Recent content by DaytonaBabe

  1. DaytonaBabe

    Crazy in the head- Georgia sorority girl

    Gorgeous girl, for sure. She looks like she'd giggle while taking an Amber Heard sized dump on your bed.
  2. DaytonaBabe


    Oh gosh 😞 Praying for her and her doctors.
  3. DaytonaBabe

    Current Situation - a picture thread

    Go Padres!
  4. DaytonaBabe


    Checking in, Gramps. Hope Mrs. Gramps is doing better.
  5. DaytonaBabe

    Current Situation - a picture thread

    I also moonlight as a landscaper 😆 Palms are trimmed and ready for Spring... and Lucy decided pool season started. Lol
  6. DaytonaBabe

    Nature rules!

    It was hot as hell when I grabbed that shot. He had just taken a dip in my neighbors fountain 😆
  7. DaytonaBabe

    Nature rules!

    I'm a nature nerd as well. We get a ton of wildlife at our house. I have an embarrasing amount of videos of our visitors, but I love it.
  8. DaytonaBabe


    This story literally made my stomach churn. That woman is a waste of oxygen and needs to be given the same treatment.
  9. DaytonaBabe


    Hoping that the doctors can help her to start feeling better quickly. My parents are still trying to get over the flu that has been going around. They're on week 3 at this point and have said it was the most sick they've ever been. Their doctor put them on an antibiotic to prevent pneumonia.
  10. DaytonaBabe

    An Afternoon in the Caribbean

    Awesome boat! Congrats!!!
  11. DaytonaBabe

    Happy B-day Paul!!!!!

    Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Paul! Hope you have a wonderful day!
  12. DaytonaBabe

    Happy Birthday Andrew

    Happy Birthday!!! 🎂
  13. DaytonaBabe

    Was just thinking about jbb.

    How was that 10 years ago?!?!!!
  14. DaytonaBabe


    We've had a really good experience with all of our GE Café appliances. Now that I've put this out in the universe, they're bound to shit the bed though.... 🤦🏼‍♀️