Swimming Pool Maintenance Help


Well Known RDP Cart Returner
Mar 8, 2008
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Okay so I bought this cheapo ($200!) swimming pool (4'tall X 14' diameter) last summer. It came with a small pump/filter which I ran quite a bit. I also got one of those floaty chlorine deals and kept it filled with tablets. It seamed to work pretty well. A couple times it started to get green so I shocked it and it went back clear.

Over the winter I kind of let it go and it got really green. Shocking didn't help so I just drained it. We just cleaned it all up and I got a new 2500GPM pump/filter system.

I don't want to "go green" :p again so am running the pump and keeping up on the chlorine.

My questions are:

How long should I run the pump? I used to let it run all day and shut it off at night.

Is one of the chlorine floaties enough or should I get a coupe more? I have a couple tabs in there now.

I have a cover for it and thought about keeping it on as we usually only use the pool on the weekends. It is a dark blue and I'm worried about it heating up the water and making it worse. Plus, with the recent heat wave, we'll probably jump in after work to cool off.

Any other tips?


Roaddogg 4040

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
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Probably the best way to figure out how long to run the pump is to start at 10/12 hours a day and cut it down gradually until it doesn't stay clean. As far as the chlorine floaters go you need to get a pool test kit (about $10/$20) and test the PH and the chlorine levels daily until you know how many tablets you need to keep in the float. I run my pool pump about 6 hours a day which is probably less than normal but my pool stays sparkling clear all the time... Your results may vary...:)


plaster dave

Face down A$$ up
Sep 28, 2007
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I have a 22'x22' intex pool. I have the salt water system for it. I run my pump for 6 hrs and salt for 4. Never a problem.

Motor Boater

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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The general rule is run the pump 1 hour for every ten degrees of outside temp. So if it gets to 110 at my place I run the pump for 11 hours. I always run at night because the electricity is cheaper after 9pm. The key to chlorine is put it in on the same day every week. If you put 2 tablets in every monday it will stay very consistent. if you forget and go ten days or whatever then you start going green and have to shock. Consistency is the key. Like mentioned get a test kit to figure out how many much chlorine you need.


Tritoon Racing
May 4, 2012
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Best and easiest thing to do, take a sample (12oz) of water to Leslie's Pool mart and have them analyze it, it's free. You will probably need to add acid and conditioner.
Conditioner will help the chlorine last.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Best and easiest thing to do, take a sample (12oz) of water to Leslie's Pool mart and have them analyze it, it's free. You will probably need to add acid and conditioner.
Conditioner will help the chlorine last.

this ^^ (but you dont put acid in a non plaster pool) :)

The general rule is run the pump 1 hour for every ten degrees of outside temp. So if it gets to 110 at my place I run the pump for 11 hours. I always run at night because the electricity is cheaper after 9pm. The key to chlorine is put it in on the same day every week. If you put 2 tablets in every monday it will stay very consistent. if you forget and go ten days or whatever then you start going green and have to shock. Consistency is the key. Like mentioned get a test kit to figure out how many much chlorine you need.

never heard that before, but thats a Great rule of thumb! thats how i do mine as well. :thumbsup

and you need a test kit to see where your at, and to maintain the chemicals properly.


Well Known RDP Cart Returner
Mar 8, 2008
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RDP comes through again!

Looks like I need to to test the water and see where I'm at.

Thanks for all the info.

plaster dave

Face down A$$ up
Sep 28, 2007
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I'm thinking of getting one also, how do you like it?

Its really easy to install and keeps the pool clean and clear all the time. I bought it at Loews at the end of last summer for $99.00. No problems yet.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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General rule of thumb is to turn the total volume of water over in one filtering cycle. But with that small of a pool and big pump running it for one hour probably wont work! The pump shuold run in the daytime, preferably in the peak sun hours as this is when the algae wants to grow. Better to have the water moving at this time. If it were mine I would probsbly run it split cycle, hour or two inthe morning, hour or two in the afternoon. Dont think you're going to want to run that big pump like the old one$$$. If your running tri-chlor it will have the conditioner in it, and may need to have soda ash added to keep the ph up. As said get the cheapo test kit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Its really easy to install and keeps the pool clean and clear all the time. I bought it at Loews at the end of last summer for $99.00. No problems yet.

