Trump brusied and beat up.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
Good to see his hypocrisy record exposed.

The 10th Republican presidential debate was a good show, as it always is with Donald Trump on the stage.

But for the first time in this unprecedented primary election, Trump could have used a little more winning. He left the stage in Houston having been pushed around for most of the night.

Standing between the two U.S. senators who remain the only obstacles between him and the GOP nomination, Trump was under assault from both Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas for a large part of the two-hour spectacle.

A little more than halfway through the raucous back-and-forth, Trump was clearly tiring, and angry at being under so much duress. When the radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt directed another question at Trump, the businessman and reality TV personality snapped at him in anger.

?Every single question comes to me? I know I?m here for the ratings, but it?s a little bit ridiculous,? he complained.

Rubio was relentless. He pushed, prodded, provoked and badgered Trump as no one else during the campaign has been able to do on a stage. Rubio, smiling much of the time, interrupted and talked over Trump rather than standing by and waiting for him to insult or belittle him.

And Cruz followed up on many of Rubio?s attacks or criticisms.

Rubio went on the offensive in his first answer, saying that Trump had only recently adopted a conservative stance on immigration, and then accusing him of hiring people from outside the country.

?Even today, we saw a report in one of the newspapers that Donald, you?ve hired a significant number of people from other countries to take jobs that Americans could have filled,? he said.

He was referring to a New York Times report that showed that Trump?s Palm Beach club, Mar-a-Lago, has brought in hundreds of foreign workers with temporary visas to fill jobs, while denying or ignoring hundreds of applications from American citizens.

Essentially, Rubio was calling Trump a hypocrite, given the billionaire?s campaign rhetoric about getting jobs back for Americans who have lost them, especially to immigrants. Trump compounded this impression in an interview on CNN after the debate, arguing that ?you can?t get American people? for such work.

During the debate, Rubio pointed out that the Times had interviewed a number of people who would have been willing to take the work, ?if you would have been willing to hire them to do it.?

Before Trump began to counterattack, Rubio demonstrated a tactic that he employed repeatedly to great effect. He launched in on Trump from another angle, pointing out that Trump was the ?only person on this stage that has ever been fined for hiring people to work on your projects illegally.?

?You hired some workers from Poland,? Rubio said. As Trump began to reject the accusation as ?totally wrong,? Rubio suggested that the audience simply search on Google for the evidence.

?I?m sure people are Googling it right now. Look it up: ?Trump Polish workers.? You?ll see a million dollars for hiring illegal workers on one of his projects. He did it,? Rubio said. Such a search quickly leads, for example, to this July 2015 Daily Beast story, ?Trump Tower Was Built on Undocumented Polish Immigrants? Backs.?

Trump had no answer. ?Be quiet. Just be quiet,? he said in disgust, waving his right arm dismissively at Rubio.

Trump did not get a breather. Cruz immediately waded in on him for not being conservative enough on immigration.

?When I was leading the fight against the ?Gang of Eight? amnesty bill, where was Donald? He was firing Dennis Rodman on ?Celebrity Apprentice,?? Cruz said, mockingly.

The Texas senator, armed with his own file of facts, said that Trump had donated $50,000 to the politicians who helped pass an immigration reform bill through the Senate in 2013, which Cruz refers to as an ?open borders? plan.

?When you?re funding open border politicians, you shouldn?t be surprised when they fight for open borders,? Cruz said, seeking to undercut another of Trump?s key claims, that he will have a wall built across the U.S.-Mexico border to stop all illegal immigration.

When the wall was mentioned moments later, CNN?s moderator, Wolf Blitzer, expressed skepticism that Trump would actually be able to force the Mexican government to pay for it.

How would he do this? Blitzer asked Trump. ?I will,? Trump said, without elaboration.

Rubio once again started taking shots at Trump.

