Attention SCE customers - Got lube?


Catalina Ski Race, Boat # 222
Jul 13, 2009
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I'm not sure if this is true BUT, this popped up on my feed....wouldn't surprise me. i haven't seen much change in our bill.....YET

<iframe width="873" height="491" src="
" title="California&#39;s Shocking New Income Redistribution Scheme Exposed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I’ve had offices throw breakers left and right from people bringing in their space heaters lol. Usually an older building that has had the same circuit tapped onto 55 different times.
I certainly agree, I know many companies have a policy of NO SPACE HEATERS for that reason. Electric resistance heating is horrifically inefficient. Early last year my wife and I checked out a new housing development near us, just to see the latest and greatest (Not) trends. First homes we saw where natural gas, although available out on the main road, wasn't piped into the development as I guess is now the law in many areas.
So I figured, OK, heat pumps then, we have two and with our well insulated home, our KWH usage is about 1/3 of this thread's OPS. Nope, the entire tract had what they termed as "Modern high efficiency electric heating" ---- AKA fucking duct strip heaters !!!!!!!! WTF, this stone age heating method is the antithesis of efficient.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I wouldn’t even wait. Just install line monitors now. Emon-dmon, or other. Make sure you’re purchasing “revenue compliant” meters to be safe.

It’s not even hard to install. Just i
Place the CT around their feed, and mount the meter. Although I’d recommend a networked unit so it shows up on your computer.



Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I wouldn’t even wait. Just install line monitors now. Emon-dmon, or other. Make sure you’re purchasing “revenue compliant” meters to be safe.

It’s not even hard to install. Just i
Place the CT around their feed, and mount the meter. Although I’d recommend a networked unit so it shows up on your computer.


I realize I'm quoting you, instead of the thread's OP, of course it's intended for @PlumLoco
Of course Emon-dmon is an awesome unit, and will accurately reflect your total power usage. However, in your case with two sub-units using power, I'd go with something far less expensive, yet adequate for testing purposes.
I'd suggest something like the Emporia Meter Only from Amazon. It comes with one sensor for each main phase leg, which will allow you to verify the total load, as well as moving the current coils to feeders for the rental unit subpanels.
Start with the total, then proceed to the smaller unit loads and hopefully you can expose the energy hog or hogs I suspect is spinning your kwh meter like a top.

If this unit reveals a disparity at your main, then you can easily contact SCE and share the findings and initiate a meter test ticket.



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Actually knew an old electrician that did this when using the welder in his garage.
This reminded me of sometime in the early 60s, there was a bad cold snap in Holbrook, and it was below freezing for days. The background: Dad had landed a multi-year BIA contract to install the heating systems in about 175 new houses and five schools in Shonto, Tuba City, Kayenta, Many Farms, and Chinle, so it was decided to build a local presence in Holbrook instead of running the jobs from Albuquerque.

He built a 25,000 SF shop in Holbrook for an operations base, and my grandfather ran the big shop and business in Albuquerque while Dad took care of Arizona work. I was five or six, and we were living in a single wide while Dad was building a new house for us on the property.

After two or three days of temperatures in the teens (Holbrook is on the Colorado Plateau at about 5,400' elevation), the water piping under and inside the trailer froze. Dad and his apprentice Percy Keams (not part of the story, but Percy owned a new red Comet Caliente :cool:) rolled a Lincoln SA-200 welder out of the shop and over to the trailer.

Dad rolled out the leads with a ground clamp on each end of both cables. One lead was connected to the copper water pipe coming out of the ground into the trailer, and the other one to a pipe under the trailer at the other end.

The Lincoln was started, and Dad gradually increased the amperage setting on the machine, sending about 30 VDC through the pipes, creating heat through the circuit made by the trailer's piping. After a short period of time, this thawed the ice in the pipes. My little kid self was mighty impressed.

The shop building is still there on the east side of Holbrook just off Route 66, it's been empty for decades. I've always wondered why it's not in use, it is a really nice shop. Anyway, I thought you guys might find the story interesting.

