No offense to your friend but how will he buy a home in the mid 400s making under 80k? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. 6500 a month= take home of what 5100 or less? Mortage not including taxes and fees on a 425k home is about 2k right? So figure just the home with taxes, utilities, insurance etc will cost close or at 3000. He has 2k left for vehicle, gas, food and everything else. How about if that house needs a new AC unit or stucco on month. He would be in the hole. Ugh.
What area can you get something decent in Cali for the mid 400s?
Maybe I live too high on the hog, but 2k to pay all my bills and still have a high quality of life would be a stretch. Definitely one of the reasons I left California. I don't understand the need to stick out that rat race with millions and millions of other folks.
He is currently paying $1,900 rent for a 2 bedroom, he can afford $2,500 month. He is also due a bump in pay in October....
This is a starter home and a 1st time buyer program, he is a prime candidate for the program, some city’s will help w/ down payment and closing costs...
He has newer paid off cars, his medical is covered, with his job. He is married w/ 2 kids. How he pulls it off I don’t know but he will do it!
If he makes to much money he doesn’t qualify for the down payment assistance. So he has to do something now before the next bump.