Want to fix the problem? Here's why we can't stop school shooters & terrorists


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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You may be one who wants to ban guns but THIS is why we can't stop school shooters & terrorists (you can't fix stupidity and incompetence especially in the government)

The government tell us, "if you see something say something." Perhaps the saying should be: "if you say something our incompetence will keep us from doing something."

The Florida shooter (just some of the things I've heard or read so far):
* The FBI revealed Friday it got a tip last month that the shooter "had a gun, wanted to “kill people” and there was the “potential of him conducting a school shooting.”
* He was expelled from school for having ammo in his backpack
* He was cutting himself - his adoptive mother knew and said, "he just wants attention"
* The police had been to his house 39 times! But he was never arrested – and he was cleared as being “no threat to anyone or himself,” as one therapist said in a police report from Sept. 28, 2016.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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You may be one who wants to ban guns but THIS is why we can't stop school shooters & terrorists (you can't fix stupidity and incompetence especially in the government)

The government tell us, "if you see something say something." Perhaps the saying should be: "if you say something our incompetence will keep us from doing something."

The Florida shooter (just some of the things I've heard or read so far):
* The FBI revealed Friday it got a tip last month that the shooter "had a gun, wanted to “kill people” and there was the “potential of him conducting a school shooting.”
* He was expelled from school for having ammo in his backpack
* He was cutting himself - his adoptive mother knew and said, "he just wants attention"
* The police had been to his house 39 times! But he was never arrested – and he was cleared as being “no threat to anyone or himself,” as one therapist said in a police report from Sept. 28, 2016.
But.... but..... if there was a law then its different.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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You may be one who wants to ban guns but THIS is why we can't stop school shooters & terrorists (you can't fix stupidity and incompetence especially in the government)

The government tell us, "if you see something say something." Perhaps the saying should be: "if you say something our incompetence will keep us from doing something."

The Florida shooter (just some of the things I've heard or read so far):
* The FBI revealed Friday it got a tip last month that the shooter "had a gun, wanted to “kill people” and there was the “potential of him conducting a school shooting.”
* He was expelled from school for having ammo in his backpack
* He was cutting himself - his adoptive mother knew and said, "he just wants attention"
* The police had been to his house 39 times! But he was never arrested – and he was cleared as being “no threat to anyone or himself,” as one therapist said in a police report from Sept. 28, 2016.

PFFFT, that's nonsense it's the gun that murdered those innocent kids.


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I agree with your thread title if you are saying that people had said something and he wasn't / could not have been stopped.

Part of what makes this country great is you don't get arrested or put in jail for LOOKING like you might do something or other people thinking you might do something.

The bad part about that is the LEO can't do something UNTIL you have maimed or killed people.

You have to accept the good with the bad - and of course gun regulation is not the issue. As we have seen with other terror groups, they will resort to other things when guns aren't handy - i.e. IEDs or trucks into crowds etc.
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Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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The Florida shooter, the Columbine shooter, the guy that shot up that church ,the guy that shot up that theater , all on ssri.
Guest on Sean Hannity on Wednesday night was shut down when he brought up the fact that Pharma was the root cause of all these mass shootings.
Suicide is now the number one unnatural cause of death in America.
Give a 12 year old kid Tamiflu and in the middle of the night he breaks into his parents room in a rage, destroys it and tries to kill them.
Now they give you another drug, Abilify, to help you cope with psychotic episodes from being on these antidepressant like Effexor Prozac Etc. I'm not saying these drugs don't have their place, I'm sure they helped many people.
You're never going to hear this because big Pharma owns mainstream media.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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The Florida shooter, the Columbine shooter, the guy that shot up that church ,the guy that shot up that theater , all on ssri.
Guest on Sean Hannity on Wednesday night was shut down when he brought up the fact that Pharma was the root cause of all these mass shootings.
Suicide is now the number one unnatural cause of death in America.
Give a 12 year old kid Tamiflu and in the middle of the night he breaks into his parents room in a rage, destroys it and tries to kill them.
Now they give you another drug, Abilify, to help you cope with psychotic episodes from being on these antidepressant like Effexor Prozac Etc. I'm not saying these drugs don't have their place, I'm sure they helped many people.
You're never going to hear this because big Pharma owns mainstream media.
Over prescribed just like opioids.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2012
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Yea.... its the governments fault..... omg.
how bout the maunfacturer of the locks on the doors that didnt automatically lock... huh??
If there's an idiot kid of any kind in your neighbor hood.... its usually his/hers idiot parents fault. Not government.
Take responsibility for raising your own kids right. Need help? Get help.
Apple dont fall far from the tree.
What we need is another gun law.... or 2. That'll do it.
I've told my kids a thousand times how you behave reflects directly on me. Act accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Maybe if the werent texting each other about booty calls and Trump conspiracies they'd have more more time for terrorist, crazy fucks with guns, drugs , Ms 13 etc... what the hell between the FBI,CIA and NSA they practically know when you take a dump ... grrr