508 Encanto Dr
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Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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Just got the mail:


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Watch out for the flat earthers negative responses.

Same guys that claim Speed deliveries were late because RD took a shit in the ARCO Station rest room across the street from RG’s shop.

Seems we have the EV loving Bolshevik back 🤣.


Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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This is what we all get when you have to keep these fucking electric cars charged! Did any of us really think that our electric bills weren't going to go up significantly. Man, my county voted to raise electric 20%, starts This Jan. F-ing CROOKS!!!
Here's my rant as always. But just remember folks, the Democrats is the party for the little (POOR) people remember. OK, so since Bidumb has walked into an illegitimate presidency, everything has skyrocketed in price, food, groceries, gas, (which its coming down right now, why? I believe its because the election is coming up this year) electricity, EVERYTHING it seems. That is if you can go and hopefully just buy it if its even in stock. F-off democrats, YOU SUCK!

Your aim is off on where the real crooks are. The climate crusaders don't want you to have ANY car.
They want everyone in a city riding bicycles and taking trains and busses.

They are pushing you out of ice, and have no problem raising your electric rates to push you out of electrics as well- thats their goal.

Love him or hate him - Musk brought us an affordable 11 second car thats actually cheap to drive and safe, Detroit never did that.
They really dont want you to have these. This too will be legislated away.

The door closed on affordable solar and decent contracts to get out from under this problem at least in California.
Some people couldn't take advantage of it, fair enough if they didn't do it, but if they could but didnt - they need to save some of that hate for themselves because they f-ed up.

Biden sucks ass, but anyone waiting for another political entity to solve this outside of their own sphere of influence is going to be met with disappointment.
There is no fix for this with a republican regime.

Electricity is only going one way for reasons far beyond electric cars.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2015
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I just got my latest electricy bill. I'm not happy.
A) it is way more than last month when all the Christmas lights were on. Lights went up in Nov. and came down about Jan. 4 or 5th.
B) It says billing period starts Dec. 27
C) This is over $300 more than I have ever been billed even in the summer.

The bill has so many different things being billed for I can't begin to know where the changes are occurring. To make matters worse I only have one meter but there are three separate homes on the property. Both tenants are single, hardly ever home so they don't use much, and both have been here for 2+ years. View attachment 1327818
The crazy thing is California gets most of their electricity from Arizona now where I pay 1/3 of that amount in Havasu during the summer with A/C going 24-7.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Your aim is off on where the real crooks are. The climate crusaders don't want you to have ANY car.
They want everyone in a city riding bicycles and taking trains and busses.

They are pushing you out of ice, and have no problem raising your electric rates to push you out of electrics as well- thats their goal.

Love him or hate him - Musk brought us an affordable 11 second car thats actually cheap to drive and safe, Detroit never did that.
They really dont want you to have these. This too will be legislated away.

The door closed on affordable solar and decent contracts to get out from under this problem at least in California.
Some people couldn't take advantage of it, fair enough if they didn't do it, but if they could but didnt - they need to save some of that hate for themselves because they f-ed up.

Biden sucks ass, but anyone waiting for another political entity to solve this outside of their own sphere of influence is going to be met with disappointment.
There is no fix for this with a republican regime.

Electricity is only going one way for reasons far beyond electric cars.

So the question will be how well are Teslas going to sell now that solar schemes make little sense for well off people that were the only ones buying Teslas in the first place.

If Q3 earnings were any indication.. the answer is not great.

In response they are going to start building car in Mexico and doing everything they can to cut costs. Musk himself has said the cars are too expensive. He’s saying that because now most people in what was his biggest market can’t justify the infrastructure to charge the car.

Now that may change, but now that spending $200k+ on solar, batteries and cars to charge your car at home is a less attractive… what happens now?

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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So the question will be how well are Teslas going to sell now that solar schemes make little sense for well off people that were the only ones buying Teslas in the first place.

If Q3 earnings were any indication.. the answer is not great.

