
some beach, somewhere.
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Can you guys school me on how AOC became the poster girl for the left?

Is it they are running their agenda through her and she's the mouth piece and the media eats it up?

I just don't see how she came out of nowhere and now it seems she's the queen of the hill.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Can you guys school me on how AOC became the poster girl for the left?

Is it they are running their agenda through her and she's the mouth piece and the media eats it up?

I just don't see how she came out of nowhere and now it seems she's the queen of the hill.

They've lost control of their party after Hillary rigged the 2016 Democrat primary.

AOC is a product of pissed off Bernie voters.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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Can you guys school me on how AOC became the poster girl for the left?

Is it they are running their agenda through her and she's the mouth piece and the media eats it up?

I just don't see how she came out of nowhere and now it seems she's the queen of the hill.

Not a queen, just a pawn at this stage. A new shiny one.

Amid campaign finance controversy- She was placed by ultra libs and is just the newest mouthpiece carrying a near communist agenda.

Being super young, unaccomplished, and not yet fully understanding how the game is played - shes just the newest most entertaining puppet at the theatre.

She has many admirable dreams of various utopia but like so many fail to put even 8th-grade arithmetic to them - but its certainly fun to wish- but wish in one hand and crap in the other and see what actually happens.

She'll be around for a while, unfortunately, just pull up a seat and enjoy the show.



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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She's just another typical minority POS that hates all things good in this country and didn't get enough attention when she was young.She'd better be real fuckin careful cuz she just might not like the type of attention she'll be getting if she doesn't shut the f**k up.
We have a large group of conservative people out here that don't much care for her sh*t. We're known as the NRA.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Can you guys school me on how AOC became the poster girl for the left?

Is it they are running their agenda through her and she's the mouth piece and the media eats it up?

I just don't see how she came out of nowhere and now it seems she's the queen of the hill.


Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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She's the Utopian Liberal clown of the day.....She's in the process of pissing of the D side of the establishment who will shortly turn on her.

The media loves her until they are told they are not....


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Can you guys school me on how AOC became the poster girl for the left?

Is it they are running their agenda through her and she's the mouth piece and the media eats it up?

I just don't see how she came out of nowhere and now it seems she's the queen of the hill.

She isn’t. The only people that think that are on the right. They are trying to use her to brand the entire Democratic Party.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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I am enjoying watching this "Inexperienced little girl" scare the shit out of all the tighty righties.

Hell the #5 poster on this thread is so threatened by her ideas he suggests using the 2nd amendment to stomp out the 1st. Just goes to show you how tiny some peoples dicks... err I mean minds are when it comes right down to it.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
She isn’t. The only people that think that are on the right. They are trying to use her to brand the entire Democratic Party.
I am enjoying watching this "Inexperienced little girl" scare the shit out of all the tighty righties.

Hell the #5 poster on this thread is so threatened by her ideas he suggests using the 2nd amendment to stomp out the 1st. Just goes to show you how tiny some peoples dicks... err I mean minds are when it comes right down to it.

Says the fans of Bread Line Bernie!!!

LMAO .gif


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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I am enjoying watching this "Inexperienced little girl" scare the shit out of all the tighty righties.

Hell the #5 poster on this thread is so threatened by her ideas he suggests using the 2nd amendment to stomp out the 1st. Just goes to show you how tiny some peoples dicks... err I mean minds are when it comes right down to it.

hey pea brain this "inexperienced little girl" is the new face of the party. All the new up and comer liberal millenial pukes are all thinking this way

you should hear the kids talking around here about how socialism is cool and are all for it....

she and others have alot of influence on the weak minded "inexperienced" kids that have NO clue of real life/economy and the dangers of what it being pushed (socialism)...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
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I am enjoying watching this "Inexperienced little girl" scare the shit out of all the tighty righties.

Your take on it is funny considering AOC, Omar and Talib are pretty much gift wrapping the 2020 election. She aint scaring the shit out of anyone. I hope AOC in particular keeps up her nonsense. Omar and Talibs' true colors are starting to show. Every day one of the 3 of them is in the news doing something stupider than the day before. Nancy and Chuck have lost their minds. When the Mueller investigation turns up nothing the Trump train rolls on for another 4 years.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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hey pea brain this "inexperienced little girl" is the new face of the party. All the new up and comer liberal millenial pukes are all thinking this way

you should hear the kids talking around here about how socialism is cool and are all for it....

she and others have alot of influence on the weak minded "inexperienced" kids that have NO clue of the dangers of what it being pushed (socialism)...