Thanks for the info. We are looking at one of the rectangle pools.

plaster dave

Face down A$$ up
Sep 28, 2007
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Thanks for the info. We are looking at one of the rectangle pools.

If you live in so ca go to Santa Fe seconds in south gate. I got my 22' circle pool for $500.00 retails for $1,500.00 with everything like cover brush, pole, net, hose, ladder.
I even built a deck in front of it. Here's 2 pics of pool and deck. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1373859320.094735.jpg

Roaddogg 4040

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
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I love those curved steps. Did you laminate them or what?



Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
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I wish I could get mine sorted out. I have a mild algae problem. Chlorine and ph levels are good. I check every other day or so. Pools clean and clear but I seem to be getting a bit of algae in the jacuzzi and the shade side of the pool. I brush it every 2-3 days and its good but if I let it go past that it shows up. I've tried shocking, algaecides, you name it. Still the same. Problem I think is the pool is like 90 degrees and gets a lot of shade in certain areas. I'm thinking just nature of the beast type of thing. I just keep brushing. Lol

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
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Do you/have you used a stabilizer? And as was said above, Do you run your pump during the day or more at night? I was running mine from about 5 am to to 2pm and had minor issues with algae. I changed the times to 8am to 5pm and it help bunches.

I wish I could get mine sorted out. I have a mild algae problem. Chlorine and ph levels are good. I check every other day or so. Pools clean and clear but I seem to be getting a bit of algae in the jacuzzi and the shade side of the pool. I brush it every 2-3 days and its good but if I let it go past that it shows up. I've tried shocking, algaecides, you name it. Still the same. Problem I think is the pool is like 90 degrees and gets a lot of shade in certain areas. I'm thinking just nature of the beast type of thing. I just keep brushing. Lol


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
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Do you/have you used a stabilizer? And as was said above, Do you run your pump during the day or more at night? I was running mine from about 5 am to to 2pm and had minor issues with algae. I changed the times to 8am to 5pm and it help bunches.

I haven't added any stabilizer since I've been here. Approx 6 months. I need to test it. Last time I had it checked CYA level was really high. Im probably due for a drain. Pump runs from 9am-3pm. I tried running it a couple hours longer for a few weeks and it made no difference so I dropped it back down last week.

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
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After you have used the shock, not just the chlorine clairfier stuff, but the algaecide shock packets and let it do its thing, did you clean out your filter thoroughly? It still lives believe it or not, if you didn't you are only masking the issue for a short period of time. I would bet you could get away with a half drain of the pool. The stabilizer will help you have to use less chemicals as well.

I haven't added any stabilizer since I've been here. Approx 6 months. I need to test it. Last time I had it checked CYA level was really high. Im probably due for a drain. Pump runs from 9am-3pm. I tried running it a couple hours longer for a few weeks and it made no difference so I dropped it back down last week.


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
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After you have used the shock, not just the chlorine clairfier stuff, but the algaecide shock packets and let it do its thing, did you clean out your filter thoroughly? It still lives believe it or not, if you didn't you are only masking the issue for a short period of time. I would bet you could get away with a half drain of the pool. The stabilizer will help you have to use less chemicals as well.

I just cleaned the filter a couple months ago.

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
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I just cleaned the filter a couple months ago.
I don't know how much crap you get in your pool but I clean mine once a month and do a back flush about every "two weeks":rolleyes
If you are using anything similar to the Algaecide packs I have used it says to run the filter for 24 hours and then clean out your filter.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I wish I could get mine sorted out. I have a mild algae problem. Chlorine and ph levels are good. I check every other day or so. Pools clean and clear but I seem to be getting a bit of algae in the jacuzzi and the shade side of the pool. I brush it every 2-3 days and its good but if I let it go past that it shows up. I've tried shocking, algaecides, you name it. Still the same. Problem I think is the pool is like 90 degrees and gets a lot of shade in certain areas. I'm thinking just nature of the beast type of thing. I just keep brushing. Lol

Sounds like you might have a high phosphate level,algae feeds on the phosphates. Get a phosphate remover like PR 10000.

When you shock it use either liquid chlorine or Tri-chlor. The tri- chlor will add to your CYA so i recommend the liquid, most of the other shocks like Cal Hypo or even some of the Di chlor has alot of inert ingredients that arent good for the pool. Make sure your PH is 7.2 - 7.4 or your chlorine wont be as effective. Try and algaecide with copper in it like Swimtrine plus.

