busy how bout sunday said it will work.I offered him a payment to hold it too but he felt my word was good went on sunday cash in hand picked it up and a happy customer.He told me he had another wanting to buy it too but knew the guy was a flipper of skis,


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
Reaction score
Geezus fuk..

Apparently nobody remembers advertising something for sale in the Nickle Add, Gazzett, Shopper, Auto Trader, Boat Trader, RV Trader, Ect...

Same shit different platforms..

The current ones just reach more potential dumbshits🤷🏻‍♂️

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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The worst situation I have found to be in as a seller is when someone calls and tells me to hold it for them, and tells me "I will take it", "please don't sell it to someone else". Don't get yourself into that situation... You will have multiple calls and you don't want to commit to that one dude that wants it, and that one dude will probably end up low balling you or be a headache to deal with... Make no agreement to hold anything for anyone unless they give a deposit.
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Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Lowballing is an interesting conversation... Some guys post up their toys (including boats) way higher than they are worth. They maybe thinking the price is going to be negotiated to a lower price anyway so why not start high... Let's just say someone is selling a early 2000's Magic deck boat with a 496ho with a decent amount of hours in good shape and his asking price is 125k... Is it a douche move to offer 90k for it? I mean that's a big hit, Is that a low ball offer? Or is it close to market value?

I'm always reluctant to low ball someone. But it's fair game if you ask me....
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Ace in the Hole

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
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Lowballing is an interesting conversation... Some guys post up their toys (including boats) way higher than they are worth. They may be thinking the price is going to be negotiated to a lower price anyway so why not start high... Let's just say someone is selling a early 2000's Magic deck boat with a 496ho with a decent amount of hours in good shape and his asking price is 125k... Is it a douche move to offer 90k for it? I mean that's a big hit, Is that a low ball offer? Or is it close to market value?

I'm always reluctant to low ball someone. But it's fair game if you ask me....
had a guy come by the house a couple weeks ago over xmas, about a boat specific part...that is NIB. We bullshitted for a few..I was sorting tools so I really didn't mind the chit chat. When it comes time to shit or get off the pot...he sells well its used (technically its pre-owned but NIB), he offered half and stated used stuff is worth at most half.... I still have the prop.

Had another guy do something similar on a boat cover recently. its been on the boat twice. Offered half of invoice. Piss up a rope dude...the price was on the ad.

That kind of shit is why I avoid craigslist and marketplace like the plague anymore.

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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had a guy come by the house a couple weeks ago over xmas, about a boat specific part...that is NIB. We bullshitted for a few..I was sorting tools so I really didn't mind the chit chat. When it comes time to shit or get off the pot...he sells well its used (technically its pre-owned but NIB), he offered half and stated used stuff is worth at most half.... I still have the prop.

Had another guy do something similar on a boat cover recently. its been on the boat twice. Offered half of invoice. Piss up a rope dude...the price was on the ad.

That kind of shit is why I avoid craigslist and marketplace like the plague anymore.

I hear ya... It's frustrating for sure. But I put myself in the game, telling myself that lowballs are gonna happen, people are gonna be douche nozzles and scammers. I just play the game and expect it.

Oh, and I also tell guys, "before you drive over, the price is firm" not going to negotiate the price as I have so much interest with other prospective buyers.. (that's not totally true all the time) lol... But it works.

I can read people pretty good, and when someone is really interested I can smell it, that's when I know I got them.

dread Pirate

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Just dealt with selling a jr dragster motor. Took dude a month,,,,,. He had to have it and offered him a deal. Figured extra Christmas Cash wouldn't hurt and the kid would have a good motor. Will you take a check? no,,,, dude doesn't even have a drivers license,,, Tomorrow, tomorrow for sure, no return calls, flaked, over and over. Granted I will see this dude at every local race and I'm the guy with all the spare parts in my trailer,,,,

On another note. This was one of my outlaw motors and makes a lot of power. Well he had to have big power and wouldn't listen. Told him he will have 150# or more of ballast on the car. No it will be fine, he's a big kid blah blah blah,, Should be entertaining watching him try to slow it down,,,,, 😂


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Lowballing is an interesting conversation... Some guys post up their toys (including boats) way higher than they are worth. They may be thinking the price is going to be negotiated to a lower price anyway so why not start high... Let's just say someone is selling a early 2000's Magic deck boat with a 496ho with a decent amount of hours in good shape and his asking price is 125k... Is it a douche move to offer 90k for it? I mean that's a big hit, Is that a low ball offer? Or is it close to market value?

I'm always reluctant to low ball someone. But it's fair game if you ask me....

I have scored more deals with a respectful yet reasonable lowball than I can count. If nothing else it is a conversation starter for someone that actually wants to move the item.

Hey sir, I know you said you are firm at your price of X for your item Y. I get it, but if at some point you’ll consider my offer of X-a lot for your item Y, I have cash at the ready and can pick it up at your convenience.

Just got a set of NIB $850 Baja Design lights for $500 a couple weeks ago this way.

Most of the time when I get a response it is “Since you asked respectfully, sure I will take that offer.”

