When stay-at-home orders are set to end in all 58 California counties


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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Los Angeles County: May 15 — The county extended its “safer at home” health order through May 15.

Orange County: Following state guidance — The county advised residents and businesses to follow the governor’s distancing directions “regardless of the expiration of the County Public Health Order.”

Riverside County: April 30 — The county’s stay-at-home order remains in effect through April 30.

Ventura County: May 15 — The county’s stay-at-home order remains in place through May 15.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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Awesome. For anyone that actually does “numbers” OC has 3,176,000 residents. Have lost 68 people to Covid, that is .000021 of the population.

I think we’ll be ok to go back to normal, and wash hands, don’t touch face, and if you feel the need wear a mask.

Our unemployment is probably close to 500,000 recently fired and God knows how many Small Businesses have closed.

We’re screwed if we keep listening to HairGel Gavey as he plays mr. gubment.

Oh, and his plumpjack wine tastes like asphalt.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
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I think the California Executive Order N-33-20 (safer at home) that does not have a defined expiration date would trump any county stay at home order. Right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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I just told my wife that people are sick of this shit. With the warm weather now upon us, and people sick of being locked down at home, it's time. Whether or not the retard with the so-called perfect hair likes it or not, people are going to start doing their own thing and there isnt much he can do about it.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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This is turning political, if it hasn't always been. The mere mentioning of reopening in front of my sons liberal, college girlfriends living with us until the stay at home is lifted (yes, they went through the liberal indoctrination by way of college & really the only few libbies we know) makes them turn red & walk out of the room. My wife wants me to not mention reopening or anything good about Trump in front of them, but fuck that.

Let's open this country back up & MAGA!
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Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
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This is turning political, if it hasn't always been. The mere mentioning of reopening in front of my sons liberal, college girlfriends living with us until the stay at home is lifted (yes, they went through the liberal indoctrination by way of college & really the only few libbies we know) makes them turn red & walk out of the room. My wife wants me to not mention reopening or anything good about Trump in front of them, but fuck that.

Let's open this country back up & MAGA!

You are literally living a microcosm of our society. The liberals are depending on the conservatives for food & shelter [emoji38]


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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This is turning political, if it hasn't always been. The mere mentioning of reopening in front of my sons liberal, college girlfriends living with us until the stay at home is lifted (yes, they went through the liberal indoctrination by way of college & really the only few libbies we know) makes them turn red & walk out of the room. My wife wants me to not mention reopening or anything good about Trump in front of them, but fuck that.

Let's open this country back up & MAGA!

Holee libtards - your stay-at-home life must be living hell. Having to avoid telling the truth with your sons' college GF's in your house has to be a high price. Hopefully they're making it up to you somehow 😲 🤡


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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This is turning political, if it hasn't always been. The mere mentioning of reopening in front of my sons liberal, college girlfriends living with us until the stay at home is lifted (yes, they went through the liberal indoctrination by way of college & really the only few libbies we know) makes them turn red & walk out of the room. My wife wants me to not mention reopening or anything good about Trump in front of them, but fuck that.

Let's open this country back up & MAGA!
Cuz their Libby profs are still gettin paid. Cut those wankers off the teet, and holy crap all hell would break loose. All teachers unions and all kids and all the Karen shamer moms would burn the capital.

But no, we keep paying them for essentially doing nothing.

I hope the world sees just how little a massive portion of education does, and how much education actually fails. On a daily, monthly, and yearly basis.

Thank god I went to college before the indoctrination went all in.
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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This is turning political, if it hasn't always been. The mere mentioning of reopening in front of my sons liberal, college girlfriends living with us until the stay at home is lifted (yes, they went through the liberal indoctrination by way of college & really the only few libbies we know) makes them turn red & walk out of the room. My wife wants me to not mention reopening or anything good about Trump in front of them, but fuck that.

Let's open this country back up & MAGA!

And yet they stay.

Side note:
A) How many college girlfriends does yore son have?

B) Does he have any literature available with instructions on how to accomplish this?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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And yet they stay.

Side note:
A) How many college girlfriends does yore son have?

