

Sep 13, 2007
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We all know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed in August 1945 after being hit by the first atomic bombs. However we know little about the progress made by the people of that land during the past 64 years.

Hiroshima then..




Hiroshima now









Sep 13, 2007
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Welcome to Detroit...









who won the war...?

No Butt No Putt

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Why is it that other countrys look so bright and clean in photos like this over the USA?


Banned Inmate #2584...Now Inmate #20161
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
But you can't take a picture of the guilt that some people in Japan and here in the US have for us dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To listen to them you'd think the Japanese were innocents instead of what they really were during the war (see the Rape of Nanking for just one example).

Let them pay the USA back by making two cities in Michigan look like that.


this ***** sux
Apr 17, 2008
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dolphin and whale


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
But you can't take a picture of the guilt that some people in Japan and here in the US have for us dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To listen to them you'd think the Japanese were innocents instead of what they really were during the war (see the Rape of Nanking for just one example).

Let them pay the USA back by making two cities in Michigan look like that.

Pay the usa back?



an ordinary American
Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
Can use these for the Tehran "then" pictures pretty soon prolly ...


  • tehran1.jpg
    88.9 KB · Views: 559
  • tehran2.jpg
    39.6 KB · Views: 558
  • teheran3.jpg
    79 KB · Views: 546


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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So, you're saying it's time to nuke Detroit?:D


Sep 20, 2007
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Its still hard to fathom that A single bomb can devastate an entire region like that.............deserving or not, you can not forget the fact that so many civilians died or where disfigured severely.

Great pics Brian. Goes to show the human spirit is truly a Phoenix.

Sleeper CP

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Its still hard to fathom that A single bomb can devastate an entire region like that.............deserving or not, you can not forget the fact that so many civilians died or where disfigured severely.


More people died in the fire bombing campaign of Tokyo. It just took longer to kill them.

Sleeper CP


Banned Inmate #2584...Now Inmate #20161
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Its still hard to fathom that A single bomb can devastate an entire region like that.............deserving or not, you can not forget the fact that so many civilians died or where disfigured severely.

Great pics Brian. Goes to show the human spirit is truly a Phoenix.

Here we go again...

I don't like it when people selectively target a certain historical date/incident and take it out of context (especially since only liberals do it).

When you say this crap ("deserving or not, you can not forget the fact that so many civilians died or where disfigured severely") do you know the rest of the story? Do you know the story of the Rape of Nanking and what the Japanese did to the Chinese there? Methodical torture, rape, murder, mutilation of women, children and men. Do you know what our soldiers went through fighting the Japanese? How about the soldiers that drowned and were burned to death during the attack on innocents Sunday morning, December 7th, 1941?!

Please don't say these things again without putting them into context.

supa dave

journyman party starter
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
nice pics,i was emailed thoughs once.

the atomic bomb ...a complete waste of modern technology.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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Its still hard to fathom that A single bomb can devastate an entire region like that.............deserving or not, you can not forget the fact that so many civilians died or where disfigured severely.

Great pics Brian. Goes to show the human spirit is truly a Phoenix.

Google the rape of nanking. They got off easy.

SS 201

SS 201 Schiada
May 14, 2009
Reaction score
Before shipping over to Korea I was in a group to participate in a atomic bomb exercise. Terrible stuff, loud, terrible heat. They were going to use atomic warfare in Korea but never did.

supa dave

journyman party starter
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here we go again...

I don't like it when people selectively target a certain historical date/incident and take it out of context (especially since only liberals do it).

When you say this crap ("deserving or not, you can not forget the fact that so many civilians died or where disfigured severely") do you know the rest of the story? Do you know the story of the Rape of Nanking and what the Japanese did to the Chinese there? Methodical torture, rape, murder, mutilation of women, children and men. Do you know what our soldiers went through fighting the Japanese? How about the soldiers that drowned and were burned to death during the attack on innocents Sunday morning, December 7th, 1941?!

Please don't say these things again without putting them into context.

so let me get this straight....

they commit brutal,disgusting and evil acts on the innocent people,so we in turn kill hundreds of thousands of innocent japanese people.

great logic....:grumble:

Anyone who digs into the history of the atomic bombings will find that they were completely unnecessary, and that the majority of the top US military brass opposed them being used.

Truman wanted to end the war before Stalin could come further into Asia. This is why they were used, not to save american lives, as the dogma goes.