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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The kid had some major issues. I'm not going to blame it on adoption, but I do have a couple adoptive cousins and they have major issues too. One has about 8 years in school for psychology and is employed at a jail and the other has spent his whole life trying to be a cop. I find it ironic that everyone I have ever known to go towards a psychology major or was a psychologist (dated a couple...ugh!) had major issues...I believe they were trying to figure out what was wrong with themselves. Really sad stuff.

During the Clinton years he did have an assault weapons ban. During that time, I was actually offered AK's from China that arrived in Long Beach for $160 a piece. You could buy as many as you wanted and preferably a case. The black market is huge and you can't deny the supply and demand on any item. The cartels have lost a huge revenue stream with the legalization of dope. They are just waiting for a new stream which could easily be guns. Guns to bad criminals since us law abiders are afraid of losing our freedoms which the government ultimately takes anyways.

Fix the mental issues and you'll come closer to fixing the problem.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2008
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The Florida shooter, the Columbine shooter, the guy that shot up that church ,the guy that shot up that theater , all on ssri.
Guest on Sean Hannity on Wednesday night was shut down when he brought up the fact that Pharma was the root cause of all these mass shootings.
Suicide is now the number one unnatural cause of death in America.
Give a 12 year old kid Tamiflu and in the middle of the night he breaks into his parents room in a rage, destroys it and tries to kill them.
Now they give you another drug, Abilify, to help you cope with psychotic episodes from being on these antidepressant like Effexor Prozac Etc. I'm not saying these drugs don't have their place, I'm sure they helped many people.
You're never going to hear this because big Pharma owns mainstream media.

As well as Washington DC.
Dec 20, 2007
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I remember many years ago when we raised the drinking age to 21 years old. Why did we do that?


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Florida Gov. Rick Scott calls for FBI Director Christopher Wray to resign in wake of Parkland school shooting

Florida governor calls on FBI director to resign after flub on school shooting tip.

A person close to suspect Nikolas Cruz called an FBI tip line on Jan. 5. Read the full story


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Yea.... its the governments fault..... omg.
how bout the maunfacturer of the locks on the doors that didnt automatically lock... huh??
If there's an idiot kid of any kind in your neighbor hood.... its usually his/hers idiot parents fault. Not government.
Take responsibility for raising your own kids right. Need help? Get help.
Apple dont fall far from the tree.
What we need is another gun law.... or 2. That'll do it.
I've told my kids a thousand times how you behave reflects directly on me. Act accordingly.

Silly goose, personal responsibility is a thing of the past.....blame someone else or something else it’s the new America!

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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When most of us were growing up murder was the worst crime, sin, act you could do. Life meant something.
Today life is not precious, killing is a game.

Today, kids kill daily on video games that are built around killing, they are medicated for behavior that we were taught not to display. They live and die by social media and a society that promotes the industry of victimology.
Nothing’s their fault, everything is blamed on societies failure to properly coddle them.

These kids aren’t nuts, we made them nuts.
The mental health “experts” don’t help these kids, they indoctrinate them into the industry of victimology.