Slurpee loves socialism, just ask him it’s the pathway to UUUUUUUUUtopia!



Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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hahahahaha you going to give your money to Hillary again Squeaky?

Again ? She didnt get any last time...

Not sure who gets my $$$ and/or my vote this year. No surprise that I like Bernie the best right now but actually think there is a better choice out there based on age alone. I want The Bern to drive the dialog during the primary then partner with a younger candidate before the knock down drag out stage of the D's primary gets going. 2020 will be about who shows up polling day. The Democratic ticket that matters to me is the one that can maximize turnout.

2020 sees a lame duck Trump or all three branches controlled by the D's... Any guess as to which I prefer?
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Again ? She didnt get any last time...

Not sure who gets my $$$ and/or my vote this year. No surprise that I like Bernie the best right now but actually think there is a better choice out there based on age alone. I want The Bern to drive the dialog during the primary then partner with a younger candidate before the knock down drag out stage of the D's primary gets going. 2020 will be about who shows up polling day. The Democratic ticket that matters to me is the one that can maximize turnout.

2020 sees a lame duck Trump or all three branches controlled by the D's... Any guess as to which I prefer?
post: 3260573, member: 12600"

Well first off, please try to quote properly.

Second, how do you have a 2020 lame duck Trump OR control all THREE branches?

Fight through that TDS Squeaky, you can do it!!!

And BTW, Hillary did get your money..................Bernie gave it to her!!!!
LMAO 70's show .gif


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Well first off, please try to quote properly.

Second, how do you have a 2020 lame duck Trump OR control all THREE branches?

Fight through that TDS Squeaky, you can do it!!!

And BTW, Hillary did get your money..................Bernie gave it to her!!!!

That hurts right there...

The House and Senate will both be majority D's in 2020. Look at the seats in play and the changes in demographics and there is very low probability of anything else. The only true unknown is Trump himself, while I am still of the position he will not run again let alone be re-elected, this of course is not set in stone. SO That leaves two possible outcomes. Trump runs and gets thumped... Resulting in a three branch D government. Or he runs and wins, results in a lame duck Trump.

This shouldn't t be all that hard to understand... Wait, nevermind. Will type slower next time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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She isn’t. The only people that think that are on the right. They are trying to use her to brand the entire Democratic Party.


All you fucking idiots sound just like her.



Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
That hurts right there...

The House and Senate will both be majority D's in 2020. Look at the seats in play and the changes in demographics and there is very low probability of anything else. The only true unknown is Trump himself, while I am still of the position he will not run again let alone be re-elected, this of course is not set in stone. SO That leaves two possible outcomes. Trump runs and gets thumped... Resulting in a three branch D government. Or he runs and wins, results in a lame duck Trump.

This shouldn't t be all that hard to understand... Wait, nevermind. Will type slower next time.

Gotcha Squeaky, I've just never heard of a lame duck second term Pres starting on inauguration day, but I forget whom I'm dealing with sometimes!!!

I assure you that the Don will bend you over and grab that penoch regardless.

So you're predicting another "Blue Wave" where you win seats in one branch and lose in another?

Trump laugh tards cry.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Gotcha Squeaky, I've just never heard of a lame duck second term Pres starting on inauguration day, but I forget whom I'm dealing with sometimes!!!

I assure you that the Don will bend you over and grab that penoch regardless.

So you're predicting another "Blue Wave" where you win seats in one branch and lose in another?

Nobody who was paying attention was expecting gains in the Senate... But then again not a lot of people pay attention.

And lets not forget this Senate who is a majority in the presidents party is close to rejecting his signature border declaration... They know the trump brand is poisoned at the polling booth and are going to be sure to have documented distance between themselves and him for the 2020 cycle. (Take a look at how many Republican "No's" are up for re-election in two years...)


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Nobody who was paying attention was expecting gains in the Senate... But then again not a lot of people pay attention.

