RE agents are so full of shit.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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They lie more then a used car salesmen...

fooker was saying all kinds of crap about how great this house was and how all the work done to it was by a pro, all permits pulled... etc, etc. Hey SOB, don't give me that shit, I specialize in homes over the centery mark.( house was completed in 1891. I bring them up to modern living standards, but keep them looking old.) There is no fucking way any work done to this home in the last 30 years was done by a pro. the SOB was counting the hack job attic( actually nice space, but a hack job), and unfinished basement to its total sqft. Of which both are not legally livable.

I swear I'm so sick of lieing POS RE agents... I mean how fucking hard is it to tell the truth? How could you sleep at nigh lieing like that?


Mar 10, 2008
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a salesman is a salesman, 98% will tell you what you need to hear to make a sale. Most of those don't know if what they are saying is true or not......just repeating what they were told (by another salesman). Only reason not to sleep is if they don't make a sale. Times are tough, BUYER BEWARE!:p

LOTS of deals around here, my house included:(


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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I grew up with RE Parents. Should I go on? :D


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
They lie more then a used car salesmen...

fooker was saying all kinds of crap about how great this house was and how all the work done to it was by a pro, all permits pulled... etc, etc. Hey SOB, don't give me that shit, I specialize in homes over the centery mark.( house was completed in 1891. I bring them up to modern living standards, but keep them looking old.) There is no fucking way any work done to this home in the last 30 years was done by a pro. the SOB was counting the hack job attic( actually nice space, but a hack job), and unfinished basement to its total sqft. Of which both are not legally livable.

I swear I'm so sick of lieing POS RE agents... I mean how fucking hard is it to tell the truth? How could you sleep at nigh lieing like that?

Thats funny, I've come across a few contractors who are the same way. :hmm
Vaporizer volcano
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Don't tax me bro!
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
There are POS people in all professions. I've been screwed equally by contractors and real estate people, having worked closely with both over the past 20 years.

Don't paint with a broad brush Yellow:cool:

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
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Thats funny, I've come across a few contractors who are the same way. :hmm

lmao! :D

I have some friends in the business. It was too difficult to deal with them so I switched to an agent I did not previously know but who had a good reputation.

It was tough having a friend tell me a house had an air to air heat exchanger when they saw an exhaust fan or tell me the house had a high efficiency furnace when the unit was a Lenox Whisper heat from the 1980s that I would bet a months salary on it having a cracked heat exchanger.

I think some of them believe what they are saying. One bud, when I reminded him that I used to be an HVAC contractor, just shrugged.

Realtors just show houses and write offers. They need to close to make money.

The situation gives me a lot more respect for realtors who do it right. It cant be easy when the industry is a little tarnished. :)

Ivan Dan

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2007
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lmao! :D

I have some friends in the business. It was too difficult to deal with them so I switched to an agent I did not previously know but who had a good reputation.

It was tough having a friend tell me a house had an air to air heat exchanger when they saw an exhaust fan or tell me the house had a high efficiency furnace when the unit was a Lenox Whisper heat from the 1980s that I would bet a months salary on it having a cracked heat exchanger.

I think some of them believe what they are saying. One bud, when I reminded him that I used to be an HVAC contractor, just shrugged.

Realtors just show houses and write offers. They need to close to make money.

The situation gives me a lot more respect for realtors who do it right. It cant be easy when the industry is a little tarnished. :)

There are definitely some of us that are just honest hard working people like you trying to make a living for our family. You guys would be shocked at some of the completely incompetent rediculous realtors we have to deal with on a daily basis. It seems like these are the ones that are getting all the bank owned listings too. I submitted an offer for a client (a board member here) and the dumbass listing agent doesn't return phone calls. In fact, his message at his office doesn't even allow you to leave a voicemail. He says to e-mail him for quicker response but he doesn't return those either. How in the hell does a bank assett manager trust this guy to get this property sold?!?! This seems to be happening more and more lately and it bugs the living $hit outta me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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Its kind of funny you mention bank owned... your right, they always seem to draw in the lowest of the low as listing agents.

MoVal Tim

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I'll take it another step further. Some owners/clients of contractors, who think that they are smart enough to know good from bad/ right from wrong, get contractors to build something to the Nth degree...only to balk at the price for the custom job that they asked for. Then try to negotiate the contractor down after the work is done, when the contractor has no more leverage.:thumbsdown

Like you said, honesty, craftsmanship, and people who will "do unto others" are sometimes hard to find. And the ones who you deal with who do not have these qualities, make you wary of all of the rest.:(

MoVal Tim

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Sorry, a little off topic, but seemed in general to be the same issue.:)

Ivan Dan

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2007
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I'll take it another step further. Some owners/clients of contractors, who think that they are smart enough to know good from bad/ right from wrong, get contractors to build something to the Nth degree...only to balk at the price for the custom job that they asked for. Then try to negotiate the contractor down after the work is done, when the contractor has no more leverage.:thumbsdown

Like you said, honesty, craftsmanship, and people who will "do unto others" are sometimes hard to find. And the ones who you deal with who do not have these qualities, make you wary of all of the rest.:(

This is really sad and sucks for the honest and hard working folks like us.

MoVal Tim

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
This is really sad and sucks for the honest and hard working folks like us.


I have aquaintances who would like me to do some work on the side and have waited for 6 months or more to have me do it.

I hope that I won't have to rely on those as my sole source of income in the near future.:eek: I like my day job.

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
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I'll take it another step further. Some owners/clients of contractors, who think that they are smart enough to know good from bad/ right from wrong, get contractors to build something to the Nth degree...only to balk at the price for the custom job that they asked for. Then try to negotiate the contractor down after the work is done, when the contractor has no more leverage.:thumbsdown

A buddy of mine is an electrical contractor. He has been burned several times by clients who give him the run-around for several months and then they offer to pay about 80% of the bill. They have money, but don´t wish to pay the full shot.

It works. Every time.

By the time he´s been to their house a few times and he´s about ready to write them off, he´ll take anything.

The electrical contractor´s twin brother is a real estate appraiser. He stopped doing private jobs because he wasn´t getting paid for them. He would appraise a house for some people, they would take out a 2nd mortgage on their house, and they wouldn´t pay the appraiser. When he would stop by a few weeks later to see if they would consider giving him some cash, he´d have to walk past the new RV in the parking lot, around the house, to the back where the owners would be relaxing in their new hot tub. Of course, they would have no money to pay.

Dirt bags.