Seung Cho was diagnosed as depressed in Jr High, along with “selective mutism”...yeah, I had that once too, but a good right bitch slap from my dad and I was able to talk again.
Point is that when he went off at V Tech and killed 32 people he had been in “treatment” for nearly a decade.
All it did was reinforce to him that he was “special” and not responsible for his actions. In his mind he was almost SUPPOSED to lash out in extreme ways. That’s what the fucking shrinks had told him for years.
I for one am sick of hearing about how these poor kids are not identified early and not treated in time.
It’s fucking bullshit. They ARE treated and identified. They just aren’t stopped. Well, fucking put the cops or others in the schools and stop them.
When a stupid bastard facebooks about killing and posts guns up it’s time to go, not wait.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2016
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You may be one who wants to ban guns but THIS is why we can't stop school shooters & terrorists (you can't fix stupidity and incompetence especially in the government)

The government tell us, "if you see something say something." Perhaps the saying should be: "if you say something our incompetence will keep us from doing something."

The Florida shooter (just some of the things I've heard or read so far):
* The FBI revealed Friday it got a tip last month that the shooter "had a gun, wanted to “kill people” and there was the “potential of him conducting a school shooting.”
* He was expelled from school for having ammo in his backpack
* He was cutting himself - his adoptive mother knew and said, "he just wants attention"
* The police had been to his house 39 times! But he was never arrested – and he was cleared as being “no threat to anyone or himself,” as one therapist said in a police report from Sept. 28, 2016.

THe reality is that the democRATS created these shooting galleries by the creation of gun-free school zones in 1990 an then followed up with more in 1994. It has extended to other areas that have also become undefended target rich environments. They have further enabled this activity by limiting the ability to take those who are mentally disturbed and place them in institutions against their will for their own safety and the safety of others.

The purpose of these laws was to create exactly what we have now...and where do the democRATS go when the predictable outcome occurs, it must be the guns, we have to ban guns.

This is the fault of the democRATS, all of it. They have enabled the environment that creates this sort of mayhem. The ensuing mayhem enables them to advance their gun control agenda.

The democRATS and they alone want a monopoly on the use of force, and thus once they achieve that, they can do to us, what they could not do were we in a position to resist.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
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THe reality is that the democRATS created these shooting galleries by the creation of gun-free school zones in 1990 an then followed up with more in 1994. It has extended to other areas that have also become undefended target rich environments. They have further enabled this activity by limiting the ability to take those who are mentally disturbed and place them in institutions against their will for their own safety and the safety of others.
I saw this and I 'liked' it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I saw this and I 'liked' it.
View attachment 621716

My daughter who's a teacher, posted that on her FB page yesterday. I certainly understand the intent and it, along with actual armed staff might make the students and faculty feel safer. Hopefully saving a few lives. Certainly any sane person would get the message, but I question its effectiveness on a deranged individual hell-bent on slaughtering others.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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I remember many years ago when we raised the drinking age to 21 years old. Why did we do that?

You don’t have a constitutional right/protection to drink alcohol.

Maturity is up to the individual. If were going to consider 21 an adult now, I’m fine with that. But that should apply to everything across the board. IE voting, military, service etc... Furthermore society should be asking themselves how in 20-30 years in an age of advancement an 18 year old went from being able to raise a family, hold down a job & household to hardly being able to wipe their own asses in it’s current state.

Who caused this mental immaturity/retardedness and to benefit who? If we continue down this current path, what next? 30?
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The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
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You don’t have a constitutional right/protection to drink alcohol.

Maturity is up to the individual. If were going to consider 21 an adult now, I’m fine with that. But that should apply to everything across the board. IE voting, military, service etc... Furthermore society should be asking themselves how in 20-30 years in an age of advancement an 18 year old went from being able to raise a family, hold down a job & household to hardly being able to wipe their own asses in it’s current state.

Who caused this mental immaturity/retardedness and to benefit who? If we continue down this current path, what next? 30?

...as well as defend the country...


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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...as well as defend the country...

