Report North Korea already cheating


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
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Kim is already stepping up uranium enrichment. This is what we get when we give dictators a unilateral photo OP without doing the hard diplomatic work 1st. Think " I alone can fix this"

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Kim is already stepping up uranium enrichment. This is what we get when we give dictators a unilateral photo OP without doing the hard diplomatic work 1st. Think " I alone can fix this"

How would the DEMS resolve the NK issue?

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Kim is already stepping up uranium enrichment. This is what we get when we give dictators a unilateral photo OP without doing the hard diplomatic work 1st. Think " I alone can fix this"
And you know this how?

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
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Thanks for the civil question
I understand that the solution is complicated. 1st off diplomacy takes time. Think allies first. When you alienate your friends. In Iran we had other countries sign on to the agreement. It's why they haven't started enrichment as of today. But we are seeding world leadership. Look I'm not opposed to diplomacy 1st. Not photo ops. All it did was give Kim an opportunity on the world stage. For this to work, which I think trump should continue is to pull back contact and fix allies problems and than that another bite at the apple. This is the way a dem would have started at it.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
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I dont know what you had 8 years did nothing means, 8 years with Reagan, clinton, w, Obama


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
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All in 1 way or another had other geopolitical problems to consider also


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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Iran not cheating? Ha ha good one. The only inspectors allowed into Iran are the Russians. We have no way to verify. Iran has been proving the rockets to the jihadists in Yemen who in turn fire them into Saudi Arabia on a daily basis which apparently doesn’t violate the Iran deal. Great example of democratic negotiations. Obama took a bad situation in the ME and made it worse on every level.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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All in 1 way or another had other geopolitical problems to consider also

That's right....DEMs could not responsibly handle the Global responsibilities...

I dont know what you had 8 years did nothing means,....

Regan brought down the Berlin wall...Clinton enhanced NK abilities to produce nukes ....and Obama did NOTHING but enter into a Iran agreement that Congress adamantly opposed...
That is why Donald J. Trump is now your President......

So that brings us full circle.... Are you going to continue running from your post below? You claim to be smarter than everyone here....now is your chance....

... Get use to it boys, we are taking our country back. We have all the energy. We have the issues. And we have the majority of the citizens.

You had all of that in 2016....including the entire MSM and the Polls.....and yet you LOST your ASSES.....BIG TIME!
What NEW issues do you have that will swing the Nation to your way of thinking?
Your "majority of citizens" is packed tightly away in Liberal cites is not gonna do it for you,... Thanks to our Forefathers for the wisdom to enact an EC..... so, as you are already claiming victory...what you got that's gonna change our MAGA world to yours?

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Iran not cheating?

and remember!.....Iran's Military bases were "off limits"....Genius!
And the Top U.N. Inspector resigned immediately after President Trump nullified the agreement...



Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
As usual Gmac has nothing.There is no story.


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
The whole NK summit is an attempt for Trump to get a Nobel like Obama has, he touted it at one of the rallies. Furthermore it was a dog whistle for Trumpkins to go into a circle jerk as we saw in this forum.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
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Thank for doing a better job of being civil. Dialogue is now starting to work and we can start to get somewhere. Isn't this better for all of us.
Wow where to start
Reagan, after years of working on the wall and years of stable USA policy with our allies, the fruits were bearded. Clinton, under indictment by Republicans still saw the collapse of the Soviet union and came up with the " doctrine of enlargement " look it up, but basically means first work to include allies.W of course had 911. Obama had Iran. By the way you are wrong about only Russian investors. Un security council set up camera and 6 month inspections that continue to go on. Russia and Iran are allies, of course they are there more often. You can't enrich uranium after you dismantle in 6 months. There is no need for constant investigation. Do you want to see them taken and possibly jailed. We are dealing with dictators for christ sake. And contrary to hyperbole I never once said I was the smartest on this forum, just smart. I would hope I am debating people who are smart think name calling bs. Trump however said he the smartest. Do you hate him for calling himself that. Again I alone can fix this. If Obama would of said that your side would have went insane. Admit it. Also report in Washington post read it. I have

