Well it did happen today, I was officially laid off.

Tremor Therapy

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Well like I suspected yesterday, the owner called me into his office this morning, and during a tearful speech, told me I was being let go effective today. They packed up my office, handed me my paycheck, let me say good bye to some of my long time co-workers and friends, and then escorted me out the door. :(

24 years working for the same family, and it came down to numbers. I was the number 3 guy, and the blood letting would start there. He told me that he would give me any kind of reference I needed, and would be willing to call or write any prospective new employer.

I guess I just can't make sense of it, I bought a new house in November, put 30k of hard money into it, and now I'm only 3 months away from loosing it. :confused:

Its been a long hard day already, and I've got nothing to give to my family once they get home. They say that when one door shuts, another one opens...so I guess starting tomorrow I begin the quest to find the open door. None the less, it is a very hollow empty feeling inside, that I hope a couple of beers can take away.


Thumbless Wonder
Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Well like I suspected yesterday, the owner called me into his office this morning, and during a tearful speech, told me I was being let go effective today. They packed up my office, handed me my paycheck, let me say good bye to some of my long time co-workers and friends, and then escorted me out the door. :(

24 years working for the same family, and it came down to numbers. I was the number 3 guy, and the blood letting would start there. He told me that he would give me any kind of reference I needed, and would be willing to call or write any prospective new employer.

I guess I just can't make sense of it, I bought a new house in November, put 30k of hard money into it, and now I'm only 3 months away from loosing it. :confused:

Its been a long hard day already, and I've got nothing to give to my family once they get home. They say that when one door shuts, another one opens...so I guess starting tomorrow I begin the quest to find the open door. None the less, it is a very hollow empty feeling inside, that I hope a couple of beers can take away.
Damn, sorry to hear this, hang in there bud

Maybe the power of the forum can help with some leads?


Inmate #RDP158
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Well like I suspected yesterday, the owner called me into his office this morning, and during a tearful speech, told me I was being let go effective today. They packed up my office, handed me my paycheck, let me say good bye to some of my long time co-workers and friends, and then escorted me out the door. :(

24 years working for the same family, and it came down to numbers. I was the number 3 guy, and the blood letting would start there. He told me that he would give me any kind of reference I needed, and would be willing to call or write any prospective new employer.

I guess I just can't make sense of it, I bought a new house in November, put 30k of hard money into it, and now I'm only 3 months away from loosing it. :confused:

Its been a long hard day already, and I've got nothing to give to my family once they get home. They say that when one door shuts, another one opens...so I guess starting tomorrow I begin the quest to find the open door. None the less, it is a very hollow empty feeling inside, that I hope a couple of beers can take away.

Very sorry to hear this. What kind of work did you do?


35' Nordic Flame
Jan 1, 2008
Reaction score
yeah, what do you do, where do you live....maybe someone on here can help


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
They metally torture you yesterday by telling you more to come when they just could have finished and let you know yesterday:swear
I check w/ a lawyer:mad:

Good Luck!


Don't tax me bro!
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. After almost 20 years as an appraiser (self employed) I lost my last big "loyal" client last year. I can tell you exactly where I was when I got the phone call. I got the sick feeling you talked about and I was a zombie the rest of the day. I am pretty sure it is just like getting laid off although I never have been officially. Hang in there and stay positive.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. After almost 20 years as an appraiser (self employed) I lost my last big "loyal" client last year. I can tell you exactly where I was when I got the phone call.

I hear you on that, in 96 I bought the company I worked for, and a year later got that same call from a huge client dating back to the 70's. :swear


Man Tremor, that sux and is hard to believe after 24 years.
Keep your chin up and hopfully somebody can hook you up.


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry to hear that. Like said in the other post that I know what you are going through since been laid off more times than can count being in the aircraft/aerospace family.

Actually surprised they didnt give you atleast a weeks notice or something.

Plus, thought that if they laying a certain number of people off within a set time they are required by law to give some notice.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Actually surprised they didnt give you atleast a weeks notice or something.

Plus, thought that if they laying a certain number of people off within a set time they are required by law to give some notice.

Or they can pay you a few weeks too.

I sure hope you get it all behind you soon with new employment.


Super Moderator
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
So sorry to hear! I know what it's like-- Worked for a mortgage company that shut down the entire site and moved everything back to Texas-- laid off close to 500 people. It sucked big time, but now I'm in a more stable industry with a much better job. Good luck with your search-- As it was said earlier, I bet someone on here might be able to help! Best wishes! :thumbsup Keep your head up...


Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
That was a shitty way to handle it! Sorry to hear, hang in there it will work out.


Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I have been laid off two times already, since leaving the Marine Corps in 1998, I thought it was the norm nowadays in civilian world. Coming out of the military this was first new to me, now I like most, just expect it. I do not know too many people that have been with the same company for 24 years, that’s a long time. Your tenure, I would think that would say a lot to others when you hand them your resume. You need to post what you have done in the past here on the site, and see if there is someone here that can hook you up.
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Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
No severance, two weeks notice pay, vacation time pay, etc..?? :eek: Normal severance is at least 1 month's pay for every two years over service...I'd consult someone about it...


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Damn TT! that was kinda $hitty on their part 'cause da gig knows ya didn't get much sleep last night 'cause of the way this was handled. Many Companies/Owners/Supervisors have lost two things that should never be lost or taken for granted; integrity and professionalism. 24 years of "loyal" service should have @ least earned you a little more "respect" than a "tearful speech" and a slap on the a$$ as you left.....and the "offer" of a good reference is nothin' less than what any good, decent employer should do w/o sayin' so! These days and times are really hard to watch for this "oldtimer". Enough of the negative BS! Ya don't need our tears in your beers. Keep your head up and your eyes open.....and 24 years of service means you are @ least in your early 40s(?), but don't let that be a roadblock to a possible switch in careers if need be. Never know where that "silver lined cloud" is gonna come from. Good luck!


Yo Mama
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
Well like I suspected yesterday, the owner called me into his office this morning, and during a tearful speech, told me I was being let go effective today. They packed up my office, handed me my paycheck, let me say good bye to some of my long time co-workers and friends, and then escorted me out the door. :(

24 years working for the same family, and it came down to numbers. I was the number 3 guy, and the blood letting would start there. He told me that he would give me any kind of reference I needed, and would be willing to call or write any prospective new employer.

I guess I just can't make sense of it, I bought a new house in November, put 30k of hard money into it, and now I'm only 3 months away from loosing it. :confused:

Its been a long hard day already, and I've got nothing to give to my family once they get home. They say that when one door shuts, another one opens...so I guess starting tomorrow I begin the quest to find the open door. None the less, it is a very hollow empty feeling inside, that I hope a couple of beers can take away.


If a couple of beers doesn't take it away, then your friends and family support will definitely help alleviate the feelings. Hang in there bud. You are a great guy, your wife and kids are phenomenal people and that door will open for you.

I believe that the greater the breakdown (with regard to something) the greater the breakthrough!



Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
Reaction score
So what line of work are you in? And piss on those ungrateful a**holes that let you go the way they did.:monkeypee


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score

If a couple of beers doesn't take it away, then your friends and family support will definitely help alleviate the feelings. Hang in there bud. You are a great guy, your wife and kids are phenomenal people and that door will open for you.

I believe that the greater the breakdown (with regard to something) the greater the breakthrough!

Great advice right here. Lean on the ones who can and will help it sounds like there are quite a few here that want to and will help. I hope the best for you and your family


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Well like I suspected yesterday, the owner called me into his office this morning, and during a tearful speech, told me I was being let go effective today. They packed up my office, handed me my paycheck, let me say good bye to some of my long time co-workers and friends, and then escorted me out the door. :(

24 years working for the same family, and it came down to numbers. I was the number 3 guy, and the blood letting would start there. He told me that he would give me any kind of reference I needed, and would be willing to call or write any prospective new employer.

I guess I just can't make sense of it, I bought a new house in November, put 30k of hard money into it, and now I'm only 3 months away from loosing it. :confused:

Its been a long hard day already, and I've got nothing to give to my family once they get home. They say that when one door shuts, another one opens...so I guess starting tomorrow I begin the quest to find the open door. None the less, it is a very hollow empty feeling inside, that I hope a couple of beers can take away.

Beers... no! hard work and a good attitude will get you much further... keep your head up and stay focused for your family.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Well like I suspected yesterday, the owner called me into his office this morning, and during a tearful speech, told me I was being let go effective today. They packed up my office, handed me my paycheck, let me say good bye to some of my long time co-workers and friends, and then escorted me out the door. :(

24 years working for the same family, and it came down to numbers. I was the number 3 guy, and the blood letting would start there. He told me that he would give me any kind of reference I needed, and would be willing to call or write any prospective new employer.

