What's News Over at OCM These Days?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Haven't heard or seen anything new from that spot for awhile now...what's news?



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Well do you want he facts or the word on the street?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Well the long and short of it is it's basically over. Just like child birth, real life isn't anything like the movies and things don't happen in one fell swoop with cops kicking in the doors and raiding file cabinets etc..

The vast majority of one Tim has done (as crazy as this sounds) will fall into civil matters, not criminal. There are a few things that he has done that are criminal, and those are being investigated by the LHCPD. I know that it was submitted to the prosecutor last week, and the word from the cops is more or less "Any Minute." Meaning if they get the "yes" then Tim will be arrested shortly there after.

At this point though, that's about the only justice that will come out of this. OCM is done....

Which now brings us to the "Word on the Street."

The word on the street is Todd the Mechanic has moved some stuff out of there now, and is ready to roll at a moments notice.

The word on the street is Ruby figured out it's her name all over the checks etc.. and has served Tim with divorce papers as is now claiming to have no knowledge of "illegal activities"). FYI, I believe Ruby was fully aware of everything going on, and a partner in it. The second part of that, Tim is sleeping at OCM now.

The word on the street is he's getting evicted by the building owner..

What I had originally hoped was maybe a couple hundred thousand dollar problem (I.E. getting behind and doing some shady shit to buy sometime and then recovering) is definitely not a couple hundred thousand dollar problem. The #'s that Tim owes money to with bad loans etc are much much greater then that. Especially to one guy. That's another member of RDP's story though, and he can share it if he chooses.

I learned that the 100K that was Wired in for Joe and Kurt was based on another promise that wasn't fulfilled.. But again that's the same guy as above story and he can share it if he chooses..

There was a couple guys at the DCB regatta claiming he owed money to them. I know one of them went and collected a wood boat (not sure if it was one of the DCM's or not) as partial repayment to a debt.

I heard there has been a few altercations down there now (can't confirm it.. just heard)

Ultimately it's one of those things where it's over, it just hasn't completely crossed the finish line yet.



cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Well the long and short of it is it's basically over. Just like child birth, real life isn't anything like the movies and things don't happen in one fell swoop with cops kicking in the doors and raiding file cabinets etc..

The vast majority of one Tim has done (as crazy as this sounds) will fall into civil matters, not criminal. There are a few things that he has done that are criminal, and those are being investigated by the LHCPD. I know that it was submitted to the prosecutor last week, and the word from the cops is more or less "Any Minute." Meaning if they get the "yes" then Tim will be arrested shortly there after.

At this point though, that's about the only justice that will come out of this. OCM is done....

Which now brings us to the "Word on the Street."

The word on the street is Todd the Mechanic has moved some stuff out of there now, and is ready to roll at a moments notice.

The word on the street is Ruby figured out it's her name all over the checks etc.. and has served Tim with divorce papers as is now claiming to have no knowledge of "illegal activities"). FYI, I believe Ruby was fully aware of everything going on, and a partner in it. The second part of that, Tim is sleeping at OCM now.

The word on the street is he's getting evicted by the building owner..

What I had originally hoped was maybe a couple hundred thousand dollar problem (I.E. getting behind and doing some shady shit to buy sometime and then recovering) is definitely not a couple hundred thousand dollar problem. The #'s that Tim owes money to with bad loans etc are much much greater then that. Especially to one guy. That's another member of RDP's story though, and he can share it if he chooses.

I learned that the 100K that was Wired in for Joe and Kurt was based on another promise that wasn't fulfilled.. But again that's the same guy as above story and he can share it if he chooses..

There was a couple guys at the DCB regatta claiming he owed money to them. I know one of them went and collected a wood boat (not sure if it was one of the DCM's or not) as partial repayment to a debt.

I heard there has been a few altercations down there now (can't confirm it.. just heard)

Ultimately it's one of those things where it's over, it just hasn't completely crossed the finish line yet.


Has he tried talking to you?

plaster dave

Face down A$$ up
Sep 28, 2007
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I saw Tim Thursday morning at Campbell cove gas station in his black Benz with a for sale sticker on it.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Talk about drama and intrigue...you can't make this kinda shit up.