In response they are going to start building car in Mexico and doing everything they can to cut costs. Musk himself has said the cars are too expensive. He’s saying that because now most people in what was his biggest market can’t justify the infrastructure to charge the car.

Now that may change, but now that spending $200k+ on solar, batteries and cars to charge your car at home is a less attractive… what happens now?

Ones electric bill and an electric car are two separate things.

Most people that have Ev dont have solar, some find them far more convenient, others far less.
They (tesla) do have cars selling for less than the current " average" price so in that respect they are competitive with ice.

I think Tesla will have challenges keeping growth going, but will retain leadership in the industry, and is currently the only company that can make a profit on an EV.

ON Mexico I thought the previous regime was bringing everything back stateside? The reverse happened.
The US doubled downed on Mexico allowing product built there to be called American, so tesla is one of many - sad, but politically aligned.

If you cant run at least a 110 cord to your EV it isnt really a benefit owning one. Anything beyond that is gravy.

I dont have an electric car but I spent on solar.
I'm not sure where you came up with 200K, but you aren't fixing the problem for the 20K I spent anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Seems we have the EV loving Bolshevik back 🤣.

View attachment 1328615

I think Menard responds sometimes. 🤣
Your aim is off on where the real crooks are. The climate crusaders don't want you to have ANY car.
They want everyone in a city riding bicycles and taking trains and busses.

They are pushing you out of ice, and have no problem raising your electric rates to push you out of electrics as well- thats their goal.

Love him or hate him - Musk brought us an affordable 11 second car thats actually cheap to drive and safe, Detroit never did that.
They really dont want you to have these. This too will be legislated away.

The door closed on affordable solar and decent contracts to get out from under this problem at least in California.
Some people couldn't take advantage of it, fair enough if they didn't do it, but if they could but didnt - they need to save some of that hate for themselves because they f-ed up.

Biden sucks ass, but anyone waiting for another political entity to solve this outside of their own sphere of influence is going to be met with disappointment.
There is no fix for this with a republican regime.

Electricity is only going one way for reasons far beyond electric cars.

The real bill of goods is that we will be able to maintain our lifestyles. That is really what the green movement is about. Modern society has provided us a comfort of living not ever seen in human history, largely due to the unlocking of energy production. This appetite is never ending and if anyone believes that the problem of increased energy consumption is going to get solved with solar panels, they are sadly mistaken.

Baring some breakthrough in energy production we are simply going to run out of ways to keep the lights on all of the time, figuratively speaking. Teslas and solar panels are a salve, but not a solution.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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I think Menard responds sometimes. 🤣

The real bill of goods is that we will be able to maintain our lifestyles. That is really what the green movement is about. Modern society has provided us a comfort of living not ever seen in human history, largely due to the unlocking of energy production. This appetite is never ending and if anyone believes that the problem of increased energy consumption is going to get solved with solar panels, they are sadly mistaken.

Baring some breakthrough in energy production we are simply going to run out of ways to keep the lights on all of the time, figuratively speaking. Teslas and solar panels are a salve, but not a solution.

What will solve societies unlimited thirst for energy - nukes, thats it.

What can solve the problem of my personal bill ? - solar did.

Im not trying to solve societies problem with my panels, Im fending for myself and refusing to be dependent on society, or pay the bill for their folly.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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What will solve societies unlimited thirst for energy - nukes, thats it.

What can solve the problem of my personal bill ? - solar did.

Im not trying to solve societies problem with my panels, Im fending for myself and refusing to be dependent on society, or pay the bill for their folly.

Buy you already have and already are. There is no reason you should have even needed solar in the first place.

To your point, you are just picking the best solution out of a series of shitty options, but the only reason there is not cheap power and water for every ratepayer in the country is government getting in the way.

CA has to be one of the largest markets for energy in the country. Their rates should be the cheapest as the laws of the free market dictate. But it is not a free market.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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Buy you already have and already are. There is no reason you should have even needed solar in the first place.

To your point, you are just picking the best solution out of a series of shitty options, but the only reason there is not cheap power and water for every ratepayer in the country is government getting in the way.

