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  1. T

    I’m a Papa Again

    How cool is that, congrat’s. 🎉🎊
  2. T

    Ironworkers are a special breed...

    Iron workers in upstate N Y mostly Native Americans, fearless.
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    … Prayers Really Needed…

    Prayers sent, so nice to know people like her in our old age. One by one our friends pass on, always so sad.
  4. T

    Looking for this Cole!

    I think Basil Hayden sold that about 2016-17, I remember looking at it in his garage in Havasu.
  5. T

    Campbell Carl Its Been 8 Years. RDP Misses You!!

    Just a great friend, jeez so sad.
  6. T

    Proposed CA annual gun registration

    That’s how they make it a full time job, not really necessary, pass a bill to make the job part time with no big paycheck and pension and see how long they last.
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    I love dealing with insurance companies

    I think today you are pretty lucky to have insurance at all, got to grin and bare it I guess.
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    Raptor Bronco

    No, it’s white with black.
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    Raptor Bronco

    Valencia Ford has a new Raptor Bronco for sale: 2024 MSRP 100k, 10k mark up, 2k add on’s. 112k plus tax, title, etc. Nice truck though.
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    Question for the braintrust..

    I suspect he may be getting his money back after so many years. I have known people that have done similar to this and they get to use it and then get money back after a period of time, sort of letting them use the money to build the resort.
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    Question for the braintrust..

    Love the looks and location of Havasu Dunes. It is nicely kept up and looks like fun for the whole family and seems simple in and out.
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    RIP Toby Keith

    Shucks. 😢
  13. T

    California Auto Insurance WTF?

    Allstate auto 30% increase.
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    Robby Gordon didn't steal my money!

    I sure love those Speeds, nothing better looking.
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    So we bought a home in Kanab Utah...

    Steve, you probably did more last year than most do in their lifetime, always enjoy your stories.
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    RDP Member Published First Book Today | Angiebaby, the Author

    It’s sure an accomplishment that most of us will never experience that’s for sure, congrat’s young lady.
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    Happy bday HydroSkreamin

    Happy Birthday sir.
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    Flu shot

    I pay for a person to come to the company and give flu shots to anyone who would like one, but rarely take one myself. I think it’s safe to say I’m done with shots. 🙏
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    Roar before the 24

    Wow, congrat’s on your tremendous success. 👍