?If he builds the wall the way he built Trump Towers, he?ll be using illegal immigrant labor to do it,? he said. Trump rolled his eyes but did not respond. ?The second thing, about the trade war,? Rubio went on, ?I don?t understand, because your ties and the clothes you make [are] made in Mexico and in China. So you?re gonna be starting a trade war against your own ties and your own suits.?

Rubio pestered Trump eight times about why he didn?t make his ties and branded clothing line in the United States rather than in China and Mexico. Rubio then pivoted quickly to another attack, punching from a different angle.

As Trump was objecting that Rubio didn?t know anything about his reasons for manufacturing his clothing line in China, Rubio shot back: ?Well, I don?t know anything about bankrupting four companies.?

Then he launched in again. ?I don?t know anything about starting a university, and that was a fake university. There are people who borrowed $36,000 to go to Trump University, and they?re suing now,? Rubio said, discussing the ongoing lawsuit against the school (now defunct) in which Trump has been called to testify under oath.

?That?s a fake school. And you know what they got? They got to take a picture with a cardboard cutout of Donald Trump.?

Trump tried repeatedly to stop Rubio from talking and to get a word in himself, but remarkably, failed to do so. Finally, he went after Rubio for profiting from a home sale.

?Here?s a guy, here?s a guy that buys a house for $179,000, he sells it to a lobbyist ? who?s probably here ? for $380,000, and then legislation is passed,? Trump said.

Rubio came quickly back with another one-liner. ?Here?s a guy that inherited $200 million,? he responded. ?If he hadn?t inherited $200 million, you know where Donald Trump would be right now??

Back and forth it went for much of the night.

This all led up to the most punishing blow Rubio landed, again refusing to let Trump get away with a superficial answer on how he would reform the U.S. health care system. Casually but with a touch of disdain, Rubio pressed Trump on what his plan for health insurance reform would be, other than allowing customers to shop across state lines for a plan.

?What is your plan, Mr. Trump?? Rubio said. ?What is your plan on health care??

?You don?t know,? Trump replied. ?The biggest problem ? ?

?What?s your plan?? Rubio asked again.

?The biggest problem, I?ll have you know?? Trump said, before being interrupted once again.

?What?s your plan?? Rubio said.

Trump gave up, instead mocking Rubio for his near-catastrophic debate performance Feb. 6 in New Hampshire, when New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie badgered the Florida senator into repeating himself multiple times in a way that was subsequently mocked as robotic.

But as Trump once again invoked purchasing health plans across state lines, Rubio used Christie?s tactic against him.

?Now he?s repeating himself,? Rubio said. The audience cheered loudly and knowingly, acknowledging that Rubio was not only demonstrating a toughness that he had not shown under fire from Christie, but was using against Trump the accusation Christie used against him.

Trump was flustered.

?Is there anything else you would like to add to that?? CNN?s Dana Bash asked Trump.

?No, there?s nothing to add,? Trump said.

Trump then came in for questions over whether he would release his tax returns. He replied that because he is being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he does not want to release them until the audit is completed, and noted that his taxes have been audited for 12 years straight.

Rubio also made light of Trump?s approach to the Middle East peace process. Even radio talk show host Glenn Beck, a big supporter of Cruz, tweeted: ?Rubio is killing it.?

Ahead of next Tuesday?s primary voting in a dozen states, Rubio and Cruz both need to arrest Trump?s momentum. On Thursday night, each did about as good a job as they possibly could to change the shape of the race.

But Trump has proven hard to stop, and the next few days will reveal whether the Houston debate marked a change in the dynamics of the race or simply amounted to a few uncomfortable moments for Trump on the way to winning the nomination.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The whole election process has become a media circus.......There is no telling what voters will actually do in the booth at this point. And there is no telling what if anything will come of the charges HC could possibly face in the next few months.

I'm not sure the US citizens are getting what they deserve by allowing the government toget this far off path, or government is just that far gone on their own. Whatever, we could be in real trouble with not a damned thing we can do to change things.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Good to see his hypocrisy record exposed.

