Advice On Dealing With A Person Messing With Our Cars


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Trust me all these thoughts have gone through my mind as this type of petty shit really pisses me off. The last thing I need is to get myself in trouble over some dumb twat. Seems protecting your own property is not an option in Calif anymore sadly.
What city?

You won't have a trespass charge until she is personally notified. Once you know who she is you can go to your local court and apply for a stay away order. If granted she would be required to stay 100 yards away for the business and could be arrested each time she shows up. That type of order stays in effect for a stated period of time.

For a vandalism charge it can be pretty simple if she damaged something. The Post It notes are not a vandalism and its iffy if the Vaseline is or isn't, under the defacing element of vandalism.

Unfortunately in California, many cities/counties are not that proactive when it comes to many low level incidents. You can't blame the cops as they don't make the laws. They are not going to stick their neck out when there is zero support behind them. The voters are to blame. I do believe that if you call that local PD/Sheriff's office and be persistent about the situation and your perception of fear, you will get some positive action.

I wouldn't recommend dealing with her on your own. Keep the videos or put them on a thumb drive to give to the cops in the future.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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What city?

You won't have a trespass charge until she is personally notified. Once you know who she is you can go to your local court and apply for a stay away order. If granted she would be required to stay 100 yards away for the business and could be arrested each time she shows up. That type of order stays in effect for a stated period of time.

For a vandalism charge it can be pretty simple if she damaged something. The Post It notes are not a vandalism and its iffy if the Vaseline is or isn't, under the defacing element of vandalism.

Unfortunately in California, many cities/counties are not that proactive when it comes to many low level incidents. You can't blame the cops as they don't make the laws. They are not going to stick their neck out when there is zero support behind them. The voters are to blame. I do believe that if you call that local PD/Sheriff's office and be persistent about the situation and your perception of fear, you will get some positive action.

I wouldn't recommend dealing with her on your own. Keep the videos or put them on a thumb drive to give to the cops in the future.
Good info and thank you. I most definitely do not blame the cops I know their hands are tied from the voters and politicians we have in this state. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for LEO. That is part of the problem all these losers know there are no consequences for their actions these days.