So brush the pool, add the liquid to the pool, add the algaecide to the skimmer along with the phosphate remover. Let it run over night and it should be crystal clear and ready to swim in.


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
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Sounds like you might have a high phosphate level,algae feeds on the phosphates. Get a phosphate remover like PR 10000.

When you shock it use either liquid chlorine or Tri-chlor. The tri- chlor will add to your CYA so i recommend the liquid, most of the other shocks like Cal Hypo or even some of the Di chlor has alot of inert ingredients that arent good for the pool. Make sure your PH is 7.2 - 7.4 or your chlorine wont be as effective. Try and algaecide with copper in it like Swimtrine plus.

So brush the pool, add the liquid to the pool, add the algaecide to the skimmer along with the phosphate remover. Let it run over night and it should be crystal clear and ready to swim in.

I use Hasa liquid chlorine. I don't use tabs cause I have some old copper lines and don't want to have to worry about the corrosion from the tabs. Ph is perfect. I stay on top of it. Last test showed fairly low phosphate levels. But I've always gotten mixed reviews on phosphate removers. Like its snake oil type of thing. I'll try it though. I tried the hasa coppercide. Didn't work. I bought some other algaecide a month ago and it seemed to help. Can't remember the name of it. I haven't put any in in a couple weeks though so its probably due. I'm just trying not to keep adding a ton of chems unless absolutely necessary beside the usual chlorine and acid. Like I said though, I keep a solar cover on the pool and its extremely warm. So I'm thinking its gonna be a tough battle cause of that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I use Hasa liquid chlorine. I don't use tabs cause I have some old copper lines and don't want to have to worry about the corrosion from the tabs. Ph is perfect. I stay on top of it. Last test showed fairly low phosphate levels. But I've always gotten mixed reviews on phosphate removers. Like its snake oil type of thing. I'll try it though. I tried the hasa coppercide. Didn't work. I bought some other algaecide a month ago and it seemed to help. Can't remember the name of it. I haven't put any in in a couple weeks though so its probably due. I'm just trying not to keep adding a ton of chems unless absolutely necessary beside the usual chlorine and acid. Like I said though, I keep a solar cover on the pool and its extremely warm. So I'm thinking its gonna be a tough battle cause of that.

I only use the phosphate remover on my "problem" pools. They seem to have alot of vegetation around so the phosphate levels are high.
The Swimtrine Plus Algaecide is what i use and it works good. Phosphate removers arent snake oil, but not many people actually need them.
Maybe you have poor circulation in the areas of the pool that are getting algae?


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
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I only use the phosphate remover on my "problem" pools. They seem to have alot of vegetation around so the phosphate levels are high.
The Swimtrine Plus Algaecide is what i use and it works good. Phosphate removers arent snake oil, but not many people actually need them.
Maybe you have poor circulation in the areas of the pool that are getting algae?

Could be. It was fine when it was cooler out. It didn't show up till that water temp got into the high 70's. It's 89 degrees right now. Lol


Sep 20, 2007
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I just posted a picture of my pool in the sunset thread. It's really big in size. I run my pump 6 hours a day (3 hours at 10AM and 3 hours at 8pm). I keep the all in one Chlorine tablets in the floater and I've been all good :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2019
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My pool always had an algae issue during the hotter months of the year. I tried all the products Leslies recommended, still had Algae issues. I spoke with a pool guy and he gave me this tip. Add pool RX at beginning of pool season lasts 6 months, haven’t had algae issues since. You still have to keep on top of your water treatment though.



President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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"I got a new 2500GPM pump/filter system."

Should only have to run that system for about 2 minutes a day!

That pump in a tiny pool is a recipe for disaster..and by disaster I mean hilarity 😂



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2008
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My pool always had an algae issue during the hotter months of the year. I tried all the products Leslies recommended, still had Algae issues. I spoke with a pool guy and he gave me this tip. Add pool RX at beginning of pool season lasts 6 months, haven’t had algae issues since. You still have to keep on top of your water treatment though.

View attachment 1247205
I have the same problem and have tried everything under the sun to no avail. Going to try this.