All mine are elective tear downs so plan check/ building fees are 100% / school fees only on added footage apply but the re assessment principles are similar. No way a fire victim losing a 2,500 ft house assessed at 400k would get hit with it getting re assessed at 2M for rebuilding it at...
For your boat I'd try to grab a 3 blade from Hill to test with the same day just to compare the feel . All my 1-1/8 for my gn are RH 2 blades but I drove my buddy's cruiser style rayson 21 with a 3 blade on it last summer testing props with about 750 hp 94 mph with the 3 blade and was surprised...
At the beach to retain your pre existing "bluff setback " dealing with coastal commission for an example yes, but for the most part It only helps to keep it a remodel permit which has less fees. Con would be your house will pop up as "built in 1952" or whenever it was built back in the day...
We/ I tear down and rebuilt all year long every year for a living . You get to keep your value on existing square footage. Additional footage, decks, garage space etc. is taxed / added on the original "improvements" part of the assessment based on quality level of construction which sucks, but...
I think equal square footage and bathroom fixtures the assessed value stays the same after the rebuild. I've been thinking about that today too, historically feeling I'm always over insured as a contractor, plus my current homes both have valid soils geotech pad certs etc so foundation could be...
In pretty good shape. It looks like one of the ones they use in boat lifts where it rains a lot and has the adjustable poles to tent the mid sections - $100—805-550-2971
I’ve lived at the same beach for 37 years, much of that basing my schedule around the nailed that date - Jan 5 23’ was definitely the biggest day I’ve ever seen here. The pier is one of the more sheltered spots locally, and on a regular larger W NW it’ll be well overhead there with...
We came across a few in the dez on Thanksgiving when it was windy on our dirtbikes . Like little Pope- mobiles with happy wives sitting shotgun holding tumblers. It definitely got me thinking ;)
Definitely try stuff out first. As long as the wife is OK with cold and dust the sxs beats riding a quad like mine did when our kids were little. It's still her least favorite group activity we do because of those 2 things and she's real aggressive compared to most when it comes to being a...
Terrible dimensions in the design on this almost tear down I’m doing led to this stupid winder landing with a pocket door at the top, but this rams horn continuous grab rail we did actually worked out -
Known my Farmers agency owner for our personal stuff since high school who's about 5 years older than me , DINK, and the last few years he got sick of how messed up that industry had become with Ca and his clients calling complaining about rates etc. so he sold the business / just straight hung...
I want to say with a very custom end dump it was 400K + . He has so many of these I lose track, but this and a couple others are super custom orders sorta like a DCB etc. Known him since he was 14 or so it's been fun to watch his success over the years.
I think so, I know it has a different...