Yep. At this point, I’m open to it. Lets make them children/minors until 23. No voting, no military service nothing until they are exit of college/trade school age.

For the record I was a tech at Allied Signal making space station environmental control systems & going through an engineering program at 19 years old. But that ship has sailed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
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Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Nikolas Cruz cut his arms on Snapchat and said he wanted to buy a gun in September 2016, more than a year before he was accused of killing 17 people in a school in Parkland, Florida, records obtained by the South Florida Sun Sentinel show.

The incident on the digital social network prompted an investigation by sheriff’s deputies and adult welfare investigators from the Department of Children & Family Services.

The documents provide further evidence that Cruz was a troubled teen who repeatedly went without help before he stalked the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with an AR-15 rifle on Wednesday.

In another stunning example, the FBI acknowledged Friday that it ignored a tip last month that Cruz was at risk of committing a school shooting.

A person close to Cruz contacted an FBI national tipline on Jan. 5 with concerns about the young man’s “gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting,” the agency said in a news release.

The information should have been sent to the FBI Miami Field Office but was never forwarded, officials said.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday ordered an investigation of how the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI handled the matter.

DCF investigation
The DCF investigation came four days after Cruz’s 18th birthday, meaning he could legally purchase a rifle.

“Mr. Cruz has fresh cuts on both his arms. Mr. Cruz stated he plans to go out and buy a gun. It is unknown what he is buying the gun for,” the DCF report reads.

Investigators concluded there were “some implications” for Cruz’s safety but determined he was receiving adequate support from his school and outpatient care from Henderson Mental Health in Broward County.

About five months later, he bought the AR-15.

Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz showed warning signs for years
Cruz came under DCF’s supervision and care because he was classified as a vulnerable adult due to mental illness.

“[Cruz’s] final level of risk is low as [he] resides with his mother, attends school and receives counseling through Henderson,” the DCF investigator wrote.

Cruz’s lawyers said the report is the clearest evidence yet that the system failed not only their client but also the murder victims, their families and the wider community.

“All of this could have been prevented,” said Melisa McNeill, the Broward assistant public defender who is leading the defense. “It makes me sick to my stomach because there are 17 people, including numerous children, who are dead and several others who are injured.”

The attorneys said the Snapchat incident alerted at least four local agencies — DCF, the Broward Sheriff’s Office, the Broward school district and Henderson Behavioral Health, one of the largest mental health providers in the county — that Cruz was in crisis and posed a potential danger to himself and others.

“Every single red flag was being thrown up by this kid, four days after his 18th birthday, and nothing was done to help him,” said Chief Assistant Public Defender Gordon Weekes. “This community has been devastated. The system didn’t only fail him, it failed the entire community.”

A mobile crisis unit from Henderson had been called out at some time in the past to figure out whether Cruz needed to be committed for psychiatric treatment under the Baker Act, the DCF report said. No date for that visit was provided and he was not committed.

His mother, Lynda Cruz, told investigators that her son had been diagnosed with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He was being treated for depression, had a behavioral disorder and had been taking medication for the ADHD, the report said. Investigators wrote that they did not know whether he was still taking the medication.

Cruz’s mother told investigators his behavior was linked to “a breakup with a girl who was cheating on [him].” She and the girl’s mom had told the teens they “had to end the relationship because it was unhealthy for everyone.”

Cruz began cutting himself after his relationship broke up, his mother said.

FBI failed to follow up on Florida school shooting tip about Nikolas Cruz
She said her son did not have a firearm. She said she had confiscated his air gun because he didn’t follow house rules about only shooting it “within the backyard and at targets.” It was unclear precisely what he was doing.

Cruz had “hate signs” — including a Nazi symbol and the words “I hate N------” — drawn on his book bag at some point in the past, according to his mother and a counselor. His mother told investigators that she made her son remove the symbols and that their family was not racist.

A counselor told investigators that a mobile crisis unit had been called out to the school “and determined he was not at risk to harm himself or others.” Cruz had gotten into a fight with a boy over a girl, the counselor said.

