Rebecca Grossman Guilty On All Counts


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2019
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Idk if anyone’s been following this, but I have been closely.

Mrs. Grossman is the wife of the founder of the Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles. Three years ago she had a couple drinks with her side boyfriend, then was racing him through Westlake Village in her white Mercedes SUV. She blew through a crosswalk at 81 miles an hour and killed 8 year old and 11 year old brothers that were out for a walk with their other brother and parents. One of the boys flew 254 ft. Mrs Grossman left the scene, but her vehicles fuel pump was disabled by the impact and she stopped 1/2 mile down the road. The black box in her car showed she tried to start the car 15 times.

Just a few hours ago she was found guilty of two counts of murder, manslaughter and felony hit and run. Sentencing is April 10.

Im grateful that the victims family is getting justice. She’s got nothing coming.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I just got off the phone with one of her girlfriends who was watching it live earlier today.

The kids went to school together and they worked on a lot of charity boards together, etc.

She’s having a hard time believing that she’s gonna be gone for the rest of her life. I mean she totally gets it and understands it but it’s really hard for her to lose what she would consider a good friend.

No defense of the action no nothing just kind of hits when you talk to a friend who’s broken up about it


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
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From the small amount I have heard. She has never taken any kind of responsibility for the accident. Only deflected blame when the evidence doesn’t support it. Pretty tragic for both families involved.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Hopefully no appeal is successful. Nothing can bring those kids back, that's the worst part. Selfish stupidity ruined a family and took those kids away.
I've seen drunk drivers destroy family's a few different times in that area as that was my old response area, it's never easy to see.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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"Sir" Richard has been a mini legend in LA area for decades. All losers in this tragic event. Two children the most. At that speed, 70-80 MPH had to play heavy into the decision, beyond wreckless, sober, DUI, or not.


Catalina Ski Race, Boat # 222
Jul 13, 2009
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Fuck her. Lock her up and throw away the key. I have zero patience for the entitled wealthy that think they're above the law. That family will never be the same and she needs to answer for her piss poor choices. She chose to drink. She chose to drive like an idiot. She chose to leave the scene. One could hope the "system" will take care of her and serve her the justice she deserves.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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That night destroyed a lot of lives, deserves to hang.

One thing I seem to notice with the rich, celebrities etc. is their being allowed bail pending sentencing, appeals etc, something rarely afforded to people without money or fame.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2013
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This is the first I’m hearing about this. After reading the news report of the trial, my heart sinks for the family of the two boys. What a horrible, horrific thing to happen to any family. How does the family and grandparents ever get over something like this.

Here is what both boys parents said after the trial. Truly amazing.

“Speaking to reporters outside court, the boys' mother - Nancy Iskander - said she bears no hatred for Grossman, saying her heart breaks for the defendant. She also said that coming to court every day for the trial was like attending her sons' funeral again.

"[The trial] wasn't easy, but it will bring me closure,'' she said.

She praised the prosecutors who handled the case.

"They worked tirelessly, three and a half years. They went above and beyond,'' she said. "They only cared about the truth. They wanted to tell the truth. They worked against some of the most evil defense attorneys."

The boy's father said it's now time for him and his family to heal.

"We have been waiting for Mrs. Grossman to apologize, to take responsibility and she just chose to fight to the end and it was heartbreaking," he said.

"It allows me to just move on and heal and not allow any hatred or any loss of peace to affect how I feel," he added. "I hope everyone heals, everyone learns from this experience, including everyone involved from all sides and hopefully this saves lives, saves other kids in the future."

I wish I could say as a Christian I would feel the same way if this happened to my family. But I don’t know if I could forgive or not hold hatred towards her.

The fact that Grossman has never apologized or accepted what she has done, and infact her attorneys tried to say the car that hit these children was the boyfriends car and not her car is just insane! Talk about trying to set up an innocent man for the murder of two children. I hope the judge will scolded the defense attorneys at sentencing.

She needs to rot in prison for the rest of her life, and I hope the consciousness of those defense attorneys eats them up like a cancer.

Boat 405

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Those type of women are the scum of the earth in my opinion. The area I grew up in is full of them. Let her rot in hell. Not a single shred of remorse.... Disgusting....


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2023
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This is the first I’m hearing about this. After reading the news report of the trial, my heart sinks for the family of the two boys. What a horrible, horrific thing to happen to any family. How does the family and grandparents ever get over something like this.

Here is what both boys parents said after the trial. Truly amazing.