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Thank for doing a better job of being civil. Dialogue is now starting to work and we can start to get somewhere. Isn't this better for all of us.
Wow where to start
Reagan, after years of working on the wall and years of stable USA policy with our allies, the fruits were bearded. Clinton, under indictment by Republicans still saw the collapse of the Soviet union and came up with the " doctrine of enlargement " look it up, but basically means first work to include allies.W of course had 911. Obama had Iran. By the way you are wrong about only Russian investors. Un security council set up camera and 6 month inspections that continue to go on. Russia and Iran are allies, of course they are there more often. You can't enrich uranium after you dismantle in 6 months. There is no need for constant investigation. Do you want to see them taken and possibly jailed. We are dealing with dictators for christ sake. And contrary to hyperbole I never once said I was the smartest on this forum, just smart. I would hope I am debating people who are smart think name calling bs. Trump however said he the smartest. Do you hate him for calling himself that. Again I alone can fix this. If Obama would of said that your side would have went insane. Admit it. Also report in Washington post read it. I have

Hey Smart Guy...I never said all of the inspectors were Russian and why did the Head U.N. Inspector unexpectedly resign........"Un security council set up camera and 6 month inspections that continue to go on"....set up a camera, LOL.....but NOT allowed on any Military bases...you call that inspections?......and all of this ^^^^ other deflective jibber jabber and opinion and NOT one word as to answer my question,....why did the DEMs do nothing with NK the last 8 years? Unless you are still holding on to...
All in 1 way or another had other geopolitical problems to consider also

Other than admitting the DEMs failed and can't handle Global responsibilities...this ^^^ is a Chicken Shit Cop Out!....Besides being Lame....Very Lame and definitely NOT Smart!
This is why Donald J. Trump is NOW your President....No excuses required.....just action.....and this is why the DEMs will continue to lose their Political Asses.....
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
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What 8 years? Reagans. No replies unless we keep it civil. Ill have to start a new thread then. I dont have to explain diplomacy do I. You seem smart enough to understand the years it takes to work through these problems. The smartest MOST BRILLIANT guy on the planet. Period not an ex Texas governor worked and negotiated that agreement. Let's take your bumper sticker point for a moment: yes we could not directly inspect bases. WE COULD HOWEVER INSPECT ON LAND RIGHT NEXT TO THOSE BASES. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A GEIGER COUNTER. Really, your argument is that an agreement exclusively made to prevent another country from getting a nuclear weapon should be scrapped based on our ability to walk into a military base. That make absolutely no sense.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
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I gave you the Democrats solution to the no problem what's yours another photo op by I alone can fix this


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The whole NK summit is an attempt for Trump to get a Nobel like Obama has, he touted it at one of the rallies. Furthermore it was a dog whistle for Trumpkins to go into a circle jerk as we saw in this forum.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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I gave you the Democrats solution to the no problem what's yours another photo op by I alone can fix this
I didn’t see where you said, put billions on a pallet on and fly it over in the middle of the night. Isn’t that the Democrats way of funding, oppps I mean diplomacy.
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Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Unsubstantiated bullshit, even Greenwald, the former guardian reporter, called them out on these bogus reporting. Unless there is actual real evidence this should be assumed for what it is, the media trying to drive their own desired outcome, create a failure for Trump.


Anonymous CIA officials leaked to NBC - through a stenographer notorious for disseminating CIA messaging - that North Korea is increasing its nuclear activity. The story went viral. See if you can find an iota of skepticism from journalists citing this story: just an iota.

The ostensible media lesson of the Iraq War was we were no longer going to uncritically believe anonymous claims from security state & intel agencies about US adversaries unaccompanied by evidence. Look at how this N. Korea story is being treated: has that lesson been learned?

Assertions about US adversaries from CIA officials, disseminated through their favorite media messengers, that are unaccompanied by evidence are not "facts" & should not uncritically be assumed true - especially by journalists. Why is it necessary in 2018 to point this out???

