AZ ballot audit is happening now!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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You live in AZ come live in California for a few years and then tell me I'm wrong.

California is proof that Regor’s patriotic economic policies will not work.

California has been implementing all his protectionist policies for years and they have failed.

We do business in California. Look up Esperanza Hills and you will see the results of Regor’s new Republican party’s economic policies


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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Says the RINO that applauded and helped the other RINO's in stealing the election from the people because he exposed them for the frauds they are................... [emoji23]

Yore the best!!! [emoji106]

View attachment 996547
And supports the party that is actually using tax money to buy votes

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


Jul 27, 2012
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Your solution is more government. That will not work.

If you doubt my premise just look west to California.
I’m a second gen Californian...had to pack my shit for freedom. I don’t want more government. Monopoly, oligopoly, etc...is the natural tendency of capitalism. If left unchecked you get an uncompetitive marketplace. Inefficient. Not capitalism. Government has few roles...defending an unfair business advantage is at the top of the list.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I’m a second gen Californian...had to pack my shit for freedom. I don’t want more government. Monopoly, oligopoly, etc...is the natural tendency of capitalism. If left unchecked you get an uncompetitive marketplace. Inefficient. Not capitalism. Government has few roles...defending an unfair business advantage is at the top of the list.

Most of the big monopolies and oligopolies exist today because big government supports, protects and mandates their business practices to them. Water, power, healthcare and a host of other necessities.

Take the largest and most powerful companies from 30 years ago, not protected by government, and most have been beaten, dwindled or bought up by innovating competitors due to capitalism, competition and free markets. GE, GM, Ford, Intel, HP, petroleum companies, chemical companies, railroads, airlines, trucking and a host of other industrial, manufacturing, transportation and tech giants have been replaced as leaders due specifically to innovation, competition and capitalism yet those protected by government remain.

Deregulation and less government whether it be airlines, trucking, manufacturing and a host of other industries have lost their monopolistic and oligopolistic market pricing power due to competition and deregulation not because as you argue government can fix it.

Government can not fix it. The consumer, the individual, fixes it with their individual purchasing decisions. Something the Republican Party used to stand for. :(
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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California is proof that Regor’s patriotic economic policies will not work.

California has been implementing all his protectionist policies for years and they have failed.

We do business in California. Look up Esperanza Hills and you will see the results of Regor’s new Republican party’s economic policies
You're lost, this democratic shithole known as California does everything opposite of what Republicans stand for but look at Texas it does everything opposite of California and it is thriving and stealing businesses from California.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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You're lost, this democratic shithole known as California does everything opposite of what Republicans stand for but look at Texas it does everything opposite of California and it is thriving and stealing businesses from California.

Give Texas some time. They are adopting bigger government and will get there just like California.

As a Texas native they used to like historical Republican policies. But they are now adopting democratic/new Republican policies.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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Most of the big monopolies and oligopolies exist today because big government supports, protects and mandates their business practices to them. Water, power, healthcare and a host of other necessities.

Take the largest and most powerful companies from 30 years ago, not protected by government, and most have been beaten, dwindled or bought up by innovating competitors due to capitalism, competition and free markets. GE, GM, Ford, Intel, HP, petroleum companies, chemical companies, railroads, airlines, trucking and a host of other industrial, manufacturing, transportation and tech giants have been replaced as leaders due specifically to innovation, competition and capitalism yet those protected by government remain.

Deregulation and less government whether it be airlines, trucking, manufacturing and a host of other industries have lost their monopolistic and oligopolistic market pricing power due to competition and deregulation not because as you argue government can fix it.

Government can not fix it. The consumer, the individual, fixes it with their individual purchasing decisions. Something the Republican Party used to stand for. :(


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Certainly was in the past but not anymore with the dramatic swing over the last four years.

A real tragedy which now puts those that support traditional conservative economic policies without a political party. ☹

Says the check writer to the GOP that ran up 20T and never mentioned a word!!! 😂


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Give Texas some time. They are adopting bigger government and will get there just like California.

