… Baby Diaper Rash Info🔍…

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… Neighbor girl… The daughter I never had… now has a three month old…quite remarkable little daughter… Neighbor girl and Derrick are a little concerned about their baby having had diaper rash for a couple of weeks… Various physician assistants and a couple of doctors have recomended a few creams… Which don’t seem to be clearing it up… Now the little girl may be developing hives on her back…
… My big guess is that quite a few of the people on the forum have had dealings with infant diaper rash… They have been keeping her out of diapers…and laying her on absorbitant pads…
… Any advice is appreciated…as I hate to see them worry about their newborn…




To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Not much on remembering treatment types...been a few years. With one of our kids it was dietary changes, and allergic type reactions. Their body processed stuff different. If they recently changed formulas, or if mom is breast feeding and she has had any change of medications or diet, it could cause issues "downstream". Same with those little jars of baby food. Some were fine, others were not.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Not much on remembering treatment types...been a few years. With one of our kids it was dietary changes, and allergic type reactions. Their body processed stuff different. If they recently changed formulas, or if mom is breast feeding and she has had any change of medications or diet, it could cause issues "downstream". Same with those little jars of baby food. Some were fine, others were not.
… Regarding dietary changes… That was exactly my suggestion to Neighbor Girl today… She pumps her breast milk… And the little girls diet had been breast milk and a certain brand that Target carries… No diaper rash until Target and everybody else is out of whatever particular brand they had steadily been using… I believe they have used two different brands other than their usual…
… Baby mama herself is not on any medication’s… And no pot no beer none of that stuff during her entire pregnancy and now… Possibly a glass of wine when out to dinner… Pretty sure that’s it…
… My thought to her was that the human body craves what it has been getting a steady diet of… At least that is part of the premise of the PH Miricle book… I will screenshot, what you just said and send it over to her… And thank you…👍
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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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It could be the fat content or the lactic acid in the store stuff then. It's probably tied to it, but working around it may be the challenge.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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It could be the fat content or the lactic acid in the store stuff then. It's probably tied to it, but working around it may be the challenge.
… The little girls parents are both very smart people, and they’re kind of scratching their heads regarding the physician assistant and the doctors just switching from one cream to another… They are starting to see through this premise…
… I have just been corrected… The formula they have been using since day one is purchased at Target not Costco
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What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Not much help as like the MonkeyMan @monkeyswrench it been a few decades. But I just have to say that she is a cutie!!! I do recall that we did have a bit of issue and one of the key points was to be sure that our son was dry. Best of luck in finding the solution. Be sure to post up more images!!! Maybe in In-N-Out hat next time. 👍

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Not much help as like the MonkeyMan @monkeyswrench it been a few decades. But I just have to say that she is a cutie!!! I do recall that we did have a bit of issue and one of the key points was to be sure that our son was dry. Best of luck in finding the solution. Be sure to post up more images!!! Maybe in In-N-Out hat next time. 👍
… I am not blood grandpa, but I am officially grandpa and every time I tell her I’m going to be her babysitter. She lets go of my finger. Maybe we are going to have a problem here.🤷🏽‍♀️

… At two months, it looks like she was already thinking


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Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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A&D ointment. All the others did nothing for diaper rash when my kids were babies, but A&D did the trick.
Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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My grandmother swore by scorched flour for diaper rash. Take white all purpose flour and cook it ina skillet until it is essentially toasted, works better than talc for wicking moisture away from skin.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2011
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Have they tried Cornstarch? It worked great on my kids, and my new granddaughter. It's cheap, and has been used for ever...............


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2011
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The twins never had diaper rash. Not once.
I think the diaper line was Saddlers.
We immediately would change a wet diaper.
They were premature so they got fed every 2 hrs. We would wake them up, change and feed them every 2 hrs.