The team from Henderson found Cruz “stable enough not to be hospitalized.”

The school resource officer, a sheriff’s deputy, refused to share any information with the investigator “regarding the incident that took place” with Cruz but confirmed that Henderson staff came to the school, assessed Cruz and did not hospitalize him.

District proposes tearing down Stoneman Douglas High building where attack took place
In a statement emailed Friday, a DCF spokeswoman wrote: “Based on the information at this time, this individual had no involvement with Florida’s child welfare system, including foster care.”

“Other information related to this individual as an adult is confidential. … According to Florida law, a court must order the release of these records. In the spirit of full transparency, the department has petitioned the court to be allowed to release any and all records we have on this individual,” Jessica K. Sims wrote.

FBI tips
The FBI tipster was at least the second to warn the agency about Cruz. A video blogger in Mississippi revealed this week that he alerted the FBI four months earlier, in September, when a commenter named Nikolas Cruz wrote “I’m going to be a professional school shooter” on YouTube.

In that case, Robert Lasky, the FBI special agent in charge of the South Florida district, said the tip was pursued but the agency couldn’t track down the commenter and did not connect it to South Florida. The agency’s office in Jackson., Miss., interviewed the person who called, YouTube user Ben Bennight, 36, about it, and checked an internal database and other sources.

Lasky said Friday that agency officials made efforts to notify the families of those who died before making the news public.

“The potential of the FBI to miss something is always there,” Lasky said.

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said Friday that the Sheriff’s Office was reviewing roughly 20 calls to the agency over the last few years that may have involved Cruz.

“If we find out — like in any investigation — that one of our deputies or call takers could have done something better or was remiss, I’ll handle it accordingly.”

Not all calls resulted in a response by deputies, Israel said.

“At the end of the day, make no mistake about it America, the only one to blame for this incident is the killer himself.”




Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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I have a basement full of reloading equipment and can swage, cast & machine my own bullets. Rock has a ghetto trolls understanding on how things are made available. While funny. It’s stupid.



Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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"Cruz’s lawyers said the report is the clearest evidence yet that the system failed not only their client but also the murder victims, their families and the wider community."

And there we have his defense --- not his fault, he's not to blame :mad:, WE are !! The generation or two of ZERO accountability wins again. :mad:
As far as the SYSTEM(s) --- yup, they've got some explaining to do, but ultimately, he pulled the trigger.
There's times (Like these) I'm glad I'm old and won't be forced to witness the future that's coming. :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
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I have a basement full of reloading equipment and can swage, cast & machine my own bullets. Rock has a ghetto trolls understanding on how things are made available. While funny. It’s stupid.

Easy turbo, I’m fully aware of the capabilities of reloading.....it was supposed to be funny and thats it.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Easy turbo, I’m fully aware of the capabilities of reloading.....it was supposed to be funny and thats it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Haha! Sorry! Ive just seen that so many times and have had to listen to morons act like it was their own idea during a debate.

Bullet tax is = to a poll tax.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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When I was in elementary school we played with toy guns. We played football tackle no pads. We played dodge ball, etc.. We violent little fuckers, but our schools didn't get shot up for real. Things that make you go, hmmmm. Boys will be boys play makes us less violent.


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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When I was in elementary school we played with toy guns. We played football tackle no pads. We played dodge ball, etc.. We violent little fuckers, but our schools didn't get shot up for real. Things that make you go, hmmmm. Boys will be boys play makes us less violent.

And none of the kids were diagnosed as having ADHD, etc. and none were on prescription drugs as they were growing up.

The ones who were over-active and acting up usually got some discipline at home :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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And none of the kids were diagnosed as having ADHD, etc. and none were on prescription drugs as they were growing up.

The ones who were over-active and acting up usually got some discipline at home :)

Yep, we had non of that shit and it was fucking awesome.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Because the insurance companys lobbied (bribed) congress into threatening (blackmailing) states with the loss of highway funds if they didn't.

