Not to thread jack a great thread but this is not true at all. Balance of the boat (weight placement , strut angle blah blah blah) and where hole is drilled controls that. The amount of travel will dictate transom rise and how it falls off the rocker .longer plates just delay movement if compared apples to apples. Doesnt change weight distribution or center of gravity . Guess I shouldve prefaced with "in my experience" or something but it's TRUE but then again I've never built or drove a v bottom that goes 137 so apparently I've much to learnLonger plates are just longer control surfaces. You can bend them less and get more lift etc.. and the boat will act like a bigger boat, because basically it is at that point from a running surface standpoint. That said as Sintax said, when you extend the plates you are in an essence pushing the prop shaft forward in the boat.
You get to some point where there's so much HP being pushed up into that V-Drive, that shallower angles, and longer plates are needed. Where that balancing act starts would be a very long conversation, and one we should probably have with Alexi & maybe Stan from Schiada in the future on Camera?'