They release them to CarFax! Why not to you? :mad: Do you have a service writer that is a friend? Or, just ask the owner to get it as a condition of the sale. If they refuse they may be hiding something? Or, they haven’t owned the car very long.
You Tube “using a plastic tote to put my Blackstone in". My son did this and it works perfect. Lowe’s sells a black one with a red lid that is the same as the one in the video.
Maybe try a pawn shop to get an idea on the watches? They’d be the first to tell you if they are real or not I believe? I agree the YM looks a little suspicious, but honestly can’t say for sure. I also believe the 1/2 dollars that have “Uncirc” on the baggies are not going to be evaluated as...
$450 a year seems cheap and you’re possibly 1/2 there LOL. I’d keep it. You just never know? Not sure how old you? All I know is that I’m 73 now and the birthdays really creep up on you. I’ve been in very good shape all of my life. But, once you reach a certain point the body just starts to...
For me, the more PT, the better it felt. Swelling needed to be controlled. 6 months post-op I was pretty much back to normal activities. Doctor said no jumping off roofs and no golf for a year, LOL! Hope you recover and get back to normal very quickly! Best thing I ever did was getting mine done.
Amazing how dffferent Doctors have different views on the healing process. Got out of surgery at 7:00 in the evening and woke up with the Passive Motion Machine on my leg. Next morning at 7:00 am the Physical Therapist came in, took the Machine off and said ‘Let’s go fo a walk”! Never saw the...
Another favorite was, “ When I came up to bat in the bottom of the ninth, 2 outs, down by one and bases loaded. I’d look over at the other dugout and they all had their street clothes on!” Loved the guy!
I use to use the Commerical Ford Service Center on Cherry Ave and the 10 FWY. Not sure if they are still there but I was real happy with them back a few years ago.