My POS rep voted Nay.
Only reason this fucking asshole is my rep is because the libs re-drew my district about 10 years ago.
My former rep used to be Tom, the Tank, Tancredo. Libs re-drew my district and now I get this fucking piece of shit asshole from Madison Wisconsin. Move the fuck back...
Colorado, wanting to copy everything California does is ready to hike gas prices at least .50 or more starting June 1
Our governor could have asked the EPA for an extension on some of the stringent new rules, but he did not. So shifted the blame to someone else for his failure to do something...
Good luck!
California is the same as Colorado.
CA= LA & SF out voting the rest of the state.
CO= Denver & Boulder out voting the rest of the state.
Nevada is similar. . .
Red dye. . . non taxed fuel that farmers/ranchers/etc use. Same as regular diesel but not taxed. Just died red in-case some govm't G-man comes to your farm and wants to inspect that you ain't putting in your daily driver and only the John Deere.
Something very similar happened at my oldest daughters college graduation about 10 years ago. She was in a smaller group from the Warner College of Natural Resources at CSU.
It was held in one of the smaller arenas at CSU. The had no reservation process or tickets. Seating capacity was 2500...
Simple solution.
Without raising taxes or tax rates.
The citizens of California need to pass a proposition that all elected officials & politicians, in the state of California, have to drive their own vehicle and pay for their own gas.
No more state provided vehicles or gas. No free charging...
Used to rebuild so may GM columns I lost track.
Theft jobs or loose/wobbly column. That was caused by people grabbing the steering wheel to get in the truck. The 4 big Torx bolts under the pivot ball would come loose.
That's when you had to use the other special tool to pull the pins out and...