“Speaking to reporters outside court, the boys' mother - Nancy Iskander - said she bears no hatred for Grossman, saying her heart breaks for the defendant. She also said that coming to court every day for the trial was like attending her sons' funeral again.

"[The trial] wasn't easy, but it will bring me closure,'' she said.

She praised the prosecutors who handled the case.

"They worked tirelessly, three and a half years. They went above and beyond,'' she said. "They only cared about the truth. They wanted to tell the truth. They worked against some of the most evil defense attorneys."

The boy's father said it's now time for him and his family to heal.

"We have been waiting for Mrs. Grossman to apologize, to take responsibility and she just chose to fight to the end and it was heartbreaking," he said.

"It allows me to just move on and heal and not allow any hatred or any loss of peace to affect how I feel," he added. "I hope everyone heals, everyone learns from this experience, including everyone involved from all sides and hopefully this saves lives, saves other kids in the future."

I wish I could say as a Christian I would feel the same way if this happened to my family. But I don’t know if I could forgive or not hold hatred towards her.

The fact that Grossman has never apologized or accepted what she has done, and infact her attorneys tried to say the car that hit these children was the boyfriends car and not her car is just insane! Talk about trying to set up an innocent man for the murder of two children. I hope the judge will scolded the defense attorneys at sentencing.

She needs to rot in prison for the rest of her life, and I hope the consciousness of those defense attorneys eats them up like a cancer.

Can you imagine being in a room with her while she tries to find someone else to blame this on?
I believe I would loose my composure and beat her to death.
Those defense attorneys don’t have a conscience. Once they begin to lie and try to impute someone else their conscience is seared.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… I can’t remember if it was when I was in the hospital…, but a friend of mine a guy that owned a prominent car dealership… asked me if I had heard the name, Grossman… And I said sure… he then explained to me that he was best friends with Mr. Grossman and also really good friends with her… damn… I am going to have to rack my brain as to what he told me about this… I honestly for the moment can’t remember whether he expressed an opinion about this or whether he had contact with somebody very involved in the case… and for some reason, my friend has pulled his disappearing act???

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… I just thought of something else… a lady friend of mine, who I have not seen in a very long time…used to work at the burn center… I can’t remember her exact job description… she wasn’t a nurse… but she knew Mr. Grossman very well… and I cannot remember whether he was an .actual medical doctor…???
.., anyway because of her connection to Mr Grossman,… when a mutual friend of my lady friend,.. who’s name is Betsy… and myself… rolled his truck on the Ventura Freeway… very close to the burn center….the paramedics brought him to the burn center… he was not burned… but the accident punched a hole in the top of his skull… the mutual friends real name, ..:Michael, but everybody called him doctor,Bizarre…snd for very good reason…
… so as the story goes, Mr. Grossman or Dr. Grossman, whatever the deal is… Was looking at the medical report from his in-house doctors and he said to Betsy… This guy should be dead… Betsy said to Mr. Grossman… really… Turn around… Mr. Grossman turned around, and Dr. Bizzare was standing 2 feet behind him…Don’t ask me🤷🏽‍♀️…?!? I have no clue???…

..; Nuther burn center story… Cheryl, my girlfriend from 1967 who I posted about in the thread about my girlfriend from 1964’s brain surgery thread…Well her late husband was severely burned in a fire at MGM studios… of course he was brought to the Grossman Burn Center… and she stayed on top of his situation the entire year that he was there… Cheryl’s husband‘s name was Mike… He wasn’t a celebrity, but he was treated like one there… spent hours and hours in their hyperbaric chamber… what was discovered from his chamber treatments was… He had been blown up from a minefield in the Vietnam war… and his leg …left leg oozed stuff… Whatever it is oozing stuff is called… I don’t know what you call it???…
… the hyperbaric chamber stopped the oozing… again don’t ask me because I don’t know???…

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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This is pretty big news out here in our neck of the woods where it happened. Rebecca Grossman thought she could get away with it with her money, she was really cocky and unapologetic about what she had done right from the start, that created a full-on hatred for her by the community. The public really had an interest in this case because of her arrogance and wanted to see her go down. If I remember correctly she was drinking Margaritas heavily at a local Mexican place "Julio's" with a guy friend then they both raced around Westlake killing the two boys, dragging one down the street. The victims family has handled the situation with great composure. Hopefully this gives the victims family some closure to a terrible ordeal.

