May we never forget these brave men who sacrificed everything for us!!
79th Infantry Division came ashore on Utah D+8. He was killed one month later, July 7th in the counterattack on La Haye-du-Puits.
"Excerpt from 79th ID battle history"
SS Panzer-Division “Das Reich”, the Germans did not...
When asked how a job or task is coming along......... "I'm stormin' the gates of hell with a squirtgun".
When someone is acting up........ "He's acting like he just stepped of Willie Nelson's tour bus".
Hang in there! No words can describe. It just fuckin sucks. Remember the good times. I've only had Boxers. They are the best! 6yrs is not enough. We focus so much on giving them a good life. Yet, there comes a time when we have to give them a good death. They deserve that.