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Sellers: How about the people who advertise 4-5 year old cars, with salvage titles… and they asking high KBB prices…
Then state, only had minor damage… LOL…

My immediate thoughts, if the damage was minor, then why in the fuck did the insurance company pay up and salvage it, instead of the “cheaper” route of repairing it, and save more $$$ for themselves….??? Because they like throwing $$$ away.. LOL…

These guys really crack me up.
lol…my favorite.

Perfect condition salvaged title 🤣

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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Geezus fuk..

Apparently nobody remembers advertising something for sale in the Nickle Add, Gazzett, Shopper, Auto Trader, Boat Trader, RV Trader, Ect...

Same shit different platforms..

The current ones just reach more potential dumbshits🤷🏻‍♂️
It also has people asking ridiculous prices for stuff. Back in the day when you had to put in effort and pay money to advertise, if you asked a ridiculous price you would loose all your sale money in renewing the ad.


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
You guys are funny. I do this for a living. No deal is a deal until cash exchanges hands. I don’t even get excited anymore. It’s just part of the process. If I call you and set up a showing, I’m leaving with whatever you’re selling unless it’s grossly misrepresented. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’ll even buy it sight unseen if I want it bad enough. I’ve done this long enough and I have a pretty good idea after 60 seconds on the phone if they’re serious. Still, it’s not a deal until it’s a deal.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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A couple cars ago I had an Armenian low ball me over the phone so I told him no negotiations without him seeing the car first. He came to look at it and really tried to lowball me so I told him more than asking price and I was done negotiating . He was pissed and called me “white trash mother fucker” and I said “duh, gtfo of here”
Years ago I always had a bunch of 480 volt switchgear in my warehouse from decommissioned data centers, good stuff like Square D I Line panel boards full of breakers and 75-300 kVA transformers. Those damned gypsies would come to the back door and try to buy the stuff for pennies, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

It almost always ended with me nicely saying "Get the fuck out of my shop and don't come back, you asshole."

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Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
It always cracks me up when I’m selling something and people commit to buying and then disappear. Gotta guy right now who’s telling me sight unseen that he’s buying a buggy I have listed, “consider it sold”, “i have cash and a trailer”. Supposedly he’s coming tomorrow, I won’t be holding my breath 🤷‍♂️

Had a guy look at it last week, says I’ll take it, will come back Monday to pick it up. I text him to see what day and time he wants to pick it up, half a day later he responds I bought another car 😂

I was selling a motorcycle years ago, dude came out, checked it out, said I’m going to the bank to get the cash, be right back. Still have not heard from him🤦‍♂️

I don’t get it, when I go to buy something if I want it in buy it, if not I say thanks for your time but it’s not for me. WTF is wrong with people?

Drop your price, then drop his calls when he comes running 😆😆😆

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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Lowballing is an interesting conversation... Some guys post up their toys (including boats) way higher than they are worth. They maybe thinking the price is going to be negotiated to a lower price anyway so why not start high... Let's just say someone is selling a early 2000's Magic deck boat with a 496ho with a decent amount of hours in good shape and his asking price is 125k... Is it a douche move to offer 90k for it? I mean that's a big hit, Is that a low ball offer? Or is it close to market value?

I'm always reluctant to low ball someone. But it's fair game if you ask me....
There is insulting someone and acting as the one that holds the control in the conversation. Like I mentioned above you tell those guys to fuck off. Then there is offering someone what reality is in a non insulative manner. If they get upset then they are probably seller you wouldn't want to buy from or revisit at a later date, if the item is still for sale.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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You guys are funny. I do this for a living. No deal is a deal until cash exchanges hands. I don’t even get excited anymore. It’s just part of the process. If I call you and set up a showing, I’m leaving with whatever you’re selling unless it’s grossly misrepresented. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’ll even buy it sight unseen if I want it bad enough. I’ve done this long enough and I have a pretty good idea after 60 seconds on the phone if they’re serious. Still, it’s not a deal until it’s a deal.
This is how I test buyers and let sellers know I'm serious. If they won't talk on the phone then its pretty clear they aren't serious. If they talk then the deal is going the correct direction but there are still the ones that fail the phone interview for whatever I'm selling.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2012
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In my experience it's a psychological condition.. If the item is like 10K for example and someone has 12K in the bank they will day dream about what it is to own that item.. then they say "I can afford that item". Then they waste the sellers time and even sometimes go as far as to say "I'll buy the item" but then realize they can't afford to pay the rent if they owned the item..

But in their mind they got to pretend like they owned it for a few minutes.. and then they will tell there friends "Yeah I went to buy it but it wasn't all that" to help inflate their ego on a deflated life.

You might be on to something. I’m not exaggerating when I say over 150 people have asked if my bug is still avail, only to go dark.

It’s the weirdest thing to me. If you have no intention on buying, why ask? Are people that bored? Nosey?

Don’t get me started on trade offers. FML. Everyone thinks their 2016 Clapped out stock rzr is worth 50k.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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I have scored more deals with a respectful yet reasonable lowball than I can count. If nothing else it is a conversation starter for someone that actually wants to move the item.

Hey sir, I know you said you are firm at your price of X for your item Y. I get it, but if at some point you’ll consider my offer of X-a lot for your item Y, I have cash at the ready and can pick it up at your convenience.

Just got a set of NIB $850 Baja Design lights for $500 a couple weeks ago this way.

Most of the time when I get a response it is “Since you asked respectfully, sure I will take that offer.”
You should have offered $425.