Looking to sell it all in one. If no takers I'll start to separate items. $300 for the lot, everything in picture. Items are in Lake Havasu.
1. 20 lb. Slide Anchor Box anchor and bag almost new
2. New Slide Anchor Sand Spike 32" Tall
3. Three- Taylor Made Buoys/ Fenders 22" Tall x 6" Wide with ropes
4. Two 13' Long 1/2" Dock Lines
5. Three different outdrive ears to start your boat with garden hose. Two are the ears for the side and one is the nose cone. Imco brand.
6. Outdrive Stays to take the weight off your hydraulic rams while boat is not in use.
1. 20 lb. Slide Anchor Box anchor and bag almost new
2. New Slide Anchor Sand Spike 32" Tall
3. Three- Taylor Made Buoys/ Fenders 22" Tall x 6" Wide with ropes
4. Two 13' Long 1/2" Dock Lines
5. Three different outdrive ears to start your boat with garden hose. Two are the ears for the side and one is the nose cone. Imco brand.
6. Outdrive Stays to take the weight off your hydraulic rams while boat is not in use.