Phizer is off the hook because people were told at the beginning that it was an experimental injection, it wasn’t approved by the FDA, and it was a voluntary shot. Now if your employer forced you to get the shot you may have a lawsuit against your employer.
This just adds to her diversity résumé. It doesn’t matter if it’s for good or bad, just diverse. Just like Newsom’s ineptitude adds to his diversity value. I am so glad the rest of the isn’t as F’d up as LA and California.
You can tell right away from the phone number - +63 951 045 5969, that’s no nearby number.
Toll Roads even sent out a text letting people know that these scams were going on.
If Biden issues Nancy Pelosi a pardon, at the inauguration Trump should take a few sheets of paper and say, “Hey Nancy, here’s your pardon!” And tear it up. 🤣
I haven’t heard of a pardon for this traitor or Mayorkas yet. Hopefully in Brandon’s feeble condition he’ll forget about these two and Pam Bondi will rake them over the coals for treason by the way they handled immigration.
Rapid unscheduled disassembly? Does SpaceX have liberals writing press releases now? It should just be: Musk’s latest SpaceX rocket blew up due to a malfunction. “Rapid unscheduled disassembly” sounds like the engine vibrated all its nuts and bolts loose before its next scheduled maintenance...
Way back in the 70’s there was a thing like baseball cards with a piece of gum with it that was a parody of products called Wacky Packages. I always thought Schiff has looked like this guy on the Sucrets lozenges parody:
Edit: Notice the pencil neck.
This popped up on FB - she’s doing Sweet Child O’mine and it’s pretty awesome. I have no idea what instrument that is.
Here she’s doing the Hell Freezes Over version of Hotel California.