And lets not forget this Senate who is a majority in the presidents party is close to rejecting his signature border declaration... They know the trump brand is poisoned at the polling booth and are going to be sure to have documented distance between themselves and him for the 2020 cycle. (Take a look at how many Republican "No's" are up for re-election in two years...)

That'll work, we can get rid of their asses for not agreeing with 93% of the party.

It cost us some seats in 2018, but the destruction of bitches like Flake, Ryan, Corker and a handful of over bitches was worth it. By giving you the House, the curtain of your insane libturd party has been pulled back and that's fun as all hell.

I'm loving this shit Squeaky. Who gives a fuck whether two-faced RINO's have majorities, they've already shown they won't do shit.

Bring on the war!!!!!


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Seems Quite a few (millions) PAY ATTENTION SQUEEZER.2020 more than ever.Biden will not run.Biden has had a good career,no way he wants to close out as a loser.Bernie gets the nomination only because dems have already written off 2020.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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LMFAO at those who're rooting for the likes of socialist Bernie, OAC or any other politicians trying to succed socialism in your country. :D
Was born and raised in a communist, turned socialist country until I was 23. No one need to explain it to me how great socialism is, bunch of incompetent uninformed people:p

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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UH OH!!!.......It appears AOC is a "good fit" for the Dirty DEMs after all......

AOC’s chief of staff ran $1M slush fund by diverting campaign cash to his own companies

Two political action committees founded by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s top aide funneled over $1 million in political donations into two of his own private companies, according to a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday.

The cash transfers from the PACs — overseen by Saikat Chakrabarti, the freshman socialist Democrat's chief of staff — run counter to her pledges to increase transparency and reduce the influence of "dark money" in politics.

Chakrabarti's companies appear to have been set up for the sole purpose of obscuring how the political donations were used.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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I am enjoying watching this "Inexperienced little girl" scare the shit out of all the tighty righties.

I will have to admit you may be right!!!!.....I can honestly say it does scare the shit out of me as I am very concerned as to how 1/2 of America has become so ignorant, stupid, and naive that peeps like you view AOC as a person of quality and leadership....


was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
That hurts right there...

The House and Senate will both be majority D's in 2020. Look at the seats in play and the changes in demographics and there is very low probability of anything else. The only true unknown is Trump himself, while I am still of the position he will not run again let alone be re-elected, this of course is not set in stone. SO That leaves two possible outcomes. Trump runs and gets thumped... Resulting in a three branch D government. Or he runs and wins, results in a lame duck Trump.

This shouldn't t be all that hard to understand... Wait, nevermind. Will type slower next time.

Well, he’s gotten some shit done with all your crybaby idiots completely ignoring their jobs and doing NOTHING besides attacking him and spending their every waking moment sifting through his shit for peanuts, I’m sure he’ll still get something positive done while your gang of fucking idiots continue to probe his asshole with their flared noses.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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She isn’t. The only people that think that are on the right. They are trying to use her to brand the entire Democratic Party.

She's in the news everyday... So she is the face of something. Considering the left wing bias of the press someone thinks she is important. The Democrats will have recon with what AOC brings to the table.

As far as being scarry... Nah... Not to me. But she should scare the shit out of establishment Democrats.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
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Can one of you guys help Regor find his dick... Getting tired of watching him dribble on his socks.
Hey, came down to help out the other "baby killer"!!! Welcome back killer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Ocasio-Cortez: U.S. Should Not Have Authorized Use Of Force Against 9/11 Perpetrators

Daily Wire
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) made radical statements Monday night on Twitter, suggesting that the United States should not have authorized the use of force against those who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks — the deadliest terrorist attack in world history.

Ocasio-Cortez's comments came as she was defending Rep. Ilhan Omar's (D-NY) most recent anti-Semitic remarks from over the weekend.

"It is disturbing that Rep. Omar continues to perpetuate hurtful anti-Semitic stereotypes that misrepresent our Jewish community. Additionally, questioning support for the U.S.-Israel relationship is unacceptable," Democrat Rep. Juan Vargas (CA) tweeted. "Israel has and remains a stalwart ally of the United States because of our countries’ shared interests and values. I condemn her remarks and believe she should apologize for her offensive comments."