I guess I just can't make sense of it, I bought a new house in November, put 30k of hard money into it, and now I'm only 3 months away from loosing it. :confused:

Its been a long hard day already, and I've got nothing to give to my family once they get home. They say that when one door shuts, another one opens...so I guess starting tomorrow I begin the quest to find the open door. None the less, it is a very hollow empty feeling inside, that I hope a couple of beers can take away.

we had a lay off at my work today in Havasu. Good bye to 7 good people. I'm still there thank god.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Or they can pay you a few weeks too.

I sure hope you get it all behind you soon with new employment.

Shit...they packed his stuff and escorted him to the door. I am sure that is policy but 20+ years loyal service? Damn way to end it.

Last business I owned I was the small 15% partner. That one really hurt as I considered the other two guys family. Cut and dropped me like a hammer laying in the summer sun.

Member: 71

M ǝ ɯ q ǝ ɹ : 7 1
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry to hear the news.

Enjoy the weekend with the family.

Work on getting your resume done ASAP.
Start networking Monday AM.
24 years of employment, definetly apply for unemployment.
Depending on what line of work you do, look into getting a recruiter.
Look at the various job websites, indeed.com careerbuilder.com monster.com
etc....(you'd be suprised whats out there, might even pay more)
Be prepared.

Quick story....
Have a buddy that worked for a company 15+yrs gave them everything and they cut him like a bad habit. Found something else pays more , better benefits, company car and is being treated 50x better. He looks back and regrets not making the move sooner.

Feel free to PM if need be. Best of Luck.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
If you need a recruiter drop me a pm my sis in law does this and is aggressive cant hurt to try.My prayers are out to you .


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I have a boat business. We have been swamped lately, yet the year started late and I'm sure, with the economy, it will end earlier than usual too. This is the first year ever that the thought even crossed my mind "What will I do if there isn't enough work to keep my guys busy"?
I can't really afford to lose any of them. They are the best in the business. During winter months in the past, I kept them on even if it was slow awhile, instead of jumping the gun like so many other places do by letting people go... Things are really starting to suck in this country... Good luck with your job search...

Photo Chick

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Being laid off really stinks, not only are you left without income but you're left with an enoromously empty feeling inside.

You are correct though, another door will open soon! Good luck to you and please post up what field you are in....maybe we can all help!

parker guy

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
You should check with the labor board.....let us know what type of work you are in .. best of luck

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
This happened to me a few years back after putting 15 yrs.
I know exactly how you are feeling about how you have nothing to bring home to your family. 3 months away from losing everything you worked your whole life to achieve.
I didn't even want to go home, how do you tell your wife and (3) kids? Even though you work your ass off and do good work you (I) still felt like a failure at the time. As hard at is might seem stay strong and don't be negative, it doesn't help at all.

I wish you the best of luck getting a new job, Things happen for a reason and will be better for you in the future. Like many have said before, one door closes another one opens.



Got Sashimi?
Dec 24, 2007
Reaction score
No severance, two weeks notice pay, vacation time pay, etc..?? :eek: Normal severance is at least 1 month's pay for every two years over service...I'd consult someone about it...

Getting let go is just plain devastating, especially in the current state we are in. Sorry to hear you got let go, but like you said it may just be a blessing in disguise.

As far as the law goes unless you have in your Pre-employment negotiation a agreement in writing or it is company policy there is no legal responsibillity to pay any severance pay.:rolleyes::swear:eek: It is morally and the right thing to do for long term employee's though.:rolleyes:

Most employer's expect a minimum of two weeks notice,:smackhead which is not required. Funny how they can let anyone go with out notice in most situations.:swear

Post what you do and I'm sure the power of the boards will get you through situation.;):thumbsup

Best of Luck:thumbsup

Happened to HDD 8 Months ago!;)



I Love BoBo!!!
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
You need to do some checking. RR is right on the WARN act. I receive regular pay for 2 months, then severence and vacation kicks in and I only had 4 years time in at that company.
I'm sure you will find work. Allow yourself some time to greive. And know you are not alone.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
CA is an at will state.

they can fire you anytime they want with or with out a reason. only diffrence between the two( and this is very, very general) is rather or not they have to pay unemployment.


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
If they are laying off more than a certain number of people than they need to comply with the WARN act.

