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  1. C

    Williams to Jerome

    Nice nature pics but what about the golf course in the 1st pic
  2. C

    How do you deal with a long airplane flight?

    I don't, 6 hrs max.
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    Steep Ramps in Havasu

    Why the closure ?
  4. C

    Kids and life vests.

    After reading the post on the Lake powell incident, i got to thinking about last weekend at Havasu. i seen 9 kids and i mean under the age of 12 easy not wear vest. Sure the parents looked clueless but i couldn't stop thinking about it.
  5. C

    AirBNB people are crap

    Exactly, We have 3 homes Anaheim hills, Palm Desert and Havasu.. The 1st thing people always ask is if we rent it out. heck no, Its our home to use and not rent to strangers. i guess we're the odd ones.
  6. C

    Redditors discuss living in Lake Havasu…

    HAHHAHa there some truth in there.
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    Housecleaner in Havasu

    Thanks, appreciate that.
  8. C

    Housecleaner in Havasu

    Called Ana Helen multiple time, never even a call back. Go figure.
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    Housecleaner in Havasu

    We are looking too.
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    Breakfast in Vegas

    Hash house a GoGo is damm good too
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    Bath remodel opinions

    We just finished our bath redo and got rid of the bath tub and made a 9-1/2 x 5 shower. best decision ever.
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    Next Stop

    many fishing trips in the early 80's by car. what to go back now.
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    Happy Father's Day!

    And strangely nothing happened to the dad. A good ending.
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    Who is right and who is wrong in this situation?

    That is the best and truest statement yet !
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    Who is right and who is wrong in this situation?

    Ghetto is what ghetto does.
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    Memorial Day weekend 2024….Post your pics!

    Would that be an Icon?
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    The Battle at Riveria- then to Jail

    I'm sure he's been in many a fights because of this women
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    people just what to chill.
  19. C

    Any Boxing Fans from the 80's / 90's ? . . . . .

    Big greg haugen fan here