The Japanese were ready to surrender, and the US knew it. They had no fuel, no materials, no food. All it would have taken was a blockade and serious negotiation, not the murder of a couple hundred thousand civilians. The negotiations previously failed because the US requested unconditional surrender. If they had simply allowed some lip service to save face for the emperor in the language of the surrender, the war would have been over. (For those of you who don't know, the emperor was not found guilty of any war crimes and continued his reign after the war).

thats not a liberal slant.....thats facts.the japanese did some pretty fucked up shit,but what they did is not anywhere near the same league of what we did to hiroshima and nagasaki.
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Banned Inmate #2584...Now Inmate #20161
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
so let me get this straight....

they commit brutal,disgusting and evil acts on the innocent people,so we in turn kill hundreds of thousands of innocent japanese people.

great logic....:grumble:

Anyone who digs into the history of the atomic bombings will find that they were completely unnecessary, and that the majority of the top US military brass opposed them being used.

Truman wanted to end the war before Stalin could come further into Asia. This is why they were used, not to save american lives, as the dogma goes.

The Japanese were ready to surrender, and the US knew it. They had no fuel, no materials, no food. All it would have taken was a blockade and serious negotiation, not the murder of a couple hundred thousand civilians. The negotiations previously failed because the US requested unconditional surrender. If they had simply allowed some lip service to save face for the emperor in the language of the surrender, the war would have been over. (For those of you who don't know, the emperor was not found guilty of any war crimes and continued his reign after the war).

thats not a liberal slant.....thats facts.the japanese did some pretty fucked up shit,but what they did is not anywhere near the same league of what we did to hiroshima and nagasaki.

I'll bet you're happy that Obama is going to bring mass murderers and terrorists back to the scene of the atrocity and put them on a civilian trial!

The Japanese were ready to surrender

the japanese did some pretty fucked up shit,but what they did is not anywhere near the same league of what we did to hiroshima and nagasaki

Bullshit! And now you're saying the US government dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan only because of some BS regarding Stalin. And you need to read about the Japanese tactics in WW2 before you say what you've said about what they did not anything like what the US did.

And if you're so concerned with how the US fought the war, how about how the Japanese and Germans fought the war?! What about the "innocent civilians" who died in the United Kingdom when Germany rained bombs and missiles down in London and across Britain?!

I don't know how you would fight a war but apparently you've grown up watching CNN and you're more concerned with the enemy's civilian population that (1) our soldiers' lives and (2) winning/ending the war.

If you're going to fight a war you fight to win. Apparently your definition of fighting and winning a war is different than the United States and its allies was in WW2.

Read about what the Japanese did in 1 city in China (Nanking) and then you'll have some idea of what they did during the war.


The horrible events in that eastern Chinese city under Japanese occupation in the late 1930s. Nanking, she writes, served as a kind of laboratory in which Japanese soldiers were taught to slaughter unarmed, unresisting civilians, as they would later do throughout Asia. Likening their victims to insects and animals, the Japanese commanders orchestrated a campaign in which several hundred thousand--no one is sure just how many--Chinese soldiers and noncombatants alike were killed. The Sino-Japanese War atrocities perpetrated by the invading Japanese army in Nanking in December 1937, in which roughly 350,000 soldiers and civilians were slaughtered in an eight-week period, many of them having been raped and/or tortured first.
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Sleeper CP

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
so let me get this straight....

they commit brutal,disgusting and evil acts on the innocent people,so we in turn kill hundreds of thousands of innocent japanese people.

great logic....:grumble:

Anyone who digs into the history of the atomic bombings will find that they were completely unnecessary, and that the majority of the top US military brass opposed them being used.

Truman wanted to end the war before Stalin could come further into Asia. This is why they were used, not to save american lives, as the dogma goes.
The Japanese were ready to surrender, and the US knew it. They had no fuel, no materials, no food. All it would have taken was a blockade and serious negotiation, not the murder of a couple hundred thousand civilians. The negotiations previously failed because the US requested unconditional surrender. If they had simply allowed some lip service to save face for the emperor in the language of the surrender, the war would have been over. (For those of you who don't know, the emperor was not found guilty of any war crimes and continued his reign after the war).

thats not a liberal slant.....thats facts.the japanese did some pretty fucked up shit,but what they did is not anywhere near the same league of what we did to hiroshima and nagasaki.

I've read some really stupid shit on the Internet before but that right there takes the cake. You're GD right we wanted unconditional surrender, do you think we would have allowed Hitler to have a conditional surrender ?

And as a deterrent to Stalin moving further into the Pacific how many lives do you think that saved, keeping them out. That may have lead to yet another war. As far as murdering civilians you are aware of the fire bombings of Berlin,Dresden (sp) and Tokyo ? Did we murder civilians there too?

