Any QR Reader Knowledge Here


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2015
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Our condo HOA is currently installing some new security fences and gates on our property to allow access, to owners and guests, to our lower river bottom and pool area. We have had issues with trespassers for years and in the past few years or so it has become unbearable. Mostly local high school to college kids along with some older folks, including some local moms who bring their kids there to swim. They seem to think it is ok just to trespass onto our property any time they want and raise hell. They just walk in and swim, some bringing alcohol and leaving their empties all around for our maintenance personnel to clean up. They have pissing contests at the pool and yell and scream at all hours of the night. We are just waiting for the day when a little kid wades into our pool and steps on a broken glass bottle and we wind up getting sued over it. This shit has to stop!!!

We have tried almost everything to stop them, but they just keep coming. We have tried towing off vehicles as we find them, security guards and even the local police, who will come if called. Still it does not stop them. Our last resort is new access gates that all owners and short time renters will have to pass through to walk down to our lower pool and grounds. It's an expensive "solution", but we have to bite the bullet to keep these jerk offs out.

Is there anyone here who has any insight or knowledge of QR readers and their operation? These devices are way over my tech knowledge. We want to secure the area, to allow our owners and renters access to our amenities, while keeping the trespassers out. I have searched the web for info and I just don't understand what we might need. From what little I have learned, it seems like a QR reader might be the way to go. However, none of our board members have any knowledge of these readers. We are trying to find a dynamic style reader that will read the QR code from a smart phone, as well as accept a manually entered pin code. I do know that dynamic readers are able to do a lot of other things, but that is about all I know. I guess I need to talk to someone who can explain what to look for in a reader and maybe some ideas of some decent brands. TIA.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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QR codes can be copied easily. (You can take a photo of a QR code and have the reader read it.) The best solution is RFID cards. Like they use for 24 hour gym memberships and such. A lot of apartment complexes use RFID cards for entry into gates, garages, lobbies, etc. even apartment doors. Same as hotel doors.
Some of them can be copied but not every person will be able to copy the cards without a little bit of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Sounds like you're going to need a manned entry gate checking ID'S.
From what I've seen, even big resorts haven't found a way around this problem.

Edit: and sooner than later. Nothing like getting sued for a slip and fall at a pool ... by a trespasser.
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17 10 Flat

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2023
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Do they make locks that work like a vehicle using a key fob. Each owner gets one. Like the vehicles you need 2 to program an additional fob. The second fob is in the office and someone there has the capability to make another fob. No doubt these can be replicated but not that easily.
If non residents start getting fobs that are programed, just change the code go by office and have yours updated.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2015
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QR codes can be copied easily. (You can take a photo of a QR code and have the reader read it.) The best solution is RFID cards. Like they use for 24 hour gym memberships and such. A lot of apartment complexes use RFID cards for entry into gates, garages, lobbies, etc. even apartment doors. Same as hotel doors.
Some of them can be copied but not every person will be able to copy the cards without a little bit of knowledge.
Most of our condos are used for short term rentals throught the year. The QR codes sent via text would be used for the short term rental customers. Those codes would be good for the length of stay only and then cancelled automatically when the stay ends. The codes are random and everyone has a different code.

Owners, some of whom have never even visited their condo rent them exclusively. Owners would get either a permanent QR code to use via text to their smart phone, a fob with their permanent code, a key card with their code or a 6 digit pin code to be put in manually. Owner codes could easily be changed periodically to ensure security of the owner codes. Personally, of these options, I would prefer to use the 6 digit pin code, but that's just me. From what I've read the codes can be changed very easily if the need arises.

We also have, like Lake Havasu, a large contingent of "snow birds" who migrate down every winter and stay anywhere from 3 - 6 months. They would be issued a code via text, a card with code or the pin code. All of which would be good during their stay and cancelled when they go back north.

