2016 Enduro Start!!!!


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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How many boats? About 20?


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
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I heard 37??


Semper Fi Member
Dec 29, 2007
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Great. All at once. Bring back the LeMans start. All drivers on the beach, boats in the water, starting pistol go's off, drivers run to boats, and they are off and running just like in the old school 9 hour enduro!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Any clues where a person could view the posted results from this race ?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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How much of an HP advantage does that 1350 Nordic have over those two GN boats seen at 0:08 in the video?

it's kind of irrelevant since the Nordic can't use all of its potential anyways?


Catalina Ski Race, Boat # 222
Jul 13, 2009
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Please explain
The race is governed at a 100mph average lap time. The 1350 in the Nordic with their race prop can run close to 130 mph... If not faster. So Randy and the gang had it on cruise control [emoji41]


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2015
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found these cool old Enduro videos..



Ahhhh, the days of nylon windbreakers and porno mustaches.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
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Could have been a fun time for us, We got our Eliminator some what tuned and locked in! Running a Ron Hill 30p 4 blade signature, we hit 109 with 45+ gallons like nothing, and just a solid feel! Big numbers are defiantly achievable with the DBR engine. We are very proud of our efforts, even if they went unnoticed.

I guess we will regroup and try again next year...🙄


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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The race is governed at a 100mph average lap time. The 1350 in the Nordic with their race prop can run close to 130 mph... If not faster. So Randy and the gang had it on cruise control [emoji41]

Doesn't really sound like much of a race then. More of a formality.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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Doesn't really sound like much of a race then. More of a formality.

If you can let a 130 mph v inboard race but you tell two outboards not to show up because they're too fast you look dumb or think everybody else is. I like all parties involved and am beyond thankful for Nordic's sponsorship but this really isn't a race.

Ragged Edge

Man in the Box
May 4, 2011
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If you can let a 130 mph v inboard race but you tell two outboards not to show up because they're too fast you look dumb or think everybody else is. I like all parties involved and am beyond thankful for Nordic's sponsorship but this really isn't a race.

Actually it was very close. Team Nordic won by 8.8 seconds over Greg Foster in the number 48 Stoker. Of course this was after the penalties that the Nordic accrued for breaking out on a number of laps, they even spent 3 min. in the penalty box during the race. This is not directed at you Sean but I find it comical that some people bitch about a bracket race and basically the slowest boat on the river winning and then others bitch about the fastest boat on the river actually winning a boat race.

Randy Davis and his team have put a lot of time and $$$$ into making the Nordic fast and reliable. Was not always the case. Anyone who has the resources is welcome to spend the time and $$$$ building a boat that can compete with the Nordic, no one is stopping them. If the fastest boat is not supposed to win the race why not just have a parade?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
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Actually it was very close. Team Nordic won by 8.8 seconds over Greg Foster in the number 48 Stoker. Of course this was after the penalties that the Nordic accrued for breaking out on a number of laps, they even spent 3 min. in the penalty box during the race. This is not directed at you Sean but I find it comical that some people bitch about a bracket race and basically the slowest boat on the river winning and then others bitch about the fastest boat on the river actually winning a boat race.

Randy Davis and his team have put a lot of time and $$$$ into making the Nordic fast and reliable. Was not always the case. Anyone who has the resources is welcome to spend the time and $$$$ building a boat that can compete with the Nordic, no one is stopping them. If the fastest boat is not supposed to win the race why not just have a parade?
We did just that, built a boat to compete against the Nordic, before we even got to the race they wanted me to slow it down and have their professional driver to test drive it to ensure it was safe and didn't top out over 105, plus they wanted us to run an onboard GPS transmitting our speed back to the officials in case we went over 105 they could black flag us. All of this for a little outboard? Unless everyone else had to do the same thing we weren't about to subject ourselves to that kind of ridicule. You all can say what you want about it, but to me and others this was completely out of line and basically we took it as we were not welcome to participate in this event. We all said the same thing that we were not even close to Nordics speed not by a long shot, but were told they slowed the Nordic way down!