Let's think about this for a second, if it's true, why would the CIA leak it instead of addressing it internally with the administration, with their own assets, etc. Leaking it only acheive's one thing, undermining the diplomacy that has taken place, it solves nothing.

It should also be pointed out that Greenwald is a big time liberal, and not a supporter of Trump.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Unsubstantiated bullshit, even Greenwald, the former guardian reporter, called them out on these bogus reporting. Unless there is actual real evidence this should be assumed for what it is, the media trying to drive their own desired outcome, create a failure for Trump.


Anonymous CIA officials leaked to NBC - through a stenographer notorious for disseminating CIA messaging - that North Korea is increasing its nuclear activity. The story went viral. See if you can find an iota of skepticism from journalists citing this story: just an iota.

The ostensible media lesson of the Iraq War was we were no longer going to uncritically believe anonymous claims from security state & intel agencies about US adversaries unaccompanied by evidence. Look at how this N. Korea story is being treated: has that lesson been learned?

Assertions about US adversaries from CIA officials, disseminated through their favorite media messengers, that are unaccompanied by evidence are not "facts" & should not uncritically be assumed true - especially by journalists. Why is it necessary in 2018 to point this out???

Let's think about this for a second, if it's true, why would the CIA leak it instead of addressing it internally with the administration, with their own assets, etc. Leaking it only acheive's one thing, undermining the diplomacy that has taken place, it solves nothing.

It should also be pointed out that Greenwald is a big time liberal, and not a supporter of Trump.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
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Let's see.
1 post is a bumper sticker
1 post is worried about us sending there own assets back to them that we seized. In us money that will have to be exchanged to their own currency where we are the worlds currently ( very important that we stay that way)
And 1 is thought provoking
The Washington post comes out with a story with real reporters that shows satellite pictures of increasement by an undisclosed CIA agent( you guys hate that) think of Watergate though
And discredited by a a liberal that lives in Brazil I think saying to show restraint. I never said the story is true or false just interesting. And a great tread topic. But let's talk Maxwell smart ass. Id be interested to hear how the right should fix this with this setback. As I said I think liberals have a better solution to geopolitical problems if we maintain diplomacy over time and from administration to administration. Reagan didn't bring the Berlin wall down any more than Clinton broke up the USSR. If trump can stay the course and not give up military presence in the region and seed it to China we'll see. As far a Greenwald, I read him sometimes, be careful of what he says he's more of a if it isn't perfect, its terrible guy think maybe rush Limbaugh from the right.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Let's see.
1 post is a bumper sticker
1 post is worried about us sending there own assets back to them that we seized. In us money that will have to be exchanged to their own currency where we are the worlds currently ( very important that we stay that way)
And 1 is thought provoking
The Washington post comes out with a story with real reporters that shows satellite pictures of increasement by an undisclosed CIA agent( you guys hate that) think of Watergate though
And discredited by a a liberal that lives in Brazil I think saying to show restraint. I never said the story is true or false just interesting. And a great tread topic. But let's talk Maxwell smart ass. Id be interested to hear how the right should fix this with this setback. As I said I think liberals have a better solution to geopolitical problems if we maintain diplomacy over time and from administration to administration. Reagan didn't bring the Berlin wall down any more than Clinton broke up the USSR. If trump can stay the course and not give up military presence in the region and seed it to China we'll see. As far a Greenwald, I read him sometimes, be careful of what he says he's more of a if it isn't perfect, its terrible guy think maybe rush Limbaugh from the right.
Oh, so you think I was only talking about Iran. Being a bumper sticker is better than being a bug on the windshield.:rolleyes:


