School me on STV Euro


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
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Always loved these little boats and they seem to have quite a few other fans as well. There are a few that I have considered, but never pulled the trigger. I am a few years out on my next hot rod boat, but I think an STV is on my short list. What is there to know?

  • Sounds like there were multiple manufactures over the years doing the hulls, are there good/bad ones?
  • Hulls known for any structural issues?
  • Do the newer outboards agree with the size of the boat? 300R?
  • Are they cruiseable or do they need to run at higher speed for any kind of comfortable ride?
  • I have heard they are really for experienced drivers, what gives them that rep?
  • Where the heck do you find them? Mostly an east coast/midwest deal?
  • Every Euro i have seen has seats that leave a lot to be desired, anyone know of an STV with an updated interior?



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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I have had one on my list for a bunch of years and considered building a new one since the molds are now located in Havasu and Advantage boats layed one up a few years back. I dont know if the Euro molds are here but I know they have the river rocket and the different bottoms that are available. What I do know is that they are very weight sensitive and best suited for center seat arrangement, and I really dont think hauling around passengers is what you would want to do in one anyway. Also lay up is important and I think you would want a heavy lay up for Havasu or the river.

Timmy and Keith would be the best source of info, both have pro comps I believe, well for sure Keith has his, I think Timmy sold his a few years ago.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2015
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Always loved these little boats and they seem to have quite a few other fans as well. There are a few that I have considered, but never pulled the trigger. I am a few years out on my next hot rod boat, but I think an STV is on my short list. What is there to know?

  • Sounds like there were multiple manufactures over the years doing the hulls, are there good/bad ones?
  • Hulls known for any structural issues?
  • Do the newer outboards agree with the size of the boat? 300R?
  • Are they cruiseable or do they need to run at higher speed for any kind of comfortable ride?
  • I have heard they are really for experienced drivers, what gives them that rep?
  • Where the heck do you find them? Mostly an east coast/midwest deal?
  • Every Euro i have seen has seats that leave a lot to be desired, anyone know of an STV with an updated interior?

    View attachment 1037373
I have never been in an STV, but my first outboard was a Mirage Jaguar with a 2.5 Merc. It held 4 people (when I was younger 5-6) but it was one of the most fun boats I ever owned. Not a boat you want to roam around Havasu in on the weekend, but I am positive it will handle some rough and you can also run with a 3-4 people. They really, really, teach you trim and balance. My 21 Daytona with twins is even more fun.


Just Plain Crazy
Oct 3, 2007
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Jump over to Scream and Fly. Bunch of STV, Allison, etc owners over there with a shit load on knowledge on those platforms.

We used to do the BBSP one year the photographer of scream and fly
Took pictures off my boat

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2008
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What about Bullhead Bully’s STV he had built with the 300XS. I thought that was pretty impressive as I ripped up and downt the upper river early morning.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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I would call these guys and ask....they have the STV Euro molds and make new ones... I think interiors are basic cause there is not too much to them. You want to keep them light so in the front you have two fiberglass buckets with vinyl/padding that goes over that and in the back two separate fiberglass inset seats that have vinyl foam ...Think you could do what you want with vinyl. I have never driven one but it is probably heavier than a mirage ....there is a guy on scream/fly that put a 300r on it and did not hear anything quirky with it ....but the perfect engine is a 2.5 for these boats.. I would think a 225 Promax would be a awesome motor you would never have to worry about...but hard to find. Any small cat requires patience and seat time before airing them out but they extremely fun and rewarding in the idea conditions..

This one was laid up I think in Havasu (not a euro) but the gel scheme is much nicer and modern than what you see where they are built in the east. If I was buying a boat I would either have the Havasu guys layup the Mod VP hull and do it 4 seater (tight at shoulders) ....look at how clean the layout is...this boat could be 4 seater...but the euro will be much more comfy as a 4 seater..


Here is a thread where the guy rigged the euro with 300r


RDP Staff Member
Staff member
Aug 20, 2009
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Apparently you're not reading enough of the RDP articles -- a few months ago I posted a story about an STV Euro for less than $25,000. And it's a legimate 105mph boat on GPS with a slightly massaged Evinrude 225hp Vindicator outboard. It's not a boat for a novice, but definitely easier to master than an Allison. Here's the link if you'd like to read the article: https://www.riverdavesplace.com/forums/articles/100-mph-for-under-25-000.763/


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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I may know of an all white Euro that can be bought with a 300 on it. Seller’s wife doesn’t want to get in it. He is thinking about listing it at $38k and is super clean and updated compared to what you will find elsewhere.