Anyone got some jack d?
Feb 13, 2008
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this is what worked for my kids and they are paper napkin white lol.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2019
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Desitin Paste (not the cream)​

Also might want to switch to clothes diapers for a week to see if that helps.
This! My Mom swore by it. It had cod liver oil in it. Not sure that it still does.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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this worked when nothing else did on my kids. another thing we noticed, when my wife ate pasta with marinara sauce while breast feeding both kids got upset stomachs and pretty bad rashes. hopefully something recommended here works for them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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… Neighbor girl… The daughter I never had… now has a three month old…quite remarkable little daughter… Neighbor girl and Derrick are a little concerned about their baby having had diaper rash for a couple of weeks… Various physician assistants and a couple of doctors have recomended a few creams… Which don’t seem to be clearing it up… Now the little girl may be developing hives on her back…
… My big guess is that quite a few of the people on the forum have had dealings with infant diaper rash… They have been keeping her out of diapers…and laying her on absorbitant pads…
… Any advice is appreciated…as I hate to see them worry about their newborn…

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This doesn't sound like typical diaper rash, caused by poor hygiene and changing habits. I wouldn't be slathering on any or all products that claim to treat diaper rash on a baby without medical advice by a specialist. The child needs to be examined by a dermatologist, not a pediatrician.

More information is needed on the diagnosis by the physician/PA and the creams being used. Are they prescription type? Over the counter? Are they corticosteroids, like Triamcinolone?

That was prescribed when Fonda had bacterial hives last year. They started as a rash on her back and morphed into hives. It took almost three months to resolve the issue, and looked very similar to diaper rash. Triamcinolone requires a prescription.

Triamcinolone Acetonide cream is used for psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, rashes, and other itchy or inflamed skin conditions. Triamcinolone Acetonide works by reducing itching and inflammation and calming an overactive immune system.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2015
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If she's breastfeeding why the target food? Does she not produce enough? My wife is on a few breastfeeding groups on Facebook. There's also lactation specialist available through the hospitals.

Our oldest got a rash once when my wife had spaghetti for dinner, kinda weird but the little guy had a sensitivity to what she ate at times.

We /she has been introducing the little one to foods and the all organic baby food she bought was causing constipation. She switched over the the little spoon brand we had used before with our oldest and it helped clear stuff up. ( obviously this is months down the road for them)
this worked when nothing else did on my kids. another thing we noticed, when my wife ate pasta with marinara sauce while breast feeding both kids got upset stomachs and pretty bad rashes. hopefully something recommended here works for them.
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We used this and also the stuff below if the butt paste doesn't work. Usually none of it is needed. I was just typing the spaghetti sauce thing 👍🏼

Big B Hova

Nov 7, 2014
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This is good stuff for both kids and adults with swamp ass rash. Recommened by kaiser
Screenshot 2024-10-25 081337.png


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2017
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We applied A&D with every diaper change for our kids, not only did it make it easier to clean but kept them from getting rashes. We also ordered Hipp formula from Germany, there's multiple online resellers for it. It's not FDA approved but a lot cleaner than the US manufactured formulas...


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2009
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My guess is it's an alergic reaction. when our daughter was a baby (now 30) she had a bad rash a few different times. It turned out to be an allergic reaction to anything containing apple, and something else that I don't remember. Her kids (3 yo and 9 months) took that alergic reaction to another level. The 3 year old was allergic to the same things, plus dairy. The 9 month old is allergic to the same things, plus dairy, soy, and a few other things. When breastfeeding if my daughter ate any of the things they were allergic to the kids would have the same reaction, so my daughter was extremely limited on what she could eat. Since she has transitioned to formula, which she orders from Germany, about 3 months ago, the issues with the diaper rash have been much better.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2015
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We struggled with a few things with our first born. Unfortunately, every kid/situation is different.

I view these as 2 separate efforts. One to take care of the immediate rash and help improve pain/discomfort and also solve whatever the root cause of the rash is.

Immediate rash solutions that worked for us:

1. Buy some of the absorbent chucks pads that folks with incontinence will sleep on, keep the kiddo out of her diaper as much as possible laying on top of one of those absorbent pads. Fresh air does wonders to making rashes go away.

2. When you have to have a diaper on her, we found the aquaphor 3 in 1 diaper rash cream really helped make progress as an OTC remedy.

3. With her worst rashes, we got a prescription for a Nystatin cream, mupircon cream, and hydrocortisone cream that we would mix into a concoction. These should only be used to "get ahead" of the rash and aren't a long term maintenance solution.

Root cause problems we identified:

1. We discovered that she had some sort of reaction to Desitin, a switch to aquaphor worked to solve that initially. My nieces and nephews have Desitin with no issues, just the way my daughter reacted to it.

