Are people really this rude?

Tremor Therapy

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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It comes from a society where people think they can run their mouths and have 0 repercussions. Back in the day you'd get clocked in the mouth for being an asshole. Now people just say anything and are fearless.
As has already been said, THIS!
Once you learn that your opinions are just that, yours, and are not shared by anyone else, you get a different perspective on how to deal with folks. We still love coming to the Zoo, but won't do holiday weekends, big event weekends, pretty much try to eliminate weekends. We try and come during the week, easy launch, easy days on the lake, it limits the amount of a'holes you have to deal with.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Yes, people can be rude….in the trains station this morning on our way to Paris. While checking the system on a touch screen for our train and platformI am clearly standing in front tapping away with my information. Then all of a sudden a Asian lady decides that she needs to cut in front of me and starts to just click what she wanted. LOL. I told her what I thought of her antics and she just looked at me like I was the issue. LOL. People!!!!


Int’l Maritime Captain
Oct 31, 2008
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So many assholes. We owned one of the docks across from steamboat cove. Many times we would go out to use it and find non-owners on it. Many had pitched tents on it and were spending the weekend! Once a houseboat was tied up to it! All I asked for was a place to tie my boat up to. If they were nice we would invite them to stay and made many friends. If they were assholes we’d come close to blows! :mad:Eventulally they would leave. Many times I carried on the lake and many times thought about filling their boats full of holes…never thought about actually shooting them. Never actually brandished it. Not worth it! Many times we just moved on and did not let it ruin our day. The day we got rid of the dock was the beginning of enjoying the lake again.
I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize…….

I‘v had some great parties on those docks. Probably yours.

If it makes you feel any better…….. one time (I won’t name who) but I had members of Ratt, Guns N Roses, and LA Guns on your dock. We had a blast playing drinking games.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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For me, my happy place is alone in the boat. Sure, I'd like to get the wife/kid and my Dad out there. Before my Mom passed a few years ago, my folks would be there every other week, midweek, skiing and doing whatever they did (dad probably getting yelled at when they weren't skiing) but seemed to enjoy it. I started my business about the time my mom got sick and didn't have a lot of time...we did 2 trips last year but they both turned into a shitshow for various reasons. I have a hard time hanging it up because I don't want my Dad to throw in the towel now that mom's gone. I think what's been sorta turning me off the last 5 years or so is that when I go out there (my folks and I (wife/kid) shared a place)....is that I had too many people to keep happy. I couldn't really do what I wanted to do. Wanna keep both folks happy, wanna keep the wife happy, kid entertained, dog entertained, and I wind up miserable. Last year, we headed up river to a beach which was kinda crowded but we knew a bunch of guys, so it was cool....my Dad showed up about 20 minutes later on the jet ski with my son and had to beach about 200 feet down. I went down there and grabbed the ski to beach it next to us, idled around in circles for a few minutes making my intentions very clear to everyone....nobody gave a shit, nobody tried to help, people kept getting in my way. I saw an opportunity to thread the needle and did it....about 12" on each side of the ski between about 3 different boats in a 5mph current, no problem. Beached it and hopped off, only to get ripped a new asshole buy someone who's boat I "almost" hit. I missed it by a foot, on purpose. Not my first fucking rodeo. He could have helped a bit, as he looked right at me 10 times, but no. Others could have helped too, but they didn't. Instead I got to listen to then talk shit amongst themselves for the next 30 minutes before I said fuck it and backed outta there with the prop halfway outta the water....they moved outta the way just fine then.

Seems like lots of this kinda shit lately. I've been going there since I was about 7 years old. Had a blast as a kid. Took a break for about 10 years after high school but then got back into it in 2008 or so and it was just as much fun as I'd remembered it. Something changed in the last 10 years....its not the same anymore. I'd call it but I don't want to let down my Dad and the wife/kid.

the only time I have fun out there really is when I sneak off before dinner and do a rocket run from BR down to lost lake and back...all by myself, right before sunset. I suppose if I can get a couple of those in this year, that'll make buying the new trailer worth it.
I don’t like jet skis near my boat, the only thing that gets fucked up in that situation is the boat, and would wonder what was wrong with where it was parked prior.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Yes, people can be rude….in the trains station this morning on our way to Paris. While checking the system on a touch screen for our train and platformI am clearly standing in front tapping away with my information. Then all of a sudden a Asian lady decides that she needs to cut in front of me and starts to just click what she wanted. LOL. I told her what I thought of her antics and she just looked at me like I was the issue. LOL. People!!!!

I'll see your Asian lady and raise you with 2 old Roman Catholic priests.
They shoved me and my daughter out of the Customs arrival line at Tel Aviv airport just prior to Covid.
We were both too shocked to do anything but we laugh about it now. :)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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Can't imagine what the water will be like when when you see a magic carpet with an outboard attached to it and it says taxi.