Dave Bush, Joe Abellera, his Dad, Scott Nolind, my self and others all put in a shit ton of hours, money, stress, planning for 10 months exe.. All for nothing, I spent close to 60k on a race boat to race and be safe doing it all for nothing really...Scott did the same...

Not bitching just telling the truth!


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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We did just that, built a boat to compete against the Nordic, before we even got to the race they wanted me to slow it down and have their professional driver to test drive it to ensure it was safe and didn't top out over 105, plus they wanted us to run an onboard GPS transmitting our speed back to the officials in case we went over 105 they could black flag us. All of this for a little outboard? Unless everyone else had to do the same thing we weren't about to subject ourselves to that kind of ridicule. You all can say what you want about it, but to me and others this was completely out of line and basically we took it as we were not welcome to participate in this event. We all said the same thing that we were not even close to Nordics speed not by a long shot, but were told they slowed the Nordic way down!

Dave Bush, Joe Abellera, his Dad, Scott Nolind, my self and others all put in a shit ton of hours, money, stress, planning for 10 months exe.. All for nothing, I spent close to 60k on a race boat to race and be safe doing it all for nothing really...Scott did the same...

Not bitching just telling the truth!

The Nordic had the same GPS in the boat and had to deal with al the same stuff.. although i'm quite sure they didn't ask to drive it to make sure it's safe.. lol. (who came up with that?)


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2014
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That start reminds me of the first time we watched the 4th of July fireworks on the lake. Soon as the last one went up every one raced back to their respective ramps. Ours being Havasu Springs. We learned after that to hang out and relax on a beach for awhile after the fireworks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
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The Nordic had the same GPS in the boat and had to deal with al the same stuff.. although i'm quite sure they didn't ask to drive it to make sure it's safe.. lol. (who came up with that?)

Not sure who but was told by Ben, I was fine with all of it except the driving aspect, no one drives my shit except me!


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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Maybe there should be limit on CI / HP instead...dunno, there were a couple mod VP boats with 2.5s that got after it...Nordic shows up with a gun to a knife fight...it's great to see what they can afford an all, but if they're sandbagging, it doesn't really fit. A "race" needs to let the racers run what they brung. If what they brung is too fast flat out for the insurers of the race, then maybe limits need to put in place.

This is the problem with racing. If you limit the class to speed or time, you'll have the heavy hitters come out and pedal it to race the clock. If you put a restriction on equipment, you'll get the heavy hitters putting a lot of money into development and details to use up the rule book and whoop ass. The common guy won't stand a chance....unless spec /sealed motor classes are created, but then it gets more expensive and shit gets boring to watch, like nascar.

I don't know the answer, but I do know that both RD and Ross did a hell of a job over the last few years putting on a good event.

The only true manner in which to have a fair and equal race is to have a manufacturer show up with 40 identical boats and the drivers arrive and drive...but there really isn't much fun in that either...that's why boat racing is better than anything else....because of the variables. Take automotive drag racing...it's mostly about the HP...in a boat, you're running in variable water conditions, bottom work can help or hurt you under different conditions, the importance of HP can be determined by the fact that plenty of V6 outboards walked blown V drive boats down the track.

Dunno the answer

That's racin'

Edit:... Or maybe a "rumor" needs to spread around town that a handful of Billy Bad Asses are gonna be there on a certain weekend, and we all know that if they can afford the hardware, they can afford to have a few EMT units positioned wherever they want, and I'm sure it won't be problem to gather up 100 or so "patrol" boats positioned along the track to keep out the rif raff, if you assholes make a commitment to bring the noise. 130, 140mph...whatever...if yer willing to do it, I'm sure plenty of "race support" will present itself...myself included. That would be a proper show to watch....all for bragging rights...nothing more.

No wristbands, no mandatory pits, no formalities. Throw a couple bouys down and get after it.

This won't be a day for blown day cruisers with 11" props, this won't be day for comp jets or mod VP boats (unless Stoker pulls something out of his ass). This will be a day for whoever thinks they have what it takes to own the place...and risk everything should shit go sideways.