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Let's see.
1 post is a bumper sticker
1 post is worried about us sending there own assets back to them that we seized. In us money that will have to be exchanged to their own currency where we are the worlds currently ( very important that we stay that way)
And 1 is thought provoking
The Washington post comes out with a story with real reporters that shows satellite pictures of increasement by an undisclosed CIA agent( you guys hate that) think of Watergate though
And discredited by a a liberal that lives in Brazil I think saying to show restraint. I never said the story is true or false just interesting. And a great tread topic. But let's talk Maxwell smart ass. Id be interested to hear how the right should fix this with this setback. As I said I think liberals have a better solution to geopolitical problems if we maintain diplomacy over time and from administration to administration. Reagan didn't bring the Berlin wall down any more than Clinton broke up the USSR. If trump can stay the course and not give up military presence in the region and seed it to China we'll see. As far a Greenwald, I read him sometimes, be careful of what he says he's more of a if it isn't perfect, its terrible guy think maybe rush Limbaugh from the right.

At times seems the jury could still be out.Who knows who the hell you might be. Good P&G Post.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
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I don't know what either posts mean. If you want to elaborate I'm goog with that. Each seemed to be civil though thanks


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Let's see.
1 post is a bumper sticker
1 post is worried about us sending there own assets back to them that we seized. In us money that will have to be exchanged to their own currency where we are the worlds currently ( very important that we stay that way)
And 1 is thought provoking
The Washington post comes out with a story with real reporters that shows satellite pictures of increasement by an undisclosed CIA agent( you guys hate that) think of Watergate though
And discredited by a a liberal that lives in Brazil I think saying to show restraint. I never said the story is true or false just interesting. And a great tread topic. But let's talk Maxwell smart ass. Id be interested to hear how the right should fix this with this setback. As I said I think liberals have a better solution to geopolitical problems if we maintain diplomacy over time and from administration to administration. Reagan didn't bring the Berlin wall down any more than Clinton broke up the USSR. If trump can stay the course and not give up military presence in the region and seed it to China we'll see. As far a Greenwald, I read him sometimes, be careful of what he says he's more of a if it isn't perfect, its terrible guy think maybe rush Limbaugh from the right.

Did you read either WaPo article, they are opinion pieces void of any verifiable facts.... Without evidence they have the weight of rhetoric, propaganda....



Remember "weapons of mass destruction"... There are people in the government with agendas to continue conflicts, so without the actual evidence, it's pretty hard to take 'anonymous officials" at their word considering the track record of things they have been caught lying about over the years.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
If trump can stay the course and not give up military presence in the region and seed it to China we'll see.

South China Sea ring a bell dope?

Your boy stood back and watched them militarize it.

Oh yea, you liberals are real good at giving things away...............including our balls.



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Cheating on what? There is no agreement whatsoever to de-nuclearize, stop enrichment or even have inspections.

The POTUS has declared that N. Korea is no longer a "nuclear threat" with full knowledge that they have both types of nuclear weapons and plenty of them. Further, he made this declaration with full knowledge that N. Korea had in no way shape or form, orally or in writing, agreed to give up its' nuclear program.

So why would making a few more bombs or making more material for bombs matter or be considered "cheating" given the POTUS has declared they are not a nuclear threat with bombs and they have in no way agreed to give up their program?
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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You can bet it's just the media stirring shit & libbies eatting it up...oh my, Trump fucked up. Well, even if what the media prints is true, at least Trump has the balls to try & fix the nuclear situation instead of the past tard presidency giving them more uranium or doing nothing in total FEAR of them ALL.

I think there should be a law that tards can only read 1 hour of news (propaganda) a month but not allowed to speak about it. It's like kindergarten children trying to talk about algebra.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Ha ha. He’s got the trumpkins so turned around with facts that they only can reply with cartoons and memes. :D:D:D:D:D:p:p:p:p:p Keep it up Lancerr. :p:p:p:p:p:p:D:D

It’s truly an experience to read his posts.

You can’t argue with crazy people, memes were invented for that very reason!

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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What 8 years?

The 8 years Obama and the DEMs did NOTHING TO resolve the NK issue.
Why do you keep bringing up Reagan?