As a Texas native they used to like historical Republican policies. But they are now adopting democratic/new Republican policies.
So you support big government, got it.


Jul 27, 2012
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Most of the big monopolies and oligopolies exist today because big government supports, protects and mandates their business practices to them. Water, power, healthcare and a host of other necessities.

Take the largest and most powerful companies from 30 years ago, not protected by government, and most have been beaten, dwindled or bought up by innovating competitors due to capitalism, competition and free markets. GE, GM, Ford, Intel, HP, petroleum companies, chemical companies, railroads, airlines, trucking and a host of other industrial, manufacturing, transportation and tech giants have been replaced as leaders due specifically to innovation, competition and capitalism yet those protected by government remain.

Deregulation and less government whether it be airlines, trucking, manufacturing and a host of other industries have lost their monopolistic and oligopolistic market pricing power due to competition and deregulation not because as you argue government can fix it.

Government can not fix it. The consumer, the individual, fixes it with their individual purchasing decisions. Something the Republican Party used to stand for. :(
We agree. Keep big business from cooperating with big govt. That is the nazi party
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Bigly!!!!!!! 😝


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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You just explained the democratic party (big government, control the public with freebies, and restrict constitutional freedoms). The Republican party is the opposite you fukin moron.

So easy even that moron should be able to figure it out. He must be related to grads as much shit as he stirs.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Live hearing with judge and desperate cheating commie lawyers.



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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You have an audit being conducted by a group that has virtually no experience in election auditing, has already stated they believe there was widespread fraud in other states making them biased, has bungled the ballot chain of custody making any audit now irrelevant and has no interest in transparency in their methods or processes.

I get you believe there was massive fraud, but given it was so massive why not just hire a qualified blue chip audit firm that has credibility? Oh yeah, it is all a big conspiracy of a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against former U.S. president Donald Trump while he was in office. And all the credible audit firms are filled with pedophiles that support the cabal.... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

This is going nowhere, no minds will be changed and Biden will remain the President you put in power with your misguided, anger riddled temper tantrum against historical Reagan Conservatives. Now try not to be a complete and total idiot and make Trump your nominee in 24 resulting in a second term for the left?

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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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You have an audit being conducted by a group that has virtually no experience in election auditing, has already stated they believe there was widespread fraud in other states making them biased, has bungled the ballot chain of custody making any audit now irrelevant and has no interest in transparency in their methods or processes.

I get you believe there was massive fraud, but given it was so massive why not just hire a qualified blue chip audit firm that has credibility? Oh yeah, it is all a big conspiracy of a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against former U.S. president Donald Trump while he was in office. And all the credible audit firms are filled with pedophiles that support the cabal.... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

This is going nowhere, no minds will be changed and Biden will remain the President you put in power with your misguided, anger riddled temper tantrum against historical Reagan Conservatives. Now try not to be a complete and total idiot and make Trump your nominee in 24 resulting in a second term for the left?

View attachment 996945

That's a good little RINO brown shirt..................discredit, discredit, discredit!!!!!

LMAO hand over mouth .gif

BTW, if you actually could have put up a winner besides a RINO homo in 2012 that marches with BLM, maybe you wouldn't have created our grenade known as the Don!!!! 😂


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
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You have an audit being conducted by a group that has virtually no experience in election auditing, has already stated they believe there was widespread fraud in other states making them biased, has bungled the ballot chain of custody making any audit now irrelevant and has no interest in transparency in their methods or processes.

This is just fake news. An audit is nothing more than comparing the rules against what happened, so they don't necessarily need experience in election auditing. Just like auditing your tax returns - what do the IRS rules say, and what happened on your tax return? When designing audit procedures, you evaluate the risks and focus on those areas that present the greatest risk, and unless that risk in a certain area is reduced to 0, then yes, they assume there's fraud; that's their job. No one is unbiased, but being unbiased is not a requirement for an auditor, being independent is, and I haven't heard that the auditors are not independent (presumably Big 4 would not be independent since they all have offices in AZ). Not sure about the chain of custody issue, am not up to speed on that, but auditors typically work with copies of docs unless procedures dictate otherwise. Auditors don't (nor are they required to) disclose methods or processes because the targets will be able to better conceal fraud when they know what, where and how auditors are looking; that's auditing 101. ...and yes, I'm a hoot at cocktail parties.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2021
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That's a good little RINO brown shirt..................discredit, discredit, discredit!!!!!