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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I don’t like jet skis near my boat, the only thing that gets fucked up in that situation is the boat, and would wonder what was wrong with where it was parked prior.
We've gotta keep an eye on things in the current so it doesn't float away....so I was up babysitting the boat and my dad was 200ft away babysitting the ski. Put them both together so we hang out together. That's how we do it. Nothing got fucked up, I didn't hit anything. I don't like getting yelled at for shit I didn't do.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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We've gotta keep an eye on things in the current so it doesn't float away....so I was up babysitting the boat and my dad was 200ft away babysitting the ski. Put them both together so we hang out together. That's how we do it. Nothing got fucked up, I didn't hit anything. I don't like getting yelled at for shit I didn't do.
I’d help you pull it up onto the beach but I can’t relax if there’s a jet ski or a boat without bumpers floating near my boat. My guess is that I’m not the only one.


Hallett 240
Sep 10, 2021
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Probably an RDP member 😁

Is this the guy?


X Hoser

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2011
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It was all abo
I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize…….

I‘v had some great parties on those docks. Probably yours.

If it makes you feel any better…….. one time (I won’t name who) but I had members of Ratt, Guns N Roses, and LA Guns on your dock. We had a blast playing drinking games.
It was all about their attitude! If they invitingly gave me a place to tie up my boat and were nice people we were ok with it. In fact, met lots of nice people and made some longtime friends. If they were assholes, different ending to the story.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I think people are just plain fuk'ing stupid nowadays. We think the are playing stupid, but I have come to believe they are really just that ignorant.

Always love it when the younger crowd pulls up next to us on the sandbar and start playing rap that is nothing but profanity ladened crap in front of my young girls and others on the beach and act like I'm some out of touch old fuk'r when I approach them nicely and ask them to change their damn music.

Apparently, some people didn't get enough of the belt when growing up...
I don't do well in those situations, too dumb sometimes to not realize I'm about to get my ass beat. I completely avoid getting into that position anymore.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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The rudeness thing is nothing new. It extends beyond the water's edge too. When I had my Needles place, I rolled in on a Thursday afternoon...and two vehicles were parked in my place, one in my carport, one behind my garage. I had no place to park. It took a few minutes for someone to come out of the neighbors' place, apologize, and also say, "we figured you're never here"...:mad:

Honestly, if they'd have called and asked, I wouldn't have cared, so long as I didn't need to park there.

Later that same summer, I come back up river and there is a boat tied at my dock! I had already had to put a gate up on the stairs to keep people off when I wasn't there (the park had a public dock 300ft down). I guess I should have locked up the place before taking the boat out. That was a minor fiasco. My sane wife wouldn't allow me to set it adrift. I dropped her and the kids off at the public dock, and made a few passes before someone I'd never seen before got into a boat I'd never seen before and left...

The end of that season, Halloween time, some drunks blew up a pumpkin at 1am. I was picking pumpkin guts off my trucks window the next morning.

As with my current home, for the safety of others...and my staying out of jail...we sold that place and moved to more open area. I miss having the view, and really miss the dock, but it was the best choice to make.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Like Sam Walton used to say, “hit ‘em where they ain’t.” 70 miles of river between Katherine’s Landing and Willow Beach. Lake Mohave for us every day and twice on Sunday.


Int’l Maritime Captain
Oct 31, 2008
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The rudeness thing is nothing new. It extends beyond the water's edge too. When I had my Needles place, I rolled in on a Thursday afternoon...and two vehicles were parked in my place, one in my carport, one behind my garage. I had no place to park. It took a few minutes for someone to come out of the neighbors' place, apologize, and also say, "we figured you're never here"...:mad:

Honestly, if they'd have called and asked, I wouldn't have cared, so long as I didn't need to park there.

Later that same summer, I come back up river and there is a boat tied at my dock! I had already had to put a gate up on the stairs to keep people off when I wasn't there (the park had a public dock 300ft down). I guess I should have locked up the place before taking the boat out. That was a minor fiasco. My sane wife wouldn't allow me to set it adrift. I dropped her and the kids off at the public dock, and made a few passes before someone I'd never seen before got into a boat I'd never seen before and left...

The end of that season, Halloween time, some drunks blew up a pumpkin at 1am. I was picking pumpkin guts off my trucks window the next morning.

As with my current home, for the safety of others...and my staying out of jail...we sold that place and moved to more open area. I miss having the view, and really miss the dock, but it was the best choice to make.
Here is a funny Branson’s story.

My friend had a place at Bransons. He could reserve a spot for his 28’ Sleekcraft Enforcer for the weekends. One time he goes to the dock and there is a POS parked there. My friend ties off in a temporary spot and starts moving the POS out of his reserved space. The guy with the POS ran from the hotel portion of Bransons, directly at my friend. My friend is a big dude, but…….. he was unprepared for what he observed next. The guy with the POS had “Fuck You” tattoo’d to his forehead. Big letters too. My friend instantly realized that this guy was nuts!

We still laugh about it!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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We live in a highrise, and my daughter is 1.5 years old. She is the cutest thing in the world, and I swear that's not just because she is mine LOL...
So in the elevator, she likes waving "Hi" to people that come in while we are in as well. The cutest wave, a little Hi out of her mouth. Would you guys believe that more than 50% of people dont answer her back or even smile? I shit you not, and she almost gets sad. And I confirm they make eye contact. They just ignore and look away.