Sorry Lancerr....but the evidence is mounting and is clear as your intentions.....there is not any way around this,.....you sir, are just another Liberal idiot who will garb and say ANYTHING in attempts not to look foolish.....sorry...too late.

What I find interesting is that you, a supposed new comer,..... comes to this P&G and 1st Day you want to lay down the rules of engagement for all of us.........your proving yourself to be just another Trump Hating Shill.....Nothing more....
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
The 8 years Obama and the DEMs did NOTHING TO resolve the NK issue.
Why do you keep bringing up Reagan?

Sorry Lancerr....but the evidence is mounting and is clear as your intentions.....there is not way around this,.....you sir, are just another Liberal idiot.

What I find interesting is that you, a supposed new comer,..... comes to this P&G and 1st Day you want to lay down the rules of engagement for all of us.........your proving yourself to be just another Trump Hating Shill.....Nothing more....


I dub him “Duncerr”...

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Unsubstantiated bullshit, even Greenwald, the former guardian reporter, called them out on these bogus reporting. Unless there is actual real evidence this should be assumed for what it is, the media trying to drive their own desired outcome, create a failure for Trump.


Anonymous CIA officials leaked to NBC - through a stenographer notorious for disseminating CIA messaging - that North Korea is increasing its nuclear activity. The story went viral. See if you can find an iota of skepticism from journalists citing this story: just an iota.

The ostensible media lesson of the Iraq War was we were no longer going to uncritically believe anonymous claims from security state & intel agencies about US adversaries unaccompanied by evidence. Look at how this N. Korea story is being treated: has that lesson been learned?

Assertions about US adversaries from CIA officials, disseminated through their favorite media messengers, that are unaccompanied by evidence are not "facts" & should not uncritically be assumed true - especially by journalists. Why is it necessary in 2018 to point this out???

Let's think about this for a second, if it's true, why would the CIA leak it instead of addressing it internally with the administration, with their own assets, etc. Leaking it only acheive's one thing, undermining the diplomacy that has taken place, it solves nothing.

It should also be pointed out that Greenwald is a big time liberal, and not a supporter of Trump.
Racey, Racey, Racey.......Logic can't fix "facts" don't cha know. :eek:

Don't worry, new guy's gonna fix it. He alone.

Quit wastin' your time on this nonsense. It's taken care of..... Do like me and get yer guns together. They're gonna buy 'em all and send them to Australia. Top dollar Mate! Mick and Walt gonna haul 'em all to the Outback.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The 8 years Obama and the DEMs did NOTHING TO resolve the NK issue.
Why do you keep bringing up Reagan?

Sorry Lancerr....but the evidence is mounting and is clear as your intentions.....there is not way around this,.....you sir, are just another Liberal idiot who will garb and say ANYTHING in attempts not to look foolish.....sorry...too late.

What I find interesting is that you, a supposed new comer,..... comes to this P&G and 1st Day you want to lay down the rules of engagement for all of us.........your proving yourself to be just another Trump Hating Shill.....Nothing more....
Quit being that way...The guy's from Missouri, not Georgia. Give him a chance. He can probably stop the spread of kudzu you 'bama boys started. "He alone....."


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Let's take your bumper sticker point for a moment: yes we could not directly inspect bases. WE COULD HOWEVER INSPECT ON LAND RIGHT NEXT TO THOSE BASES. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A GEIGER COUNTER...should be scrapped based on our ability to walk into a military base. That make absolutely no sense.

I see nuclear physics isn't your strong point. Geiger counters measure beta particle emission and gamma rays produced by radioactive material.

Beta particles travel less than ten feet in free air, and while gamma rays can travel several hundred feet, lead shielding or concrete walls and earth effectively stop their transmission.

Something that oh, I don't know, maybe an underground facility, would feature.

Your premise is untenable.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Ha ha. He’s got the trumpkins so turned around with facts that they only can reply with cartoons and memes.

Facts like the one he postulated in the post I quoted above? He even used ALL CAPS to make the ridiculous assertion.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Cheating on what? There is no agreement whatsoever to de-nuclearize, stop enrichment or even have inspections.

