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  1. Ultra...Good

    "OH", AOC!!

  2. Ultra...Good

    Fire extinguisher mounts, any recommendations ?

    Outside of making something custom and powder coating, not really. I got a guy that is good with metal and that helps a bunch, so......could be a good project for you to make some youtube videos.
  3. Ultra...Good

    Bringing some Facebook to Rdp

    Kind of a stretch. Like saying all US troops that were forced to attend BLTgq+ crap were for it.
  4. Ultra...Good

    Trump: The US to take over Gaza

    Oh, it will. Hopefully something more like: release them now, then GTFO.
  5. Ultra...Good

    Water Ski Engine Size

    For me the difference always came down to the prop. Use the lowest pitch that will achieve a speed slightly more then you will use and life is good. That and a non ventilated prop make it WAY easier to plane at lower speeds, low speed maneuvers also much easier. Stainless is a must and more...
  6. Ultra...Good

    Trump: The US to take over Gaza

    Do I have this correct? Trump to deport pro Hamas sympathizers that are not citizens. A week later says he wants to take over Hamas territory. This is better then I thought.
  7. Ultra...Good

    We're Rolling Boys!!!

    I've noticed that liberals turn on each other at the drop of a hat and go scorched earth X's 100. Elon was god until he spoke out about the reality of electric cars. Now that he works for T, the level of hate is off the hook.
  8. Ultra...Good

    We're Rolling Boys!!!

    With what is taught in schools now........good. They have already farted in church. Now they can sit in pew.
  9. Ultra...Good

    We're Rolling Boys!!!

    This was my thoughts when he won back in November. They gave him 4 years off to prepare for this. Not only that, they continued to go after him and go scorched earth on the country in general. This is fun to watch. It may go well or whatever. Life in this country was going so bad so fast that...
  10. Ultra...Good

    The Round em UP Thread

    So, what yore saying is you would rather they were just lined up and shot? Held in cages? Gitmo? Got it.
  11. Ultra...Good

    The Round em UP Thread

    Learn to pick fruits and vegetables. Technically, it is still in the public service sector. Win/win.
  12. Ultra...Good

    Cartels started firing on the Border Patrol

    Goes back to the Constitution. You know, like life, liberty and the perfuit of happiness.
  13. Ultra...Good

    Cartels started firing on the Border Patrol

    Where do latinx-ez's come from? Or is it latinx-ics?
  14. Ultra...Good

    God damn protesters

    ICE can make a game out of it. Here ilegally? Deported to the countries flag you are waving. Here legally and protesting illegally? One way ticket to said country whose flag you are waving. Sent with no money, or ID. You can come back, but you have to figure out how you will do it.
  15. Ultra...Good

    God damn protesters

    Seen this locally a few hours ago, thought no way it were true. Have fun with that CA.
  16. Ultra...Good

    Truck got stolen

    Is this a flanking maneuver? I like this.
  17. Ultra...Good

    Truck got stolen

    A camera, a door lock and an in car microwave system. Don't completely cook em. But.........
  18. Ultra...Good

    On the Mexico and Canada Tariffs

    This is from a group of socialist democRATS with the intention of promoting Buy Canadian to help Canada while screwing themselves and their country. Morons on so many levels. Just cannot even imagine being so flipping dumb.
  19. Ultra...Good

    On the Mexico and Canada Tariffs

    Has to start somewhere. This is a good place. If you have to buy things only made elsewhere, what are you doing to fix this in the US, now? Arguing on an internet forum?