What kind of miserable piece of human waste do you have to be to not wave back to a little baby smiling and waving at you? There is some evil evil stuff taking over the world guys. Nothing is sacred anymore. Kids, Animals, Seniors, Freedoms, its all being challenged.

To ask someone to leave a public beach because they dont want to "hear the kids". You can go fuck yourself. Sorry Pat you had to deal with that crap.
I wave at little kids all the time. There's nothing cuter than a 9 month old responding with a toothless grin. I tell parents their babies are cute.

Saturday I was leaving the grocery store, and told a woman with three little girls "Señora, que niñas tan bonitas." She produced a big smile and "Gracias", the girls giggled and hid behind their mom. As I got in my car, all three of them waved at me.

I'm a certified cranky MF'er, but kids are beautiful. My interactions with the little ones and their parents make me and them happy for a bit. The world needs more of that.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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A little off subject. I saw a guy in Target in Paso Robles with a shirt that said Fuck You You Fucking Fuck. It is just hard to believe somebody would wear a T-shirt like that in public. I can't believe somebody would actually buy something like that.
Mine says fuck you newsome


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Like Sam Walton used to say, “hit ‘em where they ain’t.” 70 miles of river between Katherine’s Landing and Willow Beach. Lake Mohave for us every day and twice on Sunday.
Sam Walton? 😁

That was said by 19th century professional baseball player "Wee" Willy Keeler.

But your post made me laugh.



Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Sam Walton? 😁

That was said by 19th century professional baseball player "Wee" Willy Keeler.

But your post made me laugh.

Yup, you’re right. I always attributed the quote to Sam as he used it as a guide on where to open new stores early in his campaign. Never knew it was muttered 100 years earlier 😳


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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I wave at little kids all the time. There's nothing cuter than a 9 month old responding with a toothless grin. I tell parents their babies are cute.

Saturday I was leaving the grocery store, and told a woman with three little girls "Señora, que niñas tan bonitas." She produced a big smile and "Gracias", the girls giggled and hid behind their mom. As I got in my car, all three of them waved at me.

I'm a certified cranky MF'er, but kids are beautiful. My interactions with the little ones and their parents make me and them happy for a bit. The world needs more of that.
Same here. I never really appreciated kids until I had my own.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2019
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My friend is a big dude, but…….. he was unprepared for what he observed next. The guy with the POS had “Fuck You” tattoo’d to his forehead. Big letters too. My friend instantly realized that this guy was nuts!

Genius. Can get away with a lot with an erasable magic marker.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2020
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I just got off a 5 hr flight from Maui. Traveling you see the worst of people. I flew southwest and its just comical what people do to gain an empty seat or not pay to board early. I saw a two year old without his own seat. A couple refused to allow someone to sit in their row telling people the seat was saved and this is after the announcement that the flight was full. Then they pull out 3 max sized suitcases out of the overhead bin on landing plus two more carry-ons I couldn't believe how much they brought on board. Another guy boarded first and reserved seats on his row presumably for his friends/family that didn't want to pay the $25 to board early. Then there is the lounge chair thing at the pool so the Westin at least policed this somewhat and it wasn't too bad but last time in Waikiki it was terrible.


Mountain Mama
Sep 24, 2007
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Yes. People are that rude. That is why we choose to be around as few of them as possible. Havasu in the winter and northern Rockies in the summer. Some people love the crowds and craziness. That is fine, but just know you'll come into contact with more assholes. You don't want assholes? Go someplace with fewer people. Otherwise, you're just going to have to deal with them.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Yes. People are that rude. That is why we choose to be around as few of them as possible. Havasu in the winter and northern Rockies in the summer. Some people love the crowds and craziness. That is fine, but just know you'll come into contact with more assholes. You don't want assholes? Go someplace with fewer people. Otherwise, you're just going to have to deal with them.
I live in an area with roughly 1 asshole per square mile...
I have really nice neighbors...


Liquid Equity
Apr 2, 2015
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That is one of my favorite coves and go there a lot. I know exactly the beaches you are talking about and the distance between them. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!! Actually pisses me off reading it. You handled it much better then I would have. My hat is off to you. Will gladly hand you a beer if we run into each other at that beach!


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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I have an old friend that absolutely HATES children yet feels he's entitled to bring his dogs into restaurants where they lay on the floor licking their assholes.
And the waitress brings out a restaurant dish full of water for the dog. I really get loving your dog and considering dog is family. Just do it at your home.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2015
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I’m one kid away from being forced into a Mach 26 or Hallett 270. Damn big families!
Family photo 2023.jpeg

@ChrisV @gqchris Our "family boat"

Nothing better than having a hot rod for the family boat!!!

I also agree on assholes at the lake. Instead a boaters who enjoy boating, it is now more and more a cool place to drink and be stupid.

But we still love it, and still prefer to raise our kids on the water!