CA has to be one of the largest markets for energy in the country. Their rates should be the cheapest as the laws of the free market dictate. But it is not a free market.

I never saw my problem as societies. Although I suppose it's fair to say it's both.
Especially when I have to pay the bill for energy companies burning towns to the ground with their incompetence.

Even in a fairly priced state I need a lot of electricity to do a lot of things and had limited ways to offset that.
A house in the city - needs much less than a house in country, especially when irrigation comes into play.

In fixing the problem for me - I get to stop worrying about it for you. (The metaphorical you that is, I always care about my friend LOF or any inmate here)


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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I never saw my problem as societies. Although I suppose it's fair to say it's both.
Especially when I have to pay the bill for energy companies burning towns to the ground with their incompetence.

Even in a fairly priced state I need a lot of electricity to do a lot of things and had limited ways to offset that.
A house in the city - needs much less than a house in country, especially when irrigation comes into play.

In fixing the problem for me - I get to stop worrying about it for you. (The metaphorical you that is, I always care about my friend LOF or any inmate here)
I completely understand your point, but you hit the nail on the head.. "In a fairly priced state". Solar and batteries do not offset anything in a fairly priced state. There are people out here with extensive "country" operations. No Solar. The problem you have is societies problem, because many have the exact same problem.

I've got over 300 days of sunshine where I live. Power is $.06 a kwh fixed. I've seen 4 houses with solar panels in 2 and a half years.

If they made it worth my effort, I have no problem turning my rooftop into a profit center and sell power to another state, grid, wherever. This is not really a free market and that isn't possible.

These are problems you or I cannot solve.. so again, you pick the cheapest option that works for you in your desired timetable. My point is that it is incompetence and mismanagement that got you to the point of even having to make that choice.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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I completely understand your point, but you hit the nail on the head.. "In a fairly priced state". Solar and batteries do not offset anything in a fairly priced state. There are people out here with extensive "country" operations. No Solar. The problem you have is societies problem, because many have the exact same problem.

I've got over 300 days of sunshine where I live. Power is $.06 a kwh fixed. I've seen 4 houses with solar panels in 2 and a half years.

If they made it worth my effort, I have no problem turning my rooftop into a profit center and sell power to another state, grid, wherever. This is not really a free market and that isn't possible.

These are problems you or I cannot solve.. so again, you pick the cheapest option that works for you in your desired timetable. My point is that it is incompetence and mismanagement that got you to the point of even having to make that choice.

mmm..... there is still a difference between an electricity bill one would call "fair" - and no electricity bill.

Now, where your point comes in (I believe) is what is the ROI on that solar act .06 a KWH ? It's so long as to be unworthy of investment, and in that vein no one should bother, or want to bother.

We absolutely agree incompetence pushed California to this position, but there is a sliding scale with everyone where it works and doesn't - the poeple in Cali were warned, they didn't listen - and the window closed to do anything about it affordably.

Not So Fast

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2007
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*uck California and Newsom both, from a surplus budget to a big negative all in one term, what a guy 🤙


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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mmm..... there is still a difference between an electricity bill one would call "fair" - and no electricity bill.

Now, where your point comes in (I believe) is what is the ROI on that solar act .06 a KWH ? It's so long as to be unworthy of investment, and in that vein no one should bother, or want to bother.

We absolutely agree incompetence pushed California to this position, but there is a sliding scale with everyone where it works and doesn't - the poeple in Cali were warned, they didn't listen - and the window closed to do anything about it affordably.

Agreed but is in no way “fair” because they won’t let you off the grid, ever to rid yourself of any electricity billing or tracking should you want to explore that option.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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Agreed but is in no way “fair” because they won’t let you off the grid, ever to rid yourself of any electricity billing or tracking should you want to explore that option.

True I can't defect from the grid, but I can get to a negative bill and even have 3 MW over to spend as I wish on whatever I want.
Good luck tracking me, but by all means they are free to try, and I could give a shit anyway.