Bud Light partners with trans activist


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2011
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Tried this last night but prefer the regular over it. Wife liked it though.


Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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Pretty sure 3/4 of the members here posting have no idea that they’ve either done business with, interacted with or even as far as hit on someone from the trans community that is a member here. I understand the whole shoving down out throats shit but that doesn’t change that fact these these people have the right to live happy, just as you have the right to boycott products.

They Can Not have it both ways!!

Tremor Therapy

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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So here's my take, not that anyone cares. I think most folks are very tolerant. I know I am. I don't care about sexual orientation. I don't share mine with you, or anyone else, it's my business and mine alone. My choice of clothing is also mine, what someone wears or how they identify doesn't bother me in the least.

I would hope the Trans community would do the same. Again, I don't care. But it seems we as the general public are having this shoved down our throats to not only accept, but to approve. I'm not naive enough to believe that this hasn't and won't continue, just think that advertisers need to lay off the forced acceptance. Americans don't like being told what to do, or how to believe. It's just a natural reaction.

I think Bill Clinton got it right with his statement about gay's in the military, don't ask, don't tell. I get that the gays in the military isn't the same exact thing as acceptance of the Trans community, but I believe don't ask, don't tell is a "dead...solid...perfect" stance on this.
Exactly....Why do we have to pander to the 1%, and shove it down everyone's throat? They have a right to be who they are and live their lives in peace. But so do I. I had this argument with a "woke" ex-friend of mine. You want to take up a banner and be all in for a cause. Good for you. Just because I don't fly that flag with you doesn't mean I am for or against you. It just means that I have other shit to do in my life that I find more valuable. My folks taught me to respect others, allow them to live their lives in peace, and not force my view upon them. Sure would be nice if the other side could do the same.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
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“Her” and Dylan mulvanet don’t go in the same sentence, sorry. Also, emails and letters don’t seem to have the same impact as your personal financial decisions, sorry again . He will never get pregnant, sorry a again.

460 2.0

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2021
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Rather than complain about beer and shit, why not focus on how this shits being stuffed into our youths heads. How many of you have had to explain to your 8 and 7 year old the entire trans thing? That’s far more troubling than some weirdo on a fucking beer can.

You guys are being played. Each and every post is free advertising for said companies. They are going to get the last laugh right to the bank if people keep posting and talking about their nonsense. Keep on giving them what they want lol.

460 2.0

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2021
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I guarantee when there's coolers filled with free Bud Light at Desert Storm and Super Cat Fest, those coolers will be empty at the end of the day!! 😆
Ain’t that the truth. Definitely ain’t going to be a shortage of this beer in people coolers come summer.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Rather than complain about beer and shit, why not focus on how this shits being stuffed into our youths heads. How many of you have had to explain to your 8 and 7 year old the entire trans thing? That’s far more troubling than some weirdo on a fucking beer can.

You guys are being played. Each and every post is free advertising for said companies. They are going to get the last laugh right to the bank if people keep posting and talking about their nonsense. Keep on giving them what they want lol.

I'm so happy my kids are adults.

Gawd only knows what the talk on the playground is these days...


460 2.0

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2021
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Ps….. How many of you boycotting the beer companies are going to boycott rdp? I mean Shirley there are members around here who choose to live that lifestyle.

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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Ps….. How many of you boycotting the beer companies are going to boycott rdp? I mean Shirley there are members around here who choose to live that lifestyle.
See post #20 😝


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Rather than complain about beer and shit, why not focus on how this shits being stuffed into our youths heads. How many of you have had to explain to your 8 and 7 year old the entire trans thing? That’s far more troubling than some weirdo on a fucking beer can.

You guys are being played. Each and every post is free advertising for said companies. They are going to get the last laugh right to the bank if people keep posting and talking about their nonsense. Keep on giving them what they want lol.
Ignore them and they will own your children...


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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Back in the day I encountered at least 100+ trans, most men to women. Just about everyone had some sort of serious mental issues in life, many were not criminals or bad people. They had very difficult times dealing with everyday life, and most had drug issues as a result. They are not 1%, no one knows how many strugge with these mental issues, but the number is very low.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
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As far as LGBT stuff shoved down throats I hear most of it right here on RDP. I’m sure I would have heard about the beer can kid by now but I heard it first in this thread right here. If you put that What Exit guy on ignore you will see a lot less. That guy must subscribe to all the homo news feeds as he’s always quick to post links here.
I know a lot of LGBT folks and they just don’t talk about that stuff much.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
As far as LGBT stuff shoved down throats I hear most of it right here on RDP. I’m sure I would have heard about the beer can kid by now but I heard it first in this thread right here. If you put that What Exit guy on ignore you will see a lot less. That guy must subscribe to all the homo news feeds as he’s always quick to post links here.
I know a lot of LGBT folks and they just don’t talk about that stuff much.

I really only know one, and he can't stand the HeyLAM crowd.

To me, this isn't about the trans crowd. It's about priorities.

Let's celebrate our real heros shall we?


was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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As far as LGBT stuff shoved down throats I hear most of it right here on RDP. I’m sure I would have heard about the beer can kid by now but I heard it first in this thread right here. If you put that What Exit guy on ignore you will see a lot less. That guy must subscribe to all the homo news feeds as he’s always quick to post links here.
I know a lot of LGBT folks and they just don’t talk about that stuff much.

While that may be true, the fact is that one doesn’t have to watch or subscribe to any “homo news feed” or any other source including RDP to have race and lgbt pounded into one’s senses.
One only has to watch any tv channel for one ad cycle (about an hour) to see that about 65% (conservatively) of ALL commercial actors are now black, and, depending on the time block, 25% to 50% of all black characters are gay or in ads pertaining to aids medications.
Virtually every gay couple in these 50% of all ads are mixed race and about 25% of those are obese.
The population % of all these characters are HUNDREDS of times more prominent on the tv screen than what the real life numbers are.
But as far as the news goes, virtually ALL reports have to do with the purported running observation that all white straight people are the root of all injustices imagined by those who think they are rabbits and turnips

I’ve posted many times about my exposure my entire life to the gay community. Including what we used to call cross dressers and flamers.
As you point out, Almost none of the gay people I’ve known, partied with, hung out with, have been friends for 50 years with, etc etc would ever crusade like we see today, and believe me some of them were almost cartoon like in their flamboyance!

Society is being bombarded for the singular reason of creating normalization through saturation.
The gay aspect is merely one avenue. Once society is sufficiently desensitized to simple things like gayness, many other more important agendas can more easily be imposed.

I think it’s a travesty that your community, just like the black community, is being used as pawns to vilify me.

Having said that, I 100% believe that any person who’s biggest problem in life is me calling them the wrong pronoun simply has not yet been sufficiently instructed in the matters of pain and loss.
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Btw, in most big cities black abortions still outnumber black births.
Pronouns, tic toc queers, Bud light cans with Dylan on them all sort of pale to insignificance no?
Combined 15% or so of the population is being used as cannon fodder.