I don't know how a trespasser could or would get one of the codes, but then again those guys are sneaky. One of the systems we are considering automatically logs the codes and will take a photo of who is at the gate each time a code is used, so we can see and verify who is using the entry codes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Still seems like RFID would be the way to go. The access card stays with the house for each renter to use. If they take off with the card, you cancel that houses set of cards and reissue at a fee. That in theory would help to offset your cost of administration and protect you from the cards getting spread throughout the community vs the seemingly labor intensive process of issuing out QR codes to STR and the backend administration of that process.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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RFID cards are a far better solution. You can control the cards vs the QR codes. The HOA office can host the card programmer, and they can post a card reader right outside so people can check their cards without going in.

Also if the system is setup right, the card readers can report back to the system on what cards get used where, and at what time. This can help show patterns and then it is easier to see when cards might be getting loaned out (or lost).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2023
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We get same thing around here. Community pool, pretty nice. Each homeowner gets 2 keys. If hous=e get rented renter gets one key. More often than not they take it. Months later there they are at the pool with a boat load of kids none live here. Owners sell house keep a key rinse, repeat


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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QR codes can be copied easily. (You can take a photo of a QR code and have the reader read it.) The best solution is RFID cards. Like they use for 24 hour gym memberships and such. A lot of apartment complexes use RFID cards for entry into gates, garages, lobbies, etc. even apartment doors. Same as hotel doors.
Some of them can be copied but not every person will be able to copy the cards without a little bit of knowledge.


Just like the boat docks have. You can hand out temp cards (for a fee) and make them active/non active easily.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2015
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We get same thing around here. Community pool, pretty nice. Each homeowner gets 2 keys. If hous=e get rented renter gets one key. More often than not they take it. Months later there they are at the pool with a boat load of kids none live here. Owners sell house keep a key rinse, repeat
Exactly what happens, except for the boat part and the part about them taking keys for later. It's all local people sneaking in because there nothing to stop them. Our usual security guy is pretty good, but when there is a sub, that guy usually doesn't do anything. Heck they are even driving their plenty fine 6 person golf carts in and parking them on the property. I'm still trying to get one of them with the tow company. Other residents have told us that they see people walking in from the nearby neighborhood with two or three kids and just go swimming.

I may be completely wrong, but I don't think these trespassers will get codes from the owners or other guests. They rely on the HOA not doing anything to stop them and they just walk in and enjoy. So, fences "should" stop them. Unfortunately, it is going to inconvenience the owners/guest to have to use a code to get to the lower river area. Most won't mind that little inconvenience if we can stem the flow of illegals, aka local trespassers from sneaking in.

I have looked at RFID entry and I agree that it could be a good way to go. However, we are just trying to restrict entry at two gates. Not sure that RFID is cost effective for us. I don't know, the more I look at either or both, the more confused I get.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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Exactly what happens, except for the boat part and the part about them taking keys for later. It's all local people sneaking in because there nothing to stop them. Our usual security guy is pretty good, but when there is a sub, that guy usually doesn't do anything. Heck they are even driving their plenty fine 6 person golf carts in and parking them on the property. I'm still trying to get one of them with the tow company. Other residents have told us that they see people walking in from the nearby neighborhood with two or three kids and just go swimming.

I may be completely wrong, but I don't think these trespassers will get codes from the owners or other guests. They rely on the HOA not doing anything to stop them and they just walk in and enjoy. So, fences "should" stop them. Unfortunately, it is going to inconvenience the owners/guest to have to use a code to get to the lower river area. Most won't mind that little inconvenience if we can stem the flow of illegals, aka local trespassers from sneaking in.

I have looked at RFID entry and I agree that it could be a good way to go. However, we are just trying to restrict entry at two gates. Not sure that RFID is cost effective for us. I don't know, the more I look at either or both, the more confused I get.
If it is just 2 entry gates and you aren't concerned about other features such as adding and removing peoples ability to enter ect. just use a manual keypad.


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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Just a locking door knob with a keypad would be something easy to do at least to test out such a system.