As for Timmy, I bought his Pro Comp which he should have kept. Then I sold it, should have kept it too and now it resides with a jet boat guru in Lakeside and most likely will never sell…trying to get it back!

I recommend the Ski bottom. It’s the best all around, most common on the Euro, and turns quite well. Most will recommend the light 2.5 Merc power preferably a 280, but the big engines don’t do too shabby on them if properly setup.

I will say, they are drivers boats. Absolutely a blast to drive and little adjustments mean a lot. Balance is huge and Wollis is right, better as a center steer…at least the light river rockets.

Good luck on your search.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
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Apparently you're not reading enough of the RDP articles -- a few months ago I posted a story about an STV Euro for less than $25,000. And it's a legimate 105mph boat on GPS with a slightly massaged Evinrude 225hp Vindicator outboard. It's not a boat for a novice, but definitely easier to master than an Allison. Here's the link if you'd like to read the article: https://www.riverdavesplace.com/forums/articles/100-mph-for-under-25-000.763/
Mine is still for sale RDP classifieds, great section Dave ! End of Summer SALE !


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
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Years ago I missed out on a carbon Teal and White euro at Jasper. Had to go find service to call my bank and came back and another deal was swung. Was a beautiful boat.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2009
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  • Sounds like there were multiple manufactures over the years doing the hulls, are there good/bad ones?
  • Hulls known for any structural issues?
  • Do the newer outboards agree with the size of the boat? 300R?
  • Are they cruiseable or do they need to run at higher speed for any kind of comfortable ride?
  • I have heard they are really for experienced drivers, what gives them that rep?
  • Where the heck do you find them? Mostly an east coast/midwest deal?
  • Every Euro i have seen has seats that leave a lot to be desired, anyone know of an STV with an updated interior?
  • Yes, the boats were originally designed and built by Roark Summerford. In 1996, he sold the molds to the Carpenter Brothers. They built boats until 98 or so, then the molds went to Wally Lamkin at Triad Boats. I believe the "ski" bottom mold and the Pro Comp Ski deck mold was sold to someone in Canada while Wally built River Rockets, Euro's and Mod VP's using the "Mod VP bottom". The ski bottom mold then went to Mike Nass, and are now owned by JJ Gibbs in Havasu. Those molds later went to I forget the year, but around 10 years ago, then were sold to Jack Barsh at Full Throttle Powerboats.
    Lightning Powerboats in FL also popped a mold off a River Rocket and built some in the late 90's I believe. There's also some more info here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2258356868/posts/10155040182816869/
  • Hull, no, but some decks had inherent "weak points". The saddle area at the rear of the cockpit on the Pro Comp and Pro Comp Ski decks were a weak point. My personal boat cracked here and had to be fixed. The motor board/transom is part of the hull and the deck goes over the top of it. Where these two meet only has one layer of glass where they are squeezed together. Some boats can flex here and exhibit a crack between the deck and motor board.
  • While they were built for the ~350# 2-strokes, I have seen many with newer 300XS, 300X and other power.
  • From on plane to about 40, the tunnels can trap spray and push it out the front, which then comes over the deck and into your face. When it's 100 out, it's kinda nice if you go slow and get a bit of a mist. When it's cool, you just go faster and avoid this area. They will ride "wet" until about 70 or so, depending on weight. Once they pop the tail the first time in the 60-70mph range, they ride darn nice. Most will "pop the tail" again as they get up on the gearcase in the low 100's. They run very flat when run fast. Neutral to negative trim, depending on prop and load.
  • They get that rep because they are so fast. When I first bought my boat, I had been in a few beforehand. My dad had owned 3 or 4 by the time I bought my first. He's had more than 10 now. He raced FJ, SV and a few other v-bottom classes back in the 70's and 80's and is a helluva v-bottom driver. He said the STV was the easiest and safest boat in that size range, to drive fast. I agree and have had boaters with very little experience in the drivers seat, into the 90's their first time out. Above 100 is where it changes over from easy to drive to you need to pay attention to wind, water, wakes, etc, with a keen eye. That comes with seat time.
  • They are primarily East coast boats. While there are a handful that run Havasu and West coast lakes, there are tons back East. Mine came from Canada originally. They are smaller water boats and with the wind and waves seen in Havasu, not to mention wake board boats and the standard 30'+ rigs out there, you have to pick your days and pay attention, to really have fun.
  • Fineline does some STV upgrades back in FL. Big money though...like $5k for a full interior. Seems crazy to me, but some will pay it. My little brothers' River Rocket has Fineline interior in it.
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