I don't really pay attention to the trim gauge except when I lower the drive to take off or raise it on the trailer and in shallow areas. Each boat is different. Once on plane and cruising I will trim up till the nose bobs up and down then click the switch down till it stops. Water condition...
My co worker is friends with one of the drivers who crashed on the Christmas day street race in Carson. He continues to try and justify why he shouldn't be charged and that they are trying to make an axample of him. The friend recently paroled left the scene only to turn himself in later. Just...
Have the battery tested, a tender is not made to charge a fully drained battery. This could possibly damage the unit. Do not use a trickle charger as they usually stay on constantly and will overcharge a battery. Battery tenders are good for the price.
I have a wired dvr system that I'd like to make wireless. I see wireless antenna setups that'll make it happen. Has anyone done this and what antenna would you suggest?
I have a 20'x40'. they need to be through bolted and secured to the ground. My solid cover lasted two weeks here in riverside. They gave me another cover but i ordered the breathable netting covers. Should help on the para shooting of the awning. I'd be willing to sell it if someone is interested.