The 10th Republican presidential debate was a good show, as it always is with Donald Trump on the stage.

But for the first time in this unprecedented primary election, Trump could have used a little more winning. He left the stage in Houston having been pushed around for most of the night.

Standing between the two U.S. senators who remain the only obstacles between him and the GOP nomination, Trump was under assault from both Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas for a large part of the two-hour spectacle.

A little more than halfway through the raucous back-and-forth, Trump was clearly tiring, and angry at being under so much duress. When the radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt directed another question at Trump, the businessman and reality TV personality snapped at him in anger.

?Every single question comes to me? I know I?m here for the ratings, but it?s a little bit ridiculous,? he complained.

Rubio was relentless. He pushed, prodded, provoked and badgered Trump as no one else during the campaign has been able to do on a stage. Rubio, smiling much of the time, interrupted and talked over Trump rather than standing by and waiting for him to insult or belittle him.

And Cruz followed up on many of Rubio?s attacks or criticisms.

Rubio went on the offensive in his first answer, saying that Trump had only recently adopted a conservative stance on immigration, and then accusing him of hiring people from outside the country.

?Even today, we saw a report in one of the newspapers that Donald, you?ve hired a significant number of people from other countries to take jobs that Americans could have filled,? he said.

He was referring to a New York Times report that showed that Trump?s Palm Beach club, Mar-a-Lago, has brought in hundreds of foreign workers with temporary visas to fill jobs, while denying or ignoring hundreds of applications from American citizens.

Essentially, Rubio was calling Trump a hypocrite, given the billionaire?s campaign rhetoric about getting jobs back for Americans who have lost them, especially to immigrants. Trump compounded this impression in an interview on CNN after the debate, arguing that ?you can?t get American people? for such work.

During the debate, Rubio pointed out that the Times had interviewed a number of people who would have been willing to take the work, ?if you would have been willing to hire them to do it.?

Before Trump began to counterattack, Rubio demonstrated a tactic that he employed repeatedly to great effect. He launched in on Trump from another angle, pointing out that Trump was the ?only person on this stage that has ever been fined for hiring people to work on your projects illegally.?

?You hired some workers from Poland,? Rubio said. As Trump began to reject the accusation as ?totally wrong,? Rubio suggested that the audience simply search on Google for the evidence.

?I?m sure people are Googling it right now. Look it up: ?Trump Polish workers.? You?ll see a million dollars for hiring illegal workers on one of his projects. He did it,? Rubio said. Such a search quickly leads, for example, to this July 2015 Daily Beast story, ?Trump Tower Was Built on Undocumented Polish Immigrants? Backs.?

Trump had no answer. ?Be quiet. Just be quiet,? he said in disgust, waving his right arm dismissively at Rubio.

Trump did not get a breather. Cruz immediately waded in on him for not being conservative enough on immigration.

?When I was leading the fight against the ?Gang of Eight? amnesty bill, where was Donald? He was firing Dennis Rodman on ?Celebrity Apprentice,?? Cruz said, mockingly.

The Texas senator, armed with his own file of facts, said that Trump had donated $50,000 to the politicians who helped pass an immigration reform bill through the Senate in 2013, which Cruz refers to as an ?open borders? plan.

?When you?re funding open border politicians, you shouldn?t be surprised when they fight for open borders,? Cruz said, seeking to undercut another of Trump?s key claims, that he will have a wall built across the U.S.-Mexico border to stop all illegal immigration.

When the wall was mentioned moments later, CNN?s moderator, Wolf Blitzer, expressed skepticism that Trump would actually be able to force the Mexican government to pay for it.

How would he do this? Blitzer asked Trump. ?I will,? Trump said, without elaboration.

Rubio once again started taking shots at Trump.

?If he builds the wall the way he built Trump Towers, he?ll be using illegal immigrant labor to do it,? he said. Trump rolled his eyes but did not respond. ?The second thing, about the trade war,? Rubio went on, ?I don?t understand, because your ties and the clothes you make [are] made in Mexico and in China. So you?re gonna be starting a trade war against your own ties and your own suits.?