View attachment 996953

BTW, if you actually could have put up a winner besides a RINO homo in 2012 that marches with BLM, maybe you wouldn't have created our grenade known as the Don!!!! 😂
I think he got you on this one. 😂


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Russia's behind this whole recount scandal. None of the results can be trusted. Besides, everybody knows Biden won. Thats why they should stop this now.

Watch your PM's, you'll be getting an invitation to join the Lincoln Butt Pirates shortly.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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A guys who's name is on the ballot auditing the same.

Feeling pretty confident this is going to change people minds...?


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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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A guys who's name is on the ballot auditing the same.

Feeling pretty confident this is going to change people minds...?

The majority of the country with a brain already know you're cheating scum, the minds you speak of don't matter.

We will continue to expose scum on the left and right, unlike you.....................a partisan gash.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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What I Witnessed on the Arizona Auditing Floor – The Ballots Are Scanned, Tested and Documented – The Process is Well Organized and VERY Secure

On Saturday The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson observed the forensic audit of the Maricopa County election ballots on the floor of Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
Jordan wrote this article after his six hours on the coliseum floor on Saturday.

On Saturday, May 1st, I volunteered to observe the Maricopa County Audit process at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, Arizona. Upon arrival, I checked in with the police at the entrance, who confirmed my name was on the list and directed me to the coliseum entrance. When I entered the building, I went through more check-in procedures, received my name badge, and locked all of my belongings in a locker with a security code. I was only allowed a red pen and a piece of paper on me while observing.
I was told that this was the most secure and transparent process in history. This rang true as I witnessed the measures are taking to ensure integrity and confidence in the forensic audit system.

The first thing I noticed was the videographer, who documents and records everything (ex. any issue with ballots upon opening box). I observed teams of three “counters” checking each ballot on a rotating table and adding a timestamp to each tally sheet. I saw that the counting of votes was in good hands and was being performed with speed, accuracy, and honor. It was a smooth process.
After a box of ballots was counted, the ballot box chain of custody is then updated.

Then the ballot is taken to a forensic scanning station to test the weight, texture, ballot watermarks, and vote bubbles. These tests are used to authenticate the ballot. Each ballot is photographed; a forensic scan is taken, ballots are numbered and issues are recorded on the paper examination log. After this process is completed, the chain of custody is updated again and the box is sealed with the tape color of the team who counted. Everything that happens in this room is recorded and documented – Everything! This process may have more checks and balances than our current executive branch or any branch of government!

As an observer, we wore orange shirts to separate us, and we were given very clear and specific instructions. The floor used tape to create lanes for observers to walk in, and we were not to go near the counting tables, nor speak to the counters. We could only speak to other supervisors to report our concerns and other observers. My job was to provide oversight and report anything that I felt compromised the security of the process. I saw nothing that concerned me, and I believe this process is very secure. Another observer, who observed the previous audit, told me that this was much more organized.



Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2021
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A guys who's name is on the ballot auditing the same.

Feeling pretty confident this is going to change people minds...?
They’re so cute in their blue t-shirt uniforms.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2021
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At least people can see what's going on and you can see what people are wearing. Its not like anyone is running around trying to cover up windows with dry erase boards and butcher paper. 🙄
The Ballot Ninjas lead by an insurrectionist auditing ballots, yea I trust them, lol. 🤣
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2021
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Trust them or not, at least they won't stop counting after 99% votes have been counted, throw watchers out of the room, then start counting eeerrrrr cheating.
Don't have a leg to stand on rye.
They did throw someone out of the room, oh the irony!