Time has come today .........


Fair winds and following seas George.. Rest Easy..
Jan 28, 2009
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NO, not the song by the Chambers Brothers, but the "end of the line" for the way Congress treats themselves differently than they treat their EMPLOYERS .

The question of ETHICS is in the forefront of the US news, and much of it involves people in elected positions, some in the US Congress .

ETHICS, has no PARTY, even though for some it "is always ready to party", no matter what the consequences .

IF there do happen to be consequences, the US Congress has an "office" that will pay and defend whatever went wrong . DO YOU ?

WHO , takes care of your transportation, medical, tickets, fines, legal and settlement fees ? YOU do .

WHY are we allowing many of them to "conduct themselves as poor citizens, and extremely disgusting human beings", while they grant themselves ; reasonably high pay , better medical care than they give us, transportation, lobbyist perks, the best retirement policy, pretty much an ALL YOU CAN EAT, lifestyle .

I feel that this is the time to consider CHANGING the compensation, medical benefits, conducting office business expenses, and availability of PERKS, to our ELECTED OFFICIALS .

Get the TAX reductions and Medical changes PASSED and SIGNED , then go DIRECTLY to changing the way we compensate our ELECTED CONGRESSIONAL SERVANTS .

Over the decades, many have guessed at what was or was not going on with the people "working" in our federal government .

We now know that "a few" just cannot conduct themselves as an adult in their workplace, and some have actually had the US government PAY restitution and or legal fees for their MISDEEDS ! WHO pays YOUR BILLS?

NOW is the time for ; term limits, outside pay controls, equal medical as the laws they pass, NO dalliance SLUSH FUNDS, *no conduct f-ing schools for ADULTS*, base rate travel vouchers, and on and on ..........

This country MUST take back control of our government, because it is NOT WORKING FOR US, and it is only working for it's own special interests .

WHO, protects your job, your business, your family, your health, your future ? Not the US Congress ..................

***** Many of these USERS are LAWYERS, so "new workplace and gender training", is a waste of time and money . THEY should KNOW what is right and what is wrong, and it's too late to start TRAINING ADULTS now, on OUR DIME !**

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Term limits would be a great start but a lot of this is are own fault . We keep electing these same ass holes

That's the problem.....All Congressmen and Women are worthless and not doing their jobs....."except mine"....:confused: Most of us are guilty as charged..


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Campaign finance reform is the answer. Their compensation is a relatively small issue. And term limits aren't' the answer. It takes too long to get them up to speed and you lose the long-term strategy when they are only focused on the next few years.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Campaign finance reform is the answer. Their compensation is a relatively small issue. And term limits aren't' the answer. It takes too long to get them up to speed and you lose the long-term strategy when they are only focused on the next few years.

I have to grudgingly agree with your take on term limits, at least to some degree.
Working DOD at different Air Force sites in years past we would see a new base commander show up every other year at these remote sites as punishment for fucking up somewhere else. They would bring in a whole new agenda and mission to try to make a showing and in a year or so they'd be gone...rinse repeat...and nothing ever got done, or rather, nothing ever had continuity.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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I have to grudgingly agree with your take on term limits, at least to some degree.
Working DOD at different Air Force sites in years past we would see a new base commander show up every other year at these remote sites as punishment for fucking up somewhere else. They would bring in a whole new agenda and mission to try to make a showing and in a year or so they'd be gone...rinse repeat...and nothing ever got done, or rather, nothing ever had continuity.

FUMU....Thats how unkle sugars playhouse works! Cuz u know, we can’t discipline, demote, or terminate someone. That would mean admitting weong doing


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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FUMU....Thats how unkle sugars playhouse works! Cuz u know, we can’t discipline, demote, or terminate someone. That would mean admitting weong doing

Bloody Mary much? :confused:


Fair winds and following seas George.. Rest Easy..
Jan 28, 2009
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The rules and procedures are set , no one is going to come in (or every 2/4 years) and change much .
Lifetime 100%medical , and lifetime retirement pay for even just ONE TERM ?

Both are quite a bit more than the public gets and they work for us .

It's not the campaign money that keeps them going in a particular direction, it's lobbyists .

Just put a"cap" on each office , say one million , no more . NO PAC money or TV ads, nothing more .

Cheaters get prosecuted , top to bottom .

Those who are elected, and don't "hit the ground running", should be fined for lack of preparation .

Those who "run on one set of points" and then in office "change directions", should also be fined .

Don't make it easy to be lazy in office, make it strict and pay of the national debt with Congressional fines . (HA HA)

Their pay is too much, and they don't even work at it like a full time job ! 40 hours a week, two weeks off for your one vacation a year ...............


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Heaven forbid if some one says the truth about the guberment

I think jenny is upset cuz i typed weong instead of wrong...apparently typing on a phone requires proof reading and corrections via submitting it for approval from the grammar po-po


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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The rules and procedures are set , no one is going to come in (or every 2/4 years) and change much .
Lifetime 100%medical , and lifetime retirement pay for even just ONE TERM ?