Ocasio-Cortez responded in a dishonest manner, suggesting that Vargas was calling out Omar's foreign policy stances, not her anti-Semitism.

"I‘m curious if Rep. Vargas will further explain his stance here that it’s unacceptable to even *question* US foreign policy," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Plenty of Dem members have asserted that discussion + debate on this issue is fair and merited. Is this stance a departure from that?"

I‘m curious if Rep. Vargas will further explain his stance here that it’s unacceptable to even *question* US foreign policy.

Plenty of Dem members have asserted that discussion + debate on this issue is fair and merited. Is this stance a departure from that? https://t.co/2tcelsxFCU

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 5, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez continued with another tweet that contained some false information: "I remember a time when it was 'unacceptable' to question the Iraq War. All of Congress was wrong, including both GOP & Dem Party, and led my generation into a disastrous + wrong war that virtually all would come to regret, except for the one member who stood up: Barbara Lee."

After being called out for the tweet's inaccuracies, Ocasio-Cortez clarified that she meant the Afghanistan war, and added: "(But honestly we shouldn’t have been in either, and we should end the AUMF now while we’re at it)"

Queen of the Turds...


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Can you guys school me on how AOC became the poster girl for the left?

Is it they are running their agenda through her and she's the mouth piece and the media eats it up?

I just don't see how she came out of nowhere and now it seems she's the queen of the hill.
Two reasons: ( . ) ( . )

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-T377A using Tapatalk

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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In a nutshell, and I do apologize to the intelligent and clear minded women out there, these few women like AOC, Omar, Thalib, Kamala, Maxine etc,,,,are overwhelming the not so radically left democrats to stand up against these morons.:rolleyes: It's quite unbelievable actually how far they gone, carrying on with their agenda driven monologue. Just found this interview by Carlson Tucker from 2017. It's painful to listen to this bimbo, former congressional candidate Krystal Ball. She definitely doesn't have one, pun intended.:D
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
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She doesn’t even know.

Can you guys school me on how AOC became the poster girl for the left?

Is it they are running their agenda through her and she's the mouth piece and the media eats it up?

I just don't see how she came out of nowhere and now it seems she's the queen of the hill.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
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Gonna be interesting to see how serious the campaign fund abuses being turned up effect this hypocrite bitch. Bovine flatulence will soon be he least of her worries.......:rolleyes:

it wont those only are bad if your conservative DUUHH

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
it wont those only are bad if your conservative DUUHH
Maybe......Maybe not. Depends on how flagrant and insistent they get on trying to get into Big Don's past and how aggressive they get on trying to stop him.

These arrogant bastards do not yet realize they have gone to war with a very devious and focused man that tends to stay many steps ahead. They think he won by some fluke. To stupid and blind to the fact, Donald made goals and organized a plan to accomplish those goals. He has great foresight and is being underestimated to a dangerous degree by Mohammed come lately fools.....We're a only a couple chapters in to a real life version of Game of Thrones.;)

My money is on DRT for the win......MAGA:cool:


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Maybe......Maybe not. Depends on how flagrant and insistent they get on trying to get into Big Don's past and how aggressive they get on trying to stop him.

These arrogant bastards do not yet realize they have gone to war with a very devious and focused man that tends to stay many steps ahead. They think he won by some fluke. To stupid and blind to the fact, Donald made goals and organized a plan to accomplish those goals. He has great foresight and is being underestimated to a dangerous degree by Mohammed come lately fools.....We're a only a couple chapters in to a real life version of Game of Thrones.;)

My money is on DRT for the win......MAGA:cool:

What I am understanding is the dems are all for restruction of the constitution.