My uncle was an insurance executive in NYC and was involved in the lobbying to get 21. He also supported with massive funds to MADD in the 1980's. The insurance also invested in the inter locking ignition devices convicted DUIS have to blow in to start their cars, etc.. Insurance companies play politics for profit......................

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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When I was in elementary school we played with toy guns. We played football tackle no pads. We played dodge ball, etc.. We violent little fuckers, but our schools didn't get shot up for real. Things that make you go, hmmmm. Boys will be boys play makes us less violent.
Yep, we had non of that shit and it was fucking awesome.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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I can't believe that heads aren't rolling at the FBI, local social services and the local police dept.
WTF do all these guys need.....somebody to hold their hand?
There's 35,000 FBI agents in the US and they are complaining that they don't have time to check out the 10,000 complaints they get about people exactly like this shooter. As said above.....they know what time you took a dump this morning. The shocking thing is that a LOT of previous mass murderers (shooters) were on their radar .....and they do nothing.
You can't tell me they don't have the tools to get at least a small hold on what's going on.
Trump and the governor of Florida are right....heads need to roll, and nothing is going to change until they do.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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"Cruz’s lawyers said the report is the clearest evidence yet that the system failed not only their client but also the murder victims, their families and the wider community."

And there we have his defense --- not his fault, he's not to blame :mad:, WE are !! The generation or two of ZERO accountability wins again. :mad:
As far as the SYSTEM(s) --- yup, they've got some explaining to do, but ultimately, he pulled the trigger.
There's times (Like these) I'm glad I'm old and won't be forced to witness the future that's coming. :(



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Nikolas Cruz cut his arms on Snapchat and said he wanted to buy a gun in September 2016, more than a year before he was accused of killing 17 people in a school in Parkland, Florida, records obtained by the South Florida Sun Sentinel show.

The incident on the digital social network prompted an investigation by sheriff’s deputies and adult welfare investigators from the Department of Children & Family Services.

The documents provide further evidence that Cruz was a troubled teen who repeatedly went without help before he stalked the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with an AR-15 rifle on Wednesday.

In another stunning example, the FBI acknowledged Friday that it ignored a tip last month that Cruz was at risk of committing a school shooting.

A person close to Cruz contacted an FBI national tipline on Jan. 5 with concerns about the young man’s “gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting,” the agency said in a news release.

The information should have been sent to the FBI Miami Field Office but was never forwarded, officials said.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday ordered an investigation of how the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI handled the matter.

DCF investigation
The DCF investigation came four days after Cruz’s 18th birthday, meaning he could legally purchase a rifle.

“Mr. Cruz has fresh cuts on both his arms. Mr. Cruz stated he plans to go out and buy a gun. It is unknown what he is buying the gun for,” the DCF report reads.

Investigators concluded there were “some implications” for Cruz’s safety but determined he was receiving adequate support from his school and outpatient care from Henderson Mental Health in Broward County.

About five months later, he bought the AR-15.

Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz showed warning signs for years
Cruz came under DCF’s supervision and care because he was classified as a vulnerable adult due to mental illness.

“[Cruz’s] final level of risk is low as [he] resides with his mother, attends school and receives counseling through Henderson,” the DCF investigator wrote.

Cruz’s lawyers said the report is the clearest evidence yet that the system failed not only their client but also the murder victims, their families and the wider community.

“All of this could have been prevented,” said Melisa McNeill, the Broward assistant public defender who is leading the defense. “It makes me sick to my stomach because there are 17 people, including numerous children, who are dead and several others who are injured.”

The attorneys said the Snapchat incident alerted at least four local agencies — DCF, the Broward Sheriff’s Office, the Broward school district and Henderson Behavioral Health, one of the largest mental health providers in the county — that Cruz was in crisis and posed a potential danger to himself and others.

“Every single red flag was being thrown up by this kid, four days after his 18th birthday, and nothing was done to help him,” said Chief Assistant Public Defender Gordon Weekes. “This community has been devastated. The system didn’t only fail him, it failed the entire community.”