S CP :grumble:


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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These shots have been on the Internet for a while and are a bit mis-leading. The photos of the very modern rebuilt city, with the ferris wheel, are not Hiroshima OR Nagasaki. THIS is "Yokohama", a major port on Tokyo bay about 4-500 miles to the ENE of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Our huge US Naval base at Yokosuka (only 11 miles from Yokohama) has been a large contributor to the local Yokohama economy for many years. The row of amber lights across the bay from the ferris wheel is the wharf at our US Military Sealift Command Base - Yokohama.


100% American
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
my dad was in the Philippines islands
and the things the japs did were as bad as the Germans did in the holocaust
and the Japanese people backed all the actions of there army
and if they had the bomb they would have used it on us
in a second
so they got exactly what they deserved
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SS 201

SS 201 Schiada
May 14, 2009
Reaction score
You are right x 2 I have seen first hand what they do and can do

supa dave

journyman party starter
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
I'll bet you're happy that Obama is going to bring mass murderers and terrorists back to the scene of the atrocity and put them on a civilian trial!

Bullshit! And now you're saying the US government dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan only because of some BS regarding Stalin. And you need to read about the Japanese tactics in WW2 before you say what you've said about what they did not anything like what the US did.

And if you're so concerned with how the US fought the war, how about how the Japanese and Germans fought the war?! What about the "innocent civilians" who died in the United Kingdom when Germany rained bombs and missiles down in London and across Britain?!

I don't know how you would fight a war but apparently you've grown up watching CNN and you're more concerned with the enemy's civilian population that (1) our soldiers' lives and (2) winning/ending the war.

If you're going to fight a war you fight to win. Apparently your definition of fighting and winning a war is different than the United States and its allies was in WW2.

Read about what the Japanese did in 1 city in China (Nanking) and then you'll have some idea of what they did during the war.


The horrible events in that eastern Chinese city under Japanese occupation in the late 1930s. Nanking, she writes, served as a kind of laboratory in which Japanese soldiers were taught to slaughter unarmed, unresisting civilians, as they would later do throughout Asia. Likening their victims to insects and animals, the Japanese commanders orchestrated a campaign in which several hundred thousand--no one is sure just how many--Chinese soldiers and noncombatants alike were killed. The Sino-Japanese War atrocities perpetrated by the invading Japanese army in Nanking in December 1937, in which roughly 350,000 soldiers and civilians were slaughtered in an eight-week period, many of them having been raped and/or tortured first.

it was no secret the japanese committed atrocities,for the u.s. to answer the japanese by committing an atrocitie of that caliber was uncalled for.

how would i fight a war?

simple i would have attacked military,not civillians.


i dont care for obama or his policy
i dont watch american news(entertainment)

im just honest enough to admit america cant justify everything america does ,just for the sake of saving face.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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so let me get this straight....

they commit brutal,disgusting and evil acts on the innocent people,so we in turn kill hundreds of thousands of innocent japanese people.

great logic....:grumble:

Anyone who digs into the history of the atomic bombings will find that they were completely unnecessary, and that the majority of the top US military brass opposed them being used.

Truman wanted to end the war before Stalin could come further into Asia. This is why they were used, not to save american lives, as the dogma goes.

The Japanese were ready to surrender, and the US knew it. They had no fuel, no materials, no food. All it would have taken was a blockade and serious negotiation, not the murder of a couple hundred thousand civilians. The negotiations previously failed because the US requested unconditional surrender. If they had simply allowed some lip service to save face for the emperor in the language of the surrender, the war would have been over. (For those of you who don't know, the emperor was not found guilty of any war crimes and continued his reign after the war).

thats not a liberal slant.....thats facts.the japanese did some pretty fucked up shit,but what they did is not anywhere near the same league of what we did to hiroshima and nagasaki.

This could qualify as the stupidest thing I've ever seen online. And I've seen some pretty stupid shit.


Not On The Boat
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
All's fair in love and war. Do whatever it takes to win.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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how would i fight a war?

simple i would have attacked military,not civillians.