Rubio pestered Trump eight times about why he didn?t make his ties and branded clothing line in the United States rather than in China and Mexico. Rubio then pivoted quickly to another attack, punching from a different angle.

As Trump was objecting that Rubio didn?t know anything about his reasons for manufacturing his clothing line in China, Rubio shot back: ?Well, I don?t know anything about bankrupting four companies.?

Then he launched in again. ?I don?t know anything about starting a university, and that was a fake university. There are people who borrowed $36,000 to go to Trump University, and they?re suing now,? Rubio said, discussing the ongoing lawsuit against the school (now defunct) in which Trump has been called to testify under oath.

?That?s a fake school. And you know what they got? They got to take a picture with a cardboard cutout of Donald Trump.?

Trump tried repeatedly to stop Rubio from talking and to get a word in himself, but remarkably, failed to do so. Finally, he went after Rubio for profiting from a home sale.

?Here?s a guy, here?s a guy that buys a house for $179,000, he sells it to a lobbyist ? who?s probably here ? for $380,000, and then legislation is passed,? Trump said.

Rubio came quickly back with another one-liner. ?Here?s a guy that inherited $200 million,? he responded. ?If he hadn?t inherited $200 million, you know where Donald Trump would be right now??

Back and forth it went for much of the night.

This all led up to the most punishing blow Rubio landed, again refusing to let Trump get away with a superficial answer on how he would reform the U.S. health care system. Casually but with a touch of disdain, Rubio pressed Trump on what his plan for health insurance reform would be, other than allowing customers to shop across state lines for a plan.

?What is your plan, Mr. Trump?? Rubio said. ?What is your plan on health care??

?You don?t know,? Trump replied. ?The biggest problem ? ?

?What?s your plan?? Rubio asked again.

?The biggest problem, I?ll have you know?? Trump said, before being interrupted once again.

?What?s your plan?? Rubio said.

Trump gave up, instead mocking Rubio for his near-catastrophic debate performance Feb. 6 in New Hampshire, when New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie badgered the Florida senator into repeating himself multiple times in a way that was subsequently mocked as robotic.

But as Trump once again invoked purchasing health plans across state lines, Rubio used Christie?s tactic against him.

?Now he?s repeating himself,? Rubio said. The audience cheered loudly and knowingly, acknowledging that Rubio was not only demonstrating a toughness that he had not shown under fire from Christie, but was using against Trump the accusation Christie used against him.

Trump was flustered.

?Is there anything else you would like to add to that?? CNN?s Dana Bash asked Trump.

?No, there?s nothing to add,? Trump said.

Trump then came in for questions over whether he would release his tax returns. He replied that because he is being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, he does not want to release them until the audit is completed, and noted that his taxes have been audited for 12 years straight.

Rubio also made light of Trump?s approach to the Middle East peace process. Even radio talk show host Glenn Beck, a big supporter of Cruz, tweeted: ?Rubio is killing it.?

Ahead of next Tuesday?s primary voting in a dozen states, Rubio and Cruz both need to arrest Trump?s momentum. On Thursday night, each did about as good a job as they possibly could to change the shape of the race.

But Trump has proven hard to stop, and the next few days will reveal whether the Houston debate marked a change in the dynamics of the race or simply amounted to a few uncomfortable moments for Trump on the way to winning the nomination.

So what's your solution?

Who do you think can: 1)Beat out Trump as the nominee.
2) Beat whoever the Dems throw out there?

I realize that you hate the guy, and your points about him are not invalid, but what are our choices?

This IS what we have to work with...and lord knows it ain't pretty.



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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I tried to watch. What a mistake ! What shit show and a bunch BS. The only two that had any class on that stage was Kasich and Carson.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
I watched the first half and Trump absolutely owned them imo like he was operating on a different level, anything they tried to throw on him he just brushed off like "Big deal, i don't give a shit".....