2. My daughter had a cows milk protein intolerance for her first year or so of life. My wife had to go dairy free and it cleared up a lot of rashes, inflammation, and fussiness with her.

3. When she switched from size 4 to size 5 Costco diapers, she developed a gnarly rash. We think maybe the size 4 and size 5 are produced in different facilities with a slightly different material? Had to switch to the expensive honest brand diapers to solve that one.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… Neughbor Girl … Krystal✨ hasn’t read all of this yet… But I will either screenshot it all to her or have her go on the forum to read it… She tried to sign up as a member a couple of years ago and had a bit of difficulty and like an idiot, I didn’t follow up getting her signed up🤷🏽‍♀️

… last night for sure Krystal told me to thank all of the forum members as she and Derrick are clean freaks… And this child has known nothing but cleanliness……Until Krystal✨‘s mother had come into town from Texas… And was babysitting for a couple of hours and left the little girl in diapers with pee and poop in them for a bit … I think that’s where all this started… I will have to double check with Krystal✨… on that… But anyway, Neighbor girl wanted me to make sure that I thanked everybody 👍

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… I was just corrected by Krystal✨ as to when the diaper rash started… Her mother coming in from Texas had nothing to do with it… She told me it was when there became a shortage of their European regular store-bought Cows milk… And had to switch to Goats milk… The reason why the baby is not totally on breast milk is… I’m assuming Krystal✨’s original doctor said use the store-bought at night as it is heavier and baby girl will be able to sleep through the night… Use the breastmilk during the day… At 8 PM they switch the little girl over to store bought …🤷🏽‍♀️

… Yesterday afternoon Derrick went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription from one of the doctors..for the rash… The prescription was not quite ready… but the pharmacist told him that it was available over the counter… And in his experience, it has been the most helpful in the majority of cases… It is a mixture of what is largely prescribed for athletes foot…Clotrimizole… and Hydrocortiisone… Krystal✨ said the problem is largely clearing up… It went from red spots to a red area… And then to a pink area… They are hoping for it to be fully cleared up by Monday… so they can put the little girl whose name is Saryiah… Back in diapers…The medical professionals so far have told them that it is a fungal infection…
… Isn’t hydrocortisone a steroid… A steroid on a three month old???… Hmmm…Seems questionable to me if it is… But if it works without damaging any developing internal organs… I guess it is what it is🤷🏽‍♀️… yes, Grandpah worries…

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Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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… Neighbor girl… The daughter I never had… now has a three month old…quite remarkable little daughter… Neighbor girl and Derrick are a little concerned about their baby having had diaper rash for a couple of weeks… Various physician assistants and a couple of doctors have recomended a few creams… Which don’t seem to be clearing it up… Now the little girl may be developing hives on her back…
… My big guess is that quite a few of the people on the forum have had dealings with infant diaper rash… They have been keeping her out of diapers…and laying her on absorbitant pads…
… Any advice is appreciated…as I hate to see them worry about their newborn…

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Cute kid! Diaper rash days are Way beyond my memory capacity.

Just wanted to comment on how cute that kid is!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2009
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I’ve got a kid still in diapers at night. She, out of all 4 of my kids, was the only one to have recurring diaper rash. We tried all kinds of stuff and found what caused hers was allergies to just about all diapers. We’ve tried just about every brand and what works for her is the Honest brand diapers. Any other diaper and she gets a bad rash after one use.

They aren’t cheap but price is no object when you’re dealing with severe diaper rashes.



Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Been over 2 decades since I had to deal with this.
I know it might sound strange.
This is the stuff. Your local Rite Aid will probably have it. Any local feed and tack store will have it.

Also works well on burns, jock itch, swamp ass, etc.

I carry some every trip to Glamis after ATC butt starts flaming too.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Cute kid! Diaper rash days are Way beyond my memory capacity.