Anyway, I don't have the money to do much more than drive out and watch...I can help add gas and fix shit when it breaks...but I can't bring much more to the party.

Ragged Edge

Man in the Box
May 4, 2011
Reaction score
We did just that, built a boat to compete against the Nordic, before we even got to the race they wanted me to slow it down and have their professional driver to test drive it to ensure it was safe and didn't top out over 105, plus they wanted us to run an onboard GPS transmitting our speed back to the officials in case we went over 105 they could black flag us. All of this for a little outboard? Unless everyone else had to do the same thing we weren't about to subject ourselves to that kind of ridicule. You all can say what you want about it, but to me and others this was completely out of line and basically we took it as we were not welcome to participate in this event. We all said the same thing that we were not even close to Nordics speed not by a long shot, but were told they slowed the Nordic way down!

Dave Bush, Joe Abellera, his Dad, Scott Nolind, my self and others all put in a shit ton of hours, money, stress, planning for 10 months exe.. All for nothing, I spent close to 60k on a race boat to race and be safe doing it all for nothing really...Scott did the same...

Not bitching just telling the truth!

Not trying to bust your balls here but I disagree. You built a boat to a set of rules that ceased to exist when the race management changed hands at the last minute. I know your an outboard guy but if you wanted to build a boat to compete with Nordic you should have built a outdrive rig, they're just more stable at the speeds we're running, I know, not your thing, not mine either.

My opinion, they should have made a bigger effort to get you and the new Canoe in the race. Having to allow their "Professional" test drive your boat to green light it is complete bullshit and would have been a deal breaker for me too if I was in that position. They are already demanding a GPS transmitting unit in your boat to track your speed, should be good enough. Hopefully some compromise can be reached for next year. Would love to have you guys out there competing with us in Division 6, we will need to pick up our game to run with you but we get a little faster every year. Just need to get props figured out. Keep posting up the performance of your boat as you dial it in. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
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Yes I agree, compared to the Nordics ride we are way off the mark no doubt, I was trying to make a different point, we wanted to race everyone, even Nordics machine, and at 105 limit we could have achieved it, in therory, I think to average 100 mph is dam fast for anyone.

I am happy to have seen all the teams blasting down the river though, I'm sure everyone had fun, and I will look forward to the future.

It isn't easy to do an event of this nature, so again my hats off to everyone that participated and made it happen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Just curious how much seat time you have in any air entrapment hull @110+ in actual race conditions?

We did just that, built a boat to compete against the Nordic, before we even got to the race they wanted me to slow it down and have their professional driver to test drive it to ensure it was safe and didn't top out over 105, plus they wanted us to run an onboard GPS transmitting our speed back to the officials in case we went over 105 they could black flag us. All of this for a little outboard? Unless everyone else had to do the same thing we weren't about to subject ourselves to that kind of ridicule. You all can say what you want about it, but to me and others this was completely out of line and basically we took it as we were not welcome to participate in this event. We all said the same thing that we were not even close to Nordics speed not by a long shot, but were told they slowed the Nordic way down!

Dave Bush, Joe Abellera, his Dad, Scott Nolind, my self and others all put in a shit ton of hours, money, stress, planning for 10 months exe.. All for nothing, I spent close to 60k on a race boat to race and be safe doing it all for nothing really...Scott did the same...

Not bitching just telling the truth!

old rigger

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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found these cool old Enduro videos..



Thanks for posting the links, brings back lots of memories of that time. In the 2nd clip, about 1:55 there's a guy in the stands leaning out a little with his camera and he's wearing a knitted beer can hat. Haven't thought of those in years, I kinda remember them being a 60s thing, our moms would make knitted hats for themselves with little round shinny doodads hanging on them and these beer hats too. My memory's a little fuzzy I guess.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Maybe there should be limit on CI / HP instead...dunno, there were a couple mod VP boats with 2.5s that got after it...Nordic shows up with a gun to a knife fight...it's great to see what they can afford an all, but if they're sandbagging, it doesn't really fit. A "race" needs to let the racers run what they brung. If what they brung is too fast flat out for the insurers of the race, then maybe limits need to put in place.