Trust me, probably been laid off more than anyone on here which is why would love to find another career. Not really something to brag about but such is life :D

CA is an at will state.

they can fire you anytime they want with or with out a reason. only diffrence between the two( and this is very, very general) is rather or not they have to pay unemployment.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
warn act only apply is if they have more then 100 employees, that does not inculde people that have worked less then 6 months in the last year and those that work fewer then 20 hours a week.

the warn act almost never applys. It also does not apply if there is a termantion with cuase( trust me, if they want to fire you, they will find a reason) There is alot of if ands or buts in it as well...


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Agree, if they want to get rid of you they will find an excuse.

Unfortunately, as the economy gets worse more people might find themselves in the same situation. I frequent a lot of different message boards and am seeing these messages on every one of them.

warn act only apply is if they have more then 100 employees, that does not inculde people that have worked less then 6 months in the last year and those that work fewer then 20 hours a week.

the warn act almost never applys. It also does not apply if there is a termantion with cuase( trust me, if they want to fire you, they will find a reason) There is alot of if ands or buts in it as well...

Tremor Therapy

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the kind words, and the encouragement! The HR gal told me that they are not going to contest unemployment, and I guarantee they have already looked at the Warn Act....they don't get caught with their pants down very often when it comes to HR stuff.

I currently live in Murrieta, and the company I worked for did precision sheet metal fabrication, precision machining, Mil-Spec gold and Rohs compliant chem film, wet paint, powder coating, and contract electro-mechanical assembly.

I split my 24 years there by spending almost 5 years with an industrial computer manufacturer as the Production Manager and the Materials Manager....that company folded in 2001 and moved back east. The owner that just let me go found out that this company was folding, and he hired me back in March of 2001.

Besides working in the shop during high school and in my college days, I have progressed to a Senior Buyer, the Materials Manager, Government Contracts Administator, Master Scheduler, spent 15 years as the Sales, Estimating, and Planning Manager, and the last year as the lead of the newly formed Program Manager group. I am also current with my 40 hour HAZWOPR training, emergency first responder training, CPR and First Aid. And to top it off, I have written many of the procedures that have helped 2 companies achieve ISO 9000:2000 certification, and another to achieve ISO 14000 certification.

The part that really bothers me is that my sales were up and sales for the group were up over 15% ytd. My personal customers had $3 mil of new business in the quoting department when they let me go, and company sales were up over 20% at the time.

I guess when it happens it just happens, and trying to make sense out it is a waste of time. I do believe that something better will come from all of this, its just kind of hard to believe at the moment.

Once again, thanks for the kind words and thoughts, they are very much appreciated, and I do believe that I will be hitting up a few recruiters in the very near future.
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
Reaction score
TT was reading in la times job section that there is shortage in energy markets.the energy sectors from nuclear to renewable it states.shortage of human resources to do work.hang in there,the man upstairs has a master plan for you.


Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Hey TT, sounds like you have 24 very diverse years of experience. All that quality implementation goes a long way on your resume. Don't sit idle man get your resume on the Monster's and Yahoo employment search engines ASAP. I just got through the exact same scenario. There's always something else out there that will be a good fit. Trust me. :beer


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for the kind words, and the encouragement! The HR gal told me that they are not going to contest unemployment, and I guarantee they have already looked at the Warn Act....they don't get caught with their pants down very often when it comes to HR stuff.

I currently live in Murrieta, and the company I worked for did precision sheet metal fabrication, precision machining, Mil-Spec gold and Rohs compliant chem film, wet paint, powder coating, and contract electro-mechanical assembly.

I split my 24 years there by spending almost 5 years with an industrial computer manufacturer as the Production Manager and the Materials Manager....that company folded in 2001 and moved back east. The owner that just let me go found out that this company was folding, and he hired me back in March of 2001.

Besides working in the shop during high school and in my college days, I have progressed to a Senior Buyer, the Materials Manager, Government Contracts Administator, Master Scheduler, spent 15 years as the Sales, Estimating, and Planning Manager, and the last year as the lead of the newly formed Program Manager group. I am also current with my 40 hour HAZWOPR training, emergency first responder training, CPR and First Aid. And to top it off, I have written many of the procedures that have helped 2 companies achieve ISO 9000:2000 certification, and another to achieve ISO 14000 certification.

The part that really bothers me is that my sales were up and sales for the group were up over 15% ytd. My personal customers had $3 mil of new business in the quoting department when they let me go, and company sales were up over 20% at the time.

