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  1. AdvantageAndrew

    Newborn advice

    1. If breast feeding issues try goats milk, this is assuming he's not getting enough nourishment. Lactation issues (moms diet, latching, etc)is #1 cause of unhappy babies. Forget soy or almond they don't provide the fat content and vitamins needed. 2. Burp him properly, burping is caused by...
  2. AdvantageAndrew

    Echo Lodge

    I have a place at Echo just behind Paradise on lower level. I would suggest staying away from the wall. Mooring your boat along the beach area on washing machine weekend is a better bet. Bottom is sandy and large box anchor should be fine. Rockhouse just down the road is much better to launch...
  3. AdvantageAndrew

    Desert storm raft up roll call. (official)

    1. McRib<br /> 2. BUDMAN<br /> 3. HavasuHank<br /> 4. USMC2010<br /> 5. RiverDave/RiverDiva/KickerDan/WiredForSound etc..<br /> 6. Shintoooo<br /> 7. Jefftowz<br /> 8. 28Eliminator<br /> 9. Vegaskeith<br /> 10. Coleskier<br /> 11. Bigbore500r<br /> 12. BigBHova<br /> 13. Rvrrat350<br...