The POTUS has declared that N. Korea is no longer a "nuclear threat" with full knowledge that they have both types of nuclear weapons and plenty of them. Further, he made this declaration with full knowledge that N. Korea had in no way shape or form, orally or in writing, agreed to give up its' nuclear program.

So why would making a few more bombs or making more material for bombs matter or be considered "cheating" given the POTUS has declared they are not a nuclear threat with bombs and they have in no way agreed to give up their program?

As you stated, there was no binding bilateral agreement produced between the US and North Korea as a result of their one day meeting. To think otherwise is ridiculous.

It should be obvious only a simpleton would believe what Kim told Trump is true and accurate. While Trump laid on the mayonnaise pretty thick in his pronouncements during and after the summit, there are satellites with twelve inch resolution doing what they were built for.

US Intelligence assets know a helluva lot more about NK than what is disseminated for public consumption. Those accusing Trump of naivety have no idea what is really going on.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
As you stated, there was no binding bilateral agreement produced between the US and North Korea as a result of their one day meeting. To think otherwise is ridiculous.

It should be obvious only a simpleton would believe what Kim told Trump is true and accurate. While Trump laid on the mayonnaise pretty thick in his pronouncements during and after the summit, there are satellites with twelve inch resolution doing what they were built for.

US Intelligence assets know a helluva lot more about NK than what is disseminated for public consumption. Those accusing Trump of naivety have no idea what is really going on.
Well stated.......Pretty easy to overcome and refute the chicken little syndrome the haters try and push out to discredit progress.

Trump is playing Kim and Kim is playing back. The whole of the meeting was to allow the lil' fella an out from the mess his nation has gotten themselves into over the years. It was a big show, but a very effective show that prior admins couldn't or flat wouldn't pull off. The Kim regime painted itself into a smothering corner and until Trump came along, had no way out. China could care less as long as NK didn't spill over the border. The rest of the world would just as soon NK be destroyed. Only Trump cared enough to open a path to survival with hope for a future for the nation's people. This is a marathon event, not a sprint.

The NK nuclear program was in tatters. The test site is a disaster area and likely contaminated beyond use. His rockets were hit and miss and the lil' guy knew damned well 1 launch would be the end of him. He's be destroyed or trapped in a cave for the rest of his days.

Trump has allowed him to escape the mess and not be a martyr. He can save face and even save his country. It's easily all there to see, if the hate blinders are removed

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Well stated.......Pretty easy to overcome and refute the chicken little syndrome the haters try and push out to discredit progress.

Trump is playing Kim and Kim is playing back. The whole of the meeting was to allow the lil' fella an out from the mess his nation has gotten themselves into over the years. It was a big show, but a very effective show that prior admins couldn't or flat wouldn't pull off. The Kim regime painted itself into a smothering corner and until Trump came along, had no way out. China could care less as long as NK didn't spill over the border. The rest of the world would just as soon NK be destroyed. Only Trump cared enough to open a path to survival with hope for a future for the nation's people. This is a marathon event, not a sprint.

The NK nuclear program was in tatters. The test site is a disaster area and likely contaminated beyond use. His rockets were hit and miss and the lil' guy knew damned well 1 launch would be the end of him. He's be destroyed or trapped in a cave for the rest of his days.

Trump has allowed him to escape the mess and not be a martyr. He can save face and even save his country. It's easily all there to see, if the hate blinders are removed

Very well stated.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
I see nuclear physics isn't your strong point. Geiger counters measure beta particle emission and gamma rays produced by radioactive material.

Beta particles travel less than ten feet in free air, and while gamma rays can travel several hundred feet, lead shielding or concrete walls and earth effectively stop their transmission.

Something that oh, I don't know, maybe an underground facility, would feature.

Your premise is untenable.
Yeah go suck your Saturday night dick Fuckface.
While your brethren lie about it you sperm burping bastard...


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
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