Both are quite a bit more than the public gets and they work for us .

It's not the campaign money that keeps them going in a particular direction, it's lobbyists .

Just put a"cap" on each office , say one million , no more . NO PAC money or TV ads, nothing more .

Cheaters get prosecuted , top to bottom .

Those who are elected, and don't "hit the ground running", should be fined for lack of preparation .

Those who "run on one set of points" and then in office "change directions", should also be fined .

Don't make it easy to be lazy in office, make it strict and pay of the national debt with Congressional fines . (HA HA)

Their pay is too much, and they don't even work at it like a full time job ! 40 hours a week, two weeks off for your one vacation a year ...............

You really expect the royal court to work like the serfs they rule over? I’ll take a hit from yore bong anyday Geo!:D


Fair winds and following seas George.. Rest Easy..
Jan 28, 2009
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You really expect the royal court to work like the serfs they rule over? I’ll take a hit from yore bong anyday Geo!:D

Slap me around , and then take that power and go after the US CONGRESS ! YOU are their boss, and they have been screwing all of their "bosses" for much too long .

They are "a royal court" ONLY if WE allow them to continue being one .

Since all this "Congressional impropriety" has been thrown across the media, don't YOU think it's time to "build a more efficient Congress" ?

Much like "downsizing" and "reorganizing" in private businesses, the US Congress needs to be "modernized" .

NO PRIVATE BUSINESS could survive being operated in the same manner as the United States Congress ! So why allow this mess to continue ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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So, the smartest people in the room can't get up to speed and figure stuff out and get things done in say, 2 terms, so either 4 or 12 years? Sheesh...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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So, the smartest people in the room can't get up to speed and figure stuff out and get things done in say, 2 terms, so either 4 or 12 years? Sheesh...
I think you may have just insulted whole bunch of really smart people by calling politicians The smartest people in the room. :)

I guess they’re smart at manipulating the populace :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2017
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So, the smartest people in the room can't get up to speed and figure stuff out and get things done in say, 2 terms, so either 4 or 12 years? Sheesh...
Government can't even agree on how utility poles should be used, https://www.theverge.com/2016/9/20/12991036/airgig-att-labs-gigabit-wifi-millimeter-wave
That same group of people are trying to figure how they can fuck everyone by fucking the Internet,



Fair winds and following seas George.. Rest Easy..
Jan 28, 2009
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IF they were actually that smart , they would be able to get what they want, while doing the jobs we sent them to do SIMULTANEOUSLY .

While their work would be painless for everyone involved . BUT it's not ....

Calculating and manipulative , but not the smartest , otherwise we would not have caught or known about all the methods they use to "abuse the laws that we the people, must follow" .

The facts may also include "the smartest people and their minions", going into Congress and being "shaped and formed into something else" by all the money and power they suddenly wield .

No matter "What Happened" , (I had to throw that title in) IMO we are due for a major change, and some real positive work being done by Congress .

Some here may recall that "I called out Reid", for holding hundreds of House bills on his desk .

Now we find out that "Mitch the bitch" is no better that Harry . McConnell is currently holding over 100+ bills on HIS DESK, just like Harry did .

A true Patriot works FIRST for the Country, then for his/her party, but most of all "for the people" .

It's difficult for me to point out a few True Patriots in the US Congress today, IMO we need to change their rules, so that we can vote on a better selection of EMPLOYEES, and they know for whom they serve ................


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2017
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IF they were actually that smart , they would be able to get what they want, while doing the jobs we sent them to do SIMULTANEOUSLY .

While their work would be painless for everyone involved . BUT it's not ....

Calculating and manipulative , but not the smartest , otherwise we would not have caught or known about all the methods they use to "abuse the laws that we the people, must follow" .

The facts may also include "the smartest people and their minions", going into Congress and being "shaped and formed into something else" by all the money and power they suddenly wield .

No matter "What Happened" , (I had to throw that title in) IMO we are due for a major change, and some real positive work being done by Congress .

Some here may recall that "I called out Reid", for holding hundreds of House bills on his desk .

Now we find out that "Mitch the bitch" is no better that Harry . McConnell is currently holding over 100+ bills on HIS DESK, just like Harry did .

A true Patriot works FIRST for the Country, then for his/her party, but most of all "for the people" .

It's difficult for me to point out a few True Patriots in the US Congress today, IMO we need to change their rules, so that we can vote on a better selection of EMPLOYEES, and they know for whom they serve ................


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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The real problem is that we don't have anyone prosecuting these fucking criminals, they get a slap on the wrist AND GET TO STAY IN OFFICE I mean WTF?

Until we get someone to step up to the plate and start taking all these fucks down, it's not going to change a fucking thing. Hell we can't even get corrupt politicians out of office..look at CA...a fucking cesspool.

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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SBMech said:
The real problem is that we don't have anyone prosecuting these fucking criminals, they get a slap on the wrist AND GET TO STAY IN OFFICE I mean WTF?

We need to prosecute them until " death do us part" Public hangings ( I'll hit the lever)