Big B Hova

Nov 7, 2014
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Lock her up. Should lock up the boy toy too.

Poor kids and family.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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Was she some trophy wife? How old? I mean dr Grosman would have to be in his 80s.
I met him when he stitched my brothers face back together after 2 dogs attacked him. That was in the late 60’s.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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Idk if anyone’s been following this, but I have been closely.

Mrs. Grossman is the wife of the founder of the Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles. Three years ago she had a couple drinks with her side boyfriend, then was racing him through Westlake Village in her white Mercedes SUV. She blew through a crosswalk at 81 miles an hour and killed 8 year old and 11 year old brothers that were out for a walk with their other brother and parents. One of the boys flew 254 ft. Mrs Grossman left the scene, but her vehicles fuel pump was disabled by the impact and she stopped 1/2 mile down the road. The black box in her car showed she tried to start the car 15 times.

Just a few hours ago she was found guilty of two counts of murder, manslaughter and felony hit and run. Sentencing is April 10.

Im grateful that the victims family is getting justice. She’s got nothing coming.
She’s actually the ex daughter in law of Dr Grossman.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Why did it take 3 years to get this far?


The justice system moves at a snail's pace. Factor in delays, scheduling conflicts, additional investigations from both the defense and prosecution, follow-up, jury selections, etc. It all takes time. While it would have been nice if this was put to bed more quickly, I'd be happy waiting a little bit longer knowing the prosecution was putting on their absolute best case. The last thing you'd want to do, is rush, and risk making a mistake that could jeopardize the entire case.

The final outcome won't bring those children back, but having her rot away in a jail cell is the best that family can hope for.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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That night destroyed a lot of lives, deserves to hang.

One thing I seem to notice with the rich, celebrities etc. is their being allowed bail pending sentencing, appeals etc, something rarely afforded to people without money or fame.
I believe in one of the articles I read she was taken into custody after the verdict...which I thought was really odd for a big money person. Maybe her money and lack of remorse made the judge think she was headed out?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2008
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That night destroyed a lot of lives, deserves to hang.

One thing I seem to notice with the rich, celebrities etc. is their being allowed bail pending sentencing, appeals etc, something rarely afforded to people without money or fame.
I hope they sue her and take the rest if what she has. The no remorse or accountability is what pisses me off the most.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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To many resources to slip away and never be found would be my guess. 👍
Honestly, I can't remember it really happening, only seen it on Law & Order. That's why it surprised me to read it.

The pictures showed her at the courts with her own 16 yo daughter. "Look at me I'm a mother too!"...the older of the two boys she killed would've been almost the same age...


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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This is the creepy quote that got to me:

Rebecca Grossman said in the ER she would be home if Mercedes hadn't disabled her car, EMT testifies​

Ever see the movie "Devil's Advocate"? That's what comes to mind with lawyers that defend people like this.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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It is a horrible thing to lose a child.
It leaves a huge empty hole in the hearts of the parents and family. I have seen that hole appear, more than once.
People that show no remorse for their actions are a special kind of evil, in my opinion.

When I first started in the job our agency assigned new deputies to the jail. I hated it, but it was a good place to learn who the crooks were in the county, who the idiots were, how to talk tot hem and how to recognize their game.
I will never forget how the hierarchy in the jail worked. Yep, even inmates have a social system.

At the bottom were people who committed crimes against kids...the worst kind you can imagine. The inmates knew who they were, knew exactly what the crime was...for those people they had several little sayings...one of which sticks with me to this day. It was used two ways, one as a funny tease when one inmate asked for a special trip to the commissary, or extra chow, or whatever.
Then it was used by the inmates to identify who the crimes against kids inmates were...
"That SOB...he's Got Nothing Coming"
The section of the jail we housed them in was referred to by the rest of the population as "The Nothing Coming Motor Hotel"
This woman...she has nothing coming...


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I believe in one of the articles I read she was taken into custody after the verdict...which I thought was really odd for a big money person. Maybe her money and lack of remorse made the judge think she was headed out?
Absolutely, always shake my head when I hear someone worth 500 million gets a 5 million dollar bail like that's going to keep em from running.
Facing that much jail time I could learn to live off bugs in the Amazon.

H20 Toie

Party on Garth
Aug 6, 2010
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2013
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I'll believe justice is served when the appropriate sentence is handed down. Believe me, I have seen it more than once where guilty verdicts resulted in favorable sentencing for the rich/ elite. I hope she dies in prison but with these liberal courts, anything is possible.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
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The Iskander family appeared very wholesome, god fearing, community folks.... An incredible amount of support from the community..

