During the 9/11 era, it was nice to see most people put away their knives and largely come together as a country. Patriotism was on full display and for the most part, we stood together with a common goal. As our country became more and more divided post 9/11, reaching an all time low during the Trump years, I don't think I was alone in hoping we could once again come together and unite around a common cause. Then came Covid, a true world wide crisis that would surely pull people together. The exact opposite has happened, we are more divided now than ever. The pro-lockdown Fauci lovers vs. the people who can actually read and decide for themselves. Throw in the immigration debacle and we are a completely divided country, China is going to take over the world without firing a shot, we are killing the USA all by ourselves. I truly feel sorry for all you folks with kids, these days must be terrifying.