I don't know what happened in the second half because i couldn't stand watching it anymore..... :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
I don't hate trump. For president he doesn't reflect the conservative history, consistency on issues/principles, nor does he even discuss his strategy, or the dignity /respect for the position.

I don't view him differently than Hillary on the issues. Trump has more in common with her viewd versus any other republican candidate.

I don't have an answer at this point. Sad state of affairs for sure...


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
I did laugh when Rubio and Cruz we're going after Trump on his employees and Trump pointed out neither of them have ever hired anybody lol

Pretty sad when neither Cruz or Rubio are polling to win against Trump in their home states. That's got to be embarrassing.

It's a clear sign that people have no faith in the economy. The voter wants a jobs and business minded candidate. Trump would be wise to keep that the focal point and build a dream team cabinet for foreign policy.

I don't know what to think at this point. It's a shit show on both sides.

Yesterday I was watching Chris Mathews interview Bernie Sanders. Holy shit that guy has to be the least educated candidate I've ever heard speak. Like seriously dumb and so far out of his league on presidential issues it's not even funny.

Chris asked Bernie about closing Gitmo. Bernie said that was an important issue to him. Bernie says he'll bring the prisoners to the State's but not release them. Chris says that the second they land on U.S. soil the ACLU has made it known they're going to ask for a trial or release. Bernie had no fucking clue what Chris was talking about. Literally had no fucking clue how that works. His answer was I'll just keep them locked up in a prison. Huh??

Had me questioning our education system as the audience was full of college students with Bernie t-shirts and they're all nodding in agreement to his stumbling answer. LMAO

We're fucked [emoji2]


lol, yeah, sure, ok......
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
We watched it & I was shaking my head from the start... the introduction may as well have been a commercial for WWE or an advertisement for a monster truck show. All that seemed to be missing was the booming voice going "SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!" lol:D It was kinda entertaining & slightly informative... then turned into a bunch of squabbling, shouting over each other, etc... I did find it funny when Carson said, "will somebody attack me?" & "I don't get to talk enough"... lol :lmao


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2009
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Comparing politics today to, say, 30 years ago, what I see is that the Democrats of old are now Socialists, and the Republicans of old are now Democrats. If anything, the Libertarians (who are never even on the main stage) are closer to the old Republicans. Everything has shifted to the left because of the entitlement group. Sad.

As for Trump vs. Cruz vs. Rubio, I'm looking at it more as a business man vs. politicians. Just like I think Ross Perot would have done a good "reset" for the economy and country back in 92, I think that's what Trump will do now. What's Trump's policy history? It's whatever made him money. As a business man, that's the goal. Until he entered politics, I really don't care what he thought or did when it was completely centered on his business. Now that he's talking about what he would do for the business of our gubment, his words make sense. Most of all to me, he's not establishment. Not going to have campaign funders in his pocket and he won't be under their thumb. That's more important to me...someone who can think and act without some "interest" swaying what the decision should be.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Comparing politics today to, say, 30 years ago, what I see is that the Democrats of old are now Socialists, and the Republicans of old are now Democrats. If anything, the Libertarians (who are never even on the main stage) are closer to the old Republicans. Everything has shifted to the left because of the entitlement group. Sad.

As for Trump vs. Cruz vs. Rubio, I'm looking at it more as a business man vs. politicians. Just like I think Ross Perot would have done a good "reset" for the economy and country back in 92, I think that's what Trump will do now. What's Trump's policy history? It's whatever made him money. As a business man, that's the goal. Until he entered politics, I really don't care what he thought or did when it was completely centered on his business. Now that he's talking about what he would do for the business of our gubment, his words make sense. Most of all to me, he's not establishment. Not going to have campaign funders in his pocket and he won't be under their thumb. That's more important to me...someone who can think and act without some "interest" swaying what the decision should be.