A mobile crisis unit from Henderson had been called out at some time in the past to figure out whether Cruz needed to be committed for psychiatric treatment under the Baker Act, the DCF report said. No date for that visit was provided and he was not committed.

His mother, Lynda Cruz, told investigators that her son had been diagnosed with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He was being treated for depression, had a behavioral disorder and had been taking medication for the ADHD, the report said. Investigators wrote that they did not know whether he was still taking the medication.

Cruz’s mother told investigators his behavior was linked to “a breakup with a girl who was cheating on [him].” She and the girl’s mom had told the teens they “had to end the relationship because it was unhealthy for everyone.”

Cruz began cutting himself after his relationship broke up, his mother said.

FBI failed to follow up on Florida school shooting tip about Nikolas Cruz
She said her son did not have a firearm. She said she had confiscated his air gun because he didn’t follow house rules about only shooting it “within the backyard and at targets.” It was unclear precisely what he was doing.

Cruz had “hate signs” — including a Nazi symbol and the words “I hate N------” — drawn on his book bag at some point in the past, according to his mother and a counselor. His mother told investigators that she made her son remove the symbols and that their family was not racist.

A counselor told investigators that a mobile crisis unit had been called out to the school “and determined he was not at risk to harm himself or others.” Cruz had gotten into a fight with a boy over a girl, the counselor said.

The team from Henderson found Cruz “stable enough not to be hospitalized.”

The school resource officer, a sheriff’s deputy, refused to share any information with the investigator “regarding the incident that took place” with Cruz but confirmed that Henderson staff came to the school, assessed Cruz and did not hospitalize him.

District proposes tearing down Stoneman Douglas High building where attack took place
In a statement emailed Friday, a DCF spokeswoman wrote: “Based on the information at this time, this individual had no involvement with Florida’s child welfare system, including foster care.”

“Other information related to this individual as an adult is confidential. … According to Florida law, a court must order the release of these records. In the spirit of full transparency, the department has petitioned the court to be allowed to release any and all records we have on this individual,” Jessica K. Sims wrote.

FBI tips
The FBI tipster was at least the second to warn the agency about Cruz. A video blogger in Mississippi revealed this week that he alerted the FBI four months earlier, in September, when a commenter named Nikolas Cruz wrote “I’m going to be a professional school shooter” on YouTube.

In that case, Robert Lasky, the FBI special agent in charge of the South Florida district, said the tip was pursued but the agency couldn’t track down the commenter and did not connect it to South Florida. The agency’s office in Jackson., Miss., interviewed the person who called, YouTube user Ben Bennight, 36, about it, and checked an internal database and other sources.

Lasky said Friday that agency officials made efforts to notify the families of those who died before making the news public.

“The potential of the FBI to miss something is always there,” Lasky said.

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said Friday that the Sheriff’s Office was reviewing roughly 20 calls to the agency over the last few years that may have involved Cruz.

“If we find out — like in any investigation — that one of our deputies or call takers could have done something better or was remiss, I’ll handle it accordingly.”

Not all calls resulted in a response by deputies, Israel said.

“At the end of the day, make no mistake about it America, the only one to blame for this incident is the killer himself.”


Obviously you're confused, it was the guns fault and specifically the AR15. According to the experts in Hollywood, we should practice civil disobedience until these evil weapons are banned...

I'm for doing something different, as all of the "gun free zones" around schools hasn't really worked.

Let's start by making them a "must be armed" zone and see if anything changes...


Where Are My Shoes?
Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Been dealing with health issues and its good to get back to the forum. When I was in Cub Scouts, many years ago, I joined the Scout gun club. You had to work and buy your own gun before you could shoot. My friends and I did every job we could find, from fish counting at the boat docks to cleaning up dog shit in back yards. $21.15 at Tri State hardware store for a Marlin 80C. Club day was Tuesday after school so, we took our guns to school with us. Actions open, clip out, with our range rankings tied through the feed. You earned the right to shoot and the last thing anyone would do is screw that up. We had solid role models that guided us through life to make us men. Fast forward to the 90s and Kip Kinkle shoots his parents, then shoots up a school in Oregon. As parents, we wanted armed guards in our schools. The school board decided that a strong worded action statement and gun free signs would work better. So, 20 plus years later the people in charge are still putting together strong worded action plans to keep our kids safe. It has failed every time because the bad guys don't follow the rules regardless of how strong the rule is worded. They did take action in Florida...........they put bullet proof glass in the teacher lounge. Nothing will change until we take our schools back and start teaching respect and responsibility again. It truly is that simple.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
And none of the kids were diagnosed as having ADHD, etc. and none were on prescription drugs as they were growing up.