Just wanted to comment on how cute that kid is!
… I will pass your comment onto Krystal✨… And she will really appreciate it … Both parents are very handsome people …That little girl is absolutely gorgeous… And people are astounded by her focus … At her very young age… I have watched her from a couple of days old… Up until now being three months old… You can tell by the look in her eyes that she really now sees what’s going on around her… It’s going to be quite interesting to see what the first words out of her mouth might be…Probably something like you people certainly do some stupid shit 😳🤷🏽‍♀️

… Don’t know if any of the wives out there who read some of the RDP postings might be a bit into astrology… But this baby girl is a quadruple Cancer … Which I have only seen one time in my life before…
… as the weeks go on you can see her mind clearing up… Her stare is hypnotic… I hope she doesn’t become able to stare holes through drywall and cause housefires 🤷🏽‍♀️😳

… when the baby was only possibly four weeks old, her parents took her with them to the Mexican restaurant, Casa Vega, in Sherman Oaks… The waiter kept staring in the babies eyes and started backing up… He almost tripped over the carpet and kept saying her eyes her eyes🤷🏽‍♀️

… Suzi Hokom the first female rock ‘n’ roll producer in the 60s who knows a bit about astrology…said Krystal✨ and Derrick may have a Sister Sarah on their hands… … I had to hit Google to see who Sister Sarah was … apparently, a long time ago …she was something like a religious leader whose life goal was to save people… This might work out good… I probably could use a little saving🤷🏽‍♀️


Sep 20, 2007
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My mom always had this stuff in the house & surely used it on my bum. We used it on our kids if necessary or for any kind of rash. Even helped on poison ivy itchiness.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… Little baby girl Saryiah’s three month picture… I was told that Saryiah is a Hebrew biblical name… Meaning princess…

…And here is a picture of her parents neither of whom probably knows anything about the Hebrew faith🤷🏽‍♀️… I am very proud of both of them… the road to get to where they are today has not been the least bit easy for either one of them👍

… I could swear that pillow used to live in my house… Oh well🤷🏽‍♀️


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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There is a product called Savlon from Australia/ New Zealand, It's excellent and safe and available on Amazon now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Isn’t hydrocortisone a steroid… A steroid on a three month old???… Hmmm…Seems questionable to me if it is… But if it works without damaging any developing internal organs… I guess it is what it is🤷🏽‍♀️… yes, Grandpah worries…o
As I mentioned above, she needs the steroids. This isn't normal diaper rash, and the typical OTC remedies won't be effective.

The concentration specified by the doctor won't harm her. Topical steroids are quite harmless.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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As I mentioned above, she needs the steroids. This isn't normal diaper rash, and the typical OTC remedies won't be effective.

The concentration specified by the doctor won't harm her. Topical steroids are quite harmless.
… I guess what Derrick just picked up is working because in a matter of several hours, it went to not looking good to 80 or 90% cleared up🤷🏽‍♀️… So we shall see👍


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2016
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We only ever used this stuff. We try to stay away from all the poisonous crap in this world. It never let us down when we were in diaper phase. Also kept the kids out of diapers on occasion during the day to give them a break.



Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2008
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Boys had bad rash and this was the only thing that worked. UK product and is truly a miracle product. Won't find it in stores and we always had extra to give to other new parents.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Been over 2 decades since I had to deal with this.
I know it might sound strange.
This is the stuff. Your local Rite Aid will probably have it. Any local feed and tack store will have it.
View attachment 1443135

Also works well on burns, jock itch, swamp ass, etc.

I carry some every trip to Glamis after ATC butt starts flaming too.
… isn’t Bag Balm for milking cows?… So they’re utters don’t get chaffed???…lol

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… This pic is from yesterday when Krystal✨ and Derrick went to a skateboard park in Santa Monica…I think it used to be the courthouse… I’m not sure???…Derrick is a champion skateboarder… Used to be sponsored by Nike….
… I guess Krystal✨ just sits and watches Derrick do his tricks… And most likely plays baby show and tell with the other wives and girlfriends… I guess I should’ve asked Krystal✨ if the rash is totally gone … I would assume that it is or else she wouldn’t have taken the baby anywhere 🤷🏽‍♀️

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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.., yep… Krystal✨ got the OK from the doctor to diaper the baby girl up and take her to the skate park the other day… Krystal✨ changed her diapers regularly… Put on the two creams… And let the fresh ocean air circulate around her little bum for a bit…
… The rash is gone…👍
… Krystal✨ said the people on the forum are some really cool people… And she is very appreciative of everyone’s input …Yes, the forum members certainly are…good people…And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the input on this…