I agree with that 100%

Another thing I noticed with Carson. Although he seems to be very honest and respectable. Not dropping out is showing that is was in a place of power he may causing issues when action needed to be taken and would wait based on principles and nothing else.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Comparing politics today to, say, 30 years ago, what I see is that the Democrats of old are now Socialists, and the Republicans of old are now Democrats. If anything, the Libertarians (who are never even on the main stage) are closer to the old Republicans. Everything has shifted to the left because of the entitlement group. Sad.

As for Trump vs. Cruz vs. Rubio, I'm looking at it more as a business man vs. politicians. Just like I think Ross Perot would have done a good "reset" for the economy and country back in 92, I think that's what Trump will do now. What's Trump's policy history? It's whatever made him money. As a business man, that's the goal. Until he entered politics, I really don't care what he thought or did when it was completely centered on his business. Now that he's talking about what he would do for the business of our gubment, his words make sense. Most of all to me, he's not establishment. Not going to have campaign funders in his pocket and he won't be under their thumb. That's more important to me...someone who can think and act without some "interest" swaying what the decision should be.

"Take cover!!!":D


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
I don't hate trump. For president he doesn't reflect the conservative history, consistency on issues/principles, nor does he even discuss his strategy, or the dignity /respect for the position.

I don't view him differently than Hillary on the issues. Trump has more in common with her viewd versus any other republican candidate.

I don't have an answer at this point. Sad state of affairs for sure...

I believe the GOP base as a whole has grown tired of a party that has abandoned them, and Trump is the anti-establishment choice to blow the shit up.

A lot like Bernie's supporters, but from a different spot on the political spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Was Jerry Springer moderating last night? I was waiting for a turkey leg to fly across the room.:D


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
Comparing politics today to, say, 30 years ago, what I see is that the Democrats of old are now Socialists, and the Republicans of old are now Democrats. If anything, the Libertarians (who are never even on the main stage) are closer to the old Republicans. Everything has shifted to the left because of the entitlement group. Sad.

I agree with this 100.percent. today's republican party has Abanded conservative principles and evoloved into what the democrat party was.

My thoughts and principles are much closer aligned with libertarian philosophy.


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
What a sad state of affairs. I truly believe that Trump makes decisions based on emotions and not facts. He's immature in that fashion but he's grown up as millionaire who's always gotten his way.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Comparing politics today to, say, 30 years ago, what I see is that the Democrats of old are now Socialists, and the Republicans of old are now Democrats. If anything, the Libertarians (who are never even on the main stage) are closer to the old Republicans. Everything has shifted to the left because of the entitlement group. Sad.

Barry Goldwater warned of this happening 30+ years ago..... He hit the nail on the head.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Yup . Except hed be saying I resemble those colorful metaphors...lol

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
What I'm seeing is a desperate GOP trying to hang on to power. The DNC at this point doesn't seem to have the same concern unless HC gets indicted, then we will see Biden or someone be pushed forward.

Here in TX Perry and Romney are backing Cruz even though neither has backed him in the past. My respect for Cruz has dropped and he isn't the candidate I hoped him to be. Currently, he's running scared as is Rubio and what little I saw last night, they are showing their fear.

Trump is what the nation has been asking for, an aggressive outsider that will speak PC free and address issues out loud. It's just the package is suspect and filled to the brim with all Trump's baggage. The age of electronic instant news and back up facts has made this what it is. The politicians are pretty much the same, we just have instantaneous and insane amounts of data to digest.

Sanders is proving the youth and utopian dreamers are as stupid as we have always known them to be. Socialism fails due to this kind of person whose completely out of synch with reality. And crooks like HC can survive as long as the establishment has something to gain.

Politics, 2016


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
What I'm seeing is a desperate GOP trying to hang on to power. The DNC at this point doesn't seem to have the same concern unless HC gets indicted, then we will see Biden or someone be pushed forward.