This is the problem with racing. If you limit the class to speed or time, you'll have the heavy hitters come out and pedal it to race the clock. If you put a restriction on equipment, you'll get the heavy hitters putting a lot of money into development and details to use up the rule book and whoop ass. The common guy won't stand a chance....unless spec /sealed motor classes are created, but then it gets more expensive and shit gets boring to watch, like nascar.

I don't know the answer, but I do know that both RD and Ross did a hell of a job over the last few years putting on a good event.

The only true manner in which to have a fair and equal race is to have a manufacturer show up with 40 identical boats and the drivers arrive and drive...but there really isn't much fun in that either...that's why boat racing is better than anything else....because of the variables. Take automotive drag racing...it's mostly about the HP...in a boat, you're running in variable water conditions, bottom work can help or hurt you under different conditions, the importance of HP can be determined by the fact that plenty of V6 outboards walked blown V drive boats down the track.

Dunno the answer

That's racin'

Edit:... Or maybe a "rumor" needs to spread around town that a handful of Billy Bad Asses are gonna be there on a certain weekend, and we all know that if they can afford the hardware, they can afford to have a few EMT units positioned wherever they want, and I'm sure it won't be problem to gather up 100 or so "patrol" boats positioned along the track to keep out the rif raff, if you assholes make a commitment to bring the noise. 130, 140mph...whatever...if yer willing to do it, I'm sure plenty of "race support" will present itself...myself included. That would be a proper show to watch....all for bragging rights...nothing more.

No wristbands, no mandatory pits, no formalities. Throw a couple bouys down and get after it.

This won't be a day for blown day cruisers with 11" props, this won't be day for comp jets or mod VP boats (unless Stoker pulls something out of his ass). This will be a day for whoever thinks they have what it takes to own the place...and risk everything should shit go sideways.

Anyway, I don't have the money to do much more than drive out and watch...I can help add gas and fix shit when it breaks...but I can't bring much more to the party.

I'm pretty sure the 100mph thing has nothing to do with equalizing the field, or giving advantages, (which many of the racers and people in the sport have gone back and forth on for years in regards to classes and rules), it all had to do with getting insurance for the event.... If i remember correctly it was going to double the insurance cost to allow them to exceed 100mph, so like 30k in insurance alone....


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure the 100mph thing has nothing to do with equalizing the field, or giving advantages, (which many of the racers and people in the sport have gone back and forth on for years in regards to classes and rules), it all had to do with getting insurance for the event.... If i remember correctly it was going to double the insurance cost to allow them to exceed 100mph, so like 30k in insurance alone....

Yes. It has to do with insurance only.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure the 100mph thing has nothing to do with equalizing the field, or giving advantages, (which many of the racers and people in the sport have gone back and forth on for years in regards to classes and rules), it all had to do with getting insurance for the event.... If i remember correctly it was going to double the insurance cost to allow them to exceed 100mph, so like 30k in insurance alone....


Yes. It has to do with insurance only.



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I'll rewrite that explanation after I get some caffeine in me. That was kinda all over the place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Cool seeing all the boats heading up river together..........


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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Actually it was very close. Team Nordic won by 8.8 seconds over Greg Foster in the number 48 Stoker. Of course this was after the penalties that the Nordic accrued for breaking out on a number of laps, they even spent 3 min. in the penalty box during the race. This is not directed at you Sean but I find it comical that some people bitch about a bracket race and basically the slowest boat on the river winning and then others bitch about the fastest boat on the river actually winning a boat race.

Randy Davis and his team have put a lot of time and $$$$ into making the Nordic fast and reliable. Was not always the case. Anyone who has the resources is welcome to spend the time and $$$$ building a boat that can compete with the Nordic, no one is stopping them. If the fastest boat is not supposed to win the race why not just have a parade?

I have tons of respect for the what the Nordic team brings to the Enduro, my point is about the two outboards that were told not to show up with their current set up. Why does set up matter if they can't run faster than the index?