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Good fuc'n thing we don't put all the people in the boating industry in the struggle that got behind and walked away from the debt on here....

or all the people that signed a contract... then walked away with the loot they got from their home equity


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Good fuc'n thing we don't put all the people in the boating industry in the struggle that got behind and walked away from the debt on here....

or all the people that signed a contract... then walked away with the loot they got from their home equity

LOL... While I tend to agree with you on that shit Steve (especially the home stuff), I do believe there's a difference from going BK, and an intent to commit Fraud, taking loans on items that aren't yours, bogus checks, fake wire transfers etc..



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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LOL... While I tend to agree with you on that shit Steve (especially the home stuff), I do believe there's a difference from going BK, and an intent to commit Fraud, taking loans on items that aren't yours, bogus checks, fake wire transfers etc..


typical business in the red.......

a lot of what happened here.... robbing peter to pay paul... then getting every thing called at once...

you could shut this contry down right now if everyone have to pay what they owed tomorrow...

hey, it's sad when you know people involved... but pretty sure he thought he could make it or he would have gotton a lot more and just closed the doors...

businesses operate in the red everywhere...business owner that brag how much they are making usally aren't pay'n their bills....

not that much of a shocker to me...


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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There's times we need to dip into our credit line. That's why we have one.

A dodgy customer, or a screw up can cost you tens of thousands. You borrow to cover your costs, pay it back over time and keep going forward. Learn from your mistakes and try to earn more on the next one.

I imagine our pal at OCM just had more expenses from overhead and lifestyle than income off the sales. After it snowballs a bit there is no way back to even again.


Apr 22, 2015
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owes me money, but nothing like the amount he owes everybody else. I have his text for last 7 months, just lie after lie after lie. Bragged about buying a house this year and was having an outdoor kitchen built this summer. About all the boats he had stored around town etc. What a piece of shit, in the end I feel sorry for his son who is in school here, he's going to find out what a lying piece of shit his dad is and no kid deserves that.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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owes me money, but nothing like the amount he owes everybody else. I have his text for last 7 months, just lie after lie after lie. Bragged about buying a house this year and was having an outdoor kitchen built this summer. About all the boats he had stored around town etc. What a piece of shit, in the end I feel sorry for his son who is in school here, he's going to find out what a lying piece of shit his dad is and no kid deserves that.

That sux!! My dad is my hero would be hard to see him any different


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Yep around 14 or 15 about the worse time a kid could go through that type of shit , pretty f*** up , its a shitty casualty!

And a divorce on top of that [emoji17] his world just got flipped upside down


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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There's times we need to dip into our credit line. That's why we have one.

A dodgy customer, or a screw up can cost you tens of thousands. You borrow to cover your costs, pay it back over time and keep going forward. Learn from your mistakes and try to earn more on the next one.

I imagine our pal at OCM just had more expenses from overhead and lifestyle than income off the sales. After it snowballs a bit there is no way back to even again.

so so right... sometimes when you're sliding down hill you start grabbing people to go with you....I just thank GOD he gives me enough to make ends meet for what I need to live and a little extra to have alittle fun while i'm here...

peoples mis fortune , struggles, and hard times are something that makes me sad for all envolved... I sure don't stand on holey than thou and throw rocks....

but hey, that's just me... for what ever reason people go through trials... you hope they learn and become better people...

it's not how you pay your debts.... it's how you collect them.... for that you WILL be judged


RDP Inmate #94
Sep 24, 2007
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Good fuc'n thing we don't put all the people in the boating industry in the struggle that got behind and walked away from the debt on here....

or all the people that signed a contract... then walked away with the loot they got from their home equity

I agree with this one. Many people I know were living well beyond their means in the mid 00's. Using their homes as ATM's and just walked. I 'm sorry but even as a home owner if you are living a 200K lifestyle on 100K income, then walk away, I'm not sure you are that much better than this guy.

Just one opinion though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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That's completely understandable...I mean, they let you stay, so you must fit right in...


Whether u believe this or not Carl , I actually don't fit in here at all from all different aspects. I am only here when I want to be [emoji2][emoji202][emoji12]


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Hate to say it. Saw this coming a mile away about a year ago when people first started posting they were getting fucked over.

Again...smoke = fire.

There's always a few people with an agenda or those that like to come on the Internet and cause problems for others but damn man. This thing reeked of legitimate issues from the beginning. And then one after another complaining online. And that just those that are actually online (contrary to popular belief, many boaters don't visit these websites).

No one wants to hear someone you know is a scum bag but the evidence was compelling from the get go.

Glad to see heist likely won't be bending anyone else over on the near future.