B) Does he have any literature available with instructions on how to accomplish this?
LMAO. There's two boys actually (22 & 25 years old). The 22 yr old's GF is from Cypress, they met at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore and the other is an SDSU student from Boston.

Both the girls are graduating this year. The boys are already done.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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This is turning political, if it hasn't always been. The mere mentioning of reopening in front of my sons liberal, college girlfriends living with us until the stay at home is lifted (yes, they went through the liberal indoctrination by way of college & really the only few libbies we know) makes them turn red & walk out of the room. My wife wants me to not mention reopening or anything good about Trump in front of them, but fuck that.

Let's open this country back up & MAGA!
Daughter just fresh out of college had a meltdown when we told her we were going to river this weekend, so much so my girlfriend begged me to just stay home this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2018
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Los Angeles County: May 15 — The county extended its “safer at home” health order through May 15.

Orange County: Following state guidance — The county advised residents and businesses to follow the governor’s distancing directions “regardless of the expiration of the County Public Health Order.”

Riverside County: April 30 — The county’s stay-at-home order remains in effect through April 30.

Ventura County: May 15 — The county’s stay-at-home order remains in place through May 15.
HEY,WHAT ABOUT F____ING Northern Californy, Up here North of Lake Tahoe/Truckee IN Sierra County there is ZERO Corona Flu Cases. Me and the Wife Said f____ it.
Lets go for a Cruise to NEVADA County, ,Yuba County, And Sierra County and go have a Picnic at Yuba PASS Snow park,. There were many Snowmobiles out and about. Further on the other side of the pass there was Fly Fishermen, Lots of Motorcycles cruising around, Boats headed to Bullards Bar Reservoir, Kayackers down the North fork Yuba River.
A bar was open with Harleys out front in Sierra City.
Hell there is no Stay home order up here. Well there were tour shops Close in Downieville, SO Waht. Campgrounds were closed , but they are close for the winter anyway.
Hell, it's was just another day out here. Who cares if the there is a Stay home order IF you can Go anywhere you Want. Now this is just up here , Others places might have the law forcing it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2018
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Interesting infomation , Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield
California urgent care doctors make case for reopening America
Counter 4:40 talks about Santa ClaraCounty, and Stanford studies.

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Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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Who’s the sheep?
The mayor?
the sheep are the pretty much everyone that has said or continues to say, "we're in it together" "lets flatten the curve" "if we save one life" or my favorate "stay at home" which could not be stupider given that keeping everyone in a confined space (with people going to the freakin store, where EVEYONE goes, and then going back to the same confined space) is the leading cause of general transmission. (see NY Metro area, and nursing homes)


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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the sheep are the pretty much everyone that has said or continues to say, "we're in it together" "lets flatten the curve" "if we save one life" or my favorate "stay at home" which could not be stupider given that keeping everyone in a confined space (with people going to the freakin store, where EVEYONE goes, and then going back to the same confined space) is the leading cause of general transmission. (see NY Metro area, and nursing homes)
Agreed, and if we don't wear the masks we're covid-shamed, even though I touch my face a million times more with one on & touching the face is like the only way to get it. You could be doused with covids, but if they don't make it into your respiratory system, they will not harm you.

I swear the rules they've made are trying to kill us. Same with being put on a ventilator. I will flat out say no if they tried. Since 9 out of 10 people die that are put on them & just read actor lost his leg due to blood clots caused by one (a known complication), I'll take my chances without one.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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Agreed, and if we don't wear the masks we're covid-shamed, even though I touch my face a million times more with one on & touching the face is like the only way to get it. You could be doused with covids, but if they don't make it into your respiratory system, they will not harm you.

I swear the rules they've made are trying to kill us. Same with being put on a ventilator. I will flat out say no if they tried. Since 9 out of 10 people die that are put on them & just read actor lost his leg due to blood clots caused by one (a known complication), I'll take my chances without one.
fuck the masks. I walked into a sushi place three days ago, and a customer was wearing a Jason hockey mask. I shit you not.

I ordered a dozen red MAGA masks. That should really piss off the Karens of the world