I guess when it happens it just happens, and trying to make sense out it is a waste of time. I do believe that something better will come from all of this, its just kind of hard to believe at the moment.

Once again, thanks for the kind words and thoughts, they are very much appreciated, and I do believe that I will be hitting up a few recruiters in the very near future.

Dude! If ya haven't done it already and ya live in Murrieta; check out the link www.careerbuilder.com like Member:70 suggested. Checked it out last night myself and there are quite a few listings in Temecula and Murrieta that are not to be found anywhere else. May just be something there that's a good fit. Again; good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Sent you a PM request for resume. With your experience you should find work. Try Abbot in Temecula; they just received FDA approval for a new product and are hiring. My wife works there and recently transferred out of HR, she did mention they are looking to fill positions in their QC and QA departments.


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry to read about your bad luck. :thumbsdown

But this quote is so true "Believe that the greater the breakdown (with regard to something) the greater the breakthrough".:thumbsup

You have a lot of talent and experience from what l have read, stay positive and focused and more then likely this situation will soon disappear. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry to hear the bad news...good luck finding a new gig. You definitely sound like you have the makings of a good resume.

WARN in Cali is 100 people reduction in one site; 500 in other states.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry to hear that TT. Your resume is mighty impressive. You will land solidly and be rolling in no time.


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
This unfortunately goes to show you that being loyal to one company doesnt mean shit to management.


Not On The Boat
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Best of luck to you TT. Sounds like you have a lot of experience in a lot of fields. Keep your head up. Something will come your way.

Blu Ballz

W - T - F!!!!!!!
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Good Luck with your job search.......Shiat happens for a reason!!!!! In the long run it will all work out... :beer


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Well like I suspected yesterday, the owner called me into his office this morning, and during a tearful speech, told me I was being let go effective today. They packed up my office, handed me my paycheck, let me say good bye to some of my long time co-workers and friends, and then escorted me out the door. :(

24 years working for the same family, and it came down to numbers. I was the number 3 guy, and the blood letting would start there. He told me that he would give me any kind of reference I needed, and would be willing to call or write any prospective new employer.

I guess I just can't make sense of it, I bought a new house in November, put 30k of hard money into it, and now I'm only 3 months away from loosing it. :confused:

Its been a long hard day already, and I've got nothing to give to my family once they get home. They say that when one door shuts, another one opens...so I guess starting tomorrow I begin the quest to find the open door. None the less, it is a very hollow empty feeling inside, that I hope a couple of beers can take away.

I'm really sorry to hear that this happened to you.. :(

Have you considered going out on your own at all?



Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the kind words, and the encouragement! The HR gal told me that they are not going to contest unemployment, and I guarantee they have already looked at the Warn Act....they don't get caught with their pants down very often when it comes to HR stuff.

I currently live in Murrieta, and the company I worked for did precision sheet metal fabrication, precision machining, Mil-Spec gold and Rohs compliant chem film, wet paint, powder coating, and contract electro-mechanical assembly.

I split my 24 years there by spending almost 5 years with an industrial computer manufacturer as the Production Manager and the Materials Manager....that company folded in 2001 and moved back east. The owner that just let me go found out that this company was folding, and he hired me back in March of 2001.

Besides working in the shop during high school and in my college days, I have progressed to a Senior Buyer, the Materials Manager, Government Contracts Administator, Master Scheduler, spent 15 years as the Sales, Estimating, and Planning Manager, and the last year as the lead of the newly formed Program Manager group. I am also current with my 40 hour HAZWOPR training, emergency first responder training, CPR and First Aid. And to top it off, I have written many of the procedures that have helped 2 companies achieve ISO 9000:2000 certification, and another to achieve ISO 14000 certification.

The part that really bothers me is that my sales were up and sales for the group were up over 15% ytd. My personal customers had $3 mil of new business in the quoting department when they let me go, and company sales were up over 20% at the time.

I guess when it happens it just happens, and trying to make sense out it is a waste of time. I do believe that something better will come from all of this, its just kind of hard to believe at the moment.

Once again, thanks for the kind words and thoughts, they are very much appreciated, and I do believe that I will be hitting up a few recruiters in the very near future.

I'm sure you have thought of this, but you sound pretty versitile, perhaps some of your customers might be hiring. Folks often like to hire good people they do biz with.