Here in TX Perry and Romney are backing Cruz even though neither has backed him in the past. My respect for Cruz has dropped and he isn't the candidate I hoped him to be. Currently, he's running scared as is Rubio and what little I saw last night, they are showing their fear.

Trump is what the nation has been asking for, an aggressive outsider that will speak PC free and address issues out loud. It's just the package is suspect and filled to the brim with all Trump's baggage. The age of electronic instant news and back up facts has made this what it is. The politicians are pretty much the same, we just have instantaneous and insane amounts of data to digest.

Sanders is proving the youth and utopian dreamers are as stupid as we have always known them to be. Socialism fails due to this kind of person whose completely out of synch with reality. And crooks like HC can survive as long as the establishment has something to gain.

Politics, 2016

Going, going...GONE!

A perfect summary!:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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The Republican party wants him out of there. Rubio & Cruz's job right now is to attack him. Carson & Kasich are probably paid to stay in to take votes away because they clearly have no business being there.

I don't know what to make of Trump. He reacts somewhat like I would to situations in that he says things in lay-mans terms, cusses a bit, sticks his foot in his mouth from time to time & gets irritated. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but I'm inclined to say that may be a good thing.

Now, Obama & Clinton on the other hand, are calm, cool & collected, but that's because they're finely tuned Politicians & lying POS's.


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
New poll shows Trump extending his lead over Rubio in Florida by 16 points.

Holy shit... if that doesn't say your own home state people think you suck I don't know what does. It also says that the people hate the GOP.

If I was Rubio I'd drop out now to save myself the embarrassment. That's the kind of baggage that will follow a career politician.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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At least cruz is up 12-15 pts over trump in tx.

From what I read and heard, those supporting Rubio say as soon as he was elected, he turned his back on them


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2007
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I think this promise they've all signed to back the nominee is a problem for the GOP. They finally started taking harder digs in this last debate, but till now Cruz & Rubio have just been lobbing softballs at Trump. IMO, they don't want to look like fools if Trump is the nominee & they have to start touting Trump as the best thing since sliced bread. Makes you wonder what's still being held back. Ends up hurting the GOP because it will all come out in the General Election.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
At least cruz is up 12-15 pts over trump in tx.

I'm not sure I understand your point as far as "at least cruz is up"?

Is seeing Trump have a "hiccup" a good thing?

It seems all but decided, at this point and barring some unforeseen miracle of sorts, that Trump WILL be the Rep candidate...crazy as that sounds.

Personally I think it's time we unite and put up a consolidated front similar to what the libs/ Dems have done for the last 8 years.

That in itself is what put an unqualified muslim sympathizer/ anti-American in office in '08 and again in '12...


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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I was responding to RR429's comment about Rubio and Cruz ability to carry their home states.

And yes the more misfires trump has the better. He needs to flame out so we don't end up with hillary

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I was responding to RR429's comment about Rubio and Cruz ability to carry their home states.

Got it.:thumbsup

And yes the more misfires trump has the better. He needs to flame out so we don't end up with hillary

Every time he SHOULD "flame out", his numbers go up.
Like I said, IMO it's time to start looking for some positives because Trump appears as though he IS going to be the candidate.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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That's a good one!

Here's another: "The sob who will NEVER bow to or kiss the ring of any foreign diplomat.

I'm not that sure a lot of foreign diplomats are gonna go on his reality show after the election.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Hillary and trump are both tards. Not much difference really.

Hillary is just more covertly evil and trump acts like an immature brat.

Some choice.

I'm holding out hope for something better

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Hillary and trump are both tards. Not much difference really.

Hillary is just more covertly evil and trump acts like an immature brat.

Some choice.

I'm holding out hope for something better

And what are you gonna do when there isn't anything better?

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hillary and trump are both tards. Not much difference really.

Hillary is just more covertly evil and trump acts like an immature brat.

Some choice.