Somebody in the Grossman family had the nerve to yell out to the Iskander family "How Could You Do This?" as Rebecca was being escorted into the lock-up.

I get it, emotions run hot, but maybe showing a bit of too privileged ....

And the money that can buy attorneys.... One had the gall to suggest the boyfriend in the other car hit the kid and the kid flew into the air and landed on Rebeccas hood ..... Maddone

Member: 71

M ǝ ɯ q ǝ ɹ : 7 1
Sep 24, 2007
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This is Knunt has always been evil.

——-On Thursday, jurors heard that Grossman had previously been ticketed for speeding. California Highway Patrol Officer Robert Leffler testified that on March 10, 2013, he stopped Grossman doing 92 mph on the 101 Freeway in Agoura Hills.

"She apologized; her husband was called into work, and she was dashing to get her children," Leffler said. After writing the citation, Leffler said, he warned Grossman about the dangers of driving at such speeds, saying it can result in deaths. A "frustrated" Grossman, he said, told him she "hopes I don't need the services of the burn center in the future."———


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2019
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This is Knunt has always been evil.

——-On Thursday, jurors heard that Grossman had previously been ticketed for speeding. California Highway Patrol Officer Robert Leffler testified that on March 10, 2013, he stopped Grossman doing 92 mph on the 101 Freeway in Agoura Hills.

"She apologized; her husband was called into work, and she was dashing to get her children," Leffler said. After writing the citation, Leffler said, he warned Grossman about the dangers of driving at such speeds, saying it can result in deaths. A "frustrated" Grossman, he said, told him she "hopes I don't need the services of the burn center in the future."———
The bitch needs to rot in hell.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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I’m guessing that she gets 20-25 years in prison. Her lack of remorse is gonna bite her in the ass.
.,, you could be correct… Mark, my words, though…you will see her interviewed from prison… 20-20 TV Show etc… she will be so remorseful, and so believable… Guess who gets blamed for her lack of remorse…her fucking criminal defense attorneys that she paid millions of dollars too… do they care… Of course not… They got paid… the term shanked may come in to play at some point in time🤷🏽‍♀️


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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The sad thing is, the burn center has done some great things for people. The founder and the surgeons there do some work on people that changes their lives, while enduring incredible pains. I hope this in no way tarnished their work.

On the other hand, this lady sounds like she'll have an eternity to learn what those people go through. Ironic, really.

H20 Toie

Party on Garth
Aug 6, 2010
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We are all milliseconds away from some life altering event that could change our life and/or someone else’s. Scary……
Ain’t that the truth
Stepping from one boat to another
My Ferrari crash, now that has changed my life
One dumbass drive could have been so much worse
Actually lots of things that could have ended up differently
But part of it is living
Sitting in front of a tv being safe your whole life isn’t an answer either


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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She’s facing 34 years to life and not going to find any leniency.
We are all milliseconds away from some life altering event that could change our life and/or someone else’s. Scary……
That’s why I don’t drink at all anymore.it’s crazy to think about

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Ain’t that the truth
Stepping from one boat to another
My Ferrari crash, now that has changed my life
One dumbass drive could have been so much worse
Actually lots of things that could have ended up differently
But part of it is living
Sitting in front of a tv being safe your
whole life isn’t an answer either
I don’t know how I survived this one… I wonder what my next bonehead maneuver is going to be🤷🏽‍♀️


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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The sad thing is, the burn center has done some great things for people. The founder and the surgeons there do some work on people that changes their lives, while enduring incredible pains. I hope this in no way tarnished their work.

On the other hand, this lady sounds like she'll have an eternity to learn what those people go through. Ironic, really.
Had the opportunity to meet Dr. Grossman for a work related burn injury when he worked out of WestMed in Santa Ana Ca.
He was always so positive about how the outcome would be that it helped mentally with the recovery.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Had the opportunity to meet Dr. Grossman for a work related burn injury when he worked out of WestMed in Santa Ana Ca.
He was always so positive about how the outcome would be that it helped mentally with the recovery.
That's the thing, the good the name had without this creature tied to it. From kids and adults burn in house fires or wrecks, to guys in my old line of work burned with asphalt or by torch, they've always been the place to go. I think that is where some of the firemen were taken after that wreck in Lomita recently. She should've had to change her name.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2019
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