So the guy making the accusations is in prison for making false accusations of child sex against a political opponent, after he accused a school teacher who wanted his tax collector job, and in a plea got 6 years with a promise to help the FBI get other people.
And here we are listening to the...
McCarthy had more than a billion dollars in IOUs outstanding to donors to his PAC when he was kneecapped. We can clearly infer that 530 held some of that IOU. So of course he wants to join pool boy Kevin and conehead Trey in trying to burn down Gaetz because he knows he literally lit his money...
I mean, if you have to crash, going in where the NHRA safety safari and the ambulances are standing by is kinda best of the options.. Glad it sounds like they made it.
Elon should buy MSNBC for pennies. Then have Alex Jones sitting in the second seat on every show, with the current hosts, to fact check them is real time. Ratings would go thru the roof
Do you think another year of McCarthy doing nothing, then wasting millions every cycle to try to remove Gaetz would deliver better results? Or is doing the CRs so Nancy is still running spending the "conservative" position? Sometimes, you need to take pain and make the necessary cuts. Otherwise...
Shocking that Gaetz gave McCarthy a whole spending cycle to accomplish what he promised, then when nothing got done he fired him. Shocking that Mitch has again managed to end discussions on another spending cycle while installing an exact replacement of himself as senate leader.
One could...
This shit cracks me up. I mean, listen to the actual players. They agreed to McCarthy with very specific conditions. McCarthy from day 1 decided to ignore those conditions. Instead, we continued with the CRs, giving Nancy Pelosi control over spending in a republican congress. Multiple members...