I'm holding out hope for something better

I seem to remember a similar slogan in '08??:yikes:yikes

I really don't care much what he "act's like", I care more about what he might actually do...and compared to the disaster of the last 8 years and the disaster looming on the left he isn't looking NEAR as bad as what you think, at least IMO.:)

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score

And that's a problem.
It's my whole point.
If we don't unite we stay split and we lose...period.

3rd party can not win, we must hold our nose and unite. The left is 100% united...or will be once they settle on their piece of feces.
What are we going to do? Hand it right to them? Because THAT is what will happen...and my ONLY goal is getting them out while there might still be a chance.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
The left is 100% united...or will be once they settle on their piece of feces.

I don't know about that Tommy. The same "Anti-Establishment" mentality is going on in their party also.

I've spoken to some of his supporters and they hate the skank! The beauty of Bernie.:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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i agree, so many are so stuck up in there (principles) that they would rather loose the whole ship than have it sale under the wrong flag for a while. Problem is that it is not a ship and once the country gets to a point there is no going back. If there was a better candidate for sure I wouldn't vote Trump either but there isn't. If the US lets the DEM in again, you guys then us will be totally fucked. Once they let immigrants illegal or otherwise there ability to vote it's over. The Muslim religion WILL take over just as it is in Europe. If you think for a second that if it gets bad that the general population will revolt with all there personal weapons you are mistaken. We wouldn't stand a chance against the might of the army. The PC movement has paved the way for a very non PC event. The second amendment will be long gone by then and the punishment for crimes will be swift and brutal. We are the frog in the pot on the stove my friends and if we don't do something now it will be to late very soon.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know about that Tommy. The same "Anti-Establishment" mentality is going on in their party also.

I've spoken to some of his supporters and they hate the skank! The beauty of Bernie.:thumbsup

All true.

But once the whole Bernie/ Skankery debate is settled, just watch how the lemmings eat what is fed them!
They WILL unite and attack Trump enmasse, led by their precious media of course.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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IMO Trump is not some magical savior for conservatives. He's a Tard.... and believes is most of the same crap as the left. A vote for Trump and potential for POTUS is not some great result. From what I can gather from his proposed policies, we will continue to march down the same economic path of debt, recession, tariffs, higher taxes, reduced liberty, single payer healthcare, bigger gov't, etc. Dictator Trump will not loosen the establishment's grip on the Senate or House.

I've held my nose and voted for a long line of Rino candidates since 1988. What has this accomplished? Less than zero actually. I'm done holding my nose while I vote.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
IMO Trump is not some magical savior for conservatives. He's a Tard.... and believes is most of the same crap as the left. A vote for Trump and potential for POTUS is not some great result. From what I can gather from his proposed policies, we will continue to march down the same economic path of debt, recession, tariffs, higher taxes, reduced liberty, single payer healthcare, bigger gov't, etc. Dictator Trump will not loosen the establishment's grip on the Senate or House.

I've held my nose and voted for a long line of Rino candidates since 1988. What has this accomplished? Less than zero actually. I'm done holding my nose while I vote.

They said the same thing about Reagan Dave. I'll roll the dice with Trump if he's the nominee, his immigration stance alone, is worth the roll for me.

Session's endorsement should mean something to us conservatives.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
IMO Trump is not some magical savior for conservatives. He's a Tard.... and believes is most of the same crap as the left. A vote for Trump and potential for POTUS is not some great result. From what I can gather from his proposed policies, we will continue to march down the same economic path of debt, recession, tariffs, higher taxes, reduced liberty, single payer healthcare, bigger gov't, etc. Dictator Trump will not loosen the establishment's grip on the Senate or House.

I've held my nose and voted for a long line of Rino candidates since 1988. What has this accomplished? Less than zero actually. I'm done holding my nose while I vote.

I can honestly appreciate that, but you know what the outcome will be.

The stench is overwhelming for sure, but I feel we have no choice but to roll the dice and concentrate solely on removing the sure fire demise, and put in the only chance we have...slim as that chance may be.