Fair winds and following seas George.. Rest Easy..
Jan 28, 2009
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judged on how it treats it's domesticated animals .

From what I have seen over the decades in the west coast boating business, few actually come into it 'just to fuck everyone and bail out quickly' . Most come into this deal with 'high hopes and big expectations' . Some are realistic, others have no clue, but only a very small number of them are smart or honest enough to understand when to "stop bailing and jump ship" .

The case for deceptive practices are all in the 'tell tail signs' in this case and from my perspective are simple and conclusive to me . Every boat business has it's share of 'bad press', but 'expectations' and 'service', have nothing to do with, 'paperwork' and 'fiduciary duties' .

Over lapping problems, unresolved money problems from this business before it came to Havasu .

Enough negative activity that the business is named in the local paper, with questions about it's finances .

Internet activity on the business that is more negative than positive, and not about 'services' but always with 'finances' .

My overall view of this company without knowing the people involved, and using only a basis on what I see and read .

Big building = big rent . Big truck, expensive sports car, rented local abode, big business persona, lifestyle impostor, and I need to ask, what is real and stable about this business ? Everything here looks like 'other people's money" .

I'm sorry that so many got caught up in this mess, and I don't think 'a divorce' is going to change the FACTS in this case .

I do hope that this was just another case of 'poor business planning' and not a 'perpetual pyramid scam' that began out of state .


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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Man..I gave him (OCM) the benefit of doubt...

sometimes...you just CAN'T please customers (3x in 35 years for me.. all WOMEN!!!...LOL)

but this just SUX!!!! I can't believe how many people he has F-ed!!

WOW...Just WOW!!!

Worst part about it...the people he has F-ED!!! out of $$$$$$$$:(


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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the real problem is all the trust is businesses is gone... I learned the hard way along time ago....if you consign... never give the title

if you buy ..never give the cash without the title.... I call it a right hand deal...hold your money in the right hand while they hold the title in their right ... do the exchange .. then put the title in your left and shake right hands... deal is done:thumbup::thumbup:

I read some where...:rolleyes where they say give the title when you drop the boat off......never never never do that...
there is no reason for them to have the title........ never never never pay for a boat without getting the title.... end of story... and no drama...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I agree with this one. Many people I know were living well beyond their means in the mid 00's. Using their homes as ATM's and just walked. I 'm sorry but even as a home owner if you are living a 200K lifestyle on 100K income, then walk away, I'm not sure you are that much better than this guy.

Just one opinion though.

the fuc'd up part is not one of them that bought sand rail, boats motorhomes, lifted trucks and fifth wheels sold all the shit they bought and bought the loan back down.......they just walked and said fuc the bank,...but in reality .. it was fuc the old people with money in the bank:yikes:(


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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the real problem is all the trust is businesses is gone... I learned the hard way along time ago....if you consign... never give the title

if you buy ..never give the cash without the title.... I call it a right hand deal...hold your money in the right hand while they hold the title in their right ... do the exchange .. then put the title in your left and shake right hands... deal is done:thumbup::thumbup:

I read some where...:rolleyes where they say give the title when you drop the boat off......never never never do that...
there is no reason for them to have the title........ never never never pay for a boat without getting the title.... end of story... and no drama...

AZ state law states they have to have ownership documents on site if the boat is for sale at the facility.

The title is one of the forms of documents that qualifies that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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AZ state law states they have to have ownership documents on site if the boat is for sale at the facility.

The title is one of the forms of documents that qualifies that.

all they need is acurrent registration, it must be in your name, so no open titles

that way you can still sell it if it has a lien...

never never never give them the title ... they want the title so they sell it and not notify you;)

when the bank holds the title... they have to send pay off and wait for the title

when I was in the boat business... I would not buy boats with liens....period

there's alway a good deal to be had where title is in hand.... thats why people advertise... title in hand...

gets real spookie when you give someone 50k and up and you have to keep hearing that they haven't heard from the bank..

then they start getting real shitty with you when you ask... did you send the pay off..can you show me the proof??


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Would registration qualify?

yes.. and if you have it a copy of the title that shows no liens...

if your gonna sell your boat... its real easy...if your gonna sell the banks boat... thats where it starts getting harry...

i've even seen people sell boats that they are upside down in... they give the differance to the boat seller and then a month later get a late notice on the boat...;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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AZ state law states they have to have ownership documents on site if the boat is for sale at the facility.