I wonder if a D voter would be content sitting on the side of the road, (stopped for speeding) while the traffic cop searches for another crime no matter how he/she goes about it, no matter how long it takes to uncover....No evidence, no reasonable suspicion, no due dilligence required


Well-Known RDP Inmate #211
Oct 4, 2007
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I honestly think both sides are being duped by AOC but she doesn't realize it either because she's so gawd damn stupid. There are still old and wise (i use wise loosely) in the DNC. AOC and her freshman tard friends are expendable pawns running wild and raising hell while the DNC are working on something we aren't seeing. Or they truly are that dumb and she's the best they have ahahahaha


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Too late to stop Trump.The plan was immediately after inauguration barricade Trump in the WH.Obvious that failed,next up the "Blue Wave" Failed and now we can see the "Blue Wave" has bacfired with the Ilk of AOC taking a seat in Washington.Like the extreme left and consumed in this forum all that remains is Personal Insult.Check it out,the consumed no longer discuss issues or solution.Their posts contain no content,mostly direct insult to a forum member.Eventually lines are crossed.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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How’s socialism working for Finland? LMAO can’t wait to hear aoc’s thoughts


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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Her district is roughly 700000 people with less than half of that registered voters, she won the election some 120000 to I don't know 25000 combined all of the rest of her competition. She is a shiny new penny, nothing more and won't/shouldn't survive her full 2 years with the trouble she is already in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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New York’s freshman congressman, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has, like, a lot to say, lol.

Over the course of a wide-ranging 80-minute interview at South by Southwest on Saturday, the 29-year-old left-wing lightning rod let loose a litany of “likes,” “you knows,” and “whatevers.”

In between calling America “garbage,” capitalism “irredeemable,” and President Reagan racist, AOC said “like” no fewer than 71 times, “You know” at least 34 times, and “whatever” five times.

She also said “ummm” too many times for us to count. The popular progressive personality also has a penchant for peppering her prose with, “I think” and “I guess.”

Speaking of her strategy of not trying to convince critics “of anything,” AOC advised: “Stop trying to win people over, stop trying to enter a conversation thinking that you’re going to, like, ‘aha’ them into changing their minds. And so, I think, that, you know, we’ve kind of lost the art of conversation. So when I enter a conversation with someone I actually try to learn more about where they’re coming from, like I try — I actually use it as an experience to — like, let’s say, I’m talking to someone who’s saying something really racist and they don’t even realize that they’re saying something really racist, I — I asked some questions because I’m interested, I’m fascinated by that. How does that work, you know?”

Fascinating, sure, but she was hardly finished: “But you have to — we have to learn to, like, really disarm ourselves in these conversations first of all, because we approach them with so much hostility and, like, they get mad and we get mad and all of these things and — and we have — so, part of it is, like, emotional work. And — and the second part of it is intention, like, what are you trying to get out of this conversation?”

It's like, ya know, Idiota speak...


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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QUOTE:Zero Hedge 3/11/19
Authored by Kurt Schlichter, op-ed via Townhall.com,
"The only thing that should keep you from roaring in laughter as Nancy Pelosi freaks out trying to keep a lid on the freak show that is the Democratic caucus is the knowledge that the freshmen freakettes giving her fits would impose an ideology of tyranny and murder if given the chance. But you can still allow yourself a good giggle as you watch Nancy’s dreams of a Democrat majority die on the altar of anti-Semitism, taking away your health insurance, and banning cheeseburgers."

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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What’s crazy is that of the thousands that auditioned for her senate run, she was the winner...

You’d think that even some summer stock actors could have won that role.
Lest we forget, we went through 8 years of the true master puppet. The greatest public speaker in history of the office no less. But lose his teleprompter and the guy couldn't tell how many states were in this nation and duh'ed and uhh'ed the audience to sleep.

Even with the script in front of him, his style was a cross between slang and a low rent preacher.

The nation is being duped by a party out of control with criminals vying against the commie socialist progressive movement old and new school, a scary blend that fortunately backstabs the other enough to lessen the chance of solidarity.

The video in the other thread tells the story that makes the most sense and shows what is happening under our noses and needs to be dealt with promptly and diligently to stop the socialist over throw attempts before they can gain the seats of a power core that will cause great harm to personal freedoms and the nation's existence itself......

Oscar the Idiot is media driven and we must find right side Conservative media to take up the cause to push back firmly. Big Don needs the backing to help his MAGA mission overcome the madness of nirvana this witless hussy is fronting. No conspiracy theory in that video, just watching shows how scripted the silly lil' bitch really is and idiots are eating out of her hand.

Watch it if y'all haven't and spread the word to the ends of the earth. This video is the key to saving our nation from turning into the utopian shithole these idiots worship.....

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