Have you looked at the military enemies of the last 20 years worth of fighting..Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghan, Iraq? There are none...we are fighting gorilla's and terrorist...those bigger then life tactics are necessary sometimes to break the back of an enemy as it did with Japan...Trying to win a war against an enemy by sticking to rules that the opponent does not stick to is futile... BTW...Those targets did have big military installations and hiroshima with ports. If you are going to attack countries, then you put your civilians at risk; including us.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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make that x10,000 :D

BTW, Next to Tom Brown and JBB, MMD is likely one of the smartest people in the world, EVER! :D

In fact, if MMD were alive when Einstein was working on the Theory of Relativity, the equation would have been E=MMD^2 :D


100% Pimp 50% Of The Time
Dec 19, 2007
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Like Dice Clay said what was in those bombs Fertilizer?:D

SS 201

SS 201 Schiada
May 14, 2009
Reaction score
Unfortunately the Koreans and Chinese put the civilans in harms way first. Then the troops follow, when you are fighting for your life it's makes for a terrible situation. It's nothing you want to do, however life to them mean nothing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2007
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7,000 — Americans died on Iwo Jima
12,000 — Americans died on Okinawa
51,983 — Americans died in the Pacific

That was reason enough
Dam is this what the youth of America is being taught in schools today. Got Dam Shame. A land grab was prolly that last care for Truman. Reading the casualty list every single day was more the reason.

I had a great history teacher. He was a WWII vet of the the South Pacific. He was a tad bias on his views of this part of history. I guess I would have been too if I saw most of the guys I trained with die. We also learned about how Rome faded away as a world power. History does repeat itself, if not taught correctly.

We are lucky CNN and the others didn't exist in them days.


El Presidente for Life
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
so let me get this straight....

they commit brutal,disgusting and evil acts on the innocent people,so we in turn kill hundreds of thousands of innocent japanese people.

great logic....:grumble:

Truman wanted to end the war before Stalin could come further into Asia. This is why they were used, not to save american lives, as the dogma goes.

The Japanese were ready to surrender, and the US knew it. They had no fuel, no materials, no food. All it would have taken was a blockade and serious negotiation, not the murder of a couple hundred thousand civilians. The negotiations previously failed because the US requested unconditional surrender. If they had simply allowed some lip service to save face for the emperor in the language of the surrender, the war would have been over. (For those of you who don't know, the emperor was not found guilty of any war crimes and continued his reign after the war).

thats not a liberal slant.....thats facts.the japanese did some pretty fucked up shit,but what they did is not anywhere near the same league of what we did to hiroshima and nagasaki.

Uh, yes it is liberal slant.
I have heard this piece of crappy revisionist history before, starting in the early 80s. It usually goes like this;"All the Japs wanted was to keep their emperor, the US insisted on unconditional surrender, then the US let the Japs keep the emperor, how stupid of the US to do that." This crap usually comes from leftist/anti-nuke university professors. (A group of fools vulnerable to KGB manipulation)

I've read some really stupid shit on the Internet before but that right there takes the cake. You're GD right we wanted unconditional surrender, do you think we would have allowed Hitler to have a conditional surrender ?

S CP :grumble:

No. And Sleeper hits on (my) the perfect answer to any idiot who espouses the above:
"Would you have signed a deal with Hitler?"
"No? Then shut the fuck up."
We insisted on unconditional surrender for Hitler and the Japs. Stalin insisted on this too and was terrified that we would make a deal with Hitler, like we did with the Italians.

If you are going to attack countries, then you put your civilians at risk; including us.

WWII was total war, the first of it's kind. We fire bombed Jap targets and German targets with heavy casualties. But the left only focuses on nukes, because of Soviet propaganda, the only place that propaganda still works is on the American left.

7,000 — Americans died on Iwo Jima
12,000 — Americans died on Okinawa
51,983 — Americans died in the Pacific

That was reason enough
Dam is this what the youth of America is being taught in schools today. Got Dam Shame. A land grab was prolly that last care for Truman. Reading the casualty list every single day was more the reason.


Well let's see, did the Japs offer terms when MacArthur left the Philippines? No.
Did the Japs offer terms when our Marines took Iwo and those other crappy islands in the Pacific? No.
And how many more of our guys would have died while we negotiated? We don't know. Cuz we dropped the bombs and the war was over, and no more of our guys died.
The Japs were savages that butchered and raped their way across Asia.
But we didn't kill them for that, we killed them for attacking us.


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
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My Grandmother was in Pearl Harbor the day it was bombed. Her dad used the family station wagon as an ambulance to help transport the injured and dead to the hopitals. She said she will never forget that day or the months that followed.

The bombs ended the war. At the time it was right thing to do. Yes we killed innocent people, but it was war, they would have done the same to us.

As far as the Stalin post, from the history I've read, Stalin wanted invade Japan before us. The Russians would have had a huge foothold in the Pacific. We did bomb the Japanese as a show of force to the Russians as much as means to an ends to end the war. It's not a Liberal, Conservative deal. We had to show the entire world that if you fuck with us, this is what we will do to you.

To this day, because of the bombing, how many other nuclear weapons have been used? How many lives were saved in the past 60 years because the world has seen what can happen?