The title is one of the forms of documents that qualifies that.

az is one of the scary states.. they used to not have boat ownership papers because they were fish and game... you just sign the reg... but the trailer had a title....

so guys would need some cash.. wanna sell the boat, upside down on the boat...

put it up for sale for cheep, tell you that they lost the trailer title but have the boat ownership papers..you go to fish and game and they reg the boat.the guy selling the boat takes your money moves to kansas... the bank has a repo company find the boat and while you are at denny's repo's it...

cops say its a contract dispute and zero..you have to get a pair of red shoes click them to gether and go to kanasa.... then you find out that kanasa won't do anything either..have to take them to court in AZ:(

so you beat the fuc out of your truck dash and throw the ice tea at the drive up window server cause you ordered un sweetened.....

fuc fuc fuc mother fuc..:(


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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the best and only way i would sell a boat with a lien, is clear the lein first...

then demand cash in hand to release the title...

if they give you a check... go cash it and then relese the title...

thats what the bank does...they want certified funds.. and they wait 14 day to release the title.....

boat places wanna make the money... but not put out any of theirs..

they wanna collect jimmys money...put it their account... hold it for a spell

tell you they are waiting for the buyer funds to clear....then tell you that they next are waiting for your bank to release the title... all the while they haven't done shit... you keep calling the bank and they say they haven't recieved the pay off...

mean while the boat place has put common law marrage to your money because
he has been holding it for so long.....maybe even used it to buy a new dually to move boat around eaiser... now he has to stroke you with the check got lost in the mail bull shit till johnny's boat sells...so then mike and johnny's boat sells and he think's this is like shooting fish in a barrel... way too easy... i shold go buy a new house while I can show 200k in my bank...and fuc it go ahead and use mikes 100K for the down....:yikes

all of which they can't do............with out the fuc 'n title;):cool


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2014
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the best and only way i would sell a boat with a lien, is clear the lein first...

then demand cash in hand to release the title...

if they give you a check... go cash it and then relese the title...

thats what the bank does...they want certified funds.. and they wait 14 day to release the title.....

boat places wanna make the money... but not put out any of theirs..

they wanna collect jimmys money...put it their account... hold it for a spell

tell you they are waiting for the buyer funds to clear....then tell you that they next are waiting for your bank to release the title... all the while they haven't done shit... you keep calling the bank and they say they haven't recieved the pay off...

mean while the boat place has put common law marrage to your money because
he has been holding it for so long.....maybe even used it to buy a new dually to move boat around eaiser... now he has to stroke you with the check got lost in the mail bull shit till johnny's boat sells...so then mike and johnny's boat sells and he think's this is like shooting fish in a barrel... way too easy... i shold go buy a new house while I can show 200k in my bank...and fuc it go ahead and use mikes 100K for the down....:yikes

all of which they can't do............with out the fuc 'n title;):cool

This reads like the Readers Digest version of the "3 Prongs of Zeus' Trident" that was only read by a small group of inmates a short time ago. Both are told with scary precise detail.


Jun 1, 2015
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owes me money, but nothing like the amount he owes everybody else. I have his text for last 7 months, just lie after lie after lie. Bragged about buying a house this year and was having an outdoor kitchen built this summer. About all the boats he had stored around town etc. What a piece of shit, in the end I feel sorry for his son who is in school here, he's going to find out what a lying piece of shit his dad is and no kid deserves that.

The most important thing is "we" as a Boating Community keep spreading the word about this Business and inform as many people as we can so there are no more victims.
Like hvnfun mentioned I also have texts and emails from both Tim and Ruby stating lie after lie and excuse after excuse and all the same types of BS that we have heard other people complain about in the past.
This is more than just a pattern and this scam has been going on since they were in Oregon.
They were going to buy a house.............they still live in a rental in Havasu and own nothing in Oregon. Maybe that's why he's living at the Shop, he didn't make rent payment on his house.

As for the "news on the street" that RD mentioned hopefully allot of it happens soon.
Guaranteed Ruby was involved in this scam right from the beginning and this "divorce" might be a ploy to protect themselves and what they have stolen from other people.
Hopefully he gets evicted from the building and is FORCED to leave Town, the sooner the better.
People must be tired of seeing him driving around in his big truck, black Mercedes (probably another consignment deal) and other peoples boats................
Keep spreading the word people, no more victims is the key here................