The ones who were over-active and acting up usually got some discipline at home :)
ADD, ADHD, etc..... etc..... are, for the most part, catch all diagnosis for kids acting out due to shitty parenting. A strong parental figure at home that is willing and able to disapline a child accordingly is missing 90 to 95% of the time in those cases of diagnosis.

My youngest daughter is in county provided speach therapy due to her health issues. Well my oldest (3 years old) gets a bit jealous from time to time of the extra attention Bailey gets (we do special things with her too just to try to illustrate to her there is equal love between the 2). Well one time a new therapist came with the regular one. The new one was in her 20's and was new to the field. She was gonna be Bailey's new therapist. Well her first day at the house without her mentor, Kara (my 3 year old) was acting up so my wife punished her by putting her in timeout. Well, not 2 minutes later, tge therapist has Kara sitting at the dinning table playing with play dough. The therapist then proceeds to tell my wife that 2 mins was plenty long enough of a timeout and it was ok for her to play.

The 2nd time that therapist came to the house by herself Kara threw an absolute melt down. She got a swat on the but and sent to her bed screaming her head off. After 5 minutes the therapist said "Its not healthy for her development to cry for that long. I'll go get her so she can play too."

THAT is the mentality so many of these younger parents are growing up with. They didnt like being disiplined when they were younger and neither did their egg head teachera and professors that habe decided no decipline is the best way to raise a child. Then people wonder why there is a complete and total lack of self responsobility in this country. This is now the 2nd generation of lack of reprocusions being really drilled into them as they are being raised.

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Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
ADD, ADHD, etc..... etc..... are, for the most part, catch all diagnosis for kids acting out due to shitty parenting. A strong parental figure at home that is willing and able to disapline a child accordingly is missing 90 to 95% of the time in those cases of diagnosis.

My youngest daughter is in county provided speach therapy due to her health issues. Well my oldest (3 years old) gets a bit jealous from time to time of the extra attention Bailey gets (we do special things with her too just to try to illustrate to her there is equal love between the 2). Well one time a new therapist came with the regular one. The new one was in her 20's and was new to the field. She was gonna be Bailey's new therapist. Well her first day at the house without her mentor, Kara (my 3 year old) was acting up so my wife punished her by putting her in timeout. Well, not 2 minutes later, tge therapist has Kara sitting at the dinning table playing with play dough. The therapist then proceeds to tell my wife that 2 mins was plenty long enough of a timeout and it was ok for her to play.

The 2nd time that therapist came to the house by herself Kara threw an absolute melt down. She got a swat on the but and sent to her bed screaming her head off. After 5 minutes the therapist said "Its not healthy for her development to cry for that long. I'll go get her so she can play too."

THAT is the mentality so many of these younger parents are growing up with. They didnt like being disiplined when they were younger and neither did their egg head teachera and professors that habe decided no decipline is the best way to raise a child. Then people wonder why there is a complete and total lack of self responsobility in this country. This is now the 2nd generation of lack of reprocusions being really drilled into them as they are being raised.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


Hope you kicked that stupid fucking twat out of your house too.....no one should be interfering with your discipline of your own kids.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score

Hope you kicked that stupid fucking twat out of your house too.....no one should be interfering with your discipline of your own kids.
I wish i was there when it happened. I told my wife to throw her out immediately if she ever does that again. Turns out her mentor (the therapist that we've had for a while), is her mother. So not only will she get kicked out the house, but her mom will get an ear full from us as well.

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