Another high desert officer in the news.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Well this cop is in hot water. I think the bad guy got what he had coming. He was still trying to resist.



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Notice all eyes are on the deputy, robbery suspect must be a saint. How about his many victims, what are they?

Well the guy 99% is most likely a shit bag.. there is still innocent until proven guilty, and due process etc.. Four dudes on top of you and a guy kneeing you in the head and punching you on the top of your head? I'm not sure that's really good training there.



Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Well the guy 99% is most likely a shit bag.. there is still innocent until proven guilty, and due process etc.. Four dudes on top of you and a guy kneeing you in the head and punching you on the top of your head? I'm not sure that's really good training there.

I wonder why the guy just didn’t put his hands behind his back in the first place? Instead he resisted until it got to this point.

It’s not like the cops just ran up and drug him out of the car and started beating his ass for shits and giggles. I bet if we end up seeing the whole video he didn’t go quietly before the camera started rolling.

3 sides to every story. So far we have one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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That's some Rodney King shit right there..

I call bs. Have you watched the Rodney King video? Those cops were not trying to arrest or detain Rodney King they strictly surrounded him with their cars and proceeded to beat the shit out of them gang style. This asshole allegedly committed an armed robbery refused to get out of the car resisted arrest forcefully made them pull him from the car and still tried to stand up as they were all four on top of him. From what I see complete Justified use of force although they probably could have shortened the length of it of Tad but in no way was this like fucking Rodney King give me a break.

Only way in my opinion to get this to stop


Former Shitbox Owner...
Sep 25, 2007
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Complete over use of force. He was no longer a threat at that point. Pretty sure the asshole couldn't over take the 3 LEO on top of him. They would have gotten compliance without the knees to the head. I'm sure officer will have some explaining to do. I know many support the Vigilante justice but that is a slippery slope, especially in today's society where there is always such a rush to judgment.


Jan 9, 2010
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Complete over use of force. He was no longer a threat at that point. Pretty sure the asshole couldn't over take the 3 LEO on top of him. They would have gotten compliance without the knees to the head. I'm sure officer will have some explaining to do. I know many support the Vigilante justice but that is a slippery slope, especially in today's society where there is always such a rush to judgment.
Uhh yeah, sorry dude. I've seen guys overcome more than 3 leo on top of them. While I agree this looks very bad, I'd wager there is a ton more going on there that you cannot see. In this case I'm guessing they believed him to be armed and he very obviously was not just giving up his hands or cooperating. Those cops probably chose to use fists and knees instead of simply emptying a mag or two into him. Double edged sward because fists and knees look just as bad while we all sit here over the internet in our comfy chairs Monday night quarter backing it.

Me personally, I stay away from knees anywhere but the body unless I'm out of options. If this guy is wanted for armed robbery you don't just go up there a willy nilly expecting compliance, and I'm guessing by the clothing those aren't the standard street cops coming across random people on traffic stops. Looks to me more like target specific high impact teams that pretty much specialize in high risk take downs all the time.

All that being said, justified or not, this cop will more than likely be facing some tough times ahead.

Aces & Eights

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
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Christian Cardenas Alonso:
Convicted felon-check
Active Criminal Gang member-check
Committing armed robberies-check
Resisting arrest-check

Yeah fuck that pos. The rough arrest was on him for not doing as he was told. All he had to do is put up his hands and get out of the car as instructed. If he does that, they put him in cuffs and cart him off to jail. He fucked around and found out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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If these criminal pieces of shit would comply they wouldnt get fucked up by the popo. Wasn’t there a funeral for a nyc cop that was killed by a 4 or 5 time felon this week? How many chances do we need to give these piles of crap? I really get tired of hearing it was his 20th arrest. Well he should know how to interact with the cops then. If the rap sheet is more than one page they should just exterminate on the spot. How much resources do we need to waste on career criminals who won’t change or rehabilitate? Not to mention how many children they father and dont take care of.


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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Crime will continue to be a problem until people feel bad for the victim and not the criminal.

I don't feel bad for the criminal but I still think that cop went a little overboard. I have no problem ruffing up a known criminal if you know he committed a crime, resisted arrest and basically being combative. But keep it to a reasonable degree.

Watch your head when getting in the car(whack). Oh I'm sorry I thought you had ducked already.


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
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Excessive? Maybe.

But... I want to share with y'all a very effective method to never, ever get your face kicked in by an officer, EVER.

This method, if used by an individual, has been proven to work, without fail, 100% of the time, every.single.time. Guaranteed.

The method: Don't be a pile of shit convicted felon dirtbag gang member involved in an armed robbery who resists arrest.

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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Well the guy 99% is most likely a shit bag.. there is still innocent until proven guilty, and due process etc.. Four dudes on top of you and a guy kneeing you in the head and punching you on the top of your head? I'm not sure that's really good training there.

Fuck that they're criminals they should be treated as such!!
Due process what a joke criminals are coddled too much this is why are country has turned to shit!!!
Criminals have more rights then an honest tax paying citizen...I say bring back Joe Arpios chain gang(Arizona)back and bologna sandwiches and water period!!!


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Excessive? Maybe.

But... I want to share with y'all a very effective method to never, ever get your face kicked in by an officer, EVER.

This method, if used by an individual, has been proven to work, without fail, 100% of the time, every.single.time. Guaranteed.

The method: Don't be a pile of shit convicted felon dirtbag gang member involved in an armed robbery who resists arrest.



Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Excessive? Maybe.

But... I want to share with y'all a very effective method to never, ever get your face kicked in by an officer, EVER.

This method, if used by an individual, has been proven to work, without fail, 100% of the time, every.single.time. Guaranteed.

The method: Don't be a pile of shit convicted felon dirtbag gang member involved in an armed robbery who resists arrest.
You have got to knock that common sense shit off.


Jan 9, 2010
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Comply and you don't die.
Funny. I always hear from the BLM types how they have to have tough conversation with their kids about how to interact with police. It literally should be exactly what you just typed. But I guarantee you, there are many in society and even some on these boards that will take that comply suggestion as a threat against their freedom and never accept it.

JB in so cal

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Excessive? Maybe.

But... I want to share with y'all a very effective method to never, ever get your face kicked in by an officer, EVER.

This method, if used by an individual, has been proven to work, without fail, 100% of the time, every.single.time. Guaranteed.

The method: Don't be a pile of shit convicted felon dirtbag gang member involved in an armed robbery who resists arrest.
You're racist against dirtbags!🙄


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Props to SBCSD! They have a solid group of guys working there, and for them to be in that specialty assignment......they surely aren't slapdicks!! That's a shit-hole part of the state where all of the degenerates seem to congregate, so those Deputies are routinely dealing with assholes like this. Hats off to them for doing a job that many folks can't and won't do!

Does it cross the line regarding an unjustifiable use of force? Who knows, I wasn't there. Was Mr. Citizen armed when he was assisted out of the vehicle by those Deputies? None of us know. Did a Deputy realize this guy was reaching for a concealed weapon or a Deputy's service weapon? Who knows!

Does it "Look" bad? Yes, but so does a shooting.

This POS was arrested and taken into custody in one piece. Good job! 👍
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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I think the bigger issue is the person that videoed it and posted it online did so not out of concern for the shit bag but rather as a attention seeking LAM self gratifying, fuck the police attitude. He's a piece of shit too in my opinion.

Also our screwed up media picked the story up and ran it as a highlight piece not out of concern for American Civil Rights but also a self gratifying, LAM we need to increase our ratings and make our show full of drama so that we get more viewership and have nothing better to report attitude. This also makes me sick to think about the media instigating this kind of bullshit and how it divides our country.

If Mr felon shitbag came face to face with the news anchor or the POS recording the incident they both would be clutching their purse looking over their shoulder for the same officer they're trying to call out here. Sick.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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And here's the crazy part in all of this.....

Mr. Shitbag will now enjoy an increase in status while locked up. He'll be looked at as the big man on campus (So he thinks), as it took "Four deps" to take him into custody, while sustaining a few licks. Now he'll treat every other person in law enforcement like a complete asshole, regardless of their role is inside the facility.

It's crazy how things work on the inside. 🙄


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2015
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Insane anyone can defend cops acting this. Will be another huge payout from taxpayers.

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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There was a video awhile back where a newscaster just went off and condemned an officer for an "unjustified" shooting of a suspect. The police chief brought the newscaster to the training facility and put the newscaster in a situation where the suspect could be compliant or just come at him with a gun, you just don't know what they're going to do. The training officer went over the police policy protocol they are supposed to use and then put the newscaster in the officer's place. There was a guy hanging out by some parked cars and told the newscaster to find out what the guy was doing. The newscaster went by the policy that officers are supposed to use, but the perp wasn't being compliant with the newscast's requests to step out from behind the cars, when the perp finally seemed to be complaint and stepped out he pulled out a gun (with blanks) and shot the newscaster. This made the newscaster see the other side of what police officers have to deal with on a daily basis. Part of the deal was that the newscaster had to make a retraction of his condemnation of the officer and show his training video on the newscast and tell how it felt being on the other side.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Insane anyone can defend cops acting this. Will be another huge payout from taxpayers.

Were you there? Did you witness the incident from beginning to end? Yeah, me neither.

Did you hear the responses from the suspect when he was given commands? Did you hear him admit to possessing a firearm and threatening to use it on Deputies as they attempted to take him into custody? Did you feel him reaching for the gun with the hand you can't see in the video?

I'm not condoning law enforcement personnel beating the shit out of people "For no apparent reason." There is a time and a place for the use of force, and none of us know if this was that time or that place. I'm also smart enough to know not to rush to judgement as we are only being shown a small portion of this entire incident.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Funny. I always hear from the BLM types how they have to have tough conversation with their kids about how to interact with police. It literally should be exactly what you just typed. But I guarantee you, there are many in society and even some on these boards that will take that comply suggestion as a threat against their freedom and never accept it.
I just teach my kids to not do shit that warrants a visit from a cop.

If you do earn that interaction. STFU and do what they say. If your innocent we will argue that at a later time.

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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Insane anyone can defend cops acting this. Will be another huge payout from taxpayers.
Not really defending the cop necessarily just saying the CRIMINAL NEEDS TO BE TREATED AS SUCH!!
Like the one poster said we have no idea what transpired before, law inforcement officers have a hard job spend a day in their life..

For the record I believe if you don't comply pay the price! Not saying there aren't bad apples but you have that in any line of work regardless.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2012
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It’s been said but how about don’t commit a crime in the first place.

For those of you saying this was excessive, I bet you think of deportation as excessive to. Holy hell some of you are out of your mind and just stupid!!